HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-12-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 737- ,- . *- // B @ 1' 1 I/ 39 il 1 I] 2 i\ j/ i! 4 ii 5 6 i PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 737 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM TION tlr A SPbGIFIG PLAN9 QN PRQPLRTY LOCATED LAST OF INTERSTATE-5 BETWEEN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND CANNON ROAD R-A-10,000 TO C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) ZONE, AND ADOP- WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 7 sider the application of the TRI-CITY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOC g did on December 14, 1971, hold a duly noticed public hearing t 8 Title 21 of the Municipal Code, the Carlsbad City Planning Coml 10 for a Change of Zone from R-A-l0,000 to C-2 (General Commercia 11 Zoning, and Adoption of a Specific Plan, on real property on t 12 easterly side of Interstate-5 between Palomar Airport Road and 13 That portion of Lot "H" of Rancho Agua Hedionda 14 Road and more particularly described as follows: State of California, according to Partition Map 16 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, 15 "^-. 17 f thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County ,I 18 ii 13 j/ fl i Recorder of said San Diego County, and more parti- cularly described on file in the City P1annin.g Offic I/ 220 '1 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside I/ 2111 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desire 221; be heard, said Commissio'n did find the following facts and rea 23ij to exist which make the (approval of the application for Change 24!! Zone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose 251i Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Ordinance No. 9060 26': 1. The proposed development will be an asset to and in the be 27.1 interest of the City of Carlsbad. 28!! 2. The proposed land use will not be detrimental to the surrc 2911 property and will not be injurious to the health, welfare or s 1; li Ij 1 I/ t !! 11 I1 !I !I jj 11 301( of the general public. 3l! xx i! i 3211 xx /I I ~ i ?. i! r /j e a " I I/ 1 'i !I f NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 21/ the City cf Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City 5j/ Council, the adoption of an Amendment to Ordinance No. 9060 an( 41( Title 21 of the Municipal Code, changing the existing R-A-10,0( !5 Zone to C-2 (General Commercial) Zone and the adoption of a G specific plan, subject to the following conditions of approval ' 1. That specific plans of development shall be submitted to tl li I' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I City of Carlsbad prior to the construciton of any phase of the proposed automobile center. 2. That the proposed alignment and location of a north-south Y between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road shall be subject 1 aspproval by the City of Carlsbad. 3. That the alignment and location of the north-south road shi be set as a portion of a first phase specific plan. Any appro\ the alignment of the 84' street shown on the applicants' displi '$1 17j/ 4. That City staff shall participate in the ov,erall design of not implied at this time. 318 19 .20 21 22 23 // !I 11 /1 j! I! j! :i 1: j! ij i; 11 50-acre automobile center. 5. That signing shall be limited to one free-standing freeway oriented sign, 35 feet in height, not to exceed 150 square fee the location and sizes of on-site signs advertising the produc be subject to strict architectural review and in no case shall exceed requirements set forth in the City of Carlsbad Sign Ord 24 11 9224. g5j/ 6. That all lighting fixtures shall be a metallic vapor and ql II 2s 27 28 29 38 31 32 !I )I i/ !I 1; 1; j\ il j/ Ij I! 11 ti i' variety (no florescent arm-type fixtures) and subject to stric architectural control. 7. All onsite lighting shall be shielded from-direct glare on the adjoining roadways. 8. That a 10-foot landscaped easement shall be constructed a1 each side of the public right-of-way. Maintenance programs fo the subject right-of-way shall be subject to approval of the P & Recreation Director. Ii Ji .' 6 li it * -1 11 ii e 'e ' !! ii ji li 1ii 9. That a minimum of 5% of all onsite paved areas shall be lan 211 scaped. Design and maintenance of which shall be subject to ap 51 by Parks & Recreation Director, il 41j10. That any additional parkway or park-like areas be designed 5 complex and shall be subject to review by the City of Carlsbad. 9 12. That an architectural concept be established for the entir 8 and sprinkler plan and subject to Parks & Recreation Director a 7 11. That all landscaped areas shall be accompanied by a landsc 6 coordinated so as to complement the entire 50-acre complex. 10 13. That the applicants shall file a subdivision map in accord 11 with the State Map Act. 12 14. Right-of-way shall be dedicated for construction of Lowder 13 and Cannon Road. 14 15. All utilities shall be placed underground, 15 16. That the type and location of all fire hydrants shall be 16 17. That wrecked automobiles be obscured from the public view. 17 designated by the City of Carlsbad Fire Department. ! I la j j I Ji PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the xgi[ Carlsbad City Planning Commission, on the 14th: day -of December, .20!jby the following vote, to wit: 21 :I AYES: Commissioners Forman, Jose, Dewhurst, Dominguez, Li 22 !! 23 Ij 25 Ii 26 ii I Palmateer ji - NOES: None jj ABSENT: Commissioner Hermsen 24 11 1: ] j ROBERT T. LITTLE, TG Chairman ;i 271 ti ATTEST: 28 I! ii I It 29 i! I! 3o I/ 31 1 92 \ 1 I // I! !i