HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-11-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 53111 i t' 11 1 e 0 I Ii RESOLUTION NO. 531 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING- COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD D€NYI.NG AMElDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN PP 6704, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on November 14, 1965 61 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the applicatior ?l/Paul and Magdalena Ecke, for an -amendment to Precise Plan PP 6 81 Item 16 (d) of Resolution No. 1423 of the City Council of the 91 of Carlsbad, for increase in size and height of sign for insta 10 tion of ENCO sign with a total height of 42 .feet one and one-h U'inches, containing a total of 182.77 square feet for each side 121 sign; and one other sign of a size three (3') feet by five (5' f3'feet high, for the purpose of setting forth the price of gasol I4'being sold, on real property commonly known as the Southwester 3.5 corner of Interstate 5 Freeway and Palomar Airport Road, and n 161 particularly described as follows: d ii I I 11 1 17 i ticularly described in Exhibit IIB" attached hereto: 19 Portion of Section 20, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, 18 Ii in Lo't H of Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 8.23 'in' the City of Carlsbad, being portion of Parcel 10, Book 211, Page 020 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County; more par- 20, designated as Exhi bit "A". 21 Copy of said amendment to precise plan is attached hereto and I 22 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside 23 26 adoption of amendment to said plans; 25 heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the 24 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desired to reasons: 29 an amendment to Precise Plan PP 6704 as requested, for the fol 28 the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby deny the application 27 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 30 1 1. That the granting of this amendment to Precise Plan P 311 would not be consistant with the sign policy of the City of Ca 'I 32 /I / j !I .'I Ii 1 a 0 t /I I/ r I1 and County of San Diego. 2i 2. That there are no special reasons in this situation f 3, the granting of this request. 4 3. That this sign will be in full view of a large reside 5 area and is therefore not desirable. 6/ PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of thc i 711 8 11967, ,by the following vote, to wit: Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of Novc 1; 4 AYES: Commissioners McComass Palmateer, Sutherland, Lit1 I Jose and Voorheis. 10 I 19 (1 /j NOES: Commissioner Smith I/ ABSENT: None 92 // 13 11 IS! 20 11 I 19 1 'I I1 21 i 3 ~. c i ,; > -,..f" ,. .?/ f'.i < : .. // z** // c ,..' i i \ /l ./' d .. c... , ..-d" .<.' '. -,,*K&b.,. , " ,A"; J G~%HHERLAND, 'c"";zl ). 22 /I 23 il 24 I/ 25 I1 26 27 28 I 29 j iI 30 1 31 I I i 32 i ~ /I -2- I 1 ” ‘ .. r. - 6. * c LEGAL DESCRIPTION Southwest Corner San Diego Freeway (Interstate 5) & Palomar Airport Road. Portion of Parcel 10: Rancho Agua Hedionda, City of Carlsbad San.Diego County That portion of Section 20, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, SBBM, in Lot H of Rancho Agua Hedionda according to Map No. 8 filed-in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego Count described as follows: Beginning at a point on the ''PA" line of Stationi39 t 65 as shown on State Highway Right of Way Map LO 3773;jthence leavi said ''PA." line South 11'52'34" West 68.00 feet along-:ttTe-.'!AEL1 line as shown on said State Highway Right of Way Map No. LO 3 thence leaving said "AE" line South 78'07'26" East 73.03 feet a point in the Southerly right of way line of Palomar Airport Road as shown on said right of way map and being: the True Poi of Beginning; thence along the said Southerly right of way li of Palomar Airport Road South 84'28'3,4" East 170..00 feet to t Westerly terminus of the limits of access control as shown on said right of way map; thence leaving the said S'outherly righ of way line of Palomar Airport Road South 05'31"26" West, 175 feet; thence North 84'12'11" West 187.67 feet; thence North 11'19'09" East, 175.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 0.717 acres. I !; .! / h i ! .?< 1 i @A& 'B '.' . Q