HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 811c ,, -- !I . .' j/ 0 e I/ I/ I: .. 1 // PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 811 2 // A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT~I:Ofikr~.-. 3 (I I/ I] OF A SPECIFIC PLAN FOR PHASE 2 OF ALTA MIRA ON PRO.P'&?TY LOCATED AT LOWER LANE . .I :. . 4 1' 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 21 of the;..t.ar ! 6 duly noticed public hearing to consider the application of Fina 7 Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did on July 25, 1972, h 8 9 PO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i j/ I I/ II I! Scene, Inc. for adoption of a Specific Plan for Phase 2 of Alta on real property located at Lowder Lane, more particularly desc Portions of Sections 20 and 21, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian according to Official Plat thereof lying easterly of Carlsbad Tract 72.2.1 according to Map thereof No. 7303, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Sa-n Diego County, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, more particularly des- cribed on file in the City Planning Office. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hea,ring and consider .2O!ithe testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired 22/iheard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons 22if exist which make the granting of an application for adoption of 2SllSpecific Plan necessary to carry out the provisions and general 24llpurpose of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: 25ji1. The subject application is i,n conformance with the Master P' 2611 for Campobello (Alta Mira:) adopted by City Council Ordinance No 27112. The subject application meets criteria of the City of Carlsl 8811 Zoning Ordinance No. 9060. 11 11 /; i! $ f1 if ii :I 29 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED by the Planning Commission c ji 3oiiCity of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City Counc gl!!the adoption of a Specific Plan on said property, according to 1 ~~ifollowing conditions and limitations: i! I I /I \I c -_ - -I ,I /1 e e i ij ii i! !I ir pji 1. That ten (10) foot wide street tree easements shall be prov 2$ along Lowder Lane. 3;; 2. That Lot 8 (a 6-acre portion of Phase "E") shall be offered ai! 11 dedicati~n in eb~juwkh-, witkh a71 of Phase 11~" during Tentativ 5 approval of Phase 'ID" . And $500, a portion of the financial co 6 bution (Ord. 9293), shall be offered to the City of Carlsbad at 7 time to initiate a landscaping program for the greenbelt, (Lot i 8 the City of Carlsbad Fire Department. 9 '3. All fire hydrants and fire fighting devices shall be approv I !I 10 lment staff for review. 13 5. Architectural elevations shall be submitted to the Planning 12 and Recreation Director and shall be subject to his approval. 11 4. Landscape and sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Par 18lirevised in conformance therewith. !approval of the City of Carlsbad, and the Specific Plan shall be 17 7. That a Tentative Map shall be submitted and subject to the 16 therefrom shall be subject to the approval of the City of Caplst 15 6. The Specific Plan, Exhibit "A" shall be adopted and devjatic 14 ii j! 19 1' AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be for \I I1 20 jto the City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed t 21 jj PASSED, APPROVEC AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Ca ji i! I! 221iCity Planning Commission held on the 25th day of July, 1972, by following vote, to wit: I. 24 11 AYES: Commissioners Little, Jose, Norman, Dominguez, Palma 25 ji NOES: None !! 2t3\\ ABSENT: Commissioners Forman, Dewhurst !I Il ii li