HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 807li ‘1 _I’ ” ” 1 ‘i // !i I! a e 1 /I 2 j/ 3 11 41 I! !i 5il PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 807 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A TENTA- TIVE MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 72-18 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receiv 6 7 1 submitted by Donald A. Briggs, owner, and J. W. Klug Developme I July 11, 1972, a Tentative Map, to be known as Carlsbad Tract and southerly of Tamarack Avenue. 9 I Company, Inc., subdivider, on property located easterly of Par 8 11 10 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the Tentati 11 as submitted, comprised of 160 lots; and 12 WHEREAS, the Pla,nning Commission did take into considerat 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tentative Map be 14 reports of the various City agencies and utility companies; 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with recommendation 17 Reasons of Approval: 16 subject to the following reasons and conditions: 15 18 ji of the General Plan. !i /i 1911 2. The proposed tentative map meets the requirements of the C .20 11 Carlsbad Subdivision Ordinance 9050. 211/ 3. The proposed tentative map is in keeping with the City of /I /I ij 22 lj Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance 9060. zsil Conditions of Approval : 24(! 1 !i tj . Said subdivision shall be subject to the payment of Parks 25 /j f j Lieu fees required by Carlsbad City Ordinance 9190. %II I! 2. A 10-foot street tree easement shall be provided along al’ i/ 27 1; residential streets. ;j 2811 3. All fire hydrants and fire fighting appurtenances as requ ‘I !i 29 ii the City of Carlsbad Fire Department shall be installed ai /i 90 jj shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. 31’ 4. That all public improvements be installed as required by II 32 11 I I i and the City Engineer. A11 design shall conform to the C8 Standard Design Criteria and shall be subject to the apprc I I1 il s. .= I/ e 11 I! I1 /I ii ii 1 il i the City Engineer. il I I1 61 2\! 5. The development of the property will require an extensive !/ 3 il ground drainage system. Drainage from adjoining property 4 li streets must be accommodated. Drainage onto this developm 5'1 occurs in concentration at Birch and at lot 83, and as mor less unconcentrated runoff along the major portion of the ment boundary. Drainage improvements shall include standa 8 lets and conduit to satisfactory discharge points, includi 7i 9 to carry flows in accordance with the Master Drainage Plan 10 easements and permits as necessary. Main trunks shall be 11 6. The subdivision shall include the two parcels on Park Driv 12 have not been previously separated from the property. (Th 13 a condition of the original Carlsbad Manor tentative map i 14 and was requested by the Council at the time they approved 15 I I 7. The subdivision shall either be developed as ot'ie unit, or 16 the final map for Carlsbad Manor Unit No. 1 in 1969). 17 I i 3.8 !: vided to any sequence of units. Hillside Drive shall be i 19 // .20 1; City Engineer. that are approved by the City. Full street access shall b ti /j il as part of Unit #1 at such later time as may be approved 0 I/ 211; 8. All lettered streets shall have approved names. 22/! 9. A 16" diameter water main shall be installed in Hillside C ji I] li 23 If ii from Park Drive to the easterly tract boundary. This line 24 q ti ii 25 11 !i be subject to City participation in oversize as required b ordinance. %il . :i 10. The sewer in Hillside Drive shall be installed as part of 27 /I or at such later time as may be required by the City Engin I! ji 28// 11. Standard subdivision bonds and agreements are to be provid 29 jj guarantee completion of public improvements. I: fi 3@1\ 12. Tamarack Avenue shall be extended with full public improve 31 !I I1 including storm drain system, to Sunnyhill Drive. 32!\ 13. I'G" Street shall be extended to D Street. ''Dl' Street shal il I' II cul-de-saced adjacent to "F" Street and shall not connect // iJ I! -1 !! " . . * i! e e I/ 11 11 ii j] I! 1li 14. That.the developer has agreed as an act in good faith to c I 2 11 bWte funds for the acquisition of school sites. The amour 3 /I 4 'I School District, City of Carlsbad and the developer. 1; donated to the City shall be determined by the Carlsbad Ur i 5 City Planning Commission, held on the 11th day of July, 1972, t 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Car 8 manner prescribed by law. 7 to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention ' 6 1 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forb 10 ABSENT: Commissioners Forman and Dornixuez 13 NOES: Commissioner Little 12 AYES: Commissioners Palmateer, Norman, Jose, Dewhurst 3.1 following vote, to wit: 16 15 14 171 ATTEST: 23- !! il / j 22 jj 23 /i 1; i; 2'4 / j ;i 25 11 2$ I/ 27 I\ i! I! I! ij 28 j/ 29 I/ I! i ii ::I 32 11 I I il