HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 996ll .' r. . "*' ;I o PLANNI!Ki COMMISSION RESOLUTIOh e id. 996 1 2 3 4 5 A RESOLllTION OF THE PLANNIMG CQMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL, ADOPTION OF LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 8, AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN, ENSURING CONSISTENCY OF LANC USE MITH ZONING. The City of Carl sbad Planning Commission does hereby resolve as f 6 General Plan by adopting Land Use Amendment No. 8, and, 8 adopt a Resolution of Intention N-. 99 to amend the Land Use Portion of 7 WHEREAS, the Planning Comm?'ssion did on the 13th day of November, 91 WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did on the 27th day of November 10 December, 1973; and,( 11 hold S. duly noticed pub1 ic hearing and continued said hearing to the 11 12 HEREAS AS, said Planning Commission did on the 11th day of December 13' Land Uses in the areas shown on ExhTbit A attached; and', 15 amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan by amending recorr 14 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, to consider an 16 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council t 17 meeting of the Commission to be held on January 8, 1974; and 18 the recommendation for consistency of Area 82 be continued to the regul 19 WHEREAS 9 the P1 anning Commission does hereby recommend to the Cit 20 attached hereto, and more particularly described as: 21, I Council that Area Nos. 1 9 3, 4, 8. 5 be amended as outlined in Exhibit"P 22 ' Area #l: That area currently indicated on the General Plan a LOW Density Residential (3-7 d.u./acre) and all of that area 23 Airport, he changed to reflect General Plan Land Use of p1 annl currently zoned CM, M. 9 and PM, north and northeast of Paloma 24. 25 Area #3: Those lands fronting Pi0 Pic0 Drive between Tamarac Industrial o 26 recommendation of Low Density Residential (3-7 d.u./acre) tha and Elm Avenueg and having an existing General Plan Land Use are currently zoned R-3, C-l and C-2, be changed to reflect 27 Freeway Service and Professional/Administrative uses. 28 ! Those lands fronting Eureka Place between Chestnut Ave. and Basswood Ave o having an existing land use recommendai R-3 and R-1, be changed to indicate a land use of Low to Medit 29 I of Low Density Residential (3-7 d.u./acre) and currently zone( 30 Eureka Place which would undergo future zone change, be zoned I An additional recommendation is that lands fronting 31 Density Residential (0-10 d.u./acre. 32 I zoned R-1 (in area #3), indicated on the General Plan as Low RD-M vise to R-3. Those lands generally west of Adams , curret Density Residential .(3-7 d.u./acre), be changed to Planned- Community toning. I/ .b P I e a 1 2 3 41 5l 6~ Area #4: Those lands fronting State Street between the inter of State Street and Carlsbad Blvd., southerly to the easterl) extension of Cedar Avenue, having existing General Plan land recommendation of Highway Related Commercial, and currently 2 C-M (Heavy-Commercial 3 Limited Industrial), be changed to inc a Planned Industrial land use. An additional recommendation for Area #4 is a Pol ic Plan should be developed to encourage new developments in Are i ts be less intense than the current uses e , I 7' Area #5: All those lands south of Oak Avenue, between AoT.S Railroad Right-of-Nay and Tyler Street having a current land 8 recommendation of Medium Density Residential (22-47 d.u./acre and currently zoned M (Industrial 1 be changed to indicate a Planned Industrial Land Use, i 9i 10 I 11 I I ~ An additional recornmendation for Area #5 is a .Pol i Plan should be devel oped to encourage new developments in Are to be less intense than the current uses. 12 1' .~ NHEREAS, said Amendment has met the requirements of the City of I-3 I Carl sbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 9 and has been decl a I.4 15 to have a "Non-Significant" impact on the environment. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, the Planning Commission did rece l6 I the recommendations, objections and comments of all indfviduals and par I? 1 who desired to be heard; and, I-8 /j WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did find the following facts an ''1 reasons to exist which make said Amendment necessary to carry out the i 2o 11 of the General P1 an: 21 22 I 23 j! I 1 o Addition of Land Use Amendment No. 8 is essential for General Plan to become comprehensive and effective. 2. It would eliminate potential conflicts between Land Us and Zoning per requirements of Assembly Bill Noe 1301. 24 to the City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed by law. 25 1 AND FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution De forw 26 ~ xx 27 30 i 29 ~ 28 ~ i xx 31 1i -2- 32 I > -' I1 e a I( i i 1 PASSED 3 APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plannin! 2 3 of the CiTy of Carlsbad, California, held on the 11th day of December, by the following vote, to wit: *i !5 Ij AYES: Commissioners Dominguez, Casler, Little and Forman NOES: None 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ABSENT: Commissioners Jose, Palmateer and Wrench 1 14 l5 ATTEST: 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - '3 - e ', .* ' .+ e 0 EXHIBIT "A" 4, AREA I . Areas requiring consistency of General Plan Land Us& recomendatlons and zoning, MHIBI'T "A"