HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-08; Planning Commission; Resolution 709t .. i .. h- i II e i/ 0 XI( 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 'NO.. 7.09 2 3 4 5 6 7 II I A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING A REDUCTION IN THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM TWENTY FEET (20') TO FIVE FEET (5'); ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF OCEAN STREET BETWEEN CEDAR AND BEECH AVEWES 'AND DENYING A VARIANCE ON THE SOUTH SIDE YARD FROM FIVE FEET (5') TO THREE FEET (3') AND FOR THE FRONT YARD FROM TWENTY FEET (20') TO ONE FOOT SIX INCHES (1' 6"). WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. allthe Planning Commission did on June 8, 1971, hold a duly noticl 9 ljpublic hearing to consider the application of MR. AND MRS. EIN, 10 IlllfIont yard setback from 20 feet to 15feet; and reduction of So 110, for a variance for the purpose of a reduction in the requi 12l'side yard from 5 feet to 3 feet on real property in the City o I3;Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly k 14iIas 2601 Ocean Street and more particularly described as: I I 15 11 l6 I\ 17 11 li Portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Oceanside Addition to Carlsbad Map 893, and Portion of Lot 1, Block A of Hayes Land Comg Addition No. 2, Map No. 1221, in the City of Carlsbad, Co of San Diego, State of California, more particularly desc in application on file in the City Planning Office. 18 21 desired to be heard, said Commission did find the following fa 2o sidering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons hi l9 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and cc and reasons to exist which make the granting of a variance red 22 the front yard setback from 20 feet to 5 feet; necessary to cd 231iout the provisions and general purposes of Ordinance No. 9060 a' '12. There are non-conforming setbacks along Ocean Street at tl 25 1 present time. 26 :;I 29 I.. . Recent variances in the front yard have been approved, providing the setback is for not less than five(5) feet. .27 13. The future improvements to Ocean Street may require that 20 1 I an easement on the 5-foot setback be acquired for sufficil pedestrian circulation. 30 xx 31 xx 32 1; I i xx 0 11 * 2” I1 0 e I I I I XI WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and cl 21 sidering the testirnong and argumentg, if any, af all persons 3 4 desired to be heard, said Commission did find the following f purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 6 requested variance necessary to carry out the provisions and ~ 5 and reasons to exist which makes the denial of the balance of : ir i . Ocean Street is inadequate to handle existing traffic, wh. would be further congested by such apartment development. 9 10 13. 12 13 3-4 15 2. Variances for less than 5 feet in front and sideyard setb< present multiple problems, primarily, fire, accessibility traffic and pedestrian circulation. iI3 o An extreme fire hazard already exists on Ocean Street due inadequate water supply, poor access to properties, and n streets. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Comm. of the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby GRANT a variance ( liproperty reducing the front yard setback from 20 feet to 5 fel I1 16 2. That a’ future agreement for street improvement be entered 18 1. Any setback granted be for not less than five(5) feet. 17 /subject to the conditions that: into with the City and be subject to approval by the City 39 Engineer. 20 3. That the existing storm drain shall not be disturbed, but can be relocated if necessary, at the owner’s expense and 21 1 with the approval of the City Engineer. 22 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Planning Commission Oi I 23 quested variance. 24 ]City of Carlsbad that it does hereby DENY the balance of the J 25 j PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting 0: 26 ICarlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 8th day of June I1 .27 by the following vote, to wit: 11 28 11 29 I1 30 11 I AYES: Commissioners Forman, Jose, Little, Palmateel Dominguez, and Dewhurst NOES: Commissioner Hermsen ABSENT: None. ROBERT T. LITTLE, Chairman I1