HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-11-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 535.I .. c, . li rn CCI) U a 2 3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 535 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO COUNCIL CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-A-10,OOO TO R-T AND R-W ON PROPERTY APPROXI- MATELY 1000 ' EASTERLY OF MARINA DRIVE. 4 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060, 5 7 public hearing to consider the application of ALLAN 0. KELLY, j 6 Planning Commission did on November 28, 1967, hold a duly notic change of zone from R-A-10,000 to R-T (Residential Tourist Zont 8 Lots 1 and 2, and to R-W (Residential Waterway Zone} On Lots A 9 lo I land 3 through 63 on real property located approximately 1000 ' : 11 ly of Marina Drive, being 12 Portion of Lot "I", Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823 in the ( of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, mol 13 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside: 14 particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; 15 16 ' the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desire( heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reason, 17 18 19 20 nance No. 9060: exist which make the approval of the application for change of : necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of 0: 21 22 23 1. That this will be developed as a marina-type subdivis 2. That it conforms to the concept of the General Plan. 3. That a development of this type is needed in this are? with a Precise Plan. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 25 City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City COUI 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the adoption of an amendment to Ordinance No. 9060 changing thl from R-A-10,000 to R-T and R-W on said property. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the I * I -7 '4 h 3 * ~ 1 1 1 - 1 11 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 28th day of Noven 2 1967, by the following vote, to wit: '3 AYES: 4 Commissioners Smith, McComas, Jose, Little, Palmatt and Voorheis. 5 ABSENT: Commissioner Sutherland. 6 NOES: None 7 8 .9 J 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 R. T, LITTLE, -2- Chairman lllc - ,' a. * :/ zr.2, PI 4' .,.. .- La2 ... i' - AA 1 0: , 0;; " PebX ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~'N"o""C:~~L"%Yk~*!~~ 3557 KENYON STREET SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92110 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 714 222-0347 October 18, 1967 J 1967 PARCEL TO BE REZONED R-W All that portion of Lot 1 of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, Cour of San Diego, State of California, according to Partition Map thereof No. 823, fil in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, November 16, 189 6, describl a s follows : Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 1, said point being the Southeasterly corner of that certain parcel of land according to Record of Survey N 5414 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County March 29, 1960 as No. 64381; thence along the Southeasterly line of said Record of Survey No. 5414 902.08 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "A", North 25°01'15" East; thence South 59O29'39" East, 261.16 feet; thence South 82O26'24" East, 115 feet; thence South 07°33f36" East, 34 feet to the beginning of a 20.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly, the tangent to said curve bears South 82°26'24" East; ther Westerly and Southerly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 78O26'38", a distance of 27.22 feet; thence tangent to said curve, South 19°16'58" West, 125.00 feet to the beginning of a 20.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence Southerly and Easterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90°00' 00" , a distance of 31.42 feet; thence tangent to curve, South 70°53'02" East, 246.01 feet to the beginning of a 20.00 foot radius curve Northwesterly; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44°24'55" a distance of 15.50 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a 50.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly whose center bears South 25O17'57 thence Easterly and Southerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle ( 175°29'52", a distance of 153.03 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a 20.00 f radius curve concave Southeasterly, whose center bears North 29°48'051' West; th Southerlyalong the arc of said curve, through a centrai angle of 46°42'29", a disl of 16.30 feet; thence tangent to said curve, South 13°29'26" West, 483.41 feet tc the beginning of a 20.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence Southerl! along the arc of said curve through a' central angle of 46 42'29", a distance of 16 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a 50.00 foot radius curve concave Northwes whose center bears South 56°46'57" West; thence Southerly and Southwesterly alo the arc of said curve through a central angle of 121°38'40", a distance of 106.15 to a point on said curve whose center bears North 01°34'23" East; thence South 01°34'23" West 115.00 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot thence along said Southwesterly line, North 64'25'37" West, 880.00 feet to the F of beginning. EXCEPTING however, that portion which is to be rezoned R-T, described as follow 0 Page 1 of 2 IF7* - *, 0, October 18, 19 67 J 1967 Beginning at Point "A" in the above described parcel; thence South 59'29'39" Ea 261.16 feet; thence South 82'26'24" East, 75.00 feet; thence South 19°06'58" 1 195.00 feet; thence North 70°53'02" West, 130.00 feet; thence North 19'06'58" 63.00 feet; thence North 70°86'00" West, 88.13 feet; thence North 43°10'40" VI 107.70 feet; thence North 64 58'45" West, ,28.00 feet to a point on the Wester1 line of the above described parcel; thence along the said Westerly line, North 25°01'15" East, 115.00 feet to the point of beginning. a Page 2 of 2 '