HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-10; Planning Commission; Resolution 635r 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 635 ! A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD C[TY PLANNING COMMISSION i RECOMMENDING TO THE C tTY COUNCI'L 'APPROVAL OF A li TENTATIVE MAP FOR OTIS E.' AND CHRISTINE. VANOERBURG 211 I 311 I WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Co'mmission did recei I ~ 4jon September 10, 1969, a Tentative Map, submitted by OTIS E. a / 6 CHRlSTlNE VANDERBURG., Owners, and located on approximately thr quarters acre of land East of El C'amino Real at Marron Road; s 71property being a portion of Lot 4, in Section 32, Township 11 8lRange 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad 91 County of San Diego, State of California; being Parcel 22, Boo 5, ! I i 101 Page 030, of the Assessor's Book of San Diego County. I 11 ~ i WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the Tentat I 4Map as submitted, comprised on One (1) Lot; and 13 ~ the'reports of the various City agencies and the utility compal 141 .WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into considera. 15 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tentative Map be 161 approved subject to the following conditions: ! I 7 la That all improvements sha.11 be.constructed as required bl the ordinance and, by the'City Engineer; 18 12. That sidewalk, street lights, and street trees shall be 19 j installed on El Camino Real; 201 3. .. . That full street improvements sh'al-1 be constructed for t! 21 j( full width of Marron Road; 221'4. That the existing traffic signal shall be modified from : three-way signal to a four-way signal; 23 5. That Marron Road shall be dedicated to the City of Carlsl 241 6 That water and sewer lines shall be extended in Marron Rc I to the Easterly boundary of Lot 1; :i 7. That an agreement and surety shall be provided, guarantet construction of all public improvements. 1 27 1 I 28 j AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be I 2gi attention, in the manner prescribed by law. 301 forwarded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its I I 311 i xx 32 j xx I j I j I xx xx ~~ ji 0 9 -2- 1 xi I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the I 2; September, 1969, by the following vote, to wit: 31 Carlsbad City Planning Commission, held on the 10th day of 1 i i NOES: None 41 AYES: Commissioners Forman, Little, Hermsen, Palmateer Jose, and Dewhurst 5 6/ mi I ABSTAINED: Commissioner Gul lett II 1 81 10 1 I 11 I 91 I 1 n 12 [I I 1 13 1 14 j I5 ! i 16 I 17 j 19 i I I I-8 I 2o I 22 1 26 1 27 I a I 23 I 24 I 25 /‘ 20 1 29 j j 30 j 31 1 321 j I i // ATTEST: f fl- /i_ bK(LAJL .. .,/ ”- t-J D. K. DEWHURST, Secretary