HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-05-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 556' ;&-- *- !I ' i! * e 1 I/ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 556 2 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON 3 MONR'OE STR€ET AND CHESTNUT AVLNUE. PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did on May 28, 196 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the application JAY LEAR, INC., for a conditional use permit to permit constru of a church building with accompanying parking facilities and a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 scaping for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, St of California, commonly known as the Southwesterly corner of F Street and Chestnut Avenue; and more particularly described as foll ows : Portion of Tract 250, Thum Lands, Map 1681 , in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto; WHEREAS, at said publ.ic hearing 9 upon hearing and considl I l8 2o be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and re l9 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desir to exist which make the granting of a conditional use permit 21 necessary to carry out the provisions- and general purpose of 22 nance No. 9060: 23 1. That the requested use will be compatible with the 241i surrounding land uses. 25 2. That the granting of this conditional use permit wil 26 be detrimental to the surrounding property. 27 28 the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby grant a conditional 29 permit on said property for the purpose of allowing the cons1 30 of a church building with accompanying parking facilities an( 31 landscaping for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sair 32 subject to the following conditions and limitations: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,by the Planning Commissic i -. . .L. . - * I! \i * a l 1 1. That the granting of this conditional use permit be 2? 3 subject to approval of Resolution No. 557-A. 5 the development shall be placed underground. 4 2. All utility distribution systems within the boundarie 3. A grading plan shall be submitted as part of the impr 6 ment plans. 7 I! 4. Improvement plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engi f3 details of proposed improvements as indicated upon the tentati 9 shall be required fo'r all improvements. Location, grade, and 3oiimap shall be subject to revision as required for improvement r 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I! and approval of the tentative map does not imply acceptance a: submitted. Complete plans and specifications shall be submit1 to the City Engineer for approval before construction of any improvement is commenced. 5. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided in accol with City re.qui rements. 6. A ten foot (10') easement shall be granted along Che 18 19 Avenue for street tree purposes. 7. Street improvements, (curb, gutter, sidewalk and paw '*II shall be constructed along the Monroe Street frontage of the 211( Street pavement shall consist of two inches (2") of asphaltic 22)1 concrete with stone chip seal coat on a minimum of four inche 23 24 25 26 of decomposed granite base material on approved subgrade. Street improvements are not required on Chestnut Aven adjoining this project since the street was improved under 19 Assessment procedures. 27 I1 8. Water and sewer service laterals shall be installed 28 29 9. The existing six inch (6') steel water main in Monrc 3o Street sha.11.. be replaced with an eight inch (8") water main, I required by the City. "I( 10. Street trees as required by City standards shall be 32 xx -2- jj . wk '- 'i 1: /I 0 I) :! 11 I! 1; 1. I! Ii 11. Survey monuments and any required signs or safety d I/ I' 211 shall be installed. 4 12. A parcel map will be a satisfactory map of record 411 this development. /j /I 11 8 11 il Ii 3-0 11 15. The parking on the Southeast boundary must be ten 1 5 ~I 13. Areas shown as green on Exhibit "A" shall be plante 611 shrubs, trees, lawn, flowers and shall be served with an appr 711 sprinkler system. 91, I1 approval by the City Planning Department prior to constructic 11 (10') from the property line to conform with required setbacl 14. Landscape and sprinkler plans shall be subject to El. 11 12 11 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tC I 131 141; 1968, by the following vote, to wit: Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 28th day of Ma: I AYES: Commissioners Smith, Jose, Palmateer, Gullett, Voorheis and Little. NOES : None. ABSENT: None. R&T&. ROBERT T.. LITTLE, Chairma' 2 I. 22 23 24 25 11 26 ~l I 27 i I 28 11 1 I 29 i 30 I/ 31 ii I\ 32 I1 /I i/ 11 Ill ij -3- , rn 1. c '1 1 ,.. Y " ,.&" . .6 e @ .. . " . Title Insurance and Trust Company . . DESCRIPTION 1 . t' .. .. .. e. THAT PORTION OF-TRACT 250 OF THE THUM LkN@SB It< THE CITY OF . CARLSaADr IN THE, COUNTY dF SAP; CIEGB, STATE OF CALIFORNIAI ac.cmsIw TO RAP TWEKEOF tm 1681, FILED IK THE OFFKE CF. COUNTY. RECORCER'3F SAP4 DIEGC COUNTY, GECEMGER-Sr 1915, 'DESCKIBEfl AS f OttOWS I -. .. GEGINNING AT TkS INTERSECTIObl OF ,THE CENTER tINES.OF MONRCE STREET A?:D ,YAGtVGiIA AVENUE AS SHO%'N ON SA19 MAP NO8 1681 8 THENCE ALONG 'SkfD CENTER LINE OF MASKCtLfA ,A.I/ENUEt SGUSH'~~*~~'.WESTP - .40Qc41 FEET TO THE MOST EASTEF~LY C3RNER OF TtiE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO k!lLLl !,I< ECYES AND MAKGAkEi !3OYES I SY DEED GATED MAY 25, 1925 A&O RECCKDED JU3E 89 1925 IN BOOK 1095, PAGE: 15G OF OEEDSt ;iECOXD.S OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY t TKEF4CZ I'\ORTH '28*39' WEST9 ALOhC1. Tt-{E NOKTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID OOYE.5 LAND, 165eOO FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BEGIlLPiIfG( ?iiEbi.CE AL9I.IG SA13 'NrZRTF!EA$TE: LINE AK!J TZE F)R;'3LO:.IGATIO?l ?HE^nEGF s NORTH 28C39' i.:ES1-9 472.63 FEET TOTi-iE CE>?TER LINE Of CCL'NTY AVENUE - bi0W Ki4OilN AS CHESTNUT AVEPiUE-; THENCE kLOXG SAID CEKTER LINEt NOilTtf 87O57'30" EASTP 454063 FEET TO SAID CENTEii Llb:.:E 3F t.'13NR3E STREST i THENCE ALO:{G . SAID CE?iT€2 LIRE+ SOUTH 28'38'2h" EAST$ 2556.00 FEET TO A LINE Wt!l Ct-! I S DRAi.:N .THROUGH THE TRLlE POI i<T OC REG1 NNI 145 9 PAEALLEL KITH SAIC CENTER LIb.!E OF b!AG;qQLIA AVEt:UEt Tk1ENCE SOUTH 6!"21' GiESTt 49604-4 FEET TO THE :RUE POIKT 3F BEGINi4iNC.c - t .. .. . I .- .. .I .' * .. 4. ' .. .. .. 8 This is a report of the title to the iand described in your application for.a Policy of Title Insurance. and is made without liabili without obligation to isue such policy. In zddition to any exceptions shown herein. and not cleated. the pdic$ if issued. will contain tions and stipulations and also exceptiohs from its coverage as may be required by the particu!sr form of policy issoed. '. 874989 PA5 E. 3 .. ._ ..."..._.. -. .. .. k EihrblC L'i