HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-02-08; Planning Commission; Resolution 762p" I * :- ,. 11 9 ii e :i I /I II I Ii il 1; 2 !i li 4 3 'I $1 5 6 7 /I PLANNING COMNISSION RESOLUTION NO. 762 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EASTERLY OF LOWDER LANE, AND NORTHERLY OF THE LAS EMCINAS CREEK OF A 186-UNIT MOBILE HOME PARK TO BE LOCATED SOUTHERLY WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 Carlsbad City Planning Commission did on February 8, 1972, ho' 8' 9 duly noticed public hearing to consider the application of ANI That portion of Lot "H" of Rancho Agua Hedionda 13 the Las Encinas Creek, and more particularly described as: 3.2 of Palomar Airport Road, easterly of Lowder Lane, and norther 11 construction of a 186-unit mobile home park to be located sou 90 MCREYNOLDS for a Conditional Use Permit for the purposes of a I 14 15 16 I l7 /i in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County November 16, 1896, and more parti- j: 18 I/ cularly described in application on file in the .28 /I WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and conside 11 19 I! jl ;j ii ii City Planning Office. it 2fji the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desir 22/[ be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and re 23/[ to exist which make the granting of a Conditional Use Permit ;i I! 24 25 26 27 28 29 li i j II i! ii ii i! ii {i Ii i/ il 1: 11 sary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordin No. 9060: 1. That the proposal is in conformance with the General Plan City of Carlsbad. 2. This proposal appears to be suitable land use within the pattern of Palomar Airport. 38 jl NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissior :i I/ 3P!i City of Carlsbad that it does hereby grant a Conditional Use 32.1 on said property for the purpose of allowing construction .of I I I! 1: ye.- I! .. il *,'. 11 I a' // 1 e e XI\ unit mobile home park, subject to the following conditions and 2;i limitations: ii 1 31 1. The total number of units for the subject mobile home park 4 11 as submitted by the developer , shall not exceed 186 units. 5 acre. 8 as shown on E.xhibit A, and at a density not to exceed 6.5 unit 7 homes development by City staff, shall be developed with open 6 2. That area west of Las Encinas Road, as recommended for mob i 9 10 11 12 13 I.B I l5 II IS I/ 27 !I 3. The final alignments and construction details of all inter private streets, and the easterly emergency road, shall be sub to approval of the Engineering Department. 4. That all public improvements be constructed as required b. ordinance and, the City Engineer; design shall be in accordan City of Carlsbad standard design cPiteria dated January 1970. 5. T3a.t Standard Subdivision Bonds and Agreements be provided guarantee completion of public improvements. 6. That a parcel map or subdivision map, as appropriate, be ls]\ prior to issuance of any permits for grading or building. 19ti 7. That the proposed street between Lowder Lane and the west .2Qi perty line shall be private with a minimun 40-foot travelway. 2I-I; connections between private streets and public streets shall 221; clearly designated. 2311 8. That a grading plan be submitted to the Engineering Depa! 2411 for review and approval, prior to issuance of any grading pe 25li 9. That a11 drainage facilities be constructed in accordanc 2611 City standard. desigl: criteria and as approved by the City En 2711 10. That no cul-de-sac-streets shall exceed 500 feet in len 28/1 1'1. That a1 1 cul-de-sac streets shall terminate with a 40-f 29/i minimum radius turn-around. 3011 12. That subject mobile homes park be developed in conforma 31, I1 with the State of California Administrative Code, Title 25, 11 il 11 i! :; ii ti ;; ri i; il i! i; I! !j !I 3211 Housing and Community Development, Chapter 5, Mobile Homes F I I r" i: .a, - 6. : +I e -e !I /j l// 73, That a77 open space areas be landscaped in conformance wi 2 ii ij City Ordinance No. 9181, and it shall be the responsibility of I 3 li 1: developers to assure maintenance of said areas. 4 .i 14. That all slopes be planted with combinations of ground,co 5 1 shrubs and trees. 6 adopted for the project. 9 16. That a concept of architecture as shown on Exhibit "B" sh 8 high, decorative masonry wall. 7 15. That subject mobile homes park be encompassed by a six-fo 10 (1) The standard minimum size of mains used for hydrant SL 13 Chief and City Engineer: 12 as follows and any deviation therefrom shall be approved by th 11 17. Fire hydrants and water mains to supply them, shall be co 14 (a) For residential districts (the mobile home park tc 15 considered as a high density, residential district 16 gridiron and in no case in blocks 600 feet or mor€ 17 8-inch; 6-inch to be used only where it completes l8 /I 19 ii (2) Hydrants - as per specifications on file with City En5 .2(-J I1 anti the Water Department: 211 jl (a) Residential area, one to each 120,000 square feet' I length. Z! !i I1 22 1; /I jj to exceed 300 feet apart; 25 I/ (b) On-site as well as off-site hydrants within the ar !! !I II 24 11 area, will be required. The location of all fire 25 jl shall be approved by the Fire Department. i' li tl li 26'j 18. That sewer service be provided by the City of Carlsbad a1 2711 all trunk lines be constructed to ultimate size by the develoi 2811 19. That the Conditional Use Permit shall become void if dev( 2911 has not begun within one(1) year after its granting. soli 20. -Landscape and sprinkler system plans, including specific, 91 & Recreation Director prior to their construction or issuance 32 for their construction shall be submitted for approval to the il occupancy permit. I JJ '47" 1: ji A s ?i I1 e e [I !I ij 1 il lj /I 21. Schedules for maintenance, designating the person respons 21; for same shall be also submitted for approval prior to the iss 3; 6l of an occupancy permit. 41 22, All signs shall be constructed in conformance with the Ci 5 1 Carlsbad Sign Ordinance No. 9224. 23. That the applicant shall immediately undertake all steps 7 8 j necessary for the prompt removal of all bill boards on the pren the City Attorney. 9 if any, Sufficiency of these steps shall be subject to approvc I 10 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the I 3.1 by the following vote, to wit: 12 bad City Planning Commission held on the 8th day of February, 13 AYES: Commissioners Little, Forman, Palmateer 14 NOES: Commissioner Jose 15 ABSENT: Commissioners Doming 16 ".~ 17 11 18 jl ii I/ 19 11 ATTEST: li &&&d ),,/ i CLI'II~K H./J.OSE '. , Chairman / .20 i/ 1: 21 I 22 j\ li ji !i I1 23 ij 24 ii ri ii if Ii 25 11 ii I 2s 1 I 27 ji !I il li 28 li 29 ii jl I so ij 31 // I 32 I I I I/ I