HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-22; Planning Commission; Resolution 711ri e e i 1 2 3 4 5 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. '711 A RESOLUTION OF TH.E CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE GRANTING OF M ZONES TO P-U (PUBLIC UTILITY) ZONE AND THE ADOPTION OF REQUIRED SPECIFIC PLAN ON APPROXIMATELY 680 ACRES OF LAND EAST OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN AND SOUTH OF THE NORTH SHORE OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON. A PREANNEXATION CHANGE-OF ZONE FROM R-A, R,-3, AND 6 11 7 I/ WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 I 8 IO! 9 ilic hearing to consider the application of the SAN DIEGO GAS pi IPlanning Commission did on June. 22, 1971, hold a duly noticed l4,,Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and more particularly described as: 7y easterly of the Pacific Ocean and south of the north shore 13 (Exhibit A), on real property in the City of Carlsbad bein9 ge 12 P-U (P,ublic Utility) zone and adoption of required Specific P1 I1 ELECTRIC COMPANY ,for a change of zone from R-A, R-3 and M zone 1 It 15 96 17 18 19 20 I1 A portion of Lot F of Rancho Agua Hedionda in the County of San Diego and a Portion of Lot H, Rancho Agua Hedionda Map 823, in the City of Carlsbad, and a Portion of Block 'IN" of Palisades No. 2 Map 1803 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; also being Parcel 6, Page 07, Book 206; Parcels 24, 25, 26 and 27, Page 01, Book 210; Parcel 21, Page 21, Book 211, and Parcel 14, Page 01, Book 212 of the Assessor Nap of San Diego County 211 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who de 22/a11 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside be heard, said commission considered all factors relating t option of such zoning and Specific Plan, and found the follo asons and facts to exist: zones which exist. The public utility zone will be directly applicable to implementing the, general plan. . The public utility zone will eliminate uncontrolled indust . The proposed reclassification provides the City with sufficient controls to prevent possible public nuisance and to enhance neighborhood quality. 321 xx I ri e e 1, 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 2 zone from R-A, R-3 and M to P-U (Public Utility) on said prop€ 4 3,Council adoption of an amendment to Ordinance 96.60 changing th the City of Carlsb-ad that .it does hereby recommend to the City 5 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of t5 property subject to the following conditions and limitations: 8 adoption of a required Specific Plan limiting land uses on sai ''/ the City of Carlsbad does hereby recommend to the City Council sjl. That the granting of requested- zoning shall be. subject to I 10 I (p.ortion Lot "F") being annexed to the City of Carlsbad. 11 j 1 Also, that the area designated on the Specific Plan as "Site of Future Power Plant", east of the freewayg be subject to Specific Plan approval at a later date. I the remainder of the San Diego Gas and Electric Property 12 13 2. All developments within the public utility zone shall be within the conditions specifiedtherein and following. I4 13. 15 16 1 I f* 17 18 19 20 21 5. 22 1 Details concerning the leasing of park lands shal-l be agreed upon between San Diego Gas & Electric Company and the city within one ,year after the City has approved final rezoning. All buildings shall be subject to architectural review as prescribed in Ordinance No. .9268 prior to issuance of a building permit to assure a maximum amount of design com- patibifity with the neighborhood and existing facilities. The heights of future power generating buildings and trans mission line tower structures shall be of heights and of a configuration similar to existing facilities. All storage tanks shall be screened from view. No other structure or building shall exceed thirty five (35') feet in height unless'a specific plan is approved at a public hearing. 23 I' 16. All fuel storage tanks shall be recessed ani used for thos 1 oils which, upon being consumed, shall not have a sulphur content exceeding .5O percent; being that percentage 24 1 commonly associated with the term "low sulphur fuel oil." 25 117. 26 11 iJ .27 j I/ I 28 j8 29 30 31 1 32 jixx Landscape and irrigation plans prepared by a registered landscape architect shall be submitted in conformance with Ordinance No. 9268 for the screeni.ng of existing facilitie Plans shall be submitted within two years and must provide a schedule for installation. That the proposed site for a future power,generating facil on the East side of Interstate 5 shall be planned so as to compatible with the present facility. The facilities shal meet the requirements of the State and Federal regulations and shall be environmentally compatible with the City of Carlsbad. /I -2- rl 0 e 11 I/ sha.11 be screened from glare or a direct light source. 3 9, RH signs shall be. in conformance with City ordinances wi' 90 days. "0. Exterior lighting shall be oriented so that adjacent propc 4'1. Prior to any construction, detailed plans .shall be submit, I the City of Carlsbad Fire Department to assure: 5 6 7, 8' 9 I/ a. Necessary fire protection requirements. b. Suitable access roads for fire fighting purposes. c. Necessary yard mains and fire hydrants. d. Other fire protection devices or appliances deemed ne( l*\*b That the applicant dedicate right-of-way for that portion the width of Cannon Road (1:02.' R/.M) which falls within tht 1PI/ subject to the approval of the City Engineer and Director 12 13 /i applicant's property east of 1-5. The alignment shall be /I of Planning. AND FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution shall iforwarded to the City Council for their attention as required 14 I 15 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 16 law. 1971, by the following vote, to wit: 18 \Carlsb.ad City Planning Commiss.ion held on the .22nd day of Junc 1'7 19 AYE,S: Commissioners Forman, Hermsen, Jose, Palmateer, Deb 20 21 Chairman Little NOES: Commissioner Dominguez I 22 23 ABSENT: None I 24 11 25 11 'IATTEST: 1 30 31 I 32 11 -3-