HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-02-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 491i I ), * e 1 I1 PLBNNING COMMISSION RES'OLUTION NO. 491 2 A RESOLUTION DENYING A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY AT THE EASTERLY SIDE OF ~OOVER STRLLT, .BkT\PSkkN \I'$khND :3 WHEREAS, pursuant to the pr.ovisions ,of Ordinance No. 906( 4 DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET. 5 6 Planning Commission did on February 28, 1967, hold a duly not' of San Diego, State of California, commonly known as the East6 9 18 feet to ten feet on real property in the City of Carlsbad, 8 variance for the purpose of a reduction in rev yard setback -I 7 public hearing to consider the application of ELMER E. B0Vc.E 1 10 side of Hoover Street, between Highland Drive and Adams Street 11 more particularly as: 12 Portion of Block I'C", Bellavista, Map 2152 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; more 13 the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 2.8 to exist which make the denial of a variance necessary to carr 1'7 De heard, said Commission did find the following facts and rea 16 the testimony and arguments , if any, of all persons who desire 15 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside 14 particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; 19 2. That the owner's requirements can be met in other way 21 1. That there were no exceptional or extraordinary reaso' 20 presented to justify. granting the variance. 22 general we1 fare. 24, 3. That granting the variance would be detrimental to thc 23 without need of a variance. 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 26 the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby deny a variance on sa- 27 property for the purpose of a reduction in rear yard setback fy 28 18 feet to IO feet. 29 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 30 x 31 x 32 11 X i i 11 1, * 8 I1 1 2 Carlsbad City Planning Cornrnissicr! held on the 28th day of Febr, 1967, by the following votes to wi't: d AYES: Commissioners Smith, McCornas, Palmateer, McCarthy, 4l 5~ Sutherland and Voorheis. NOES: None. 611 ABSENT: Commissioner Little. 7 8 9 ;.">y/&7 m, /' &"* 4 .J. D,~~C6ARTH.Y-,-Cha~~an 7 11 lo[% (' l&f,JL c! -! 12 R. H. PAL~ATEER, Secretary 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -2- e# fYWir7 5 m (I) . . . . - . . . . . . - - . - * DONALD ti. nCjitY llCt+iSfP LAXI 5LJhfF'i3@ LAHi LEGAL Pi 2365 ROGSEVELT ~ p 0. Box 61 4 CArZLS,S/?D, C.AtiFORNIA 92008 ?hone 729.5441 NovornbQr 18, 1965 Lsfpl l?eac?ri-p';lon P6ircol 5 ,. ., B43inG F€"%iQD.3 Of ht 4 and bt 5 in !3lOCk c 02 hllllViD?.C%, in tho City of GnrLnbnd, CounLJ of San Dicp, Sbts of CahifornEn, ~ccorcling to hp thereof Fo. 2152, filed in tho Office of tho &nntp Rocorrlar of Sm Diem County, t-lsrch 7, 1929, Aoacyibcd 2m Polfo?l: E~gi,~xl.n,~ at tho Southenstorly cornm of oaid Lot 5; thence Iiorthor+.ly aloz13 tho Esotarlg lina of mid Lot 5, North 16" 39' VQS~ 73.130 foot; thance plr3llel vith tho Southsrly line ob maid Lot 5, Soxth 73" 21' Uast 45.m foot; thsncs p3iralbcnl with tha CSQ~BT~~ line of mid hot 5, South 16" 39' bat p.c~ -15 foot; thonlsa p9.raliQl with the Soatharly line of mid kt 5, arly lim 04 mi,d Iat 5, Earth 16" 39' De~t 31.0 foot1 thsnco pwallal E-lth tb Soatho~ly line of Enid Lot 5, SoutS 73O 21' Coat 4.25 b~3t to t.5.a T~u", FOIKT OiT DIXiIIS; thc~car continuing pmd1.el vfth th Smtharly lias of mid kt 5, Scat11 7Ya 21' &st le?.4? femt to tlaa Gaetorly line G? mid kt 5, mid liaa ahco bclrag tha E~sPorly lins of mid Ilot 9; thesm .alms th9 Qcntor'ly lina of caid ht 2, South 14" 39' Ern% 2G.82 foa~ to (9. p9k;'c, C3iQ g?slt.jB baing thrt M%t 3onelosatarlg earnor of c3in bt 44 tk9329 &61g tbf) Sstrthsrlg 1133 of mid hi?. 4, h3t.h 73' 21' Cmt 10,W Po~tj tht~~ce p~z-a2lol. with tho i?es?k~~Q litm of mid kt 5, %TY? 16O 39' gemt 143.67 foot, E~PQ tv ~QCB, to tt. pist cM~~I io 03 et line that 18 p-ld aith tho Eb~th- e23t3r13 lin? of enid Lat 4, LY).C?l feot diotant Sonthoontorly thor-3frm, coammd ~t, ri@t angfca; thsnco Q~QE~ caid p,wd303. lin~, !Torth 63' 49' West 2I6.W PGO~ ROYO 01 10~3 to the north- h~th 75" 21' Uost 75.00 feet; thoncq prallol crith tho E1~t- 3z3etsrhp 1iSl.J of caid ht 4; thoncs t2033 caia Northaootorly liIis, E3?-th 259 11' E2ot 20.m foot to ths ccaf H3rtDorlg cornor OZ mid L3t 4; ~V~CO a1035 tho Rortkssterly 15~12 of ea~d LRt 4, Bgrth 63" 4'3' ih3t 23-2.77 faot to tha emt ??s~tSaca&erly mmw of caid La% 4, alm baing tba cr.at i?x?h=~a%c?aXy coram UP en9d lut 4; t>o~-m zlG.ong t%o Eiost%o:-17 lina of mid Lot 5, Earth 84" a' ??ijt Iwerz8 fCi3t EQPQ OF leC3 %O d*?l~Q~3~3Ct. d l'ha pp.Cil1c21 with P.d biotas: 124.25 Pest Bczetarly, zanmracl nt riG\t angJoa, fm3 tks TsntorI3 lic3 of mi3 ht 48 thenco along mtd pzralLaol 1134, South 26O 39' bat 114.11 feot mre 0:' lcso to tho TXE FDZi;li' 07 E.TXIKiI?3. - C3aL~4xlicg thrain, 10.236 nq3x:a ?cat, . .- ~,E<V,SER: M~~ER;CAN Cz::Gc;'t&:, :;si ',;;2'JEYING AND MAPf'lNG