HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 955~ I- " " 'I .. .I -I II 2 3 4: 5 I ~ @ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIO\y e NO. 955 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING ITS APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY SAN DIEGO PIPELINE OPERATION OF A PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PIPELINE BOOSTER PUMP STATION, ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD, EAST OF EL CAMIN@ REAL. .. .. COMPANY (CUP-90) TO ALLOW THE INSTALLATION AND 6 NHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060, the Carl 7 public hearing to consider the application of SAN DIEGO PIPELINE COMPANY 8 City Planning Commission did, on Septemb er 11, 1973, hold a duly notice described as: '21 on the north side of Olivenhain Road, east of El Camino Real , and furthe "1 petroleum products pipeline booster pump station on property generally 11 lo for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation and operation of l g 13 14 15 16 That portion of Lot 8, in Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to official plat thereof; L7 WHEREAS, THE SUBJECT application is exempted from the requirements 18 of the Environmental Protection Ordinance by Section 19.04.090 (a); and, 19 WHEREAS , at said pub1 ic hearing , upon hearing and considering a1 1 20 and reasons to exist which make the granting of a Conditional Use Permit 21 testimony and arguments, the Planning Commission did find the following f 1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the adjoining proper 24 REASONS FOR APPROVAL: 23 necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance Nc 22 2. The site is adequate in sfze and shape to accommodate the propos 25 I 26 27 3. Adequate setbacks, fences, landscaping and other features necess to adjust the proposed use to existing or permitted future uses in t neighborhood will be provided and maintained. 28 1 4. The street system serving the proposed use is adequate to proper handle all traffic expected to be generated by the proposed use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the Cit 29 I 30 of Carlsbad, that it does hereby grant a Conditional Use Permit on said p for the purpose of allowing the installation and operation of a petroleum 31 32 I . .. - 4 * e 1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 2 products pipeline booster pump station, subject to the following conditi 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. The Conditional Use Permit is granted for the land described in application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the plot p submitted labeled Exhibit A. The location of all buildings, fences signs , roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit A, except or unless indicated otherwise herein. 2. Unless the construction of the structure or facility is- commenc not later than one year after the date the approval is granted and dil igently pursued thereafter, this approval will automatically bec null and void. 9 3.0 XI 1 12 I 3. Any minor change may be approved by the Planning Director. Any substantial change will require the filing of an application for an amendment to be considered by the Planning Commission. 4. All requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation of the Sta of California, City of Carlsbad, and any other governmental entity be complied with. 13 applicant shall file with the Secretary of the Planning Commission, 5. Prior to obtaining a building permit and within 30 days hereof, 14 written acceptance of the conditions stated herein. 15 6. Compl iance with and execution of all conditions listed hereon SI inspection clearance. Deviation from this requirement shall be pew 16 be necessary, unless otherwise specified, prior to obtaining final I only by written consent of the Planning Director. I? 7. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from adjoining S8 properties and streets. 19 20 21 22 23 24 8. All outside storage areas shall be screened from adjacent prope and streets. 9. A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan prepared by a 1 andscape architect, shall be submitted to the Planning Director for consider: and approval . 10. Prior to final building inspection clearance, all landscaping : be installed. Said landscaping shall, at all times, be maintai'ned ' a manner acceptable to the Planning Director.. 25 II 11. The Conditional Use Permit shall expire when the use for which is granted is discontinued for a.period of 120 consecutive days or n 26 27 28 29 12. This Conditional Use Permit is granted to the applicant only, E is not assignable to others. 13. All utilities, including electrical, telephone and cable televl shall be instal led underground and/or shall be completely concealed view. xx 30 31 xx 32 I1 il -2- . ,. - .- . Ii * e 1 2 3 4 5 14. Olivenhain Road shall be improved in accordance with the speci of the City Engineer, or the permittee shall enter into an agreemer the City and shall post a bond in an amount to be determined by the Engineer guaranteeing the construction of the improvements. 15. A1 1 pub1 ic improvements shall be made in conformity with the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfactior the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of a1 1 1 iens and encumbrances. I 6 7 a 9 lo I 11 12, 16. The applicant shall dedicate an additional 21 ft. of right-of- along Olivenhain Road. Said dedication shall be free and clear of liens and encumbrances. 17. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a five year period of time ending September 11 , 1978. At the end of said five year period, and upon pending expiratian of this Conditional Use Permit, the applicant may request that the Planning Commission review the c for a possible extension of time. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the Carlsbad City Planning Commiss 13 following vote, to wit; 14 at their regular meeting held on the 11th day of September, 1973, by the 15 AYES: Commissioners Dominguez, Jose, Casler, Forman, Palmateer, lrlre 16 NOES: None Lit x? I ABSENT: None S8 19 20 21 22 ATTEST: - ., -. 235\,\\3q,i,,, 1 %7 24' 25 1 kD AT AGATiP , 1 Secretary 26 1 27 28 29 30 31 32 - .3 -