HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-09; Planning Commission; Resolution 785I/ 4=4 *"- \I 1 a e I/ I I! 1 2 3 4 5 6 I! ji ji j; /I ji 1 i I I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 785 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN FOR FREEWAY-ORIENTED COfilMERCIAL FACILITIES, INCLUDING ONE (1) MOTEL 3 ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF INTERSTATE-5 AND ELM AVENUE WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 i 7 8 Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Planning C.ommissic adoption of a specific plan on property located at the northwe! 9 did on May 9, 1972, hold a duly noticed public hearing to cons' 10 quadrant of Interstate-5 and Elm Avenue, as submitted by W. JO1 11 PARISI, on property described as: 12 That portion of Lot 31 in Schell and Sites 13 additton to Carlsbad in the City of Carlsbad, 14 County of San Liego, State of California, 15 according to Map thereof No. 1661, filed in the le I Office of the County Recorder of San Diego 17 County, February 20, 1929, more particularly I 18 i/ i! 19 j/ i/ described in application on file in the City Planning Office. 20 :I /i * ti Copy of said Specific Plan is attached hereto and designated a . EXHIBIT 'IA" - Specific Plan for freeway-oriented commercia li facilities, including one (1) motel , as prepared by Schoel 23 i/ I! I! !i 2111 1 I1 22 !i Geritz., Paul and Allard, Inc., Architects. $/HEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consider 25,) all the testi.mony and arguments, if any, of all persons who de 2611 to be heard, said commission considered all factors relating t 2711 adoption of the specific plan and found the following facts ar 2811 reasons to exist: 2g/i 1. The subject development is consistent with the City of Car 24 ii j/ fi !I II ij 30 iI =// xx General Plan. 'I 92 1 i i ! xx jJ .. ->-% )I li 0 .- I e e ii /I !I !i 1 !I NOhl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 0' /! city of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to City Council q 3 :of the specific plan (Exhibit "A") on said property subject to j; I! (/I 4// 5 I/ 8 9 %' 9 3.0 11 12 following conditions and limitations: 1. Exhibit "A" shall be adopted as the Specific Plan. Any dev shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Department 2. Maximum effort. shall be made to screen adjacent residential properties along the westerly boundary of the subject devel 3, A 6-foot high decorative block wall shall be placed on the westerly boundary from Grand Avenue to Laguna Drive. 4. A driveway shall be placed between the northerly "Sandy's'' Restaurant parking lot and the adjoining motel parking lot 13 15. A landscape and sprinkler plan shall be submitted to the Pi 14 prior to installation and prior to the issuance of an occu 15 and Recreation Director-and- shall be subject to his appro 16 permit. p7 16. A program for maintenance of the landscaping, and also des I I as ij 19 I! i! /I those individuals responsible for same, shall be submitted the landscape plan and subject to the approval of the Park .20 [I Recreation Director. !i 21-117. An architectural concept, compatible with the design of Sti Restaurant and the new Standard Station facility, shall be !! 22 ij /j 'I 23 jj to the approval of the Planning Department. li 2Q/j8. Applicant shall file a Parcel Map in accordance with Subd' !i 25 li Map Act. 26ii9. Applicant shall improve Laguna Drive with full street imp 11 27 j! to street centerline including a cul-de-sac and extension I( 28 /\ existing storm drain, adjacent to the property. !! 29/j10. Applicant shall improve a cul-de-sac on Grand Avenue and 30!/a future improvement agreement for the replacement of the exi Sljjsewer line in Grand Avenue. ;i ii li 32 1rx ll j a. ., - ,*a . I -e e e ‘I 1 ii /i 111 11. All right-of-way required for street improvements adjacent 1 2 li property shall be dedicated to the City free of all liens il 3 1; encumbrances. 4 I 12. A water line of a size approved by the City Engineer shall li i; 5 6 i constructed from Grand Avenue to Laguna Drive. Fire hydra and fire protection appurtenances shall be installed as V( 7 by the Fire Department. E3 13. A gradfng and drainage plan shall be approved by the City 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the C 13 is approved by the City Engineer. 12 Laguna Drive or Elm Avenue unless an alternative drainage 11 is improved, drainage for this parcel shall be directed tc 10 Engineer prior to any grading. Until such time as Grand 1 14 following vote, to wit: 15 City Planning Commission held on the 9th day of May, 1972, by AYES: Commissioners Norman, Jose, Palmateer, Dominguez 16 lY j/ NOES.: Commi ssioners Forman , Little 18!1 ABSENT: Commissioner Dewhurst . . ,,f” il it 19 it lj *28 ii zg /j !i !f ii 22jI ATTEST: 27 ii I’ I/ 28 ii 11 29 !i i( 30 li 1: I1 3s. 92 1 I 1 I I ,J