HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 760I/ I f 4- ji I I- r- ii /j 0 111 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 760 2 I! % il FOR FREEWAY-ORIENTED COMMERCIAL FACILITIES, INCLUDING 3 'I I! 4 I! I\ 5. A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN ONE(1) SERVICE STATION, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE i/ ii NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF INTERSTATE-5 AND ELM AVENUE 51 i WHEREAS, pu-rsuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060, 8 7 Planning Commission did on March 14, 1972, hold a duly noticed by JOHN H. GRANT, on property described as: 9 at the northwest quadrant of Interstate-5 and Elm Avenue, as su 8 hearing to consider adoption of a Specific Plan on property loc 10 State of California, according to Map thereof 12 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, 3.1 That portion of Tract No. 117 of Carlsbad Lands 13 file in the City Planning Office. 16 more particularly described in application on 15 Recorder of San Diego County, March 1 , 1915, 14 No. 1661, filed in the Office of the County 181 1. EXHIBIT "A" - Specific Plan for freeway-oriented commercial 17lICopy of said Specific Plan is attached hereto and designated as 19 /I I' I! I facilities, including one(1) service station, as prepared I! 11 21 11 .20 11 by Schoell, Geritz, Paul and Allard, Inc., Architects. 1; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consider 22i\al1 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who des 23j/to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to 241iadoption of the Specific Plan and found the following facts and 2511 to exist: 2aii1 The subject development will be in conformance with the Cit It 1 !I ij '! !i ii ' )of Carlsbad General Plan. 27 !I s8//2. The development is in the best interest of and will be an a 2311 to the community. 38 1; / j !I I I' 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 32,1 32/ladoption of the Specific Plan (Exhibit "A") on said property su the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to City Coun I I to the following conditions and limitations: Ii 4 _* - !j jj ij // I I/ e // I/ 1! 7. R functiona7 internal circulation 8ystu-n that will benefit 2\\ both the proposed development and any future commercial develop] 3i\ to the west shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for r8 4'i and approval by the City Engineer and the Planning Department. I\ 51 a. The circulation system shall include but shall not be I i 6! 7 8 9 restricted to the following: 1. Traffic at the easterly Elm Avenue entrance to the development shall be restricted to ingress only fo westbound traffic and to right turns only for traf 10 exiting the development. 11 2. Emergency ingress and egress shall be subject to t 12 approval of the City of Carlsbad Fire Chief. I.3 16 Director for approval prior to their installation and prior to l5 for their construction shall be submitted to the Parks and Recr l4 2. Landscape and sprinkler system plans, including specificati issuance of an occupancy permit. .17,: 3. Schedules for maintenance, designating individual responsit la I for same shall also be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Di 191! for approval. prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. '2Qi! 4. The applicant shall provide a 3000 gallon per minute water 23.[l at the easterly terminus of t-he Grand Avenue water line. All 1 22ii I/ hydrants and fire prevention devices shall be installed as reqr li I! i* ij 23 il 1; by the City 'Engineer. i( 5. The applicant shall enter into a future improvement agreemc 25/! for public improvements on Grand Avenue as outlined below. Acl 26j/ rights to Grand Avenue shall be dedicated to the City prior to 1; 27 i; 11 issuance of any permit for grading, building or occupancy. At )I time as the adjoining properties to the west and north develop 231/ applicant may obtain access rights to Grand Avenue provided th ''11 following improvements are accompl ished: I' 24 i: 11 ii 28 11 /I 91// xx 32'1 I! xx I 01. 1 -_ _. ' e e li /I i/ 1 1; i: I/ i a. The applicant shall increase Grand Avenue to a minimum ~ 2 j] 4 I/ i/ 3l 5 I/ ;i required right-of-way with suitable traffic circulatiol and cul-de-sac provided. b. The applicants shall construct full street improvement including sidewalk, curb, gutter, ornamental street 'Ii 6l 7 8 and street trees on those portions of Elm,Avenue and G Avenue that fall within the confines of the subject devel opment. lo I g/ c. The applicants shall improve Grand Avenue from the int section of Hope Street to the easterly terminus of Gra 11 12 13 Avenue by constructing a 50-foot standard street secti with A.C. berm and a 50-foot radius cul-de-sac. Those portions of Grand Avenue that abutt the proposed devel I,4 I shall be permanently improved as stated in condition 5 15 le; d. The applicants shall replace the existing 6-inch sewer in Grand Avenue with a suitable sewer line. 17 i 116. The development shall generally conform to the proposed Spe 181/Plan, "Exhibit A, Scheme C", any revisions shall be subject to l9 /i llreview i. and approval of the Planning Department. .28 I! 117. The elevations of structures and on-site signing shown on ! "Exhibit B" shall be adopted as a part of the overall specific t;8. Every effort shall be made by the applicant and adjoining 21. Ij 22 /j /I 25 i j ,,property owners to coordinate circulation and architectural the 24 11 1,jso as to eliminate conflicting circulation patterns and archite 25 I/ it treatments. 26 !ji ii9. The location of all onsite'signing shall be subject to the 2'7 /I approval of the traffic engineer to ensure maximum safety of a1 I/ 28 1' .)entering or exiting vehicles. 1110. All utilities shall be placed underground, no overhead wiu 2s !! '"'1 shall 3f ij XX 32 I xx be permitted. I 11 I! . I! !I d-*, .' 0 - .. I! 11: I/ d i e I; ii ii 1 \i I\ PASSED, APPROVEE AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2/! Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of Marc! jj 3'i 1972, by the following vote, to wit: I! 4 ii il 1; 5 I! 7 I *i 10 il 71 I 9 AYES: Comrniss4oners Jose, Little, Forman, Dominguez, Dew1 Palmateer NOES: None ABSENT: No one .".) y$/ //%;;,,/: " i 8; i;' f SE , JR. , Chi rman ATTEST : 14 // 15! :: I/ 18 j/ 19 // I/ .20 1 ~ i i ;; 21 il !i 22 jj !: 'I !j 29 ii 1; 24 !i 1.1 25 i! 1' 41 'j 26 \I 1: 27 ii 28 11 ij 29 jj goI 91 32 '1 I I1