HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-05-09; Planning Commission; Resolution 503I I 8 ~ , 0 0 I 1 I I TENTATIVE MAP OF TERRAMAR UNIT NO.. '7 SUBDIVISION. -3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING 2 RESOL.UTION NO. 503. 4 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receib COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE 5 portion ,of Lot "H" Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823, .in the City 9 side of El Arbol Drive, South of Cannon Road; property being a 8 located on approximately 2.995 acres of property on the Easter 7 submitted by Pacific Investment Company, owner. and subdivider 6 April 14, 1967, a tentative map of Terramar Unit No. 7 .Subdivi 10 Carlsbad; County of San Diego, State of Ca1,ifornia; 11 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the tentati 12 13 map as submitted, comprised of seven lots; and ing conditions: I.7 Terramar Unit No. 7 Subdivision be approved, subject to the fa I.6 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of 15 the reports of the various City agencies and utility companies 14 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into considerat supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. I' 1. All domestic water supplied to thi's subdivisi.on shall 18 20 2. All buildings co.nstructed in this subdivision shall b .. 21 22 sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the su 24 in any part of this subdivision. 23 vision so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface wate 25, 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same t 26 5. The existing standard six-inch (6") hydrant will be a 27 with the exception of possible re-location to conform with the 28 29 est property 1 ine or sidewalk 1 ine. of the subdivision shall be placed- underground as required by 3o 6. All distribution utility facilities within the bounda 31 // Ordinance. 32 7. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as r by Ordi nance. li 1 I1 II I! e * I 8. Park dedication participation shall be as required b: 2 Ordinance. -3 9. A Grading Plan shall be submitted as part ;of the Imp1 4 ment Plans. 5 IO1 The ten (1.0) foot drai,nage easement as shown shall bt 6 acceptable. 7 11. That portion of the public right-of-way ,of El .Arb01 ,I 8 and be concurrent with approval of the Final Map. .9 shown to be vacated shall be done by street vacation proceedit lo Cannon Road dedication sha'll be accepted by the City 11 Improvement Agreement s-hall be n'ecessary. 12 prior to approval of the Final Map. A Lot Split and, future S. drainag,e work shall be constructed. to ensure that no part of 1 18 13. A drainage study shall be su'bmitted and any necessar) 17 imply acceptance as submitted. 16 required .by Improvements .Plans , and approval .of the map shall 15 indicated upon the Tentative Map shall be subject to revision: 14 12. Location, grade and details of proposed improvements 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I subdivision will be subject. to inundation, except as may be s( noted on the. Final Map. 14. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans specifications -of the City of Carlsbad. 15. Street paving in El Arbol Drive shall consist of two (2") of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat laid upon minimum of four inches (4") of decomposed granite base materiz approved subgrade. Interim street paving in Cannon Road shall consist 01 28i!'inches (2.") of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat la 291) upon native material subgrade. 30 31 streets. Concrete cross gutters shall be six feet (6,') in wid 16. Type 'IG" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed "1) located as required for drainage. -2- iI I1 * 0 11 \ 1 17. Sidewalks shall be five, feet (5.') in width and locatl 2 contiguous to the curb throughout the subdivision. 3 18. All. required street name signs, barricades and safet. 4 devices shall be installed. 5 satisfactory, Drainage impr,ovements in ,El Arbol Wive shall 6 19. Surface drainage of storm waters in Cannon Road is 7 standard inlets and conduit to satisfactory disch'arge points, 8 I1 9 /I 10 11 I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 including easements and permits as necessary. 20. One inch (7.'') diameter minimum water services to ' ' each lot shall be constructed as required by the City. 21. Four inch (4") diameter minimum sewer service l-atera for each lot shall be constructed as required by the City. 22. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed required by City standards. 23. Alignment, location and grade of all improvements sh subject to approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans and ifications shall be submitted as required for checking and ap l8 19 before construction of any improvement is commenced. warded to the City Council of the City, of .Carlsbad for its at 22 AND F1NALL.Y RESOLVED, .that a copy of this Resolution be f 21 Carlsbad, California with a copy of the final subdivision map 2o in the manner prescribed by law. 23 24. The subdivider shall furnish the U. S. Post Office, 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the .9 ;tti day of MaJ 1967, by the following vote , to-wi t: AYES: Commissioners Smith, McComas, Little and Voorheis. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Palmateer and sutherland. 29 . .. .... /fT R'. T. LITTLE, Vice-chairman .h c -cw G. E". McCOMAS, Act-ing Secretary .-. I! -3-