HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 8081 . . 6- !I ![ - ** I !! 1; !! 1' j/ e 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 1\10. 808 2 11 11 li /j 3 /i 4 I! A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM COUNTY A-1-8, A-3-8, and L-C to P-C (PLANNED C9MMUNITY I ZONE, AND THE ADOPTION OF A MASTER PLAN ON 2900 AGR,ES LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMINO -REAL AND NORTHERLY OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD 5 11 7 dHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 21 of the Car' 4 8 Municipal Code, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission dfd on Jul of San Diego, State of California, being por- 16 All that real property situated in the County 15 Road, more particularly described as follows: 14 on the easterly side of El Camino Real and northerly of Olivenhi 13 Carlsbad Planned Community Ordinance No. 9218, on 2900 acres lo( 12 Plan, to be developed in conformance with all requirements of tf 11 and L-C to P-C (Planned Community) Zone, and the adoption of a 1 10 of La Costa Land Company for a Change of Zone from County A-1-8, 9 1972, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the applicz l7 ll tions of sections 25, 26, 35 and 36 of Township 18 /I 19 I I i' 20 I1 i! ;I il 23. ii 12 South, Range 4 West, Sections 19, 29, 30, 31 and 32 of Township 12 South, Range 3 Nest; Sec- tions 1 and 2 of Township 13 South, Range 3 'vJest, S.B.M. and Lots 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 and portions of 22 f 1 lots 6 and 10 of Rancho La Encinitas per map #848 23 I/ and all maps of record lying in the approved area li 'I 24 I/ known as the East Carlsbad Annexation 2.12 (LA ii 26 I/ COSTA), more particularly described in application 28 j/ on file in the City Planning Office. 27 !I WHEREAS, at said public-hearing, upon hearing and considerir; !! /i I! 28!lthe testimony-and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired 29ilbe heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasc 3o'Ito exist which make the approval of the application for Change c 31 I! Zone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose c 3.2 Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: ij !i 1: /I 11 I Ji -" ~ 'r- j - \I Ii I e /j li // l11 1. The Master Development Plan has met requirements of the Ple 2 I Community Ordinance 9218. 311 2. The adoption of the Master Development Plan will provide tc 411 development guidelines until the City of Carlsbad General Plan 5 sions have been completed. j/ I1 6 fiUiJ, THEREFORE, R€ IT RCISOLV~D by the P'lann-tng Commission c City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City Coun the adoption of an Amendment to Title 21 of the Carlsbad Munici Code changing the existing A-1-8, A-3-8 and L-C Zoning to P-C ( 10 11 12 13 14 15 Community) Zone and the adoption of a Master Plan for developme under City Ordinance No. 9218, subject to the following conditi and limitations: 1. That this application shall be approved subject to formal a tion to the City of Carlsbad. 2. That the La Costa Master Development Plan be subject to rev land revision at such time as the City of Carlsbad General Plan lis initiated. The review shall include at least the following: 1 ,a) Major circulation systems i/ I 19 lj b) Gpen space patterns ,2011 .c) Conservation 21 ji d) Land use pattern 22 1; e) Public facility requirements 23 11 f) Other review items deemed necessary by the City of Carls I! j/ (i q 2413. The developer will offer for dedication to the City of Carl 25(/the area indicated on the Master Plan as San Marcos Canyon as p ze/jreleases for the canyon become available. 27/14. Maximum densities as indicated on the approved Master Plan 28/1be adopted. A City of Carlsbad General Plan Amendment shall be ~gijapproved for any revision that will increase densities or alter i c! !i I' ti !I I j 38 (I approved land uses. 311 5. That an agreement scheduling the dedication of discussed ne 321 borhood parks shall be entered into between the developer and tl before any final map approval in the Planned Community zoned arc I 1, il j! : j , - !! ii - ' ' bll II e Ii i/ ij /j ~ii 6. That in lieu of paying fees the developer may dedicate disc 2j! parks with the basic improvements installed. Said improvements 311 be as approved by the City of Carlsbad prior to construction an 411 be in conformance with the following basic criteria. 1 j /! 51 a) That at no time shall the developer be required to 4 prov:de parks Improvements ;'H excess O-F &he fee requiww I 7' 8 7. That prior to the installation of any plant materials, soil tests shall be conducted by an approved laboratory and those an 9 10 11 12 13 14 ments added prior to planting that are necessary to insure heal plant growth. 8. That an approved full coverage automatic irrigation system be installed. 9. That a minimum of 25% but not less than one (1) acre shall planted with an approved variety of turf. The turf area shall 15 16 have gradients in excess of four (4) percent. 10. That each park area shall have a minimum of one hundred ar I 17 18 19 .20 23. 2% 23 24 Ij !I !I I1 1/ 1/ ii '1 I! 11 !i 11 I! ii I! $ ti (150) feet adjacent to an improved dedicated street. 11. That each park shall contain. a minimum of twenty (20) trer gross acre. Said trees shall be of an approved variety, be sut to approval prior to planting and shall graduate in container ! follows: 10% - 24 inch box or larger, 40% - 15 gallon or largr 50% - 5 gallon or larger. 12. Each park site shall be evaluated by the City prior to co' tion to determine, depending upon the availability of funds, n 25': pertaining to lighting, play areas, restrooms, etc. 2611 13. Discussed parks criteria shall fulfill all requirements o 271\0rdinance 9190 (Parks Dedication or Fees in Lieu of Dedication 28Ir unless densities in the future should exceed those shown on thl 2S//adopted Master Plan. 3011 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the c %.//City Planning Commission held on the 25th day of July, 1972, b I: i! !f '! [! p ,I 3z\\foIIowing vote, to wit: j -1. , *- ji . . , '\; 'I e e I[ 11 ji 1 li 2 !! NOES : I".Jone /I AYES: Commissioners Norman, Palmateer, Little, Jose, Domin I: 3 11 ABSENT: Commissioners Forman , De 4 iJ 5 /I 6l I 7' 1 ATTEST: 12 13 14 15 le; I 1' I.7 18 11 I I! 19 .20 23 22 23 11 24 11 It 25 ji %$ :I 27 Ij jj 28 I/ 29 11 j/ 3% I 11 ?i Ii I! i! 30 11 I 32 \\ 'I 1: