HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 639h .-I /I i (IC 1) m.. .'+Jj 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 639 I/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION i GRANT1NG.A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AN 1/ 21 31 USE OF A SMALL .ANIMAL CLINIC, LOCATED ON THE WESTERLY SID OF ROOSEVELT STREET, BETWEEN ELM'AVENUE AND OAK AVENUE WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 I 41 61 a duly noticed public hearing to consider the application of 5j Carlsbad City Planning Commission did on October 14, 1969, hc HENRY C. GREGG, D.V.M., for' a Conditional Use Permit for the 71 purpose of allowing construction and use of a Small Animal C 81 on real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Dies 91 State of California, on the Westerly side of Roosevelt Stree 101: between Elm Avenue and Oak Avenue; and more particularly desc i I i I 11'/ as: 12 !I 13 ~1 14 jj Lots 23 and 24, Block 33, Carlsbad Lands Map 775; also being Assessor's Parcels 6 and 7, Book 203, Page 34,'in the City of Carlsbad, County of San D.iego, State of California. 15 I WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside 161 171 the testimony and arguments , if any, of a1 1 persons who desi t to be heard, said Commission did find the following facts anc 18 reasons to exist which make the granting of a Conditional Use 19/ Permit necessary to carry out the provisions and general pur! /I 1 2oii of Ordinance No. 9060: 2111 1. The proposed animal clinic could instigate a trend in 22 I1 redevelopment in this area; 23 1 2. This use would constitute good use of the land would I not be a detriment to surrounding properties. 241 Permit on said property for the purpose of allowing construct 26; City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby grant a Conditional Use 25i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of i 27'1 and use of a Small Animal Clinic, subject to the following 1 i i 28:' tions and conditions of approval: 291 1. That the structure and parking space shall be located , I generally in conformance with Exhibit A of this 30 j 1 I application; 311 xx 321 xx j I xx I - *. -"* I1 a' t i * -1 i I i -2- 11 2. That a landscape and sprinkler plan, containing a rnin 21 3/ the parking areas, shall be submitted to the Planning of 600. square feet of planter area distributed throug Department for approval, prior to construction of sai landscaping; ~ I 4' 3. That elevations of the proposed structure shall be su 5 mitted to the Planning Department for approval, prior to issuance of a Buiiding Permit; 6 4. That 6-foot high wall or fence shall be constructed, 71 8/ 911 5. That the proposed pet clinic shall be for medical pur materials compatible to the proposed structure, for t full length of the South property line and on the Nor property line, from the proposed structure to the fro property 1 ine; i I 10 I/ only, and shall not include a kennel facility; 11 ~ 11 6. That the exterior lighting shall be oriented in such !I manner as not to shine on adjacent property and the p 12 I/ lot 1.l.ghting shall be located so as not to be higher jj q 7 151 9. That an encroachment permit shall be--obtained from th 161 8. any fence; That the applicant shall enter into a future street a ment for street lights; That the closing and open-ing of driveways shall be do 3.4 i I i in conformance'with City s'tandards and ordinances; i 17 1 10. That the proposed pet clinic be constructed so as to City Engineering Department, prior to landscaping of parking areas;' 18 1 19 1 consider the problems of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes and odor. 20 21 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 22 231 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of Oc 1969, by the following vote, to wit: 24 1 25 I ~ I ,AYES: Commissioners Gullett, Palmateer, Forman, Herm NOES: Commissioners Little and Jose and Dewhurst. 26 /I /I ABSENT: None 2'6 I i 28 ~ ! 29 .i 30 I1 i I ATTEST: n 31 I i D. Kr EEWHURST, SEcretary 321 I A , ,/: ,;.K / /12.J- :" -&;? I I i I