HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-08; Planning Commission; Resolution 8164*.- . -4 !I I/ *" /i e 1) !I ;I ii 1 i] PLA,NrwtG COMMISSION RESOLUTIO;; No. 81 6 j( 2 11 3 I/ 11 4 '1 I! 5l A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, RECOMMENDING TU THE GITY GOUNGIL A GHAMGL OF LON€ FROM R-1-10,000 TO P-C (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE, AHD THE OF INTERSTATE-5 AND SOUTHERLY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD ADOPTION OF A MASTER PLAN, ON 36 ACRES LOCATED EAST 6' Municipal Code, the Carlsbad City Planning Commisston did on Aut 7 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 21 of the Cay' of Fred C. Sproul, Inc. for a Change of Zone from R-l~lO,OOO to 9 1972, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the applic< 8 10 (Planned Community) Zone, and the Adoption of a Plaster Plan, to 11 developed in conformance with all requi~rements of the City of Ci 12 Planned Community Ordinance No. 9218, on 36 acres located on tht 13/easterly side of Interstate-5 and southerly of Palomar Airport i 14 more particularly described as follows: '15 I I That portion of Lot "tiii of Rancho Agua 16 Hedionda, in the County of $an Diego, Ir~ State of California, according to the 18 !I Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office !i 19 j/ of the County Recorder of said County, i/ .28 f[ November 16, 1896, and more particularly 21 ij described on file in the City Planning I! Ir ii I/ 22 :I Office. 23 fl WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consider- 24i;testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to t 25//heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons 26gexist which make the approval of/denial of an application for cl 27iIof zone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpor 28liTitle 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: j/ 891!(NOTE: See Reasons of Approval, Staff Report, 8-8-72) 30 I/ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission I i 3IllCity of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City Counc I ii ;j q !I il 32jjadoption of an Amendment to Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal ( li lj *-* il e m I/ I1 I! !i li 1”changing the existing R-1-10,000 Zone to P-C (Planned Community 2‘1 Zoning and the adoption of a Master Plan for development under 3j/ Ordinance No. 9218. /I 1: ii I! 4. jj PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular- meeting of the C 5 WOES: 7;, 8 AYES : following vote, to wit: 6 City Planning Commission held on the 8th day of August, 1972, b 9 ABSENT: 3.0 11 12 13 14 ATTEST: I/ ELMER H. JOSE, .JR., Chairman it 19 I/ ; .%Q 1; 2% 11 .I ii ii 22 ii !i 23 il If 24 /I ti il I.! 25 26 27 28 !i 11 j/ i‘ Ii jl f! !I !i I/ !I !I I! 29 j: 11 li 31 11 38 il II 32 i I I i I,