HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-08; Planning Commission; Resolution 1283II 0 W 1 2 3 - PLANNING COMMISSI@N RESOLUTION NO. 1283 RESOLUTION OF THE PLAFNING COYMISSION OF THE CITY OF SERVICES RENDERED AS A MEMBER OF THE CARLSBAD CITY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA COMVENDING DONALD A. AGATEP FOR j PLANNING COMMISSION. 4 11 5 ' Ci t.y of Carlsbad; and \*/HEREAS, on March 4, 1971 , DONALD .A, AGATEP joined the Planning Staff , 7 WHEREAS, DONALD A. AGATEP served as Planning Director, Cit-y of Carlsba 8 ' volvement and interest in the betterment of Carlsbad for all citizens and from August 7, 1972 to October 8, 1976; and .. WHEREAS, DONALD A. AGATEP always maintained the highest degree of in- 10 l2 11 his deep consideration for people as the most important element in the planr among fel low workers and the citizens of Carlsbad; and 13 WHEREAS, citizens and fellow associates thank DONALD A. AG4TEP for hi: 14 MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the Ci. l5 of Carlsbad does hereby extend its appreciation to DONALD A. AGATEP for his 16 17 time and effort given to the citizens of the Cit.y of Carlsbad. process; and WHEREAS, DONALD A. AGATEP has developed true and lasting friendships outstanding service to the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Com, mission held on the 8th day of November, 1976. l8 I AYES: Comnlissicners L'Heureux, Matson, Fikes, Nelson, Larson, NOES: None. 18 ABSENT: None. 20 Rombotis and 2ose. 21 I 22 23 24 I ABSTAIN : None. 25 ATTEST: !I ~*hV&o Stepherfm: L'Heureux, C 27 26 '; Ral p S. P1 ender, Secretary 28