HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-27; Planning Commission; Resolution 836- ' :r', * ** .- . 1 2 3 (I) PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTI~O. 836 A RESOLUTION OF THE C ITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMM I SSlON RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF A PREANNEXATIONAL CHANGE OF ZONE FROM COUNTY A-1-8 TO CITY P-M (PLANNED INDUSTRI AND ADOPTION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did sche 4 7 continued to October 10, 1972. The hearing was continued again on the fc 6 and said hearing did not take place on that date for lack of a quorum an 5 for hearing on September 26, 1972 the application of SYSTEMS CAPITAL COF requirements and to conform with conditions set out in Staff Report: 8 dates to enable the applicant to complete new Environmental Impact Repor 9 /j December 12, 1972 and January 23, 1973, and; 10 WHEREAS, on February 27, 1973 the Planning Commission of the City 11 12 Carlsbad did hold a Public Hearing to consider the application of Systerr 16 as fo1 lows: A1 1 that portion of Lot "GI' of Rancho Agua Hedionda 15 south of Palomar Airport Road and West of El Camino, more particularly d l4 P-M (Planned Industrial), and adoption of a specific plan, on property 11 l3 Corporation for a pre-annexational change of zone from County A-1 -8 to C 21 20 19 18 17 in the County of San Diego, State of California, acco to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the Co Recorder of said County, and more particularly descri in application on file in the Office of the Planning Department. WHEREAS, the applicant has met the requirements of Ordinance No. the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972, by subm the environmental impact report to the County of $an Diego. The City of ( 22 23 has accepted the information submitted by the County of San Diego as the Agency. 24 li WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the 25 26 testimony and arguments, if any, all persons who desired to be heard, sa carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 28 recommendation for approval of a Pre-Annexational Change of Zone necessa 27 Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make 29 /I 1. The proposed development would not adversely affect tt surrounding properties. i: I 2. The proposed development would be in the best interesi of the City of Carlsbad. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the ( 52 f Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City Council: (a) Adopt ion of Zone Change for Systems Cap ita1 Corporation. (b) Adoption of Specific Plan for Systems Capital Corporation, -1 - I c .- e -t *. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PO 3.1 3-2 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall participate in the instal lation of a fully actuated traffic signal at El Camino Real, for the proposed 40 foot driveway along the southerly property line. Such participation. shald be based on the proportionate share of the warrant traffic (as defined in Section 9 of the California State Division of Highways traffic manu on the southerly road, generated by the applicant. Applicant shall be reimbursed for the additional proportionate share of traffic generated by future development bordering the southerly street as may be authori by law. 2. The 40 foot driveway shall ultimately be built to City street stan and the southerly 50 feet of the property shall be offered for dedicat to the City by the developer. 3. The applicant shall construct full improvements satisfactory to thc agency having jurisdiction over the public street at the time construc is begun, and offer for dedication to the City additional right-of-way along El Camino Real to provide an ultimate 63 feet half width on the westerly side. Construction Of these improvements may be phases, with the requirements for frontage improvements from just northerly of the main entrance to the northerly property line as a conditi6n of occupan 4. Channelization of traffic flows, signing and striping shall be pro by the appl icant. 5. Final approval of any subsequent development shall be subject to s' approval. Application for the construction of buildings B and C as in( on "Exhibit A", shall require plans submitted to the Planning Departme! review. Included in these plans shall be building locations, landscap and sprinkler plan, elevations, parking provisions and additional suppc environmental impact information, as deemed necessary by the staff. 6.vehicular access rights to El Camino Real and the future street bordering the southerly property 1 ine shall be dedicated to the pub1 ic at locations to be mutually acceptable to the applicant and the City of Carlsbad. Left turn movements onto El Camino Real from the main entrar driveway subject to periodic review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 7. Installation of public improvements called for in the conditions 01 this report may be deferred according to a schedule approved by the Cii Engineer, subject to the execution of a future improvement agreement. 8. Landscape and sprinkler plans shall be presented to the City of Cal for approval. These plans shall include recommendations as outlined in E.I.R. approval by the County of San Diego. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Condition #9 as out1 in Staff Report dated Feb. 27, 1973 (relating to sewer service charges) not recommended. The Planning Commission referred action on establishi appropriate sewer charges to the City Council. The Planning Commissior recommend approval of the project with or without Condition f9. The in( of which will be at the discretion of the City Council. xx xx -2- c .- c. .. . I _. '<' . .. .. . il a b 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 February, 1973 y by the fol lowing vote; to wit y 3 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, held on the 27th day of 4 AYES: Commissioners Jose, Norman, Forman, Little, Dewhurst E Pa11 5 NOES: None 6 7 ABSENT: Commissioner Dominguez. 8 9 PO 11 I12 (,b -& j -40 DONALD- K, DEWHURST, Vice-chairman . , .. \ -3 -