HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-12; Planning Commission; Resolution 730/, il L , , - I! - .. -" !I * @ 1 1; I! x ;; rl PLANNINC COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. '330 2 // 3 1; i! 4 I( I !i A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDTT1.ONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN ANIMAL KENNEL AND ASSOCIATED SUPERVISORY BUILDINGS, ON PROPERTY' LOCATED IN THE PONTQ AREA ,...... ,... .. .. . .. ..... .... . 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9061 6 supervisory buildings to be located at 7250 Ponto Dri.ve, more 9 Conditional Use Permit to allow an anfmal kennel and associate1 8 hearing to consider the application of MITCHELL L. POLLARD for 7 the Planning Commission did on October 12, 1971, hold a public 10 1 particularly described as: 11 12 13 14 15 Portion of Lot 4, Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 West; Also known as Assessor Parcel 13, Page 160, Book 214, in the City of: Carlsbad, County Of San Diego, State of Californta, and more particularly described in application on file in the City Planning Office. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon beari:ng and consid 16 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who destre 1711 be heard, said Commission did fi:nd the fsllowing facts qnd rea 1811 to exist which make the granting of a Conditional Use Permit n 1911 sary to carry out the provisions and general purpOse of said 0 // 11 il /i I/ *2oi[ NO. 9060: 2111 1. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan o 22,; City of Carlsbad. 2311 2. The proposed use meets. all criteria set by the Ci,ty of Car 24!! Zoning Ordinance (Ord. 9060). 2511 3. The proposed construction of a new dwelling unit and the u 261; grading of the property will add appreciably to the character 27' the neighborhood. li !j t ! I! 1; !I i 11 2-3 !j NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissic 11 ZBl/ the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby grant a Conditional 1 3Oii Permit on said property to allow an animal kennel and accessor 31! supervisory buildings, subject to the following limitations ar 3.2 I1 conditions: I1 1 Ii Iā€™ 4%. _.L- ji e e aā€˜ ā€™ /I !, il Ij !i 11! 1. That the proposed kennel operation include only existing or I! gjj proposed permanent struGturss I If I! 31; 2. That the proposed new structure, a dwelling unit, be constr 4/i to conform to normal residential yard requirements per Ordinanc I/ il 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 3. That the existing dwelling be utilized only for office sgac a potential living unit for an on-site caretaker. 4. That all existing structures to be retained satisfy the exi City of Carlsbad building code. 5. Dedicate 30ā€™ easement for one-half a public street adjoinir property on the easterly side. Alignment to be subject to City Engineer . 6. Construct full subdivision improvements as required by City Ordinance and the City Engineer for that one-half street fronti 14 7. Participate in construction of water main with fire hydrant 15 i the subject property. 271/one year. 2$\112. That the trailer now in existance be removed within a peri. 25Iiwith requirements set by the City of Carlsbad Fire Chi:ef, 24/! 11. That all fire prevention devices be constructed in conform 231/a I building permit. 221110. The above conditions are to be satisfied prior to issuance 2lijserve the area, in accordance with the Master Plan, .20:1with the City for participation i.n the installation of sewers t 19119. The applicant shall enter into a future improvement agreeme leiconstruction of said improvement. 8. Applicant may enter into a future improvement agreement fQr 3.7 required by the C4ty Engineer. 16 28 ? PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the I/ I/ I! II li !I I! !I 7 fi 11 29$Carlsbad City Planning Commission, held on the 12th. day of Octo 30/11971, by the following vote, to wit: il I I 9% I1 11 AYES: Commissioners Jose, Dominguez, Hermsen, Dewhurst, Palmateer, Chairman Little 52 j! /i ii 11 , I1 ? ,* I. - c #* vir !I ii li I' I/ !1 (Ir e l! 1 ;; NOES: None 21 // ABSENT: No one 3 /I 4 i, I 5! /i i 6 7 ATTEST: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 JACK l7 I I 18 'I !I .20 ij !I 19 /I 21 j; 22 / j i i li 23 j! '1 2$!1 $38 /I jr 29 /j I! 30 11 31b 1, i 32 \I ii ! &I ii 24 I! 25 11 li 27 ii I !! li i I 1)