HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-12-12; Planning Commission; Resolution 540" :' I * c, 1 RZSOLUTION NO. 540 2 s 4 5 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION FSCO-MIENDING APPROVAL OF TENTA- TIVE MAP OF SHELDON LOT SPLIT. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receivc November 27 , 1967 , a tentative map of Sheldon Lot Split, submi- 7 ty being a portion of Lot H, Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823, in 9 Southerly end of Lowder Lane, Easterly of Interstate 5, said p: 8 Roy H. Sheldon, owner and developer, located on property on thc '')city of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; 11 12 13 14 15 reports of the various City agencies and utility companies: 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of 17 Sheldon Lot Split be approved, subject to the following condit 18 1. All domestic water supplied to this lot split shall b WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the tentati, as submitted, comprised of two (2) lots; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into considerat I' Ilsupplied by the Carlsbad Water Department. 20 21 2. All buildings constructed in this lot split shall be 22 ll by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 23 I 3, Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same t 24 *' 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the lo 25 in any part of this lot split. split so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water 27 28 5. A fire hydrant on Lowder Lane 300' south of the exist 29 ll hydrant will be required. 3o ll 6. Both parcels shall comply to zoning requirements of k 31 /City of Carlsbad. 32 7. Lowder Lane shall be dedicated and improved from the I 0, 6 il i I '3 Parcel IB" as shown on the tentative map. The right of way of 2 erly boundary of the proposed Lot Split to the southerly termil Lowder Lane shall be eighty-four feet (84') in width; the road1 4 5 shall be sixty-eight feet (68') in width. 8. All distribution utility facilities within the bounda the Lot Split are to be placed underground as required by Ordi~ 6 7 a 9. Ornamental street lighting is to be provided for as rt 9 quired by Ordinance. 10 11 12 13 14 10. Location, grade and details of proposed improvements i dicated on the tentative map shall be subject to revision as r( Iquired for improvement plans, and approval of the tentative ma: not imply acceptance of said improvements as shown thereon. 15 16 specifications of the City of Carlsbad. 11. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans 17 12. Street paving shall consist of two and one-half incher I* of asphaltic concrete with stone chip seal coat laid upon six : I 19 ii(6") of decomposed granite base material on approved subgrade. 20 21 13. Sidewalks shall be five feet (5') .itn width and locate( 22 ;I tiguous to the curb. 23 24 26 15. An existing eight inch (8") sewer main is located wit1 25 Lowder Lane. Lowder Lane. Sewer laterals shall be constructed as necessary, 27 16. Water mains, including adequate services, shall be in: 28 29 30 14. Type "G" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed ; as required by City standards. 17, All required street signs, barricades and safety devic 31 11 shall be installed. 32 11 18. Surface drainage within the limits of Lowder Lane sha: -2- If .4 * ,a *i 11 I 9 e ! 1 2 adequate. A method of controlling drainage run-off at the terr mf Lowder Lane shall be submitted for approval. 1311 19, A grading plan shall be submitted as part of the imprc BI ment plans. 5 6 20. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed ( 7 8 subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans .9 21. Alignment, location and grades of all improvements sh lo specifications shall be submitted as required for checking and required by the City. 11 12 13 14 approval before construction of any improvement is commenced. AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be f ed to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attenti 15 16 19 by the following vote, to wit: l8 bad City Planning Commission held on the 12th day of December, 17 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the the manner prescribed by law, AYES: Commissioners Smith, McComas, Little, Jose, Palmateer an 20 Voorheis 21 23 ABSENT: Commissioner Sutherland 22 NOES: None 24 ll R. 2y I/ T. LITTLE, Chairman 30 31 32 I1 -3-