HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-09; Planning Commission; Resolution 1336\ 0 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1336 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF CERNING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 43.99 ACRES ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN KELLY DRIVE AND CHESTNUT AVENUE. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CON- 135 SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS ON CASE NO.: PUD-6. APPLICANT: DOUGLASS-SOUTHWEST CORPORATION i I I WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, wit: That portion of Lot "I" of RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to the Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 7896, and also listed in Assessor's Book No. 207, Page 200, Parcels 8 and 9 13 provided by Title 21 of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code; and 16 MHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request 15 Planning Commission; and 14 has been filedwith the City of Carlsbad and referred to the 2.7 WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time and in 18 place specified in said notice on March 9, 1977; and 19 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and con- 20 facts and reasons to exist: 23 relating to the Planned Unit Development and found the follow 22 desired to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 21 sidering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons 24 25 26 27 28 1) The proposed use at the particular location is necessary desirable to provide a service or facility which will con tribute to the general well-being of the neighborhood and the community because: a) The development will allow the subject property to be developed to its allowable potential and density as provided in the General Plan. xxxxxxxxxx . e 0 1 2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the vicinity because: a) The proposed PUD will be developed in a manner simila 2 3 ;'vicinity or injurious to property or improvements in the to the anticipated development in the area. 4 5 6 b) The proposed PUD will provide a necessary link in the circulation system for the City (secondary arterial, Tamarack) . '7 3) The design criteria set forth in Section 21.45.110 and al' will be met because: €3 minimum development standards set forth in Section 21.45.1 9 a) The plot plan and additional exhibits include all devc ment aspects required. 10 11 12 13 b) The plot plan and additional exhibits include adequate provisions for open space, recreational facilities, circulation and parking. c) The project will be developed in a manner to be compal with surrounding development. 14 d) Internal circulation is acceptable to the City Enginet 15 as shown on the plot plan and by conditions of approvi 16 17 e) Private recreational'facilities are readily accessible f) Dwelling unit density does not exceed the density allo in the underlying zone (P-C with Master Plan). 18 the City of Carlsbad as follows: 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission B) That in view of the findings heretofore made and consideri 21 A) That the above recitations are true and correct. 20 the applicable law, the decision of the Planning Commissio 22 is to approve PUD-6, subject to the following conditions: 23 24 25 26 27 1) The approval is granted for the land described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown plot plan submitted labeled Exhibit F, dated February 1977, and additional exhibits labeled Exhibits G, H an I, dated February 22, 1977. The location of all roadw parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or fea shall be located substantially as shown on Exhibits F, H and I unless otherwise provided therein. 2) All conditions shall be appropriately completed and th 28 ject commenced within 18 months from final City action -2- . Ii w 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i 2o 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3) All lot dimensions, size and setbacks south of Tamara( Avenue (extended) as shown on Exhibit F shall conform to the R-1 zone requirements. 4) All lot dimensions, size and setbacks shall general- ly conform to the plot plan, Exhibit F, and the typici representations shown on Exhibits B and I. In no case shall the standards set forth in Title 21, Section 21.45.120 (13, A, B and C) and Section 21.45.' (2) be superseded. 5) Structures to be built in excess of three feet above pad level shall maintain a minimum of three feet from any side lot line and five feet from any rear lot line. 6) Building height shall not exceed thirty feet. 7) Lot coverage, including building and structures, shal' not exceed forty percent of the lot. 8) A uniform fencing plan to provide fencing at the top 1 the slope for those lots containing slopes dropping down to lower elevations shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director, prior to issuance of final occupancy for residences in Unit No. 1. 9) Fencing shall be provided according to the approved p prior to occupancy for each affected residence. 10) Prior to issuance of grading permits, the City Enginel shall approve a plan submitted by the applicant for interim erosion control on all man-made slopes in excess of three feet within the boundaries of this subdivision. Prior to this issuance of grading permi the applicant shall post bonds and agreements ensuring the installation and maintenance of the erosion control system until permanent landscaping is installed and maintained. 11) Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a permanent landscaping and irrigation plan to the Parks and Recreation Director for his approval. The plan shall include all artifi- cial slopes. These slopes shall be landscaped by the following standards as set forth in the City Council Open Space Maintenance Policy No. 23, as follows: a) Restored Native Vegetation: i 1) All interior slopes; 2) These slopes will be maintained by the Homeowners' Association for a minimum jixxxxxxxxx of three years; -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ I 0 0 1 3) At the end of three years, the Homeowners' Association may elect to return maintenance responsibilities to the individual lot owners. b) Supplemental Native Vegetation: 1 ) All slopes adjacent to Tamarack Avenue (extenc 2) These slopes shall be maintained by the Homeowners' Association. c) Refined Vegetation: 1) All slopes adjacent to El Camino Real; 2) These slopes shall be maintained by the Homeowners' Association. d) Intensive Vegetation: 1) All park sites as designated on Exhibits F, G 2) These areas shall be maintained by the and I; Homeowners' Association. 12) Landscaping and irrigation shall be installed on all lots identified in Condition No. 11 before any of those lots are occupied. If residential construc tion occurs in units, this condition shall be met on a unit-by-unit basis with the exception of those lots with slopes adjacent to Tamarack Avenue (extend and El Camino Real. Final landscaping and irrigatio shall be completed on those slopes adjacent to Tamarack and El Camino Real prior to issuance of fin occupancy for the first homes in Unit No. 1. 13) CC&R's for the project shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to issuance of building permits. 14) A final Recreational Vehicle Storage Area Plan showi fencing, stripping, paving specifications and access shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director, Parks and Recreation Director and the City Engineer prior to issuance of building permits for Unit No. 1. 15) Recreational vehicle parking shall be provided and available to residents prior to the first final occupancy permits for Unit No. 1. a) If the applicant does not wish to build the permanent Recreational Vehicle Storage Lot as shown on Exhibits F and G prior to occupancy for Unit No. 1, a temporary facility may be estab- lished to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, Parks and Recreation Director and -4- i! 0 0 I /I the City Engineer. 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 b) A plan for this temporary facility must be submitted to and approved by those mentioned in (a) above prior to occupancy of any residence in Unit No. 1. 16) The Recreational Vehicle Storage Facility shall be made available to only those homeowners within the PUD area. 17) A Final Parks Plan for all three park areas (shown on Exhibits F, G and I) and approved by the Parks and Recreation Director prior to issuance of build- , ing permits on Unit No, 1. 18) On lots north of Tamarack Avenue, five-foot access easements shall be granted between property owners adjacent to a zero-lot-line to allow for building maintenance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on March 9, 1977, bj the following vote, to wit: I AYES: Commissioners, Larson, Watson, Nelson, Jose, Fikes and L'Heureux. 16 ABSTAIN: Commissioner Rombotis. 17 NOES: None I.8 I 19 I 20 ABSENT: None. A ck/.- 2- IC LARSON, CHAIRMAN 21 (( ATTEST: 22 23 AL S. PLENDER, SECRETARY 24 &@%& 25 26 I 27 28 II - -5-