HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 8537 CI +. e e = II PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 853 2i 3/ 4 " 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED COMMUNITY ORDINANCE 9218 i WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the City of Carlsb 6'0rdinance No. 9060 and Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Cod 7 8 Planning Commission did on November 14, 1972, hold a duly not Community Ordinance No. 9218 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, 9 public hearing to consider the following amendment to the Pla 10 21.38, Sections 21.38.010, 21.38,020, 21.38.030, 21.38.040, 2 11 21.38.060: 12 TO BE REVISED TO READ: 13 Section 21.38.010 Permitted Uses. The following uses onl, 14 permitted in the P-C zone: 15 (1) Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, multip 16 I family dwellings, or any combination thereof, and accr 17 uses and buildings normally incidental thereto. 18 (2) (a) Parcels less than 50 acres - no commercial use pe 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I (b) Parcels 50 to 100 acres: C-1 with conditional us1 (c) Parcels of 100 acres or more. C-1 permitted; C-2 Conditional Use Permit. (3) Non profit community centers, social halls, churches, recreation facilities, parks, and schools. (ord. 926, 1971; Ord. 9218 1 (part), 1968; Ord. (9060 S1375) (S to Provision of Chapter 21.42). 21.38.020 Change of Zone, (1) Applications for zone change to P-C zone shall be con! by the Planning Commission, and the City Council, on I usage of land alone, and they shall make their judgemc guided by the following: (a) Existing zoning. (b) Density per acre a1 lowed by general plan. (c) Compatibility with adjoining properties 8. ‘1 I 1 2 a -2- e (i) Existing development. (i i ) Topography. 3 (3) If provisional approval is given on zone change, a mas 7 (c) Name and address of person/persons preparing the p .6 (b) Name and address of owner. 5 (a) Legal description and map of exterior property 4 (2) The following informaticK shall be required: 8 plan in compliance with 21.38.040 of this ordinance sh 91 1Q I I la ‘I l2 I be submitted for acceptnace within a 12 month period f date of provisional approval or the. provisional zone cl will be forfeited. An application extension may be re( and approved pending Planning Commission and City Counc 113 judgement and application extension justification. 14 (4) After approval of zone change, development of said pro] 15 16 37 I shall proceed upon completion of and in compliance witi following P-C Ordinance Sections: 21.38.030, 21.38.04~ 21.38.050, and 21.38.060. 18 Open Space and Parking Requirements of the Master Development 19 Section 21.38.030 Open Space and Parkihg Requirements. - ‘shall contain the following: 20 21 exclusive of all streets, dedicated and private, shal‘ 22 (1) A minimum of 66 2/3rds% of the t.otal development acrei 23 I required for open space. 241 (2) Open space shall not include streets, dwellings, garas 25 26 27 28 29 I 30 31 52 carports or uncovered parking areas; but shall include landscaped utility easement, golf courses, landscaped recreation parks and related recreation facilities, 01 remaining open land improvements dedicated as private, swimming pools, pedestrian walkways , driveways, arbors shade structures designed as an integral part,of the s landscaping. Visi tor and/or recreational vehicle park in excess of required parking may be considered 100% c open space, provided said excess parking does not exec 1.5 spaces per 2 dwellings. t I 1 2 3 a -3- e (3) Parking as follows: Required off-street parking per shall be: (a) Studio or efficiency unit - 1.5 spaces 4 (b) One bedroom unit - 1.5 spaces I. 5/ 6 7 8 9 10 (c) Two bedroom unit - 1.75 spaces (d.) Three or more bedroom unit - 2.90 spaces (Ord. 9262 S2, 1971; Ord. 9218 S1 (part), 1968; Ord. S1377). A minimum of one. colered-parking space per unit sha.1 provided... Uncgvered parking spaces .shall contain 200 square 11 ' mation. The master development plan shall set forth at 1 12. ' 21.38.040 Master development plan to set forth certain i 13 (2) Name and address of owner (owners) and developer of a 15 (1) Legal description and map of the exterior boundary. 14 the following: 16 property. 17 (3) Name and address of the person or persons who prepare 18 plan. 19 (5) Number of dwelling units per acre proposed for each r 20 (4) Proposed use of all lands within the subject property 21 22 23 24 dential area shall be as follows: (a) 100 acres or greater: Shall be in compliance wit General Plan density. (b) Less than 100 acres: Shall be in compliance with 25 26 27 2% 29 30 31 32 General Plan density - or if development property within 300 feet of other residential zones, then den-sity of the development shall not exceed the a density of current zoning of said development pro1 (6) A Plot Plan and/or Written Statements of: (a) Approximate location and net area of school sites sites, major recreational facilities, and open sp, . (b) Location of all proposed highways and major colle, streets within the development, and their relatio I' to the city's circulation element. .. 5 a -4- e l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 1 12 ' 13 24 ' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 27 2% 29 30 31 I 52 (c).North point, scale (not to be less than one inch two hundred feet), and date of preparation. (d) Designation by alphabetical letter of the units o . devel'opment. (Ord. 9218 S1 (part), 1968; Ord. 90 (7) Topographic map at the same scale as the master devel plan showing five-foot contour intervals on all other and also showing all groupings of existing trees and natural features. (8) A brief written statement describing proposed provisi storm drainage, sewage disposal, water supply, cable and other.utilities. (9) A written statement of ~e development program setting the manner of conveyance if the property is to be sub1 the use of open space, and the methods and techniques landscaping and maintainin.g such open spaces, if appl (10) The tentative time schedule for completion of develop11 (11) Total acreage is defined as acreage within P-C boundal exclusive of existing public designated streets. (12) After approval of 'the master development plan, a spec. plan and tentative map on a portion or portions of thl development must be submitted within 12 months - or tk zone change and master development plan is forfeited. (13) The computation of ?pen space, buildings, streets' (puf and private), etc. as a portion of information shall I: i ncl uded. 21.38.050 Specific Plan and Tentative Map - Contents: Prio issuance of any permits, a specific plan prepared by a reg tered architect, or civil engineer for the specific area p for development shall be adopted. The following permits K be issued after adoption of the specific plan and/or tenta map, prior to final map filing. (1) Building permits for land development. Land developme classified as retaining walls, land grading, earth mov and structures pertinent thereto. e. b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 X8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a -5- e (2) B.uilding permits for recreational sites. (31 Building permits.for model of proposed dwellings (4 dwelling units maximum). Specific plan shall include the following: (1) A map showing the location of the specific plan in r to the master development plan. (2) A legal description and boundary map of the propert] (3) The name and address of the registered architect or engineer who prepared the plan. (4) The name and address of the owner-or=owners'and the per of the property. (5) The use of all land. (6) The number of dwelling units per acre; in compliance the General Plan Density, or if applicable, less tha acres, in compliance with current zone requirements. (7) The location, demensions, and types of improvements posed for all streets, walkways, driveways, parking service areas. All streets shall be labeled, both p and priv,ate. . Criteria for public and private street shall be established. (8) The location, height, number of stories and number o for each proposed residential structure. (a) One hundred acres or greater developments - No h restrictions on P-C structures if the structure located more than 500 feet from the boundaries o P-C zone. In all ot'her cases structures shall n exceed 35 feet in height as defined in Section 2 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. (b) Less than one hundred acre developments - The he the structure shall be limited to 35 feet as defi Section 21.04.065 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code -* i I/ a -6- a ll 3. (9) Detailed type and location of all other uses. 4 Permit. 3 in :this ordinance shall be approved by Conditiona 2 (c) Structures with heights greater than 35 feet as .:d typical cross-sections or sketches of the project suf 7 (11) A topo.graphic map of the proposed developed property 6 (10) Landscape plan of the complete development. 5. 8 to the site. 9 to show the proposed method of adopting the developme 10 (12) E'levati'on and archjtectural renderings of typical bui 11 and other structures. I 12 .(13) Prior to filing of the final map, an irrevocable offe 13 dedicate those areas shown on the plans as public pro^ l4 I I will be made. 15 (14)A tentative subdivision map, per requirements of Carl 16 I Subdivision Ordinance; of the property. A final subd 17 map shall be subject to approval prior to the start o 18 struction. 19 of the final map and setting forth the manner of convc 21 Subdivision Map Act, shall be submitted prior to the . 20 (15) A legal instrument, in compliance with the State of C :: i if the property is to be subdivided. 21.38.060 Filing procedure for zone change, master develol 24 procedure for filing of applications and plans for change of-: 25 plan, specific plan, subdivision maps and amendments. Thc (1) The applicant shall request through the City Manager, 28 subdivision maps, or amendments thereto, shall be as follows: 27 adoption of master development plan, specific plan, and tenta 26 29 filing conference to be held at le.ast seven days priol 30 to filing of the required documents for a change of z( 33. (2) The formal filing of said documents and applications r 52 ' the P-C Zone. be made at least three weeks prior to any regularly s( meeting of the city planning commission to be heard a. . ,', 4 !I e 0 -7- 1 2 meeting. The filing must contain. the' following ite .(a) One sepia reverse brown' ltne and twenty blue 1 3 11 prints for each master development plan, speci 4 (b) If filed concurrently - Zone Change and Raster 9 Map shall be- included as one fee. 8 (3) (a) If filed concurrently - Specific Plans and Ten 7 (b) Filing fees shall be in accordance with estakl 5 plan, and tentative map. 6 fee schedules. lo /I 11 I/ shall be included as one fee. The fee shall bt compliance with that of a zone change fee. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon fiearing.and consid€ testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desirt heard, said Commission did find the following facts and re; exist which make the approval of an amendment to Title 21 c lsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.38, Sections 21.38.010,21. 38.030, 21.38.040, 21.38.050, 21.38.060: There are certain land areas within the incorporated terv f the City of Carlsbad which possess unique characteristics L tures of geographical, geological, topographical , or histo ature the basic character of which, where feasible, should be reative and imaginative designes for development of esidential areas than is generally possible under convention ulations.shal1 be encouraged. conomical and efficient use of the land while provi, harmonious variety of housing choices, a higher level of ur and preservation of natural and scenic qualities o pace shall be promoted. HEREFORE, BE .IT RESOLVED by the .Planning, Commission f Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the Cit e adoption of an amendment to Ordinance NO. 9060 ar Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.38, Sections 21 21.38.030, 21.38.040, 21.38.050, 21.38.060. AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that copy of this resolution be for y Council for its attention in the manner prescribe ll ~ , $,< -v* 9 l e 0 -8- 3, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 the following vote, to wit: 3 City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of November, 19 4 AYES: Commissioners Forman, Dewhurst;Norman, Little 5 NOES: None 6 Jose ABSENT: Commissioners Palmateer and Dominguez 7 8 9 10 ATTEST: l5 II 16 17 X8 19 20 21 22 23 11 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32