HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-12-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 741f !I .c i - li e e /I li !I 1 / j i PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 741 2 // A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, j; 3 // RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1-10,000 TO P-C (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE, AND ADOPTION ij OF A MASTER PLAN, ON PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF INTERSTATE 4 jl 5, SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND NORTHERLY OF POIN- ii SETTIA LANE 5 11 6 sider the application of FINANCIAL SCENE, INC. for a Change of 9 did on December 14, 1971 hold a duly noticed public hearing to 8 Title 21 and Ordinance No. 9060, the Carlsbad City Planning Com! 7 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal 10 from R-1-10,000 to P-C (Planned Community) Zone, and Adoption 0’ 11 Master Plan, to be developed in conformance with all requiremen. 12 the City of Carlsbad Planned Community Ordinance No. 9218, on rr 13 property on the easterly side of Interstate-5 southerly of Palol 3.4 described as follows: 15 Airport Road and northerly of Poinsettia Lane, and more particu’ 16 1 l7 A portion of La Costa Downs Unit No. 1, according ! ! 1927, and that portion of Sections 20 and 21 in p9 Ii !t I! the County Recorder of San Diego County, April 6, 1% I to Map thereof No. 2013, filed in the office of i! ii .2Q 11 I/ 21 I/ I. !i 22 ji li li 23 11 24 ‘il fi I! Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United States .Government Survey, approved October 25, 1875 and more particularly described on file in the Carlsbad City Planning Office. ij 25 jj WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside, !! II 26Ilthe testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired 27/lbe heard, said commission did find the following facts and reasc 28ijto exist which make the approval of the application for Change ( 29jIZone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose 30//0rdinance No. 9060 and Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21: 31/11. The proposed development is in the best interest of, and wi ij g I! 1 I 32 an asset to the community. 1 li .L -/ . / j a. 0 e * i/ 1 !\ i! 11i2. The proposed development has complied with the recommended ii 2 jj i'dential land use as proposed by the General Plan. I! 31/3. The applicant has complied with all requirements set forth 4'!the Planned Community Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. 5 6 4. The proposed development is not detrimental to the surround 7 properties and will not be injurious to the health, welfare, or safety of the general public. ii 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 9 x* /conditions:. development under City Ordinance No. 9218, subject to the follo' l3 P-C (Planned Community) Zone and the adoption of a Master Plan l2 the Carlsbad Municipal Code, changing the existing R-l-l0,000 i! 3.1 the adoption of an amendment to ordinance no. 9060 and Title 21 3.0 the City o-f Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City 151 1. That the proposed development shall adhere to the proposals le outlined in Exhibit A. 17,,2. That the density on the 112: acres not exceed 10 units per I8//and in no case be in excess of 1,120 units total. 19/13. That those areas shown in green on Exhibit "A" shall be fun .2*//and usable open space or parkway areas. The parkways for each 2111sha11 be planted and maintained with combinations of trees, shr 22$and ground covers in conformance with a landscape and sprinkler 23/lto be approved by the City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Direc 241[prior to the issuance of any building permit. 25i/4. That the area designated as Open Space on Exhibit "A" be su 26!Ito approval of Parks & Recreation Director. 2'3!15. That specific plans of development for each phase shall be I! li 11 I it .. li it i/submitted in accordance with provisions as outlined in the City oCar1sbad Planned Community Ordinance. !! 2% ii 29 ji "/16. That an architectural theme shall be developed for the enti '1/112f acre parcel and shall be submitted as a portion of the fir 52/\phase I of development. I' /I jJ ,. I! -0. ” ti -c. * 11 jj Ij 1; e e f li 1117. That all public improvements be constructed as required by t I subdivision ,I ordinance, and the city engineer, 318. That Standard Subdivision Bonds and Agreements be provided 1 dljguarantee completion of public improvements as specific plans 01 5 9. That a tentative and final parcel map or subdivision map as 6 development are submitted. as approved by the City Engineer. 14 structed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad design criteri, 13 11. That all water, sewer and drainage facilities shall be con 12 any building permit. 11 Planning Department for review and approval prior to the issuanc lo 10. That a grading plan shall be submitted to the City Engineel 9 or building. 8 appropriate, be filed prior to the issuance of any permits for ! 7 .-..f5 12. That cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed 500 feet in lengt 16 17 shall terminate in a 40-foot minimum curb radius turnaround. .zQiiapproved by the City Fire Department. 191114. That the app1,icant shall install fire hydrants, type and 1 18,poles or lines shall be permitted. 13. That all utilities shall be placed underground and no over 24j/with location .subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 23i/lines shall be extended to the southerly boundary of the develo 221;and all trunk lines shall be constructed by the developer. Tru zliil5. That sewer service shall be provided by the City of Carlsb Zgliapproval of the City Engineer. 2eIidevelopment. Alignment of the right-of-way shall be subject to 2ylILowder l! Lane to the southerly boundary of the Planned Community z$iito a full 84-foot wideh from the southerly terminus of the exis 251116. That the applicant shall dedicate and construct Lowder Lan 32ithe event cooperation is not satisfactorily achieved, the appl’ zll!wit,h adjoining property owners to obtain full width improvement 301/17. That the applicant shall attempt to coordinate the constrL I i ii I\ Ii li I! li !i 1 I I I i I1 * *' ; 4- i\ !i ii . *L a- !/ e e ji !I Ij /I P/\may request waiver for one-half street improvements on that pori ti 2/\of Lowder Lane that does not lie within the boundaries of the ai SIcantsi hoidings, as shown on attached €xh:b:t "B". It shall no. 4Ilimplied that such a waiver will necessarily be granted. 5 shall be constructed as development progresses in accordance wi. 9 improvements to Lowder Lane within the proposed Planned Communi. 8 to the issuance of an occupancy permit for any unit. Additiona' 7 terminus of the existing Lowder Lane to the northerly boundary j 6 118. That Lowder-Lane shall be fully constructed from the south1 ii II 10 13 with city standards for local streets. 12 19. That all interior streets shall be constructed in accordan1 11 schedule approved by the City Engineer. 16 I Attorney. Sufficiency of these steps shall be subject to approval by the 15 sary for the prompt removal of all billboards on the premises. 14 20. That the applicant shall immediately undertake all steps n 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 7 181Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of Decem 19il1971, by the following vote, to-wit: ii 11 !i 820 jj AYES: Commissioners Little, Forman, Dewhurst, Dominguez, 21 Ij Palmateer, Jose 2% jj 23 11 li NOES: None 1; fi ABSENT: Commissioner Hermsen 24 j/ i! ii 25 ij !! 26 /[ATTEST: ROBERT T. LIT 27 \j 29 11 il I! Jvb, (; jj l! 9Q jl 38 31 32 I! !I /I I! I 1 1)