HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-12-10; Planning Commission; Resolution 5871 ij e m ~l - -, . :_. .~ ~ I L. " I/ il I I I I1 2 1, 31~ 1; I i - a,!/ Ii 11 mSOLUTION 'NO. 587 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COYLMISSION GRANTING. A CONDITIONAL 'USE PERMIT LOCATED AT PLAZA CAMINO REAL, ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL, SOUTHERLY OF HIGHWAY 78. 5 I1 6 /i // I! WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 90E !I 71: Carlsbad City Planning Conmission did on December 10, 1968, 1: 9 il CAMINO REAL, for a conditional use permit for the purpose of 30 I 'I ing signs on buildings located at Plaza Camino Real, on real 11 j in the City of Carlsbad; County of San Diego, State of Califc 1% 11 on the Westerly side of El Carnino Real, Southerly of Highway 13 11 more particularly described as: 8' 'I duly noticed public he'aring to consider the application of PI ;I i 14 15 16 17 28 'I jI I Portions of Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 West San Bernardino Meridian, and Lots 40, ,41', 42 and portions of Lots 39 and 13 thru 17 inclusive, of Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract, Map 1136 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; being Assessor's Parcels 27, 28 and 29 of book 167, Page 10, of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County; 19 I! 2o 11 21 11 WIIEREAS, at said public nearing, upon hearing and consic the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desi] be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and rc to exist which make the granting of a conditional use permit ''Ii necessary to carry out the provisions and, general purpose of 23 1 nance No. 9060: 24 25 '1 conformance with the proposed sign ordinance. 1. That the signs submitted by Plaza Camino Real are il 26 1, i/ I/ 29 11 II 2. All the proposed signs appear to be in gcod taste aj 28 11 3o 1 architecturally compatible with the buildings. 29 il NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Cornissic the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby grant a conditiona. 31 I permit on said property for the purpose of allowing signs on 32 i\ buildings located at Plaza Camino Real, subject to the follol I/ 'I /I I1 conditions and limitations: II II ii (I - - I! /I i ‘I ~: , . :! i/ II I .. .- - c ;! 0 e /i 11 ~ 1.1 1. That all signs shall be hon-animated. 2 1; 1 2. The tops of all free standing signs shall not be OX 5~1 than 26 feet high, except for the standard which shall be 38 dr!i high and architecturally compatible with the shopping facilit 5 I! 3. That the signs shall be generally constructed as shc 11 ~j // 61 exhibits submitted with subject application. 7 11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 811 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 10th day of Dec 9 ~ 1968, by the following vote, to wit: I/ LO 11 12 73 3.4 15 16 i: I/ ~ i! i i I I/ ~ I I li AYES : Conmissioners Gullett, Snedeker, Forman, Palma Jose, Dewhurst and Little. NOES : None ABSENT : None R. T. LITTLE, Chairmi; ’’ 1 ATTEST: 2-8 I I 19 1 20 1 I 21 22 23 24 25 11 27 11 30 11 2.6 // I 28 11 29 // I I! 31 ‘1 ! 32 I i /I /I li