HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-23; Planning Commission; Resolution 690I/ a e l I I 1 2 3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0.690 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 9060, CREATING A P-U (PUBLIC UTILITY) ZONE j The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does 4 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 26th day 5 resolve as follows: 6 I adding Article 13.55 to the ordinance. 8 Ordinance No. 9060, thereby adding a P-U(Pub1ic Utility) Zone 7! January, 1971, adopt Resolution of Intention- No. 77 to amend 9.i WHEREAS] said Planning Commission did on the 23rd das 10 by.'law, to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 906 by addi 11 February, 1971, hold a duly advertized public hearing as pres 121 Article 13.55, creating a P-U(Pub1ic Utility) Zone, to read i 13 /I follows: lia. The following uses only shall be permitted in the Public 16 provide an area for the development of certain public utilit; l5 Section 1355: P-U(PUBLIC UTILITY) ZONE: This zone is create I? A. Each parcel shall be used only for: le Ordinance: l8 Utility Zone, unless as may be otherwise provided for in thi: 2o li (1) Generation and transmission of electrical energy; 21 I 22 1 23 li (2) Public utility district maintenance, storage and operating facilities; (3) Municipal maintenance and storage facilities; 24 1 (4) Processing, using and storage of: 25 i i a. Natural Gas b. Liquid Natural Gas c. Domestic and Agricultural Water Supplies. (5) Using and storage of: 29 30 31 32 il 1 a. Fuel Oils (6) Agriculture (7) Open Space and Recreation (8) Any sub-use deemed necessary to conduct said activ providing there shall not be permitted any use whim shall create offensive smoke, noxious gas or odor, vibration , or lighting and atmospheric pollution. II xx * II ,m e -2- /I 1 Section 1356: SPECIFIC PLAN: The public utility shall subn /I 2 1. Indicate locations, bulk and height, of structures, inc; 7 and shall in general delineate the following: 6 plan shall comply with the provisions of Sections 03, 04, 05 5 concerning reclassification to subject Public Utility Zone. 4 for adoption by said bodies, in conjunction with a public he; 3 the Carlsbad Planning Commission and City Council a Specific 8l buildings , storage tanks, and transmission facilities; 2. Open space, which would include agriculture, recreation 91 landscaped areas; I 10 ~ 3. Any other appropriate use listed under Item A, Section . 11 Ij of- this ordinance. 12 original plan still in keeping with the intent and concept 0. 13 Section 1357: MINOR REVISIONS OF PLAN: Any modifications f. 20 B. Side Yards - adjoining a street, shall not be less thaj 39 A. Front Yards - shall not be less than 50 feet; 18 be permitted. 17 except in the approval of a Specific Plan, lesser yard setbac 16 Section 1358: YARD SETBACKS: Yard setbacks shall be as fol. 15 plan, may be filed with the Planning Department for approva. 14 feet: all other side yards, shall not be . than 20 .feet. 21 C. Rear Yards - shall not be less than 25 feet. 22 // Section 1359: AREA REQUIREMENTS: The minimum lot area shal. z3 25'i SeFtion 1360: PERMISSABLE LOT COVERAGE: All buildings, inc. ~ approved, a smaller lot size may be permitted. 24 1 one(1) acre, except when application for a Specific Plan has 26 '1 accessory buildings and structures, shall not cover more tha. '27 I percent of the area of the lot. i i 28 29 Section 1361: LANDSCAPING AND PARKING REQUIREMENTS: A. No parking or loading area shall be located: 30 31 32 (1) in a front, side, or rear yard adjoining a street; (2) within ten(l0) feet of an interior side or rear pr line. I xx 1 xx I // xx -. VI a 1 I a I i I -3- II Section 1361 : (Continued) 2 B. ~xcept: for approved ways of ingress and egress, parking 3 loading areas, all required yard areas shall be: 4 5 6 (1) Permanently landscaped with a combination of one 0. more -- lawn, shrubs, trees and flowers; (2) Served by a water irrigation system and be suppliec with bubblers and sprinklers; 7 Ii (3) No walls and/or fences over four(4.) feet in height 8 i1 be constructed in any area where landscaping is re< lo I I-FJ I 9 11 12 13 14 1 I I 16 I (4) All plans for such landscaped areas shall be subjec approval of the City Planning Department, prior to construction and placement thereof; (5.) Offstreet parking areas shall be landscaped in accc with Ordinance No. 91 81; (6) All outdoor storage,including equipment, shall be completely enclosed by a solid concrete or masonry not less than six(6) feet in height; said wall shal screen the stored materials from the view of the ac ing properties or streets. If due to site conditic in addition to the wall, complete visual screening stored materials is not possible, trees and other $ materials shall be used to obtain maximum visual sc 17 WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Commission recE 18 \ individuals and parties who desired to be heard; 19 Ithe recommendations, objections, protests and comments of all I 20 WHEREAS, said Commission did find the following facts an 23. 24 1. This public utility zone will&. directly applicable to 23 the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 22 reasons to exist which make said amendment necessary to carry implementing the General Plan. 2. This zone will provide the City with sufficient controls prevent possible public nuisances and to enhance neighbo. quality. 25 I 26 i 3. It is in keeping with the trend towards performance zoni; .27 in the case of'the P-M, P-C and RD-M Zones. 28 I // NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Amendment to Or 29 11 No. 9060, by adding Article 1355, is hereby recommended to be 30 iproved. I 31 I AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be 32Iled to the City Council for its attention, in the manner presc by law. xx il xx I * I 1 a I' 0 i -4- 1 j/ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 arlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of Febr 3 971, by the following vote, to wit: 4: AYES; Commissioners Jose, Dewhurst, Dominguez, F'tm-mn, I Hermsen, Palmateer, and Little 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 a3 I ABSENT: NOES: ,I \I i TTEST: None None. 14 I' 15 16 i ,- (yu 7" & "_ I 8bBERT T. LITTEE, Chair l7 'I 14 l8 ! 20 21 22 23 24 25 I I I .27 i 28 I, 26 i 29 1' 30 31 32