HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 754p e * !I ;j !i 1 !! PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 754 I! 2 11 j; I! 3 // 4 /j 5 sl A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1 TO RD-M (RESIDENTIAL DENSITY-MULTIPLE) CATED ON THE NORTH WESTERLY CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET ZONE, AND ADOPTION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN, ON PROPERTY LO- AND TAMABACK AVENUE. ~h12 m6iion $ailed ko carry td-2 vot WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060, I 7 Avenue, more particularly described as follows: 12 located on the north westerly corner of Jefferson Street and Ta 11 Multiple) Zone, and Adoption of a Specific Plan, on real proper 10 COMPANY for a Change of Zone from R-1 to RD-M (Residential Dens 9 public hearing to consider the application of CORTEZ DEVELOPMEN 8 the Planning Commission did on January 25, 1972, hold a duly no 13 That portion of Tract 231 of the Thum Lands 14 15 16 I.y 1 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1681 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, December 9, 1915 3.8 I\ 19 j/ j! i/ and more particularly described in application on file in the City Planning Office. 20 !I WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consider !j 21f/ the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired 22$ be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reas 23l1 to exist which make the granting of an application for Change c 2411 Zone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose 251 Ordinance No. 9060: 2611 1. That the proposed reclassification is in conformance with t 2711 C.ity of Carlsbad General Plan. 2811 2. That the proposed residential development will not be detri ggij to the neighborhood nor to the health, welfare or safety of the so!i general pub1 ic. jl 1; !! I! i’r 11 !: jl /I 3p I/ j/ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 321 the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City /I !I ir .I I R * e li 1 il i Council the granting of an Amendment to Ordinance No. 9060, cha 211 the zone from R-1 to RD-M on said property, according to the 3 1 following conditions: 4!\ 1. That a maximum of 60 units be developed as shown on the 5 3. Each of the tandem parking spaces shown on Exhibit IIA" shal t3 Fee in Lieu of Dedication and City of Carlsbad Ordinance 9190. 7- 2. That the applicant conlply with the City of Carlsbad Parks o 6 specific plan "Exhibit A". assigned to the same dwelling unit, 9 !i 1 I! 'I! 10 access to their respective units. Revision shall be subject to 3.1 4. That all parking facilities shall be functional and within 24iko the City of Carlsbad for street widening purposes. Z~h1. Necessary right-of-way on Tamarack Avenue (34') shall be de 25j/State Map Act. 24\j10. The applicant shall file a parcel map in accordance with ti 23(1shall be approved by the City Engineer. 22\\9. That the type and location of fire hydrants for the developn 27L!iFire Department. *20/)portions of the development shall be approved by the City of Cai 19118. That satisfactory emergency access or fire hydrants to all 18\\property line adjoining the Jefferson Street School site. 17. That a block wall shall be constructed along the northerly 17 ]subject to Planning Department approval. 3.6 6. That the design of the facility (building and parking) shal' 15 Parks & Recreation Director for approval. 14 5. That a landscape and sprinkler plan shall be submitted to tl 13 approval of the Planning Director. 12 zai\l2. Full street improvements to the center line shall be constr {i 2, ii \\in accordance with the City of Carlsbad subdiyision ordi,nance OY I/ 50/bodified by City Council policy including ornamental street ligk Sljkhich shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 11 iI I j j Jf il {i li ii /I It il il 32 NX I i I1 n 0 e i/ I ji jj I!! 13. ,477 utilities, including relocation of existing utilities, I1 zii shall be placed underground. 31\14. Water shall be provided by the City of Carlsbad. 41/15. The applicant shall install an 8" \ICP sewer along the Tama 5 potnt on Jefferson and one point on Tamarack Avenue. 8 16. Ingress and egress tol the development shall be limited to 7 funds with the City of Carlsbad to upgrade the line at a future 6 frontage of the property parallel to the existing 6" line or de $i 9 MOTION FAILED TO CARRY at a regular meeting of the Carlsbal I1 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be fo 10 to the City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed 12 following vote, to wit: 13 Planning Commission held on the 25th day of January, 1972, by t 3.4: AYES: Commissioners Palmateer, Dewhurst 15 16 ABSENT: None NOES: Commissioners Jose, Forman, Dominguez, Little I 26 i 1; 25 I:! !i 29 li ;j 28 Ij 11 so ii 31 ! I! 32 i j I I I I1