HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-05; Planning Commission; Resolution 1730-I : ,:j (I) a I. /I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTI'ON NO. 17'30 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND USE AND CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CARLSBAD SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. 5 WHEREAS, verified applications for amendments to the Ge t5 Commission; and 9 and incorporated herein, have been filed with the Planning 8 as shown on Exhibits "A" - "D", dated November 5, 1980, atta 7 Plan designations and requirements for certain property loca 10 WHEREAS, said verified applications constitute requests l1 and l2 amendment as provided in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal 2o General Plan Amendment and found the following facts and rea I' be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating tc l8 all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring 17 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing, and cons 16 by law to consider said requests; .and l5 November, 1980, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescr l4 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 5th day of 13 1 to exist regarding GPA-55 (.B) : GPA-55 (C) (in part) ; GPA-55 (D) 21 GPA-55 (E) , as shown on Exhibits "A", "B" , I'C", and "D" respe 22 Findings: 23 1) The sites are physically suitable in size and shape to 24 stated in the staff report. 25 2) The deletion of a secondary arterial from the Circulatj 26 Element will not adversely affect traffic for reasons 5 in the staff report. 27 3) Uses allowed in the proposed land use designations are 28 compatible with surrounding land uses for reasons statc the staff report, accommodate the proposed land use designations for rea: I a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4) The projects are consistent with all city public facili policies and ordinances since: a) Sewer service is not required for these projects a subsequent development of the property will requir the availability of sewer service to serve such developments or construction cannot occur. 5) The proposed projects will not cause any significant ad environmental impacts since, based on the initial stud1 Planning Department has prepared conditional negative declarations or negative declarations. Further enviror review will be required before development can occur; 2 8 9 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found the following f; and reasons to exist regarding GPA-55(C) (in part) as shown lo Exhibit "B". 11 l2 13 1) That deletion of Los Manos Way may, at this time, is 18 17 General Plan, 16 with the goals and policies of the Land Use Element of residential low density is, at this time, inconsistent 15 2) That approval of a request to redesignate 270 acres to l4 Findings: inconsistent with the goals and policies in the Circul; Element of the General Plan. 3) That further analysis of the entire area east of El Can Real, north of Palomar Airport Road and south of Collec Boulevard is needed before adequate land use and circul decisions can be made in this area. 19 11 I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissi 2oli the city of Carlsbad, as follows: 21 I/ A) That the above recitations are true and correct. 22 23 24 25 B) That in view of the findings made and considering the applicable law, the decision of the Planning Commissiol is to recommend APPROVAL of GPA-55(B) as described on Exhibit "A" , APPROVAL, in part, and DENIAL without pre: in part, of GPA-55 (C) , as described on Exhibit "B", API of GPA-55 (D) , as described in Exhibit "C", and APPRO- GPA-55(E), as described in Exhibit I'D'', 26 11 //// 27 11 I/// 28 1) //// /1 PC RES0 #1730 -2- 11 e e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tl- Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, he1 the 5th day of November, 1980, by the following vote, to wit AYES : &-, ROmbotis, Larson, Jose, Friestedt NOES : None ABSENT : Leeds ABSTAIN : L'HeWeux I I 8 9 10 ATTEST : ,p- . I ,, ,, ,; .a CARLSB@ PLANNING CONVI: 2(. <,, - 8 I e ?&,A k'. l 1 , c, %.."Lo<. MARY MA€g?CJS, Chairman ?.z \.> J XI. /I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PC I RES0 #1730 -3- d e Exhibit "A" to PC Reso #1 Case No: GPA-55(B) November 5, 1980 Applicant: Sandy/Ukegawa REQUEST: Request for amendment to Land Use Element from Non- Residential Reserve to Planned Industrial on property located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road near Laurel Tree Road (as shown on map below). - .._ .- ..- - - -._ - . - 4 - 18.11 AC. I PC Acti,on: The Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL of GPA-55(B), a request to change the land use designation on prope: shown above from Non-Residential Reserve to Planned Industrial. e Eeit IIB~~ to PC Resc Ca No: GPA-55tC) November 5, 1980 Applicant: O'Hara ~. REQUEST: Request for amendment to the Circulation Element to d two secondary arterials, Los Manos Road and San Francisco Creek Road currently designated east of El Camino Real between Collec Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road and a request for amendment the Land Use Element as follows: A) Change approximately 25 acres from Residential Low-Medium Density to a Combination District comprised of Profession? and Related Commercial, Community Commercial and High Dens Residential for property as shown on the attached maps. B) Change approximately 25 acres from Residential Low Medium Density to a Combination District comprised of Profession; and Related Commercial, Community Commercial, and High Der Residential for property as shown on the attached maps. C) Change approximately 270 acres from Residential Low-Mediun Density to Residential Low-Medium density for property as shown on the attached maps. D) Change approximately 53 acres from Non-Residential Reservc Professional and Related Commercial for property as shown the attached maps. PC ACTION : The Planning Commission recommends APP'ROVAL of the following amendments to the General Plan requested by GPA-55(C), as showr on the attached maps: 1) That San Francisco Peak Xoad be deleted from the Circulat: Element of the General Plan, 2) That the request for a change from Residential Low-Densit] to a Combination District comprised of Residential High Density, Community Comercial and Professional and Relatec Commercial be approved for property located on the east side of El Camino Zeal south of future College Boulevard. The Planning Commission DENIES without prejudice the following requests for amendment: 1) That the request for a change from Residential Low-Medium Density to a Combination District comprised of Residentia: High Density, Community Commercial, and Professional and Related Commercial at the northwest corner of El Camino Real and future College Boulevard be denied without prejudice until a study of land use can be completed for this area e 2) That the Commission deny without prejudice the request to delete or realign Los Manos Way from the Circulation Elemi a e 3) That the Commission deny without prejudice the request to change 270 acres from Residential Low-Medium Density to Residential Low-Density. The Commission directs staff to prepare a Resolution of Intent: to hold a public hearing for a General Plan Amendment for this area following a study of circulation and land use by staff (see map depicting Commission action). The Commission hereby permits the applicant to withdraw the request to change the land use designation for 53 acres on the west side of El Camino Real between College and Palomar Airport Road. Attac.hments Maps CG : ar -2- P- 3 wit B 0 e pmG COPPUSSIm Amsox @A-55 (c) 11-5-80 I i J ! i ! I f I , e ,e ppfX?Gsm 3Y PSPLlrn Tf3 GENERPJ-I PIAN Lp;ND USE As @A-55 (c) i i B I I I I i \ P \ i I 1 is& of m/o/C i, i \ I r?”” ‘ c... .\ \.. _.... - :. ,. ___”_. _. -.. ””””. --. ~- ... I ;4c; - co&ination District ~~---l-”””- t i. ,~,;ialjr~Pr-Gl-~~Tc:$i’lR7”-Z ..‘ .\.. r . .- . - ”.”.’ __ ..”. -2 \ mm?r ! I\ 4 e 0 Exhibit "C" to PC Reso 3 Case NO: GPA-~~(D) November 5, 1980 Applicant: Mola ZEQUEST: Request for amendment to Land Use Element from Resideni Medium Density to Community Commercial on property located at tht northwest corner of El Camino Real and Alga Road, as shown on thc map below: PC ACTION: The Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL of GPA-5 changing the land use designation on property shown above from Residential Medium Density to Community Commercial. . .v b . 4 a a Exhibit I'D" to PC Reso #I Case No: GPA-55(E) November 5, 1980 Applicant: Whitney REQUEST: Request to amend the Land Use Elenent of the General PI from Planned Industrial to Travel Service for property located or the west side of Paseo del Norte approximately .25 miles south oJ Palomar Airport Road. PALOMAR ' ----___----_- "_ ."" . .- "_. ____ . AI R PORT R - 3.0.5. 7/55- M97~S8'39'ru - 5 87.5 "" "-1 --.- i . . . -.-, ~ c ___-_ ".". ~ ..."... ."" POR. t so ti NE \ I e- PC ACTION: The Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL of GPA-5 a request Po change the Land Use Element of the General Plan fro: Planned Industrial to Travel Service as shown on the map above.