HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-27; Planning Commission; Resolution 1388V 3 V 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1388 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP REQUEST FOR A 34-LOT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND SANTA FE ROAD. CASE NO: CT 77-12 APPLICANT : SANTA FE COMPANY WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, . 8 wit: I1 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 That portion of Lot B of Rancho Agua Hedionda in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823, on file in the Office of County Recorder of said County has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request as provi by the "Carlsbad Municipal Code;" and WHEREAS, the Public Hearing to consider the subject requ was held on July 27, 1977, at the time and in the place speci in the public hearing notice, pursuant to the provisions of t Carlsbad Municipal Code ; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consid the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desir to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating the Tentative Tract Map request (CT 77-12) and found the foll facts and reasons to exist: 1) The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan bec2 a) The Land Use Plan designates the subject site for Pls 26 2) The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is 27 Industrial (PI) land use. 28 consistent with the General Plan because: a) The project will provide orderly industrial developme I w 0 1 3) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4) 5) 6) 15 7) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8) 9) 10) The site is physically suitable for the type of developmer because: a) The proposed development will not affect any unusual topographic or geologic features on the site; b) No significant natural vegetation will be eliminated 1 the project. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density ( development because: a) There are no significant physical features on the sitc that would hinder development as planned. The design of the subdivision or the imposed improvements not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or s' stantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or the habitat because: a) An EIR has been certified for a previous similar acti on the site. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements not likely to cause serious public health problems becaus a) Conditions of approval will insure the above. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements not conflict with the easements required by the public at large for access through or use of property within the pr subdivision because: a) Conditions of approval will insure the above. The subdivision will not prohibit reasonable access to pu waterways, rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, coastlines shorelines because: a) The subdivision does not front on any of the above. The subject application has complied with the requirement the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 because: a) An Environmental Impact Report (EIR-234) was approved subject location in May of 1974 as part of a General Amendment. b) Supplemental information was supplied to the satisfac of the City for a previously approved industrial sub- division on the site (CT 74-21). The proposed tentative tract map is consistent with the applicable City Public Facilities Policies Ordinances bec .2 * I1 w 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a) The Planning Commission finds that sewer service is nc available for this development as of the date of this approval. However, sewer service may be available in the future. The Planning Commission will by inclusiox an appropriate condition to this Tentative Subdivisiox Map approval, insure that the final map will not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer ser' is available to serve the project. In addition, the Planning Commission will add a condition that a note 1 placed on the final map providing that building permil may not issue for lots in the subdivision unless the ( Engineer determines that sewer service is available. the final map cannot be approved unless sewer service available and building cannot occur within the subdiv: unless sewer service remains available, the Planning 1 mission is satisfied that the requirements of the Pub Facilities element of the General Plan have been met sofar as they apply to this Tentative Subdivision Map approval. 11 12 b) All other public facilities are available or will be quired by conditions of approval. 13 // NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissio 14 11 The City of Carlsbad as follows: 15 16 17 A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That in view of the findings heretofore made and consider the applicable law, the decision of the Planning Commissi is to approve CT 77-12, subject to the following conditio 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1) The approval is granted for the land described in th application and any attachments thereto and as shown the plot plan submitted labeled Exhibit "A", dated J 11, 1977. 2) The applicant shall submit a landscaping and irrigat plan to the Parks & Recreation Director for his appr covering all denuded natural and constructed slope a prior to approval of the final subdivision grading F Said plan shall include a statement of installation phasing and shall include landscaping that will sati erosion and fire hazard control. A final landscapir and irrigation plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits. All final landscaping be installed prior to final occupancy. 3) The "Street A" in Unit 1 and "Street B" in Unit 3 st be constructed with temporary turnarounds at the unj boundaries. 4) The future street between Unit 2 and 3 shall be grac and reserved as a standard 84' wide right of way p11 It .3 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w 0 additional width at Palomar Airport Road to allow fo turning movements as a condition of Units 2 and 3 Fi Map approval. 5) a) This subdivision is approved on the express cond that the final map shall not be approved unless City Council finds as of the time of such approv' that sewer service is available to serve the sub division. b) This subdivision is approved upon the express co dition that building permits or grading permits . not be issued for development on the subject pro unless the City Engineer determines that sewer f ities are available at the time of applications such permit and will continue to be available un time of occupancy. If the City Engineer determi that sewer facilities are not applicable, buildi permits will not be guarantee that all necessary sewer facilities will be available prior to OCCI: This condition shall be noted on the final map. c> This Tentative Subdivision Map shall be subject further approvals as may be necessary in connect with such plan for the allocation of sewer servi among competing uses as the City Council may adc If an allocation plan is adopted prior to final approval, the applicant shall satisfy the requir of such plan as a further condition of this Tent Subdivision Map approval. 6) All public improvements as shown on Exhibit A, dated 11, 1977 shall be made in conformity to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard P1 the Subdivision Ordinance and other City standards, the satisfaction of the City Engineer without costs the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encuu ces. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems meet the requirements of the respective service dist 7) All land and/or easements required by this ordinance be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to t City and free of all liens and encumbrances. No eas shall be recorded prior to approval of the final mar less approved by the City Engineer. 8) Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as quired by Municipal Code. The developer shall post bond and/or cash in the amount necessary to energize street lights for an 18-month period after construct to permit the incorporation of the subdivision into maintenance district. This shall be done prior to approval of the final map. .4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w 0 9) All slopes created as a result of this development SI not exceed a 2:l slope. 10) The developer shall work with the Carlsbad Municipal District and the City Fire Department in preparing a water master plan for the project. Minimum flow for and commercial purposes shall be 6,000 gallons per mj 11) The applicant shall grant to the City a 10 foot-wide Space easement for pedestrian and bicycle purposes ac jacent to the future C Street which is within the prc boundaries. The applicant shall improve the easemeni with asphaltic concrete to the satisfaction of the C: Engineer. 12) The applicant shall submit a revised tentative map tr City Engineer which shall show the following: a) Interior lot slopes. b) Correct slopes and/or daylight lanes at rear of c) Footage of offsite sewer. d) Grading of future C Street from Palomar Airport and future C Street, except at utility easement points. 1, 2, 26, 27, 28 and 29. e) Amount of proposed earthwork. 13) Access rights shall be dedicated where lots border Palomar Airport Road and future C Street, except at utility easement access points. 14) A future C Street grade from Palomar Airport Road to reasonable distance beyond the property boundary sha shown on the improvement plans for Units 2 and 3. T grade shall be acceptable to the City Engineer. 15) Storm drains shall be installed down proposed slopes outlet at toe of slope. Alignment shall be roughly perpendicular to proposed slope contour lines, and a equate erosion control shall be provided at outlet. 16) The applicant shall supply the Carlsbad Municipal Wa District with a comprehensive engineering study for master plan for public water service for the entire holdings of the property prior to any final approval a final tract map of any portion thereof. 17) The applicant shall construct complete half street i provements along Palomar Airport Road, including off transitions. These improvements shall be construct6 the ultimate centerline alignment and grade. Such j provements shall include a permanent median curb. ( struction of these improvements shall be made concul with each unit of development. Modifications to thj construction phasing may be approved by the City En8 .5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 w where such construction conflicts with traffic safet; on the existing Palomar Airport Road traveled way. 18) Palomar Airport Road shall have 3 median openings: ( at the westerly intersection of "A" Street, one at future "C" Street (between Units 2 and 3), and one a1 easterly intersection of "B" Street. The developer I bond for the construction of a traffic signal at "A" Street and Palomar Airport Road as a condition of Un: and a traffic signal at "B" Street and Palomar Airpo: Road as condition of Unit 4. Each traffic signal shl include channelization, safety lighting, interconnec conduit, etc. The requirements for traffic signals 1 be modified by any future City Council Policy or Cit: Ordinances relating to traffic signal participation. 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the lo City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on July 27, 1977, b Commissioner, Larson, Rombotis, L'Heureux, Watson, Fikes, Jose, Woodward. ABSTAIN : None. ABSENT : None. J 26 27 28 .6