HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 594c c , -x .' * I/ 11 1 1) d i ! 1 zl 3i ! 4 5 i PLANNING C0LV;MISSION RESOLUTION NO. 594 A RESOLUTION GRANTING VARrANCES ON PROPERTY AT 3802 ADAMS STREET ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF ADAMS STREET, BETWEEN I4AGNOLIA AVENUE AND TAMARACK AVENUE.. ADAMS STREET ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF ADAMS STREET, BETWEEN I4AGNOLIA AVENUE AND TAMARACK AVENUE.. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 906C 6 11 Planning Commission did on January 14, ,1969, hold a duly notic 7 1 and THOMAS F. STEPHENS, owner, for a variance for the purpose 8' public hearing to consider the application of L. A. OLSEN, apg I 9l I< reduction in required frontage from 60.00 feet to 20.00 fee't i 10 111 order to create a "panhandle" lot on real property in the Citl Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State. of California, commonly k as 3802 Adams Street, on the Easterly side of Adams Street, be xs' Magnolia Avenue and Tamarack Avenue and more particularly desc 141 as: I l2 I I I 15 j I I 16 1 17 1, i ii Portion of Tract 241, .Thum Lands, Map 1681, being Parcel 6, Book 205, Page 28, in the City of Carlsbad County of San Diego, State of California;,more particularly described in Exhibit ''A'~ attached hereto; 18 j WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considx 191 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desire ao!/be 11 heard, said Commission did find the following facts and re? 21i to exist which make the granting of a variance necessary to CE 221 out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No.9060: 23 1 1. That the proposed variance would not be detrimental 1 24 the surrounding properties. 25 2. That the proposed variance is within the limits of t4 26 policy established by Council action .pertaining to "panhandle' i 27 3. That the density 'would remain within the limits of tl 28 1 General Plan. 60.00 feet to 20.00 feet in order to creat a "panhandleBr lot,: 321 property for the purpose of reduction in required frontage frc 311 the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby grant a variance on I 30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissio~ 29 ! /I li ! :I * 6- .I/ -* * /I a 4 !I 1 5 to th.e folLowiny conditions and Iinitations; I I 2/ 1. That said lot splits are hereby granted on condition 3 all requirements .of Ordinance No. 9136 and the City "Panhandle I 2/ 1. That said lot splits are hereby granted on condition 3 all requirements .of Ordinance No. 9136 and the City "Panhandle I 4 6 // to the City. surveyed and monumented and that' reports thereof shall be .fun 5 Split Policies be met by applicants and that said new lots shz ,I g 11 ! 2. A parcel map shall be recorded by means of subdivisic 11 8 /I procedures. 91 11 3. Street improvements shall be constructed on Adams St1 wl 17 'I /, 7. The two parcels C64-foot frontage) shall be 'served b: I lo/ and street trees. 2.1 I consisting of curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement to street centc i' 12 I 4. Plans shall be approved by the City prior to construc la of street improvements on Adams Street. 14 li 5. A fee in lieu of park dedication shall be paid to tht I I 15 1 6 e The '"panhandlefn lot shall be graded to drain through 16 I driveway to public street, i /I 1.81 bad City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of January,. 22 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 21 to cross the other two parcels. 201 have utility services to the existing bui'lding relocated so a! 191 separate sewer and water connecti.ons. The"panhand1e" lot sha: z31 by the following vote, to wit: 1 1 i 24 AYES : Commissioners Snedeker, Gullett, Little, Forman 25 Dewhurst, and Jose. 26 II NOES : None. 27 I 28 I 29 I ABSENT: Commissioner Pdlmateer ATTEST : ,.- 1 7 .- ' 301 vv 31 i 32 1 E. W. SNEDEKER, Secretary i \I 11 I