HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-13; Planning Commission; Resolution 794.w - .- Fs // It e a // jj p !j II il 2 :I A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATED 3 i! PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 794 AT 3366 ROGSEVELT STREET ON THE NORTHEASTERLY SIDE OF ROOSEVELT STREET, BETWEEFi WALNUT AVENUE AND CHESTNUT I/ 4 5 I I 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 21 of the Car 6 the rear of the lot and to allow a reduction from 20 feet to 10 9 inialter for the purpose of reducing the required sideyard to 3.5 8 duly noticed public hearing to consider the application of Fran 7 Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did on June 13, 1972, h 10 in- the frontyard setback to allow parking on property located a 11 Roosevelt Street on the northeasterly side of Roosevelt Street, 12 between Walnut Avenue and Chestnut Avenue, and more particular1 13 1 described as fol lows: 14 15 Assessor Book 204, Page 092, Parcel 6, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San 16, cularly described in the file at Carlsbad 17 Diego, State of California, more parti- 18 1/ City Planning Department. i! 19 11 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consider j j q20Ilthe testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired 21ii heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons 22/’exist which make the granting of said variance necessary to car 2~~~the provisions and general purpose of Title 21 of the Carlsbad 24 jj pa 1 Code : 2si!l. The granting of a variance for setbacks will not be materia 26ijdetrimental to the public welfare or inj,urious to the property 27h improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the property is 2811 2. The granting of a variance for setbacks will not adversely 29) the comprehensive General Plan. I/ !I I ti !/ ii I! I! ‘I ii j! 38 1; 11 NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission I SIilCity of Carlsbad that it does hereby grant a variance on subjec 32 property for the purpose of reducing the required sideyard to 3 I !i wa . ''I 11 " /i e I) I! i! ii li/to the rear of the lor and to allow a reduction in the frontyar 211 back from 20 feet to 10 feet to allow required parking into the I/ 4 3'yard*PASSED, I! APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the C 5 fof!ow!ng vote, to wit: 6 City Planning Commission held on the 13th day of June, 1972, bl 74 I/ AYES: Commissioners Jose, Dominguez, Dewhurst, Palmateer, Forman, Little 8 II NOES: ABSENT: 9 10 11 12 13 ATTEST: None No one 18 jl 19 // -2Q ji jl 21 !/ iI 22 Ij !I 23 iI 11 .i !I 24 fi I; 25 I/ li ]I 26 I/ 27 :! iI I !i 28 I! 29 j/ it 30 il I! !i 31 /I Ii 52j/ 11 I1 li