HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-04-23; Planning Commission; Resolution 551w ,I c iI .' -. -a iI * e ! . . . .. .. .. Ill 'PLANNI'NG CO'MMIS'S'I'ON 'RESOLUTION NO. '551 2 A RESOLUTION GRANTING AN AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONDI TIONAL US.E PERMIT. ON PROPERTY AT THE NORTHERLY. SIDE 3 .S.T CEDAR RE ET'. .AVENUE,--BETWEEN . . . . I ... ........... -CARLSBAD I...... BOULE'VARD .. AND GARFIEL .. 4 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No, 90 I 61 the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did on Apri 1 8' 71 and April 23, 1968, ho.ld a duly noticed public hearing to co the application of the Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Ch g Hall and Administration Buildin'g; also to consi.der recommend 14 78 to 54 parking spaces , and to allow construction of a Pari 13 School building; a reduction in the required parking spaces 12 existing facilities of St. Michael's Episcopal Church and Su 21 i?g conditional use permit to a1 low the exp.ansion and use of 10 in Los Angeles (A Corporation Sole) for an amendment to the I 15 16 17 18 19 20 the City Council a reduction in the required sidewalk width 10 feet to 5 feet on Carlsbad Boulevard and a portion of Ced Avenue; as shown on Site Plan (Exhibit "A") , dated March 15, prepared by Paul and Allard and Associates, A.I.A., Del Mar, California, for St. Michael's Episcopal Church, on real prop in the City of Carlsbad, County -of San Diego, State of Calif 21 ,2311 follows: ' Carlsbad Boulevard and Garfield Street; and more particular1 22 1 commonly known as the Northerly side of Cedar Avenue, betwee Jl :I 24 I 25 i 26 1 27 ~ I 28 11 29 I 1, I' 30 I 31. 32 j/ Southerly 200 feet of Block 6, Map 775 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Californi'a; being Book 203, Page 162, Parcel 4 of the Assessor's Map'of San Diego County; MHEREAS , at said public hearing, upon hearing and consi the testimony and arguments, if any, .of all persons who desi be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and r to exist which make the granting of a conditional use permit necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: c. - '* : il * .- 1 11 'q i I 1 i ., * 9 1. That it would not be detrimental to the surrounding properties.. 2. The p;arking..requirerne.n~ts:wi11 :hot. be'-mateci'al.ly affi due to the .fact' tha.t separate .uses will be made of the bui Id NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissi the City of Carlsbad tha.t it does hereby grant a conditional .. I 71' 8, permit on said property for the purpose of allowing the expar and use of the existing facilities of St. Michael's Episcopa' 9 Chu.rch and Sunday School building; a reduction in the requirt 30' tion of a Parish 'Hall and Administration Building as shown 01 111 parkivg spaces from 78 to 54 parking spaces , and to a1 low cot 121 Plan (E,xhibit "A"), dated March 15, 1968, subject to the folll 13 I conditions: 14 ' 1. The sidewalk of 10 feet in width shall be constructc 15 immediately on Carlsbad Boulevard. 16 2. Sidewalk of 5 feet in width shall be constructed ill 17 Ca.rlsbad Boulevard. 18 along this property on Cedar Avenue for a dista'nce of 150 fec I I I 19 3. At the time of constructi-.on of any future building c 20 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of Apl 24 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of ti 23 with City Standards. 22 Garfield Street and Northerly half of Cedar Avenue in compli; 21 property full improvements sha.ll be constructed on the East k 1 25 I 27 ~ 26 I 29 I 1968, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Smith, Jose, Little, Palmateer and Yoorheis. 28 11 NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Sutherland. 30 1 ~ 31 ij /I R. T. LITTLE, Chairman .. 32 il -2-