HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-12; Planning Commission; Resolution 580I 1 L, i( f' r d !I e - !I 4 I 11 j :I I/ 3- " /j '3 ji RESOLUTION NO. 580 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COlWtlISSION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT h, 11 3 /I LOCATED NORTHERLY OF GRAND AVENUE, BETWEEN i! ROOSEVELT STREET AND YADISON STlXEET. 4 !/ /' gr i WEEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 906( 611 Planning Commission did on November 12, 1968, hold a duly not: 71; public hearing to consider the application submitted by Jack i 81' Esther Ducy, Edward A. Noore, Daniel and Loisa Jauregui, Will. 9; 11 C. Sims, Jr., Donald and Leah Nowell and Howard and Marjorie I j! !j I/ lil 10!/ Springsteen, for a conditional use permit for the purpose of I allowing the construction and use of a U. S. Post Office Buil 12;l and parking facilities on real property in the City of Carlsb 13 1' County of San Diego, State of California, located Northerly c 14' Grand Avenue, between Roosevelt Street and Madison Street, ar 15 1 more particularly described as: /I 1 16 17 18 19 I1 I I Lots 36 and 37 of Seaside Lands, Map 1722, excepting therefrom t'ne Northwesterly 50.00 feet of the North- easterly 183.4 feet of said Lot 37, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; being Parcels 6, 7, and 8,'Book 203, Page 18, Parcels 1, 2, and 3, Book 203, Page 18 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County; 20 1' WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consic 21 1 22 1 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desi: be heard, said Commission did find the following f.acts and r' 23 1 to exist which makes the granting of a conditional use permi 241; necessary to carry out the provisions and. general purpose of I 25 ' nance No. 9060: II 26 (i 1, That the proposed. conditional use permit appears tc 27 11 best location €or the City of Carlsbad Post Office. 28 /I 2. That subject location would have easy access to ma: 29 I collector streets. 1 1 30 11 I1 11 3. That the proposed post office site would be within 31 I' central business disti-ict. 32 I/ xx I/ I/ i :j r -- : *j /I I/ 0 e !' ji !I ' j/ I! 11 I- il NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning COmmiSSiC 21 the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby grant a conditional 311 permit on said property for the purpose of allowing the const 4:1 and use of a U. S. Post Office Building and parking facilitic 5; subject to the following conditions: \I I I/ /I it I i/ 61 1. That the rear parking area be encompassed by a soli( 7 11 foot (6') high masonary wall. 8i 2. All exterior lighting be shielded so as not to glarc 911 shine upon any residential property. I 10 j 3. All areas shown in gree'n on Exhibit "App be planted I 1li Department prior to construction. 14 4. A landscape and sprinkler plan be approved by the P 13 1 i sprinkle system. 12 maintained with lawn, shrubs, trees, and be irrigated by an I 15 5. All signs shall be wall signs and in conformance wi 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 il II jl i 11 ll 11 11 i I1 1j I 1 of Carlsbad sign ordinances. 6. Eight feet (8') along Roosevelt Street and ten feet along Madison Street shall be dedicated for street purposes. 7. Street improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, and pa to centerline of street) shall be constructed on Madison Str and standard P.C.C. sidewalk shall be constructed on Rooseve Street. 8. Street trees -and street lights shall be installed E required by City Engineer and City Forester. 9. All utility distribution systems within the boundal of the development shall be placed underground as required k Ordinance. xx xx xx xx xx 11 ii -2- 1 il ii s. I, j/ *.. > 11 ;I d 0 - I) !I i !I i/ I ii I 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 21 Carlsbad City Planning Commission hel’d on the 12th day of No. :j i 3// 1968, by the following vote, to wi’t: /I 4 // 6 j. il 5 11 AYES: Commissioners Gullett, Snedeker, Forman, Dewhurl Palmateer and Jose. NOES : None li ABSENT: Commissioner Little 7 ~, ‘I ‘I 8 j/ -..” ./”- > ,/”‘ /‘ *,/“ 7 I//& /’ 10 L, ROY H. PALMATEER, Vice C: 91 /’ 1 /” 12 1 ATTEST: Secretary I.7 ‘I 19 I..8 20 I 1 23 11 11 24 I 26 25 I 27 1: 28 11 29 ! 30 i // I 21 22 [ I I I 31 11 I 32 I 11 I !I II -3-