HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-10-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 14811 - 'A W F' .*. . 1 2 3 4 5 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1481 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL FOR A MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT FOR LAKE CALAVERA HILLS. CASE NO. : MP-150 (A) APPLICANT : LAKE CALAVERA HILLS ASSOCIATES (Roy Ward) I 6 7 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property to 81 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A portion of Lots D, E & J of the Rancho Agua Hedionda in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof, No. 923 on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission: and WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request as provi by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a duly noticed public hearing on September 27, 1978, and subsequently adjour i hearings on October 4, 12 and 19, 1978, to consider said reqL i and WHEREAS, at said hearings, the Planning Commission did consider the environmental effects of said request as identii in an environmental impact report (EIR-403) that had been certified by the City for a previous project (GPA-51); and WHEREAS, at said public hearings, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persc who desired to be heard, the Planning Commission considered I factors relating to the proposed Master Plan Amendment (MP-lt !I and found the following facts and reasons to exist: 27 28 /1 // -1- *-. I . 1 I/ w ” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. The proposed development as described by the Mastel is consistent with the provisions of the General Plan and an] applicable Specific Plans; 2. Although all necessary public facilities may not bc available at this time, their availability, concurrent with I has been assured through the conditions of approval and. adeql provisions have been provided to implement those portions of Capital Improvement Program applicable to the subject proper1 3, The residential and open space portions of the corn will constitute an environment of sustained desirability and stability; and that it will be in harmony with or provide compatible variety to the character of the surrounding-area, that the sites proposed for public facilities, such as schoo. playgrounds and parks, are adequate to serve the anticipated population and appear acceptable to the public authorities having jurisdiction thereof: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1’7 4. The proposed commercial use will be appropriate in location and overall design to the purpose intended; that thl design and development standards are such as to create an environment of sustained desirability and stability; and tha development will meet performance standards established by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; 5. In the case of institutional, recreational, and ot similar nonresidential uses, that such development will be appropriate in area, location and overall planning to the pu proposed, and that surrounding areas are protected from any adverse effects from such development; 6. That the streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitable and adequate to carry the anticipated traffic there l8 I 7. That any proposed commercial development can be justified economically at the location proposed and will pro l9 1 adequate commercial facilities of the types needed at such 20 I1 location proposed; 8. That the area surrounding said development is or c 21 planned and zoned in coordination and substantial compatibil 22 23 adverse environmental impact as noted in the adopted Environ 24 with said development; 9. Appropriate measures are proposed to mitigate any Impact Report for the project. 25 /I WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by the following roll 26 11 vote recommended approval of MP-150 (A) subject to the follc 27 28 conditions : // -2- * * I1 w ;I " ' /I A. Village A.& B (PUD-4/CT 76-12) as identified on the atta 1 Exhibit C, dated 9/27/78, shall be allowed to be processed pe the conditions of City Council Resolutions #5145 and #5146 wi 2 the following modification: 3 4 1. Conditions $12 and #13 of Resolution #5145 shall be satisfied by the payment of park in-lieu fees computed F City Ordinance #9190 for CT 76-12. 5 Master Plan, labeled Exhibit A-1, dated 3/10/78, shall be B. Prior to the final processing of any other villages, the revised by the applicant to comply with the following 6 Planning Director for review and approval or rejection withir 7 conditions. Said revised plan shall be submitted to the 811 45 days* 9 10 I. The format of the revised Master Plan shall bc condensed and put into a more concise form as showr the attached Exhibit A, dated 9/27/78. One "Land 1 graphic at a scale of 1"=200' shall also be include 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2. The "Map and Legal Description" graphic shall at a scale of 1"=400' and the "Open Space areas" SI be removed from the graphic. 3. The "Land Use" graphic shall be changed as shc the attached Exhibit B, dated 9/27/78. 4. The "Open Space" graphic shall be changed as : on the attached Exhibit C, dated 9/27/78. 5. The "Public Facilities" graphic shall be chanc to show the following: a. Reference to "waste water reclamation" an( "Percolation area" shall be removed from the exhibit. 20 /I b. The width and cross-sections of the variol streets shall be shown on this exhibit. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 c. The approximate location and size of the I water and sewer lines anticipated shall be shc on this exhibit. d. The approximate location of the major sto: drains shall be shown on this exhibit. e. The location of the one acre for public p' such as the future fire station and possible : library shall be shown on this exhibit. 6. The "Phasing" graphic shall be modified to re the various changes required elsewhere in these co: tions. -3- I. ,I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W v 7. The "Topography and Grading" graphic shall be char to show the following: a. The areas of the property containing the rarc and endangered plant species (Adolphia & Dichondri identified in EIR-403 shall be indicated. b. Areas proposed for "major" grading shall be indicated. For the purposes of this condition, "I grading shall be defined as any created slope wit1 height of 15 feet or greater or as determined by 1 City Engineer. 8. A listing of each village area as shown on the attached Exhibit D, 8/27/78, shall be provided clearly describing the development to occur in each. 9. All streets within the development shall comply w. City standards or as required by the City Engineer. 10. 102' of right-of-way shall be provided for that portion of Elm Avenue that lies between Tamarack Avenul and College Boulevard. Design improvements shall be a, required by the City Engineer. 11. The developer of each village shall construct or contribute money for all traffic signals required by traffic generated by the development as required by City Engineer or by whatever traffic signal policy/ ordinance is in effect at the time of development. 12. One acre of land within the new Village E-2 shall reserved for public facility use. Said reservation sh include a provision that if the land is not acquired by the City within ten (10) years from the date of rec dation of the subdivision map that includes the one ac site, the reservation shall be void and the area shall allowed to develop privately. 13. The public parks (Villages F, N and Y) shall be dedicated in conjunction with the subdivision of the adjoining Village as identified in the attached Exhibi E, dated 9/27/78. Prior to the approval of the tentat subdivision map for said adjoining Village, the develo shall submit a park improvement plan to the City Direc Parks and Recreation for approval. Said developer sha be required to complete the park improvements as appro by the Director of Parks and Recreation in conjunction the development of the adjoining subdivision. All park improvements shall be completed prior to the issu of a Certificate of Occupancy within the subdivision. said improvements have been accepted by the City, the City shall assume the ongoing maintenance requirements the park. ,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w - 14. The open space corridors shown on the attached Exl- C, dated 9/27/78, shall be dedicated as open space ease ments in conjunction with the subdivision of the adjoir Village as identified in the attached Exhibit E, dated 9/27/78. Those specific corridors identified on said Exhibit C shall be made available for public access anc use. The improvements of all of the corridors shown or said Exhibit C shall be made by the developer of the adjoining development as identified in said Exhibit E i the other conditions contained herein dealing with des: standards and criteria for the identified bike paths a] equestrian and pedestrian trails. Prior to the issuanc any building permits for development within this Mastel Plan, a maintenance district pursuant to Sections 5820 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code sh: be formed to provide the ongoing maintenance of the opt space corridors shown on the attached Exhibit C, dated 9/27/78. 15. All of the private parks, private open space and common areas to be provided within the Master Plan are, not heretofore mentioned shall be improved by the deve. landowner and maintained by a community association (homeowner I s association) . 16. The Phasing Schedule, attached as Exhibit E, date1 9/27/78, shall be included in the revised M.aster Plan. Development of the various villages and corresponding provision for the various public facilities shall occu incrementally as shown (i.e. #1 before #2, #2 before #3, etc.). However, if provision is made for all of t public facilities listed under each phase (i.e. full i ment of Elm and Tamarack, plus dedication of 10 acre p site, plus reservation of 10 acre dedication of 10 acr site, plus reservation of 10 acre school site with Pha etc.), the various villages within that phase shall be allowed to develop randomly. The minimum increment of future development (subdivision) review shall be each individual village. 17. The maximum cut or fill slopes allowed within the development shall be 2:l or as approved by the City Engineer and no balancing or movement of dirt shall be allowed to cross one of the major streets once that st has been improved. 18. Discussion of the proposed "Architectural Advisor and Control Committee'' shall indicate that this commit responsibility shall only be those that are more restr than the minimum standards allowed by the City. The t shall also indicate that this committee's approval sha required on all building plans prior to review by the // .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w 1- 19. The C.C. & Rs for this Master Plan and subsequent developments shall be set up so no amendments to them s occur without City approval and the City shall have thc authority to selectively enforce the C.C. & Rs if they determine such enforcement is necessary to protect the public welfare. 20. The design criteria for grading and slope design contained on pages 14, 15, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64 of the Master Plan shall be incorporatec into the revised Master Plan document as standards unlc otherwise amended by the Planning Director. 21. The revised Master Plan shall contain development standards for those villages proposed by the applicant for equestrian estates to the satisfaction of the Planr Director. 22. Design criteria for the proposed bike paths and equestrian and pedestrian trails shall be included in the revised Master Plan document to the satisfaction 01 the Planning Director. Said criteria shall be such as encourage the everyday use of the trails and paths as an alternative mode of transportation. The criteria SI also provide for bicycle racks and related facilities : the commercial center, parks, and similar areas to encourage the use of that transportation mode. 23. The design criteria for noise attenuation containt on pages 82-86 of the Master Plan shall be incorporatec into the revised Master Plan document as standards unlc otherwise amended by the Planning Director. 24. The text of the revised Master Plan shall contain specific provisions for recreational vehicle storage t the property. A minimum of two acres in Village E-1 or E-2 shall be provided for RV storage and shall be developed per the requirements of Section 21.45.120 (6 the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 25. Prior to the issuance of grading permits for the various villages, provisions, to the satisfaction of t City Engineer, shall be made for the following: a. Regulation of the use, storage and disposal all fuels, oils, petroleum and chemical products on the construction site. b. Site specific soils investigations with reco mendations for control of potential problems as a result of expansive soils. c. Limitation of grading to the minimum area necessary to install streets and prepare construc pads. .. .. ,, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w w d. Avoidance of clearing operations in advance 0 grading. e. Coordination of grading activities with the 1 precipitation pattern. f. Construction of drainage facilities concurrer with grading activities. g. Watering and rolling of the final surface to a hardened, compacted cap of soil which will minir dust and erosion due to surface runoff. h. Grading of surfaces so as to direct runoff toward planned drainage and, if possible, away frt cut and fill slopes. i. Planting and maintenance of ground cover sui1 for slope erosion control immediately following. j. Phasing of grading activities over the life ( the project to provide a transition of habitat. k. Limitations of grading operations in the pro: area to normal daytime working hours. 26. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the various villages, provisions, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, shall be made for the following a. Installation of flow restrictors in all basi fixtures . b. Use of "mini-flush" toilets. c. Landscaping using drought-resistent trees an plants. d. Installation of drip irrigation systems usin tensiometers or other acceptable systems. e. Architectural design which reduces or treats window and door openings and takes advantage of winter sun and summer shade. f. Insulation for all structures according to S standards. g. Solar heating for both space and water heati or if not technoligically feasible at the time of construction 'stub-outs' for ultimate conversion solar heating. h. Landscaping using deciduous trees (to shade summer and allow sunlight in winter) and windbrez .- ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ,i 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w - i. Retention of natural vegetation in the open space areas wherever possible. j. Retention of existing eucalyptus trees where\ possible. k. Retention of as much Adolphia and Dichondra i possible within the various open space areas. 27. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, pro7 for the protection of significant archeological resourc on the property shall be completed to the satisfaction the Planning Director as follows: a. Direct on-site impacts: I) All work shall be performed by a qualific Archeologist in conjunction with the latest acceptable scientific procedures. 2) Prepare a surface map of the artifacts a1 associated ecological information. 3) Excavate a test sample of the area to determine the nature and extent of any subsu. component. One such test which has proven successful in similar situations is the syst rectilinear posthole test. 4) Based on the information resulting from this investigation, additional testing can bl designed, if needed. This second phase of testing should be oriented toward obtaining reliable sample of the site area and in asse sing the variation present within the deposi Based on the results of this examination, it be necessary, although unlikely, to perform additional investigation, or to recommend di fering mitigating procedures. 5) A report shall be prepared summarizing findings and discussing the interrelationshi the site materials and other sites found in region. 6) All work shall be extensively photodocum 7) Copies of notes, photographs, records an final report shall be submitted to local dat depositories. b. Indirect on and off-site impacts - any of th following: 1) Limit access to sites by placing barrier around the project area. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w v 2) Place fill over site areas. 3) Excavate the sites and achieve their information potential. 28. Prior to the approval of any tentative subdil map adjoining Elm Avenue, Tamarack Avenue or Coll~ Boulevard an assessment of the potential noise impacts shall be made by an acoustical engineer. engineer shall then prepare a report containing rc mendations on how to mitigate any identified noisc impacts. The design of an impacted subdivision SI consistent with these recommendations. 29. The site development plan for Villages E-1, I and K shall include provisions for transit stops 1 the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. 30. The maximum grade established for all bikewa: shall be 7%, or as approved by the City Engineer. 31. The width and location of the open space cor: shall be as shown on the attached Exhibit C, date( 9/27/78. A deviation of ten percent (+/- 10%) shi be allowed when determining said width and locatic The minimum width allowed shall be 15 feet. Addi. open space areas may occur within each village de. ment . 32. The sign program contained in the final Mast! Plan shall reflect the following: a. The design motif of the four entrance si shall utilize wood and indigenous rock as ma components. Also the entrance signs shall b incorporated with walls erected for sound at uation at the four entrances into the commun b. The permanent directional signs shall ut wood and indigenous rock as major components c. Temporary directional signs for sales pr shall be governed solely by Chapter 21.41 of Carlsbad Municipal Code. 33. Specific development plans shall be evaluate accord with Municipal Ordinances in force at the when said plans are before the City Council for B proval. Approval and construction of a part of t development pursuant to this Master Plan shall nc any rights in the balance of the Master Plan nor create any vested rights to the approval of any E sequent developments. This condition is not inte to lessen those assurances identified in Section 21.38.010 (4) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w - 34. All land and/or easements required by this Ordinance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances. 35. Approval of this plan does not constitute any guarantee that the availability of public faciliti and services will necessarily coincide with the developer's timetable for construction. Availabil of public services will be evaluated in the conter of subsequent, individual approvals. 36. A statement shall be included in the Master I that there is no sewer service presently available that all land uses approved in the Master Plan arc subject to further City action as may be required such sewer allocation system as the City Council I adopt. 37. The applicant shall file written acknowledge1 that there is no sewer service available at this time and that he is proceeding with this developmt at his own risk and that the City makes no represt tation that he will be able to go forward with hi! development or that sewer service will be availab: for the property. 38. If the proposed satellite waste water treatmc facility is subsequently approved to be located a! developed within the area of this Master Plan, thl applicant shall apply for a zone change from P-C P-U for the land necessary for the sewer plant si itself. If said zone change is then approved, Ci staff shall administratively revise the Master P1 to make it consistent with the approved zone chan The City may have to initiate a Master Plan Amend if it is determined that items such as odor easem agriculture preservation, etc., are necessary for the development of such a facility. 39. If a satellite waste water treatment facilit is subsequently approved to serve this area, dual water systems shall be installed in all residenti villages. 40. The City shall submit a letter to the San Di County Department of Transportation requesting authority to approve and maintain the improvement of Tamarack Avenue between El Camino Real and the project site. // // .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 W - AYES: Commissioners Rombotis, Schick, Larson, Marcu and Jose NOES : None ABSENT: Commissioners Wrench, L'Heureux NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissi of the City of Carlsbad that the above recitations are true and correct. INTRODUCED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of October, 1978. 14 I1 ATTEST: 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w - - - _" - - - - -I # l\lP-150 (A) ,. Page 1 of 1 FORMAT FOR MASTER PLANS ORGANIZATION Master Plans shall be organized in six (6) sections, which shall contaj the information required in Section 21.38.060 of the Ordinance, as €01: I. Location - Legal Description - background . Location Map & Legal Description (paragraph 1-A) . History of previous actions, if any. 11. Environmental Constraints . Topographical map with major features (paragraph 1-1). . Environmental constraints as identified by EIR (para. 2-H). Environmental mitigation measures from the plan's EIR shall be incorporated in appropriate sections of the Master Plan or found, per City Council, to be over-ridden by social/economic considerat 111. Land Use - Development Standards . Map identifying land uses & development standards by area . Description of land uses and development standards by area . Grading concepts by area (paragraph 1-J) (paragraph 1-B & 1-D). (paragraph 2-A, 2-C, 2-G) IV. Open Space & Maintenance . Map identifying open spaces by area (paragraph 1-C & 3) . Description of open space treatment and maintenance by area (paragraph 2-E & 3) V. Public Facilities & Phasing . Map identifying the location and phasing of public and quasi- public facilities, streets and lines, and the phasing of development (paragraph 1-E, 1-F, 1-G and 1-H) . Description of public facilities (paragraph 2-D) . Description of the phasing of development (paragraph 2-F) VI. Community Sign Program . Graphic and written standards (paragraph 4) FORMAT The master plan shall consist of (A) one (1) 24 x 36 inch mylar sheet each of the graphics described above and (.B) a concise text using 8% : sheetsbound in a three-ring or acco-press type binder. -I - rr % w - .I I' EXHIBIT D 9/27/78 MP-150 (A) Page 1 of 2 :. Village A B C i D E-1 E: 2 Zoning standard " (CUP) I;-1 (PUD) XDX-Q RnN-Q C-2-Q C-LR-Q . DEVELOPMEMT STA?iD~\JiDS SVNMARY &?X. * MIN. Dcvelopmcnt Typo # DU'S # DU'S " Elementary School "_ Standard, detached Single 282 "" Fami 1 y . Clustered Multiple-Fanily 117 "" Townhouse or flat 108 138 Multiple-Family. Community Commercial. "- "" Community Commercial "_ "" (Transition Area) "" GROSS ACRES 10.0 70.6 - 29.4 19.8 10.0 10.0 F G H I J K L M N 0 P-1 P-2 Q R- 1 R- 2 0-s (CUP) R-1 (PUD) R-1-4 R-1-4 R-1 (PUD) RDX-Q FDM-Q (CUP) 0-s (CUP) X-1 (PUD) R-1 (PUD) R- 1 RDX-Q R- 1 0-s (CTJP) Park "_ Clustered Single Family 150 Standard, detached Single 33 Family. Family. Standard, detached Single 42 Clustered Multiple-Family 260 Rental apartments Multiple 428 Family. Townhouse or flat Milltiple 243 Famnily . Elementary School "- Park "- Clustered Single Family 221 Clustered, attached 164 Single-Family. Standard, detashed Single 276 Family. Clustered Multiple Family 52 imily. Standard, detached Single 253 Park reservatior. "_ "" 75 "" "" 104 214 170 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 10.0 37.5 22.0 27.8 26.0 21.4 28.3 10.0 5.0 55.3 46.0 69.0 13.0 63.4 5.0 I S (CW) Junior High School "_ "" 20.0 ! T R-1 Standard, detached Single 210 "" 52.4 Family. U ?.-:-I Single Family Equestrian 16 "" 16.6 Estates. . V R-1 Standard, detached Single 151 "" 37.8 Family . w R-I.-% Sin~le Family Equestrian 58 "" 29. C Estates. X 3-1-4 Single Family Equestrian 23 "" 23.C Estates. Y 0-S (CUP) Park -" "" 5.0 2-1 R-1-4 . Single Family Estates 37 "" 25.: 2-2 R-1-4 Single Family Estates 17 "" 11,.4 2-3 0-5 {CUP) Sar. ciego Gas 0 Electric --- -."I- 20.c Easement. mM., " 3,253 828. - 'This nuirtbc!r reprewnts kho maximum numLcc of dwcilinq units urtrier idoal planr colditions and wi.th comlri i.,~ncc to tl:c c;ir1:3trainto in Chi- :I;l:,tt\r ?Ian. Dc!n?ai: areas to i>c: davolopcd uwller t.hc IclW !;tan&Jr(Js; or undor: the PI;[) process may LC? over tl:c c!j?,irr: vi: lnt~o !.ti provida! fo1 clx;Ler,:d h<;us;in:~ c?nco~.t. ,. - - EXHIBIT D 9/27/78 NOTES MP-150 (A) Page 2 of 2 1. If Village A, M or S is not acquired by the Carlsbad Unified School District for school purposes within ten (10) years from the recordation of the subdivision map that includes that particular village, the underlying zoning development standards for the ville shall change from 0-S (CUP) to R-1 (PUD) 2. Villages C, G, K, L and U have steep slopes and/or significani canyon areas that have not been included as open space. Special consideration shall be given to these areas at time of subdivisior review to protect the integrity of the adjoining open space areas, 3. One acre of land within Village E-2 shall be reserved for public facility use. If the City does not acquire all, or a part of the area within ten (10) years from the recordation of the subdivision map for the area, the area shall be allowed to develo] privately. 4. If Village R-2 is not acquired by a public agency for park purposes within ten (10) years from the recordation of the sub- division map that includes the park area, the underlying zoning development standards for Village R-2 shall change from 0-S (CUP) to R-1 (PUD) . 5. The intent of Village E-2 is to provide adequate area for "Community Commercial" development. If it is determined by the City that such additional area is necessary, Conditional Use Permits for residential development in Village E-2 will not be accepted by the City during a ten (10) year period following the recordation of the subdivision map that includes Village E-2. I.. . EXHIBIT E MP-150 (A) 9/21/18 Page 1 of 1 w I'IIRSING SC!I!XDULF~ - &\X MAJOR PAIS SCIlOOL PUBLIC PEIE.SIT vJI.IJIGE # DU'S STREETS SITES ss*rm ~ITC~ 0-S T - " - I, 1. A & B 282 Tamarack (ECR to Site) "" 10 ac. ---- North trail 2. D or G .& rr 138/15@ " 10 ac. ---- "" South traJ.1 if c. I 3. D or G I' Tamarack to Elm (if total 500 units) ""_ "" "" 4. 9 33 11 ""- "" 5. I 42 "_" "" "" soutt trail "" East< G COI ! I. 6. J 260 "_" "" ""_ Nortl & co1 v 11. 7. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""". K or C or E-1 or E-2. 428/ 117/0 (Special treat- Dent of Elm if K or E-1 or E-2. i ""_ "" 1 ac if E-2. West if X 8- K or c or E-1 or E-2 ""- "" ' ! 9. KorC or E-1 " or E-2. ""_ "" :i 10. K or C or E-1 " or E-2 11. L 243 ""_ ""_ "" ""_ "" Nori & CC 12. 0 & M &N 221 5 ac. 10 ac. ----- Nor1 ' 11. 13. P-1 184 ""_ ""_ ""_ sou1 cor1 ' -----------"-.-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~. I11 :. 14. p-2 o+ e 276/52 College from Elm to SR 78 ---- "" "" Ea s if 15- P-2 or Q 19 "" "" "" 16* R-1 & R-2 253 5 ac. "" ""_ so1 anc 17* S G T 210 "" 20 ac. ----- Ea : SO1 J/ 111. 1.8. u 18 COI "" ""_ ""_ SOI COI """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-. rv. 19. v o,r w or X ox z-1 or 2-2 &I,& 2-3. 151/58/ College 7-3/37/ :to Cannon or 5 ac. 17. ECR) . "" 20. :. "" "" 21. " "" _.." J. 22- Iv. 23. IS ,I "" "" "" "" -I" TI; _r, .I " . : *' >. .."_ ""_ I ""_ "".. - """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""~.~.""-""""""" **, . w "? STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 ss I, JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary to the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly introduced, approved and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting of said Commission held on the 25th day of October, 1978 by the following roll call vote: AYES : Rombotis, Schick, Marcus, Jose, Larson NOES : None ABSTAIN: L'Heureux, Wrench ABSENT : None