HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-10; Planning Commission; Resolution 850c .". "... . , L * . ~., ~ I -.. ,. , ..<.. , .-. .. . . . . ... ' ,." ",. .~-, _"_ ___". - j^ ___ _..^ ,.hLS ...," ..."....,.. ^.".... . . ".... ..,. ".., ".>. . .- . .. - --.&.."..*.L--. . , )I " v. !i :m .-.... .__, 'I i i j I.:. . c : I s. RESOLUT i ON NO. 850 2 3 41 A RESOLUTION OF THE PFANN1 NG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CA21I_SBAC, CALIFORNSA, REPORTING UPON THE CONFGRN ITY OF THE CANNON ROAD IMP8OVEMENT WITH j il - THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD f5 I' WHEREAS, Section 65402 cf 2he Government Code provides 1 71 8 the City of Carjsbad shall acq~lire no real property for publ the City has adopted a general plan which applies twsuch acc 9 purposes and sha'll authorize or construct no public struc%ur( 10 1 or pub1 ic structure until the location, p~irpose and extent 0' 1.1 acquisition or publ ic structnre have been submitted to and r( tlpon by this Planning Ccmrni~~ion as to conformity with said i I rz I i l4 I l5 I! 19 11 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, by Resolution No, 1271 o 23 I, thereof provides as fo'lio~~: 4 24 11 27 I, 13 gen,zral plan; and I WHEREAS, on October 2k, 4972, the Di rector of Pub1 ic Wo the City of Car'lsbad, California submitted to this Planning 2.6 j Zzation of, a pgbljc street csmmonly re-Ferred to as Cannon R 3.e ti ~n of real property -For, and the proposed construction and 17 @sG!i-i:!ission the location, purpsse and extent of the proposed 20 City Council, adopted its General Plan; and 2% 22'1 public structure ir, that a pertion of the circulation elernen WHEREAS, said General Pian applies to said acquisition '"The City 0-f Carlsbad street' systern consists sf arteria ! collector, and loca! streets, which provide circulatior I 25 I throughout the City- The North-South arterials consist Cild Highway 101 and El Camino Real, which are inteerconr 26 I ATGSF ra 1 i road and i ntesconnect i ons with ! nterstate 5 F Nest arterials have be~n predstermined by C~QSS~I-KJS of by various East-West arterials, The locations of the E 28 '1 I 29 3o i, Cannon Road is one of the East-West arterials which is essential to the circulation element and its location t- been approved in the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commis ali(the City of Carlsbad finds, determines, declares, and report 32/!f0110ws: ., ! 1, ., .- . ., , . " . .. . , . , ._,",l..,ll "" __I._r ."..,. ~ ".. ~-" ."_____".". ~. -. - ." ,. ..- __.._,.__. -- ..- .. . ." .".,. . .. . - : .-.-"-e"*.-..- ..., .... :< ."llll", I i. "... .'""" ^." _. ~.. .,I.""d. .., ___"l_l""_ I ll...,.".. ~. ~. . . .I ..- I e 7 -.., " "-..__ .. - _..... - .,^*." .-., . . -. .4 I1 ! 11 I/ (.. <- -.. i 5- 2 I/ I) That the above recitations are true and correct. 2) That the location, width, purpose, and extent of tk 3 1 proposed acquisition and construction comply with the Generz I &I I of the City of Carisbad. R $g PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED by a majority vote of the F 6 day of flD%b+ ., 1972, t: 1 meeting held on /D - 7 Commission of the City of Carfsbad, California, at a regular fif FQIIQW?~~ vote to wit: t3 I' AYES: GMfiol4 /g /~+IF~~YL ,*/ &-;,-/ 9 jj 4f @q5:,?;;y-< r 9 1 1. /. 5 3-0 11 ' NOES: XFy& ABSENT: 62LPq#,- p,&&.&/ " L.L:.-,z f&L/ /&. /& //- $f/ / i2 I I-4. ! 13 1 1 /J& fl~~fiAUUP *L , ,.' 1 - J /Q/L J &L41?_ d ELMER H, JOSE, JR.g"Cha I, - . " 3 15 A9 3.8 a7 16 ATTEST: I 20 - EDMBNIB 44, DCINlNGUEZ, Secretary a 22 23 24 * 25 26 I 27 I 28 29 30 31 I .32L" _; .-.' . _- -I ..... ."_ __I_*_1 , "..v,s\" .-.--,~"-"""-I . -...I .._." - ,". -,..~.~YI".-.. ..I. .~. .. - .,,.. ,.. ., :: '. ,. . _, ... . .. ,. .. . *,,"." -.-. ,. _..__ . - "