HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 646,- .j *, "..t II W e ,i .c ai j I 1 i a; 1 2; i PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 646 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISS GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SUBJECT TO ANNEXAT TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, FOR A MOBILE HOME PARK, LOCP AT POINSETTIA LANE BETWEEN INTERSTATE 5 AND THE A.T. S. F. RAILROAD 31 I I i 1 41 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 51 '7; noticed pub1 ic hearing to consider the application of H. B. 6' the Planning Commission did on November .25, 1969, hold a dl DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, for a Conditional Use Permit for the I: 81 of allowing the construction of a mobile home park on propt 91 located at Poinsettia Lane between lngerstate 5 and the A.' i I il j 101 railroad, on the following described property: I 11 j Those portions of Section 28 and Fractional Section 2 12 I Township 12 South, Range 4 West, in the County of Sar 13 j 14 ! 1 and 30, Book 214, Page 170; and Parcel 5, Book 214, f i Diego, State of California, being Portions of Parcel: 15 i 16 1 150 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and cot 17 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who der 18 be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and l91 to exist which make the granting of a Conditional Use Perm 2o necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose ( 21 Ordinance No. 9060: i 22 ! i 23 I I i 1. The proposed mobile home park constitutes a good use of the land. 24 I 25 I I i 2. The granting of the proposed land use will not bc detrimental to the public welfare or injurious tc 26 j vicinity and zone in which the Conditional Use PC 27 I1 i I will be granted. 28 j I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commi: 29; 30 j the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby grant a Conditio1 Permit on said property 66r the purpose of allowing the COI j i 31/ 1 imitations: 32/ of a mobile home park, subject to the following conditions 1 I ~ ! 1 xx i 1 1 xx ..Y . " - ~ ',* 7, I ' \/ w e * r I\ 4 I I i i j I I l! 1. 21 I -2- that approval of the Conditional Use Permit shall be to approval of the Planned Community and Commercial i 311 I 11 4j by the City Council and, as follows: a. That those areas, for which a Conditional Use Pet 5' 6l 7i conformance with Site Plans A-1 and A-2. a mobile home park have been approved, be develor I I 8l b. That the mobile home parks be developed in confol with the State of California Administrative Code 25, Housing and Community Development, Chapter 5 Home Parks ; 9 i I, 20 ! 91 iI 'I I/ c. That all areas shown as GREEN areas on the Site F 12 :I 13 ii I 14 ~ i i 15 I I(5 I 17 18 landscaped in conformance with City Ordinance No. and it shall be the responsibility of the applic; assure maintenance of said areas; d. That Site Plan Area A-1 be an adult-type park an( Site Plan Area A-2 be a family-type park; e. That each mobile home park be encompassed by a si (6 ft.) high, decorative masonry wall; 1911 2. That development plans be subject to review by the P' 21 2o I I Department, prior to issuance of any building permit, insure conformance wi.th Site Plans A-1 and A-2; z2ii 3. That a concept of architecture be adopted for the prc 23 il 24 that all elevations for the project be subject to rev the P1 anni ng Department; That a Record of Survey be filed, covering the entire to be annexed, prior to issuance of any permits for < _I 251 4 26 ! 27 I1 /I or building;. 28 j 29 j I 30 ~ ~ 5. That all street improvements be completed adjacent tc i property prior to the Building Department's issuance i authorization to occupy said improved property, excel 31 I I Poinsettia Lane Westerly of Avenida Encinas may be dt 32 I I until the Planned Community Zoning West of the railrc I/ xx I II YY Yet . 8 - V' I* 11 *I .i w a * 11 j I1 ! -3- li 5. 1 developed or until, in the opinion of the City Engint 2; I traffic warrants construction; 31 \ 6. That all improvements be constructed.as required by \ 41 division Ordinance and the City Engineer; 511 7. That vehicular access rights to Poinsettia Lane be de 61 9/ l2 ;I to the City, except at street intersections; 7; 8. That prior to issuance of permits for grading or buil ! 81 i report prepared by a consulting traffic engineer and projected ultimate traffic volumes on streets within 10 1 I annexed areas, shall be submitted to the City; I I 11: 9. That sewer service be provided by the City of Carlsb: i that all trunk lines be constructed to ultimate size devel oper; That the City and the developer shall enter into a RE 13 '1 :I I !* 14:/, 0 15 /' I 16 I I ment Agreement, covering construction of the trunk 1i I the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility to Poinse 17 /I Lane. The developer shall be reimbursed as follows: 18 39 l a. Water Pollution Control Facility to Northerly bou 100 percent ; 2o ll b. Northerly boundary to Poinsettia Lane -- Differen 21 1 22 I I 23 I 11 between cost and cost to construct a line of suff size to serve the total development (based on Cit Engineer's estimate::;) 1 Dl //I 1 I. That the developer be relieved on any requirement to 25 I1 I the sewer trunk line between Poinsettia Lane and the 26 ~ 27 i I i ly boundary and, that the developer's total reimburse reduced by the estima,ted cost to construct an eight-i 28 ~ sewer line in that area; 29 i 30 ~ 31 ~ 112. That water service shall be provided by the Carlsbad I Municipal Water District; 38113- That all streets shown ,on the Project .Site Plan be de to the City, according to-a schedule approved by the 1 I (I Engineer; ilxx " ". ,A. ; y. I* .1 I/ w -. . ' II a . 1 * ~ i ! ~ -4- lji14. That details concerning responsibility for constructic 21 31 i I I 61 a grade separation across the A.T.&S.F. railroad,at Poinsettia Lane, be arrived at between the -developer i *I staff, for approval by the City Council, prior to annc 5,15. That the developer fund 25 percent (equivalent to one of the cost of a traffic signal on Poinsettia Lane at i 7i i bad Boulevard; construction to take place at such t.imc 8; I traffic warrants; I! 9j 16. Fire hydrants and water mains to supply them shall be 10 j structed as follows and any deviation therefrom shall 11 (1 approved by the Fire Chief and City Engineer; 11 ~ I 1i I 12 ;I j 'I la ii (1) The stand.ard minimum size of mains used for hydrar supply: 14 ~ a. For residential districts (the mobile home p; I1 i 15 j 16 I considered as a high density, residential di: 8-inch; 6-inch to be used only where it compl I I l7 I I.8 19 1 /, !I good gridiron and in no case in blocks 600 fe I i more in length; b. For mercantile districts, 8-inch and 12-inch; 1 20 i/ I former to be used only in sections where it c 21 I ::I 1, a good gridiron, and the latter for long line cross-connected; (2) Hydrants - as per specifications on file with City 241 25 11 :, Engineer and the Water Department: a. Residential area, one to each 120,000 square 26 I/ /I not to exceed 450 feet apart; 27 ii b. Mercantile areas, one to each 80,000 square f i 28 1 I1 to exceed 350 feet apart; 29 1 j 30 j ', ! c. On-site as well as off-site hydrants within t nexed area, will be required. The location o qx hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Depart I 1 I xx I 1 xx *.1)1 . ', ? ,i j I 1 w *.. 8 t' I i ~ i I )I -5- W 11 17. Road widths for those areas zoned Planned Community, I 2; be considered at the time their respective Specific P 3\1 1 and Tentative Maps are reviewed. Street widths for t 51 6 I1 a. Poinsettia Lane, from Carlsbad Boulevard to Batiq I1 I 41 other streets are as follows: I Road, will be a major arterial highway, 102 feet i i 81 I b. Avenida Enci nas, from the North boundary to the SI boundary, will be a modified collector street, 10 71 with an 18-foot wide median divider; 9 !I 10 ! wide, with a minimum lb-foot median divider throu !I 11 I/ :I majority of the property; l2 !I 13 :I 'i 14 il ;I c. The median dividers on both streets shall be land by the developer in conformance with a plan appro the City Planning and Engineering Departments. 15 1 16 I 17/City Planning Commission held on the 25th day of November, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of l8 I1 the following vote, to wit: 19 2o I 21 ' /I AYES: Commissioners Forman, Gullett, Hermsen, Jose, Palmateer and Dewhurst. NOES: Commissioner Little ABSENT: None. 22 j I 23 I 25 24 !I j 11 26iIATTEST: 27 28 29 30 31 32 i/ , ,I I I i 1 I ~ I i 1; .I t I [OfldJa ___."".- -..- D. K. DEWHURS , Secretary xx xx xx xx 1 I