HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 779ii -4' -q , 11 I 'I ., ! e e 1 ,j /j 1l i 2 li a 11 4 I/ 51 7 I. !I ji i( 6 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 779 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE ADOPTION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN ON CERTAIN PROPERTIES LOCATED WEST OF OLD COAST tiIGHWAY 101 AND SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH CARLSBAD STATE CAMPGROUND WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 21 of the Ca Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did on April 11, 1972, I $1 Certain portions of Fractional Section 32, 13 as: 12 the South Carlsbad State Campground, and more particularly des 11 property located west of the Old Coast 6ighway 101 and souther 10 Colony c/o L. C. Guthrie for adoption of a specific plan on re 9 a duly noticed public hearing to consider the application of B l4 I Section 33, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, 15 11 San Bernardino Base and Meridian in the City IB/ of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of 17 California; more particularly described in 18 I! application and map on file in the City .20 11 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considc I! pcJ jj Planning Office. I ii li li i! 22-11 the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desirc 22/! be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and ret 2911 to exist which make the approval of an application for adoptil 2441 specific plan necessary to carry out the provisions and generl 25il pose of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: 2811 1. The proposed development will be an asset to the City of 2711 and will help establish a character of development in the sou 28j! Carlsbad area. 29/i 2. The proposed development is in conformance with the City 31 scl 3. The proposed development meets the criteria of the City o 321 Carlsbad Ordinance No. 91272. 1; g I; 11 r ! !! ij ;I jj Carlsbad's General Plan and Housing Element. ll I1 ll L. . 'C' 11, I/ " 11 Ij ii e e /i 1. ;; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission zi\ the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City cil the adoption of a specific plan on certain properties loca 4 1 west of the Old Coast Highway 101 and southerly of the South C 5'1 State Campground, subject to the following conditions: 6 1. Detailed landscape and irrigation system plans of the firs 7 phase of development shall be submitted to the Parks & Recreat 8 g Department for approval prior to installation and prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. 3l 10 2. Maintenance schedules delineating responsibilities for the I,p I 12 13 14 15 16 maintenance of said landscaping shall be incorporated and subj to the approval by the Parks & Recreation Director as an item the Property Owners' Association Documents. 3. That the project shall be subject to the payment of Parks fees. The developer, by dedicating lots 2 and 4, fulfills hi5 obligation to the public for providing beach access. The sati ly/j tory arrangement of the Parks in Lieu fees shall be entered ir 18Ij between the applicant and the Parks & Recreation Director. 19!' 4. Those documents concerning the maintenance of common area! .ZOii building exteriors shall be submitted subject to the Planning 25.11 Department approval prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. 2211 5. That Exhibit "A" shall De adopted as the specific plan, a1 23'/ deviation therefrom shall be subject to the approval by the 24// Planning Department. 2514 6. That the architectural theme as shown i-n Exhibit "B" shal 28Ij complied with; any deviation shall be subject to the approval 2711 the Planning Department. 281; 7. That the location and type of all fire hydrants Qr other 29/1 fighting devices shall be subject to the approval of the City 3olj Carlsbad Fire Chief. a1 1 8. Any exterior wood materials used shall be treated with a ji ij il il I/ 1: I! 'I /j I! li 1; ij ji 3211 retardant material as specified by the uniform fire code or a if e -; ' II. . il e 0 - I/ 11 11 ll 1 // ii 2 ii \I 31 /! 4 1 j 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 1 17 I 18 11 approved by the City of Carlsbad Fire Chief. 9. Sewer service shall be provided by the Leucadia County Wat District by agreement between City of Carlsbad and LCWD. LCWC standards and specifications will be complied with. 10. Water service shall be provided by the Carlsbad Municipal District on an interim basis pending resolution of City/Distri service area boundaries. 11. All utilities within the development shall be placed unde and no overhead poles or lines shall be permitted. 12. A su.bdivision map shall be recorded for this parcel in ac dance with the State Subdivision Map act. 13. All land and/or easements necessary for the implementatic this tentative map shall be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad i ~ cost to the City and free of all liens and encumberances. I 14. A grading plan and soils report shall be submitted prior issuance of a grading permi.t. I 15. Applicant shall install public street improvements along i ~ 101 frontage including C & G, sidewalks, underground utilitie: ij II I! If ij 1911 street trees, lights, base and asphalt paving to match existit ,2011 any other improvements deemed necessary by the City Engineer ' 21jj conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance and other City stal 2211 without cost to the .City of Carlsbad and free of all liens an( 2311 encumberances. 24ii 16. The proposed relocation of the State of California Beach i! $ i 25 11 11 26 !! j; 27 it f j 28 li li il 29 /I 3Q // access roa'd through subject property shall be subject to the 1 approval of the State. 17. An easement for public beach access shall.be dedicated..t City of.Carlsbad. 18. An amergency 12' access road shall be provided between t north end of the proposed cul-de-sac and U.S. 101. SI,, Ii 19. The cul-de-sac street shown between Carlsbad Boulevard a ti 32 11 1 I the development may be EL (private) street constructed in acco I /I #ā€™ 0: * I/. * e 1, I it 1 1 j I 2 /I ā€˜I !I I1 /I 3 /i i,! 4 !j Iā€˜ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IS I 17 i II I/ 19 j/ 18 // with City standards and vacation of public right-of-way necess for construction of private street shall be contingent upon de tion to the public of an equivalent area of beach frontage in addition to that shown. on the tentative map. If a public stre is to be constructed, the street shall be built to conform to standards. AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be f to the City Council for its attention in .the manner prescribed PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 11th day of Apri by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Forman, Palmateer, Jose, Dewhurst, K NOES: None ABSENT: No one Dominguez, Little n ATTEST: ii .20 11 21 !I 11 22 I; I !j I 23 Ij i! 24 11 11 25 jj !I !I 28 i] I) 27 tI 28 // 23 ii 30 j/ ii ii 1: I1 il 31 11 32 I