HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 2223, m * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2223 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CIT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A E, PLAN TO REALIGN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND TO MAKE P PHASING CHANGES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NOR? SOUTH OF PLAOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, ONE AND ONE HALF MI OF EL CAMINO REAL. APPLICANT: RANCHO CARRILLO CASE NO.: MP-l39(B) WHEREAS, a verified application for certain proper wit: All tha Portion of Sections 18 and 19, Township 12 Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the Cour San Diego. has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to t Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a 2: as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 28th December, 1983, hold a duly noticed public hearing as presc law, to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all per desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all facto1 relating to the Master Plan: and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planr Commission as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public he; the Commission recommends APPROVAL of MP-l39(B), basec following findings and subject to the following condil 27 28 Findings: 1) The proposed master plan amendment will not adversely the public welfare since the realignment and phasing ( will continue to meet adopted city standards. m 0 1 2) The proposed realignment of Palomar Airport will provic 3) The project is consistent with all City public facilit! land use buffer between industrial and residential are: 2 3 icies and ordinances since: 4 5 6 7 a) The applicant has agreed and is required by the in( of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilii Performance of that contract and payment of the fec enable this body to find that public facilities wi: available concurrent with need as required by the ( plan. 8 6) This project will not cause any significant environmen. impacts and a Negative Declaration has been issued by ' 9 Use Planning Manager on November 1, 1983 and approved : Planning Commission on December 28, 1983. lo 12 1) Approval is granted for MP-l39(B), as shown on Exhibit; XI Conditions : I'B", and "X", dated December 28, 1983, incorporated by reference and on file in the Land Use Planning Office. 13 Development shall occur substantially as shown unless I noted in ,these conditions. l4 2) This project is approved upon the express condition th, 15 applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as require1 Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on file wi. 16 City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, and a1 to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment 17 fee, a copy of that agreement, dated August 29, 1983 a September 6, 1983, is on file with the City Clerk and 18 incorporated herein by reference. If said fee is not promised, this application will not be consistent with 19 General Plan and approval for this project shall be vo 20 3) Attached Exhibit "X", dated December 28, 1983, shall r pages V-13, V-14, V-15, V-16 and V-17 in the Rancho Ca 21 Master Plan, dated January 5, 1982. 22 /I//// 23 ip 24 ll//// 25 jl//// 26 27 28 PC RES0 NO. 2.223 //// ///I ///I I -2- I/ 0 0 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting c 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, he1 the 28th day of December 1983, by the following vote, to wit AYES: Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners Rombotie NOES : None. ABSENT: Commissioners Marcus and Farrow. ABSTAIN : None . Rawlins and Lyttleton. %" ,&u* CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Cha: CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMIS! ATTEST : 13 14 15 16 17 l8 /I 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PC RES0 NO. 2223 -3- * e EXHIBIT "X" DECEMBER 28, 1983 7. Utilities '\ Each of the identified utilities (solid waste disposal, gas and electric, cable TV, water and sewer including trunk sewer lines) are enterprise operations and shall be provided accordingly. Assurances of availability from each of the utilities shall be provided for each development per the requirements of the City's officially adopted public facilities policy. H. Phasing of Public Facilities The Phasing Schedules for each of the Planning Areas of this Master Plan are shown on Table I1 and as set forth on pages V-14, through V-22 inclusive. Phasing of development within each of these Planning Areas shall comply with the follow- ing: 11/9/81 1. Development of the various Planning Areas shall occur incrementally as shown on Tabl'e I1 and the developer shall make provision for all public facilities shown for each planning area. However, if provision is made for all of the public facilities listed under each phase, or if the responsible agencies or departments waive or modify the stated sequen- cing of facilities listed under each phase, the various Planning Areas within that phase shall be allowed to develop randomly or as modified. 2. The minimum increment of future development approval shall be each individual Planning Area. If consistent with the approved Devel- opment Plan, a Planning Area may be divided into several subdivisions. 3. All Planning Areas within each phase must have approved tentative maps before an application for development in the subsequent phase will be accepted for processing by the City unless otherwise authorized by the Planning Director. However, actual buildout of Planning Areas may well extend from one phase to the next. 4. Any further modification to this phasing schedule that has not already been addressed shall be made by amendment to this Master Plan except as provided in 111.8. and H. and G. below. Any such amendment shall include a v-11 m 0 corresponding modification as may be apprc ate to the phasing of public facilities ne sary to support such Planning Area develox ments. 5. Circulation phasing shall be done in such manner so as to provide loop streets and t access points to each planning area as qu: as feasible. In no event shall more than units be constructed without two points 01 access acceptable to the City Engineer. 6. At the Master Plan stage of the planning process, it is difficult to predict the precise sequence of phasing or the traffic volumes or traffic distribution that will occur at any given stage of development. Therefore, street improvement requirements will be reviewed with each tentative map E may change from this master plan if requiv by the City Engineer. 7. All required rights of any way for street traffic signal purposes must be dedicated prior to approval of final maps for the Plannins Area for which the riahts of wav - ._I * required. 8. A Planning Area may be recorded and develc in. increments. The City Engineer may reql the dedication and construction of necesse utilities, streets, and other improvement2 .~ outside anv Darticular maz, increment if SI +A L is needed for circulation, parking access for the welfare or safety of future occupz of the developement. The boundaries of ar final map increment shall therefore be SUI to the approval of the City Engineer. Thi requirement may supercede those of the suk areas. ~~ 9. Where major roads are needed to support develoDment in the master Dlan area, the C L L Engineer may require these roads to be dedicated and bonded for Drior to aplsroval ~ L LL the applicable final map. 10. The City Engineer may require that street, utility, and other improvements be install prior to the time such improvements are otherwise required under the phasinq schec if the imDrovements are deemed necessarv k L IC the City Engineer. v-12 a e 11. All street systems shall conform to the C Engineering Department Policy regarding c de-sac subdivisions. This policy is as follows: POLICY: Single entry point (cul-de-sac) subdivisions shall be permitted only when cul-de-sac street is: 1. A 36-foot or 40-foot curb-to-curb residential street and all of the following conditions are met: - 1. A 36-foot or 40-foot curb-to-curb residential street and all of the following conditions are met: - - a) Length of street does not exceed feet.* b) Traffic volume does not exceed 50 - ADT. c) Number of dwelling units does not - exceed 50. * Length may be increased to a ma: of 1200 feet with special permiss: of the City Engineer. 2. A 40-foot curb-to-curb street and all the following conditions are met: - a) Driveway or street intersections i spaced 150 feet or more apart. b) The length along streets from ent~ to most remote point does not exce - - one-half mile. ~~~ ~~~-~ ~~ - c) Traffic volume at entrance does nc exceed 1200 ADT. - d) Number of dwelling units does not exceed 120. - 3. A 4-lane secondary or major arterial 2 all of the following conditions are mE - a) The length along streets from entr to most remote point does not exce ~ one mile. b) Traffic volumes at entrance does n - exceed 5000 ADT. - c) Number of dwelling units does not exceed 500. V-13 0 e d) Condition is temporary, consisti a first phase of larger developr A second access must be part of approved development plans. 12. Melrose Avenue A) Prior to approval of the first final map for any s the right-of-way for Melrose Avenue must be fully dedicated within that subarea. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ B) If developed sequentially as described in the mast Melrose Avenue shall be constructed with half stre improvements in conjunction with adjacent developn prior to occupancy in adjacent planning areas. C) If development is approved out of the sequence des in the master plan within subarea two, the City Er may reauire off-site half street imnrovements on b * A ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ - Avenue to ensure adequate access to planning areaE developed out of sequence. D) Prior to occupancy of any planning area in subareE or 5 half street improvements shall be constructec Melrose Avenue from Palomar Airport Road through t planning area being occupied. E) An alternative to paragraph D above is that if Me1 Avenue is connected to Alga Road to the south pric its connection with Palomar Airport Road subareas may be served by the southern connection of Melros Avenue. In this instance Melrose Avenue shall be constructed with half street improvements in conjL with occupancy of adjacent development. If randon develoDment of Dlannina areas occurs under this L A. d alternative the City Engineer may require off-sit€ improvements to Melrose Avenue to ensure adequate to these Dlannincr areas. ~ ~~ L d F) Under any conditions, half street improvements fol entire length of Melrose Avenue must be completed Palomar Airport Road to Alga Road prior to approv< occupancy for the 1200th dwelling unit within the plan boundaries. - G) Prior to occupancy being approved for the 2000th ( unit within the master plan, full width improveme] Melrose Avenue must be completed from Palomar Airj Road to Alga Road. V-14 0 e 13) Palomar Airport Road Prior to the approval of the final map for the first planning area within the master plan boundaries, the fu: width of the Palomar Airport Road right-of-way must be dedicated. The developer shall construct two 14 foot 1( with street lights and drainage structures on each side the median area prior to any occupancy within the mastel plan boundaries. The developer shall paint median stril and shall bond for all other median improvements. Thesf median improvements shall be constructed prior to occupi of the 1200th unit within the master plan area. The Cit Engineer may require the developer to construct these improvements sooner if he finds that there is a need fol the median prior to occupancy of the 1200th unit. 14 - 1 - The remaining improvements to Palomar Airport Road on tl north side of the centerline, will take place in conjunc with the adjacent development of planning areas T, U & T prior to occupancy. The remaining improvements to Palor: Airport Road on the south side of this centerline will t place in conjunction with the adjacent development of planning areas A4, A1 , F1 , G1 & G2, prior to occupancy. Carrillo Way Carrillo Way shall be fully dedicated prior to the final approval for any planning area in subarea three. Carril Way shall be constructed with half street improvements i conjunction with adjacent development, prior to occupanc V-15 e :a HCA I= Lf pl Y (D P il oarrr MMMMP h)Pwh)P Pwwrvlg zizc 4 C e PL YE (DE Dk ci 15 h) Ci 4NWPCo 4QvlcJlP4 UlPCn 1 I I PONPW PQCnOvlO rn0Q trk I I m: I I rtb I I I r- F I I P I< c I P 0 I I I I mo OW c(D P 04 h)P o (D P tr a rt e pl P- P rt 0 Ill Ill Ill Ill 111111 111111 IIIIII IIIIII I I I I I OYW ml-30 I cw(D rt P- =I rr MplG Ptr P ao 0 (D W r- (D=l 3 4 Wbm m(D Prt o (DM IL P- tr tl 0 (D tr $! 0 (D 5- g s Y (D P m rt M w W 0 (D tr $ j- P n (D m 0 c rt (D 3 m pl rt M h) W 0 (D 3 $! 0 n ;- E m rt M P I I W 0 (D tr G P o (D P- =l 3 0 Y s E cn (D (D x P h, Ilr P w Ill Ill Ill Ill I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 cr! 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