HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-06-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 555II v .< , * /I \I 11 ;b 11 2/ 4, 31 e 1) I RESOLUTION NO. 555 j A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP OF CAMINO REAL INDUSTRIES; WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did recei\ 511 April 2, 1968, a tentative map of CAMINO REAL INDUSTRIES, subr 6 1 by CAMINO REAL INDUSTRIES, INC. , owner and developer, located 71 91 portion of Lot B, Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823, in the C Real , Northerly of Palomar Airport Road; said property being l a/ approximately 500 acres of property located Westerly of El Cal /I I' 10 17; of Carlsbad; County of San Diego, State of California; map as submitted, comprised of 40 lots; and 121 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the tentat 11 l3 I i WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into considera 14-1 15 j the reports of the various City agencies and utility companie following conditions: 17/ Camino Real Industries Subdivision be approved, subject to th 161 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of I 1 I 181 1. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision shal 191 supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. I 20 1 3. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same 22 i 2. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall I 211 sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. I 23 in any part of this subdivision. 24 4. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the : 25 (b) 400 feet West QR Nacario Road .29 (a) Corner of El Camino Real and Macario Road. 28 locations: 27 5. One (1) G. B. - 92 - WB Hydrant shall be at the fol 26 division so as to prevent ponding a'nd/or storage of surface 1 30 I ii i (c) 400 feet West of Item (b) above on Macario Roa 31 (d) 400 feet West of Item (c> above on Macario Roa 32 j (e) 400 feet West of Item id) above on Macario Roa // :I .;] ,- 11 .I I1 11 0 a i1 /I / j I' 1 2 3 4 5 I 6' /I 7 I I 8 11 310 9 'i i I 11 I1 I =3 1, 12 ~ 11 la !I 16 11 15 ~ 17 /' 1 18 I 19 I I 20 j 22 ~ 1 21 j I 23 24 25 26 27 28 i I 29 30 (f) Corner of Macario Road and San Rafael Road. (4) 400 feet West': of, above Item .. {f) on ,Aacarid,Road. (h) 400 feet West of above Item (9) on Macario Road. (i) 400 feet West of above Item (h) on Macario Road. (j) Corner of Macario Road and Arroyo Lane. (k) 400 feet South West.of above Item (j) on Arroyo (1') 400 feet .South West of above Item (k) on Arroyo (m) (n) (0) (PI (9) ( r) ( s.) (t) (4 (4 (w) (x) 400 feet West of above Item (1) on Arroyo Lane. 400 feet West of above Item (m) on Arroyp Lane. Corner of Arroyo Lane and Camino Sobre Las Loma: 400 feet South of above Item (0) on Camino Sobrc Lomas. 400 feet North of above Item (0) on Camino Sobrt Lomas. 400, feet North of above Item (9) on Camino Sobrc Lomas. Corner of Camino Sobre Las Lomas and Macario Ro, 400 feet West of above Item (s) on Macario Road 400 feet West of above Item (t) on Macario Road 400 feet West of above Item (u) on Macario Road 400 feet North of Macario Road on Camino Sobre Lomas. Corner of Camino Sobre Las Lomas and Canta Loma (y) In Canta Lomas Court. (z) 400 feet North of above Item (x) on Camino Sobv Las Lomas. (a.a) Corner of Camino Sobre Las Lo.mas and San Rafael (bb) 400 feet North of above Item (aa) on Camino Sot Las Lomas. (c.c) 400 feet North of above Item (bb) on Camino Sot 31 1 32 1 i Las Lomas. !I (dd) 400 feet North of above Item (cc) on Camino Sol j/ Las Lomas. !I -2- -_ I . ., 11 /i 0 * j/ I1 11 21 I (ee) Corner of Camino Sobre Las Lomas and El Camino (ff) 400 feet East of above Item (ee) on El Camino-R 3 -1 (gg) 400 feet East of above Item (ff) on El Camino R 4 (I&) 400 feet East of above Item (aa) on tan Rafael (ii) 400 feet East of above Item (hh) on San Rafael !5 I1 6 11 7 11 I 8 I /I I Io 9 l1 ,I If; 12 13 14 35 16 l? 18 3.9 20 (jj) At the lot line of lots No. 22 and No. 23 on St Rafael Road. (kk) At the lot line of lots No.23 and No. 24 on Sar Rafael Road. (1'1) At the lot .line"of lots No. 24 and No. 25 on Si :I Rafael Road. I /I (mm) At the lot line of lots NO. 25 and No. 26 on Si Rafael Road. 1 I (nn) At the'lot line of lots No. 26 and No. 28 on S 11 I Rafael Road. I 'I I i i i 'I (00) 400 feet West of above Item-(j) on Macario Roa (pp) At the lot line of lots No ... 38 and No. 39 on M k 11 Il Road. 'I (qq) 400 feet West of above Item (p-p) on Macario Ro 6. In addition to the above hydrants, consideration for 211 221 future fire protection shall be given to the proposed Taxiwa) the major street intersection, they shall be numbered. 27 frontage on Macario Road and Arroyo Lane. If lots are propos 26 be provided through the subdivision. Lots 2 through 6 shall 25 be either included in these lots or a City street for access 24 7.' The 250 foot by 500 foot parcel between lots 1 and i 23 adjacent to the Palomar Airport. 1 28 8. The subdivision shall be developed as one unit or i 29 I that are approved by the City. 30 I 9. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as 31, 10. All distribution utility facilities within the boun 32 1 quired by the City. City. ! of the subdivision shall be placed underground as required b /I i I I -3- A I ; 11 il m * II 1 1 I1 11. Street trees shall be planted as required by the Cit. 2j Easements shall be pr.ovided as required. I 31 5i 12. A grading plan shall be submitted as part of the imp 13.. Location, grade and details of proposed improvements $1 ment plans for the subdivision. 6'1 I ind'icated upon the tentative map shall be subject to revjsjons 7h required for improvement plans , and approval of the map will 8 il imply acceptance as submitted. !? 'I /I 14. Street widths shall be as follows: El Camino Real - lo/ ''1 Other streets - 70 feet; Barrier strips - 1 foot in width sha' feet; Macario Road - 84 feet; Camino Sobre Las Lomas - 84 fee. 12i1 deeded to the City at all .streets terminating at undeveloped ''11 property. Cul-de-sacs...shall be construct'ed as required by thl 14; Engineer. 15. All details concerning this development and Palomar l6!I Airport shall be approved by the authorized airport officials '7(/ by the City before the final map is approved. !I 15 Ii 11 I it 18 i I area to be annexed shall be resolved. Any zoning other than 20/ I prior to acceptance of the final subdivision map. Zoning of ''1 16. The area now in the County shall be annexed to the 21 industrial .shall be subject to the provisions of the park ded 22 tion ordinance. 23 24 Specifications of the. City of Carlsbad. 25 18. Street pavement structure in all internal streets s 26 27 be designed for commercial traffic .use. Street pavement strl devices shall be installed. 32/ 31 tests of subgrade. 30 and one (1') driving lane. Pavement design will be based on : 29 Design and be of sufficient width to provide one (1,) parking 28 in El Carnino Real shall meet the San Diego County Road Deparl I I 17. All improvements shall comply with the Standard Pla I 19.. All required street name signs, barricades and safc j 11 -4- ,I 3 .I 4 11 * j 1 I I x/ 20. Concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in all s 2 Cross .gutter widths shall conform to City and County requireme 31 Concrete cross gutters shall be located as required for draina 4 21. Sidewalks shall be five feet (5,') in width and locat 5 contiguous to the' curb on all streets throughout the subdivisio I 6 /I 22. A detailed drainage study shall be submitted for app II 11 ?!I Val. Adequate inlets and conduits shall be required to conve: 81 drainage through the development and offsite to existing natu' 91 drainage channels with erosion protection beyond as needed, a Io!1 required by the approved drainage study. Adequate rights of 1 l1I and permissions to drain shall be furnished to the City. The 121 posed reservoir shall meet all City, County and State require I I 33 j 23. Water connections, pressure reducing and metering s ~ 1.ai water system shall be the City of Carlsbad Water System. 'GI to each lot, shall be constructed as required by the City. T 15/ and water mains, including one inch (1") diameter minimum ser 1 il 17 I1 18 1 I i 19 j 20 i i ! 2p 11 22 1/ 24. Sanitary sewers, including required manholes and ap tenances, with four inch (4") diameter minimum service later? for each lot shall be constructed as required by the City. f offsite sewer system will have to be constructed by the devel of this subdivision as indicated on the tentative map. 25. . Survey monuments shall be installed as required by 23 24 I standards. approval before construction 6f any improvement is commenced 27 specifications shall be submitted as required for checking a 26 be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Complete plans 25 26. Alignment, location and grade of all improvements ! 28 29 30 31 32 I I i I 11 I !I ~ ! j ! The dedication of rights of way and the alignment and grade Camino Real improvements shall conform to County of San Dieg for this street. 27. The subdivider shall furnish the U. S. Post Office Carlsbad, California with a copy of the final subdivision ma -5- I d 4-, * i' .. 3 1 28. Anything herein contained to the contrary, not withs 2 ing all references herein to improvements,located in that port 3 of the tentative subdivision map,marked Area 2, shall be of nc 4 force and effect, except that prior to the processing of the 1 5 to the City Council of the City -of Carlsbad for its attention g AND FINALLY' RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be . 8 procedures.. 7 be sp.1it up as a separate parcel 9 pursuant to applicable city 6 subdivision map.herein, the subdivider shall cause said Area : 10 manner prescribed by law. 11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 12 1968, by the following vote, to wit: 13 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 25th day of Sun1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 AYES: Commissioners Jose, Palmateer, Gullett, Voorhei and Little. NQES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Smith ATTEST: 24 It 25 26 27 28 I 29 30 31 32