HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-13; Planning Commission; Resolution 792I. f 7 / j -tl e 0 * lj I j ![ 2 !I 3 jj 11 it il f ! 1 ii I! PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 792 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP OF CARLSBAD TRACT 72-11 4 11 I! I 5 6 I WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive Elm Avenue. 9 property located on the easterly side of Monroe Street, northe 8 subinitted by Kamar Construction Company, owner and subdivider, 7 June 13, 1972, a Tentative Map, to be known as Carlsbad Tract : 10 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the Tentative 11 as submitted, comprised of sixty-two c62) lots (60 units); and 12 reports of the various City agencies and utility companies; 13 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideratiol 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tentative Map be ap! X5 1. The subject application is in conformance with the City of 3.7 Reasons of Approval: 16 subject to the following reasons: 28 )I Carlsbad General Plan as amended. i' 191 2. The subject application is within the- guidelines and ;> ."Eo I/ recommendations of the City of Carlsbad Housing 21. j/ Element. 23 I j 11 221: 3. The subject application is in general conformance with the "Hosp Grove" Master Plan as adopted by the City of Carlsbad Ordinance 9250. ti 24 i/ 25 li 26 11 !I 1; $9 ii xx I! i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tentative Map be app ii 27" subject to the following conditions and limitations: 28![ Conditions of Approval : 1! ii 30 jj 3% /I 32 j I 11 xx XX xx ii I\ t! ii e 0 51 I I! i: ?I (I I/; 7. That a71 specific plan requirements set forth in the Planr 21!..:Cornmunity Ordinance 9218 shall be met prior to the issuance of 3j/ permit for grading or building and shall include: 1: 4 # il a.,) Landscape plans SI 61 I 11 b. Improvements for and location 'of the proposed pedestria circulation system 7// c. Architectural concept to be utilized for the recreation s/ facility 9 d. The above items shall be submitted to the City of Carls I xo I =I! l2 1 :; I E3 YJ a5 /I I staff and shall be subject to their approval 2. That the specific plan labeled Exhibit "A" shall be adopte presented. Any modofications or deviation to the specific pla be submitted to the Planning Department and shall be subject t approval. 3. That the architectural concepts presented in Exhibit "B" SI 1 be adopted as a part of the adopted specific plan. Any deviat, 1 be .subject to the approval of the Planning Department. I laii 4 Any additional architectural structures the applicant may v 19j; construct shall be in conformance with the architectural theme .201i employed in "Exhibit B". It ' ij li 22.11 i! 5 . Ten (10) foot street tree easements shall be provided adj'ac Ij 22\i to all collector streets within the subject development. 23ii 6. The applicant shall offer for dedication land as required b I: I 24 'it Ii ji 25 11 11 26 1; ;I 1; 28 i 23 ii 1: 29 1: !! 30 /1 311 ', jSl I City of Carlsbad Ordinance 9190. 7. All major exterior wood surfaces shall be treated with a fi retardant or an equivalent as approved by the City of Carlsbad Chief. 8. That the final alignment of Monroe Street and the interior be subject to the approval of the City Eng-r'meer. 9. That the storm drain system between Elm Avenue and the nort boundary of the subdivision bedesigned in accmdance with the Cit. Master Drainage Plan. Ali drainage shall be subject to the appt of the City Engineer. I! ;.' I 11 \I 0 e /I It I! li! 10. That the provisions for providing water and sewer be subj 21/* the approval of the City Engineer. 3'' 11. All public improvements shall be installed as required by QI! nance .and the City Engineer and shall be designed in accordahc i! !i )I 1 5 ji City design criteria. 6 12. That up to five (5) feet of right-of-way for Elm Avenue b 7 'I PO 811 9 j I 2.1 a2 j 2.3 14 15 Is /I dedicated to the public. 13. The water tfistribution and sewer collection system shall dedicated to the City together with the necessary easements fr liens and encumbrances., . 14. On-site fire hydrants and fire protection appurtenances s be constructed in accordance with Fire Department requirements, 15. The interior streets are proposed to be private. The fol' special conditions shall apply: a. Provisions for maintaining the streets, satisfactory to the City Engineer and City Attorney, shall be provided 17 'I 'I to issuance of any occupancy permit. 1811 b. The design of all streets shall be approved by the t; 19 j/ 11 .20 11 22 11 li 23 Ij I! 27 11 28 j; ! 23 I/ 24 11 25 i fi 26 11 i: 1 I! C. d. e. 29 i/ 30 I 31 32 f. I Public Works Department and all street construction shall be inspected by the Public Works Department and a standard inspection fee paid. All streets shall be designed for a structural section in accordance with City of Carlsbad Standard Design Criteria. Provisions for accommodating pedestrjan traffic satis- factory to the Planning Department and City Engineer shall be provided. Lighting adequate for pedestrian and vehicular safety and sufficient to minimize police problems shall b.e. provided. Where it is proposed to reduce street widths by elimina- tion of curb-side parking, equivalent parking in additioi to the normal off-street requirement shall be provided *' , ,- .. II 1. - !I e e I! I: ii 1 ii z3 if' I' by other means. I( g. All head-in parking spaces shall be 10' X 20' minimum. 3 11 h. The city will assume no responsibility +':.r enforcement 4 /j of traffic control. Provisions satisfactory to the 5i 61 City Attorney shall be made for private enforcement of no parking requirements. 711 i. Minimum street widths shall be: ' go 7) With parkjng both sides 36' curb to curb 9 2) With parking one side only 32' curb to curb ' IO i 3) Without parking 28' curb to curb ll major points of pedestrian attraction. Material to be used sh 3.2 16. Sidewalks shall be provided to connect each dwelling unit shall be provided. 15 17. Separate screened facilities for trailers, boats and carnr 314 subject to 'the approval of the City Engineer. 13 161 18. Full street improvements shall be installed on Monroe Str 1711 within the subdivision. 18!j 19. The interior street shall be extended to the north near 1 13i/ to conn ct with the future E-bl public street, subject to City *20// 20. That provision be made for the future installation of cab I li approva f . it 23, I! 22 I! !: a. Conduit and pull boxes shall be installed to serve // t elevision as follows: 23 ii I! each dwelling as required by the City. 24i\ b. Each dwelling shall be designed to facilitate ., z6!! j/ 21. A grading and drainage plan shall be approved by the City 271\ Engineer prior to any grading. 281/ '' AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be for to the City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed .. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the- Ca City Planning Commission held on the 13th day of June, 1972,. b following votep to wit: !i /i 25 :I future installation of signal cable. li i! I' : . <A, ;I c y .- -*: 11 e 1) I/ I\ 3. 11 ij 2 11 AYES: Commissioners Dewhurst, Little, Jose, Palmateer, Nor I1 ' $orman /j NOES: Commissioner Dominguez 3 11 4 1; 11 ABSENT: No one '\ :I 5 j/ GI 7 8 10 9 1 ATTEST: 11 12 l3 I I 14 15 16 l7 /I x8 1 19 !/ ! !I .28 ji Ij 21 I! 1; ii il 22 ti /I 23 \I ii 24 ij 26 1; jj 28 1; :I 25 I/ I! I ;1 il 27 ti I! ;; 28 ii I! I 3Q I\ 31 I 1 32 il I f I