HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 5111 11 I I 0 6 Il I I I x.1 2 3 41 ' RES'OLUTION NO.' 51 1 A, RESOLUTION. OF THE PLANN.ING COMMISSION OF THE CITY ,OF CARLSBAD RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF PRECISE PLANS FOR SERVICE STATION ON PROPE-RTY AT THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT .ROAD, BETWEEN AVENIDA ENCINAS 'AND INTE'RSTAT.E' .5' .FR'E'ENAy. . . , . . . , . . . . . , : . , . . I I , I , . , , , , , I 5 .WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on July 11, 196,7, ha 6 of precise plans submitted by PAUL and MAGDALENA ECKE, on 0.71 7( duly n0tice.d .public hearing to consi.der' recommending .the adopt Avenida Encinas and Interstate '5 Freeway, and more particular1 91 of property at the S.outherly side of Palomar Airport Road, bet 81 I /I 10 " Portion of Section 20, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, i 11 Lot H of Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 8.23 in the City of Car 13, .I j being Portion of' Parcel 10, Book 211, Page 020 of .the Ass 12 11 ~ Map',of San Diego C.ounty; more particularly described in E "A" attached hereto; 11 13, Copy of said precise plan is attach'ed he'reto and designated as lsil 1. Exhibit "B" - Entitled Precise Plan for .Proposed C-1 Z 94 11 follows: 16 1 Revised- 6-20-67, .J - 1908, as prepared by Rick Enginee 3,'9 I Company for Paul and Magdalena .Ecke, for a se-rvice sta 18 WHEREAS, at said public hea'ring, upon hearing and conside 19 conformance with the General Plan. 2* 1. Rezoning the property to C-1 brings .this property int 23 exist: 22 tion of sa.id plans, and found the following facts and reasons 21 heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the 20 the testimony and arguments, if any of all perso.ns who desired 27 in this area since it is a freeway oriented business. 26 2. A C-1 use,such as the one proposed,would be well loca 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 28 the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City 29 I Council the adoption of Precise Plan PP 6704, Exhibit 'IB" on s 30 property, subject to the following conditions and restrictions 31 1. All distribution utility facilities within the bounda 32 I of the Precise Plan shall be placed underground as required by /I 11 /I I 'I @ e I' I a 9 4 5 f5 I1 City standards. 2. Ornamental street lighting shall be installed as re.qui by City standards. 3.. A final. grading plan shall be submitted as re.quired b; Ordinance prior to issuance of building permits. 4. Lo'ca.tion, grade and details of proposed improvements 7 imply acceptance as submitted. 9 required for improvement, plans, and approv.al .of the Plan will 8 indicated upon the. Precise Plan will be subject to revisions a 10 I/ 5. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans 1x1 spec,ificatisns of the City of Carlsbad. 6. Street paving on Avenida Encinas shall consist of two El inches of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat laid up 14 11 four (4) inches of decomposed granite base material, all on ap 151 subgrade. ;I I 16 ! I Street paving on Palomar Airport Road shall consist o ~ 3.9 2.9 laid upon six (6) inches of decompose-d granite base, all on ap 2.8 three (3). inches .of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal ca subgrade. 20 7. Type 'IG" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed 2?1 located as required for drainage. 22 streets. Concrete cross. gutters shall be six (6,)- feet wide ar 9. All required street name signs, barricades and safetj 26 Precise plan. 25 located contiguous to the curb throughout the boundaries of tt 24 8. Sidewalks sh-all be five (5) feet minimum in width anc 23 27 devices shall be installed. 28 , 10. Drainage improvements shall include standard inlets, 29 standard inlet facility. 32 boundary of the/C-1 Zone shall be removed and replaced with a 31 points. Existing inlet in Avenida Encinas South of the South1 3o walk underdrain structures and conduit to satisfactory discha1 proposed i I 1 -2- Ji b e s 1. 11. Sanitary sewers, including required manholes and appt 2 the Develo.per. 4' quired by the City. Easements , where needed', ,are to be provic 3 nance's with 'adequate service laterals shall be constructed as .. 6 12. Water mains, incl'uding adequate services, shall be cc 6 as required. by the City. 7 13. Survey monumen'ts and str.eet trees shall be installed 8; specifications must be submitted to and approved. by the City ! 1x1 be subject' to appr.ova1 .of the City Engineer. Complete plans i 10 I 14. Alignment, location and, grades of all impr.ovements SI 91 required by City standards. 1211 construction of any improvement is c0mmence.d. x3 (i 15. Dedica.tion of additional right's of way as necessary : l4l' be required. 151 16. The development of subject .property .shall. conform to 16 11 18 as 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 j! I I I ordinances of the City of Carlsbad unless the Precise Plan Ex1 ''B" and/or the. following co'nditions are more restrictive: (,a) A minimum six-foot wide landscaped area served k water irrigation sprikler system. shall. extend along the entirt South and East property lines on subject proper'ty. (b) No light source shall be seen directly from the Freeway or surrounding property. (c) All storage and/or display merchandise shall be contained within the building. (d,) Sign shall be as shown on the precise plan, Exh' "B" except it shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet on eaci ' and shall not be over thirty-five '(3.5) feet in height. No adc 28 1 a1 pole signs shall be allowed. 29 I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regul.ar meeting of the 30)/ Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 11th day ,of Julj 31 I/ 321) x x ! I -3- II e e 1 II i1 I,; 1967, by -the following vote, to wit; SI AYE,S: Commissioners .Sm'ith-, 'McCbmas, Pa'lmateer and Voorhe 3 It NOES: Commissi.oner's -Suthe'rland, Li'ttle and Jose.. 4 ABSENT:' None. 5 6/ 1 7! aF%yfl& po ~ ] -I 11 1 I 12 11 14 ~ 15 ~ 13 1 ~ 1 l6 1 3.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -4- 1 i J