HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-31; Planning Commission; Resolution 3235. . ’ Ii l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3235 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT TO AMEND VARIOUS CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW FOR (1) THE REVISION AND ADDITION OF ZONING DEFINITIONS, (2) BUILDING HEIGHT REDUCTIONS, (3) INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL HEIGHT INCREASES, AND (4) CLARIFICATION OF THE BUILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTION WITHIN THE BEACH AREA OVERLAY ZONE. CASE NAME: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO. ZCA 91-3 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 3rd day of July, 1991, and on the 31st day of July, 1991, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to I 9 10 consider said request, and 11 12 13 14 15 /I factors relating to the Negative Declaration. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, examining the initial study, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Planning Commission considered all 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Comrnission as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. Bl That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby recommends APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration according to Exhibit “ND”, dated May 2, 1991, and “PII”, dated April 26, 1991, attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the following findings: Findings: 1. The initial study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant impact on the environment since no development is proposed. Implementation of the proposed zone code amendments on future developments will not cause any significant environmental impacts because all projects are subject to environmental review. .. ii e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2. The regulation of building height and mass will not prevent the identificatiio: and/or mitigation of a project's environmental impacts. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plannin Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 31st day of July, 1991, by th following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Holmes, Commissioners: Schlehuber, Savary, Erwin l Noble. NOES: Commissioner Hall. ABSENT: Commissioner Schramm. ABSTAIN: None. ATTEST: fi Sj 'U - ROBERT HOLMES, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION u MICHAEL J. HOLZMI~LER PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 3235 -2- 28 ,. 0 City 0 of Carlsbad NEGAW DECLARATION PROJECT ADDRESWLOCATION: Zone Code Amendment to be implemented CirJ"Yide. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Amendments and additions to various chapters and sections or the Zoning Ordinance to allow for (I) the revision and addition of zoning definitions, (2) building height reductions, (3) building height increases for certain commercial and industrial uses, (4) modification of the building height limit in the Beach Overlay Zone, and (5) the estabiishment of floor area ratios for single fa*-and duplex residential uses. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City 'of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project. Justification for rhs acrion is on file in the Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the PIanning Department wirhin 30 days of date of issuance. If you have any questions, please call Eric Munoz in the Planning Department at 438-1161, extension 4441. - - Deparrmeni, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 920091 Comrmts from the DATED: MAY 2, 1991 4&" , -. ; ,. " - MICHAEL J. HOLZMftLER CASE NO. ZCA 91-3 Planning Director APPLICANT: CITl OF CARLSBAD PUBLISH DA*: MAY 2, 1991 ENM:lh 2075 Las Palmas Orive - Carlsbad. California 92009-4859 (619) 438-1 161 NOTICE OF COXPLETIO R w Mali to: State Clearrngnousc, 1400 Tench Street, h. 121, Sacramento, CA 95814 - 91g/4~5.~13 1 I 1 *WTE sclar: i xn I Project Titte: ZCA 91-3 - WILDING WEIGHT PROGRAM -pad Ageqcy: CITY OF ML- Contact Person: ERIC MUM02 Street Adress: 2:7 -15 31: *E Phone: (6'9) -38-"5: Y --*, ,. -. - .f: 3JPLSaAD 210: 92CC9 County: -5AN J[E;O PROJECT LOCATICU: _....."--"-----.-....---..----..""-"~~""-~""____________________""~~.~.~."""~~~"~~"~~~~""~~~~~~~~~~,_~,, - -,"PtY: -. SAY 3:EsO Clry/Mearesc Zmnlry: t:Tvii!OE tr:ss St-eers: C:TYU13E Total Acres: t::r ,,;:E c.3 jqLa;? m. +5, Ajsessor's Parcei Mo. M/A Sec: 1 an: M/A Tup. N/A Range: v/A 3ase: 2 .~:?1n 2 Mites: State Huy t: 1-5 UatWYaYS: Pacific Ocean & 3 Lagoons: (Buena Vlsta, Agm .ceg.:raa, ;a: I: Airports: 3alcmr-McClellan Railways: ATgSF Schools: ,:.rfr,ze ___________.______.""."""""""""".""-~.""~".~--"""".."".""""""".""""......~.~...~....__.__ "EN1 TYPE CEQA: - WOP - fupplement/Subsequent YEPA: - NO I OTHER: - Joint 3oc3mnr - Early Cons - EIR (Prior SCH No.) EA Finat 33c;men: X Meg Oec - Other - - Draft EIS - Other Oraft EIR - - . -FONSI ___~~.___~~..~~~_~~~~"""""""""""""""""""~~""~.""""""""""""""""".~""""~~~~....." - - .- - LOCAL ACTICU TIP€ - General Plan UDdate - Specific Plan Rezone Amxat i on General Plan Amndncnt General PLan Elrrnt Cmnity Plan - Master Plan Planned Unit DeveLopnent - use Permit Coastal Perrnlt Site Pian Land Dlvision (Subdivision, X 0th~ tar Ccc& nCr Parcel Map, Tract Map, etc.) - - - Prezone - Redcvelopnent - - - - - - - DEVELBIEYT TYPE - Residential: Units Acres Yater Facilities: Type UGD - ____"______________"""""""""""""""""""""""..""""""""""""""""""""".........-.. Office: Sq. Ft. Ewl oyees Transportation: Type Ac r es Ccmnercial: Sq. Ft. Acres Enpl oyees Wining: Mineral Industrial: Sq. Ft. Acres - Power: Type &CtS Enpl oyees Recreational - - - - - - - Educational Yaste Treatment: Type - - - Hazardous Yaste: Type - X Other: Dcvctopmcnt Requlations regarainq txlildinp height and mass, _""________""_""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""----"--------~~- PWJECT I-S Dl- I# -UT - Aesthetic/Visual Flood Plain/Flooding SchceLs/Universities Yarer Quality Forest Land/Fire Hazard - Septic System water Su~ply/ Gaologic/Scismic Smr Cawcity Agricultural Land Air Quality trod Yater Archaeological/Historicrt - - Himrrlr Soi 1 Erosion/Carpaction/Gradiw - YetLand/Riparia Coastal 2- Noi so Solid Yrste Wi ldl i fe - OraiMge/Abrorption - PopuLrtim/Hwsing Balance - Toxic/Hrrrrdaa Growth Inducing Econanic/Job Patic Services/Facilities - Traffic/Circulation Landuse Fiscal vegetation Cunrlative Effe X Other &g Reajlatims rqardim : height and mss. _________________."""~"""""...""""""""""""..""""""""""""..."--------"-"---"--""-"-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recreation/Parks - - - - - Presat Lnd urcnali~c!umml ?tm uu ALL CURRENT CITYVIDE ZWING AN0 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS YILL MOT BE WQ)IFIED. _______"_"_______""""""""""""""""""""""".""""""""""--"-""--"-------"-"--"----"- Project Description AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIOYS TO VARIWS CHAPTERS AN0 SECTIONS OF THE ZWIWG ORDINANCE TO ALLOY FQI (1) THE REVlSfW AND AD0*' ZONING OEflNlTIOIIS, (2) WlLOlWG HEIGHT RCDUCTIOWS, (3) BUILDIMG HEIGHT INCREASLS Fm CERTAIN c~*cI~L ANo lMoUSTRIAL "'I WX)lFIWTIOI OF THE BUILDIMG HEIGHT LIMIT IN THE BEACH OVERLAY ZONE. AYO (5) THC EStAOLISnYNT OF FLodl AREA RATIdf Fb SINGLE AND DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL USES. NOTE: CLearimae will assign i-tificatim mrs for all Iyy projects. If scn Wr atre* exists for 8 prois' fra a Notice of Pr-rrtion or previous draft documnt) please fill it in. Reviscd Octo0 ENVIRO -AI- IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM - w' (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASE NO. ZCA 91-3 BACKGROUND: DATE: APRIL 26, 1991 1. CASE NAME: BUILDING HEIGHT PROGRAM 2. APPLICANT: CITY OF C.WLSBAD 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF APPLIC&iT: 2075 US PUMAS DRm CARLSBAD. CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 x 4430 4. DATE EL4 FORM PART I SUBMITTED: APRIL 23. 1991 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Amendments and additions to various chapters and sections of the Zofi Ordinance to ailow for (1) the revision and addition of zoninn definitions. (2) buildinn heipht reducion: f3) buildinn heinht increases for certain commercial and industrial uses, (4) modification of the buildin heinht limit in the Beach Overlav Zone. and (5) the establishment of floor area ratios for sinnle farruly an dudex residential uses. The main goal of the Building Height Subcommittee which initiated this zone code amendment is the issl of large and bulkv residential development that is overly intense and/or out of scale. This zone coc amendment will address this problem bv doinn the fouowinn: (a) It d introduce a new buildina heig definition and method of measurinn buildinn heinht. 6) reduce sinde familv and dudex buildinn heiq limits from 35 to 25 feet. and (c) establish floor area ratios for single familv and duplex residentiaI usz Other recommendations include the allowance for underaround u ark inn in relation to building heinht, d aDDroDriateness and need for allowinn hinher buildinns in commercial and industrial areas and the need modifv the buildinn height restrictions in the Beach Area Overlav zone. Attached is Exhibit "X". dated JUI 1 1. 1991 whch contains all the specific recommendations and definitions which comprise this zone coi amendment. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, section 15063 requires that the City conduct an Environmental Imp' Assessment to determine if a project may have a sipficant effect on the environment. The Environmental Imp1 Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. This checklist identifies any physical, biolo8; and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed project and provides the City with information to use the basis for deciding whdk to prepare an Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration. * A Negative Declaration nuy be prepred if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the project or any of aspects may cause a si@?cant effect on the environment. On the checklist, "NO" will be checked to indicate 1 determination. * An EIR must be prepared if the City determines that there is substantial evidence that any aspect of the project r cause a sidcant effect on the environment. The project may qualify for a Negative Declaration howeve] adverse impacts are mitigated so that environmental effects can be deemed insidcant. These findings are shc in the checklist under the headings "YES-sig" and "YES-insig" respectively. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the form UI DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given to discussing mitigation impacts which would otherwise be determined significant. w PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT WlLL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: 1. Result in unstable earth conditions or increase the exposure of people or property 10 geologic hazards? 2. Appreciably change the topography or any unique physicai features? 3. Result in or be affected by erosion of soils either on or off the site? 4. Result in changes in rhe deposition of beach sands, or modification of the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or - any bay, inlet or lake? 5. Result in substantial adverse effects on ambient air quality? 6. Result in substantial changes in air movement, odor, moisture, or temperature? 7. Substantially change the course or flow of water (marine, fresh or flood waters)? 8. Affect the quantity or quality of surface water, ground water or public water supply? 9. Substantially increase usage or cause depletion of any natural resources? 10. Use substantial amounts of fuel or energy? 11. Alter a significant archeological, paleontologid or historical site, structure or object? - -2- w YES big) - - - " - - - - - - - - YES NO (insig) - - x X - - - x - x X - - - x X - X - X x - - - - X - - w 0 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DtRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO big) (insig) 12. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of plants (including plants)? crees, shrubs, grass, microflora and aquatic 13. tntroduce new species of plants into an area, or a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? 14. Reduce the amount of acreage of any agricultural crop or affect prime, unique or other farmland of state or local importance? 15. Affect the diversity of species, habitat or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, all water dwelling organisms and insects? 16. Introduce new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? HUMANENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: 17. Alter the present ot planned land use of an area? 18, Substantially affectpublic utilities, schools, police, &e, emergency or other public services? - - - - - - I - - - - YES YES (si& (insig) - - - - X X X X X NO X - X - -3- w HUMAN ENVIRONMENT WILL THE PROPOSAL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY: 19. Result in the need for new or modified sewer systems, solid waste or hazardous waste control sysrems? 20. Increase existing noise levels? 21. Produce new light or glare? 22. Involve a sigmficant risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? 23. Substantially alter the density of the - human population of an area? 24. Affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? 25. Generate substantial additional traffic? 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Affect existing parking facilities, or create a large demand for new parking? Impact existing transportation systems or alter present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alter waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Interfere with aaclgency response plans or emergency evacudm plans? Obstruct any sceniic- vista or create an aesthetically offensive public view? Affect the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 4 w YES YES (sip) (insig) - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 7 - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - NO x X X X X X X X X X X X X - X - .. 0 0 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE WILL THE PROPOSAL DlREClZY OR INDIRECTLY: YES YES NO big) (insig) 33. Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wild- life species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restict the range of a rare or en- dangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. 34. Does the project have the potential - to achieve short-term, to the dis- advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) X - - - .- X - - 35. Does the project have the possible dividually limited but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively con- siderable" means that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) environmental effects which are in- 36. Does the project bave environmentd effects which will cause substantial adverse effects cm-hvman beings, either directly or iiiilirectiy? X - - X - - -5- w W .. IISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 2. The proposed Zone Code Amendment will not result in unstable earth conditions or increase the exposure of people or property to geologic hazards because no actual development is proposed. Ody regulations regarding future development are being proposed. All future development will need to comply with all City Standards, including the issuance of grading permits to prevent unstable earth conditions or the creation of geologic standards due to development and grading. 2. The proposed Zone Code Amendment will not appreciably change the topography of any site or alter physical features of any site. As shown within Exhibit "X1, the new building height definition will require that building height be measured from the more restrictive of finished or existing grade so that building height will conform to the natural topography of a given site; but this Zone Code Amendment itself will not physically alter any sites until development is proposed. No specific development is proposed with this action, 3. The erosion of soils on or off a given site will not be affected by this Zone Code Amendment since all future development will meet applicable City standards and all conditions associated with the issuance of grading permits. 4. This Zone Code Amendment will not result in any changes in the deposition patterns of beach sands or the alignment of river or streambeds or the bottoms of any lagoons or inlets. The Zone Code Amendment is only mow or adding restrictions to future development with regards to building height and mass. 5/6. There will be no impact on air quality from this Building Height Program. The reduced residential building height and the potentially increased commercial or industrial height, as well as the result of implementing floor area ratios will not impact air quality or air movement, odor, moisture or temperature. 7/8. The proposed regulations and modifications to existing building height regulations will nor impact the flow of any watercourses nor will it affect the quality or quantity of surface water, groundwater or public water supply. All future development will go through the standard project review process to ensure that water resources are not adversely impacted. 9/10. Since no development is proposed with this Zone Code Amendment there will be no impacts to natural resources and there will be no need for the use of energy or fuel. 11/12. During the -dard project review process environmental review will be done to assess any potential archeological, historical or cultural resources on a given site. The regulations associated with this Zone Code Amendment will not affect that process so there will be no impacts to cultural resources from adoption of this amendment. -6- .. 0 0 BIOLOGICAL ENv[Rom 12/13. Since no spcclfic development is proposed, there will be no impacts to the diversity of any plant species and there will be no barriers to the normal replenishment of existing plant species. There will be no introduction of plant species into an area within the City through this building height program. 14. The proposed regulations will not impact agncultural lands of any importance within the City. Since these regulations are going Citpnde, it would not affect any specific site. The environmental review process for a specific project with acreage that has agricultural crops of any importance on it will be identified and mitigated as needed at that time. 15/16. Since this project does not propose specific development, there will be no impacts to the diversity of animal species and there will be no barriers created to alter the migrations or movements of animal species within the City and no new animal species will be introduced by this building height program. HUMAN ENVIRONMENT - - - - 17. Present or planned land uses of an area will not be affect by this proposed Zone Code Amendment. Present or planned land uses would only be subjected to these regulations regarding building height and/or floor area ratio. There will be no General Plan Amendments associated with this action which would alter any present or planned land use designations within the City. 18/19. Since these regulations involve definitions and building heights and floor area ratios, there will be no impacts to public utilities or public services such as school, fire, police, etc. There will no adverse impacts to any of the Local Facilities Management Plans, per the City's Growth Management Ordinance from the adoption of this Zone Code Amendment. In addition there will be no increased need for modified or new sewer systems, sanitation systems, or hazardous waste control systems within the City. 20. The proposed building height program revisions and modifications will not generate noise or affect existing noise levels. The environmental review associated with specific projects will assess noise impacts as part of t,he standard project review process. 21. The anriapatexi changes and patterns of future development per the recommendations contained dthin this Zone Code Amendment will not produce any new light or glare other than what is standard and typical for any given development. 22. There will be no explosion or risk of upset due to the adoption of this Zone Code Amendment which regulates building height and mass of future development. - -7- 23. 24. 2s. 26. - 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 0 w The density of an area within the City will not be affected by this proposed Zone Code Amendment. The regulation of building height, intensity of development and utilization of floor area ratio will not affect a project's density. There will be no General plan Amendments associated with this action, therefore the allowed densities of any area within the City will remain as they currently are. Existing housing will not be affected by this action and there will not be a demand for additional housing created by the adoption of the recommendations comprising this amendment. Future housing, however, shall conform to the new regulations as outlined in Ehbit "X". The proposed Zone Code Amendment will not create additional traffic for future development. The residential height reductions do not include any modification to the existing parking requirements for those uses. In addition the commercial and industrial height increases have, based on specific uses, trip generation rates which wouid not be increased by the allowance to have a higher building height up to the maximum of three levels as outlined in Exhibit "X". Since no development is proposed with this Zone Code Amendment, existing parking facilities will not be impacted. In addition, since the p'roposed fe'egirlations and revisions do not increase the parking requirement for any given use, there will be no creation of a large demand for parking. The proposed building height modifications for residentid,' industrial and commercial uses will have no corresponding impact to existing or planned transportation systems or the present or planned patterns of circulation of movement of people and/or goods. Airborne, rail and air traffic will not be impacted by these regulations since they involve the intensity of residential development or the allowance for an increase in building for certain commercial and industrial uses. Traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians will not be increased by theses proposed regulations. The standard project review process will maximize safety for these modes of transportation through site pian review. This proposed zone code amendment will have no impact on emergency response plans or emcrgcncy evacuation plans. There is no impact to these types of plans from the variatiaa of regulation of building height or floor area. NO scenic vistas will be obstructed and aesthetically offensive views Will not be created by the implementation of the proposed building height regulations. One of the goals of this program is to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of aestheticdy offensive public views in the form of large residential smcmes (single family/duplexes) on small lots that create projects that are out of scale with their lot size and developed too intensely. -8- 0 32. The proposed Zone Code Amendment will not affect the quality or quantiry of existing recreatiod opportunities. Projects requiring recreational amenities must still provide them reem of building height or floor area resolutions. .- e .- -L \ %. -9- w w ANALYSIS OF VIABLE ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUCH AS: a) Phased development of the project, b) alternate site designs, c) alternate scale of development, d) alternate uses for the site, e) development at some future time rather than now, f) alternate sites for the proposed, and g) no projecr aiternative. A. Phasing the implementation of the proposed zone code amendment will not allow the full scope of the recornmendations to have any effect on future development. The components comprising this zone code amendment ideally will be adopted and implemented as one program to most effectively address all the initial issues of concern which starred this project. B. N/A C. N/A . ” .- - D. This proposed zone code amendment would be citywide. There is no specific site involved/actual development proposed. E/G. The need for these types of controls on residential development and also the allowance for commercial and industrial height increases are needed at this time. Waiting to adopt and/or implement ,these recommendations would not be consistent with the direction of the City and desires of the City Council. Citywide. F. The scope of the recommendations within this Zone Code Amendment are meant to be applic ENM:lh -. . -10- 0 a DETERMINATION (To Be Completed By The Planning Department) 1 On the basis of this initial evaluation: x [ find the proposed projecr COULD NOT have a significanr effecr on [he environmenr, and a LEG,+:: - [ find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, because : DECLARATION wilt be prepared. enciromental effects of the proposed project have already been considered in conjunc:icR l,v: previously certified environmental documents and no additional environmental review is :eq;:rf Therefore, a Notice of Determination has been prepared. - I find that although the proposed projecr could have a significant effect on the environment, [?.ere -,+ not be a sigruficant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A Conditional Negative Declaration will be proposed. - I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVtROKhlENT [MPACT REPORT is required. Y/z 4/S/ C& /tl "q 41251 4 t /~~~~+-!$+&& h: 1 Date Signature J- 'Date Planning Directjor d LIST MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APPLtCABLEl " ATTACH MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (IF APPLICABLE1 -1 1- w w APPLICANT CONCURRENCE WTH MITIGATING MEASURES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED THE ABOVE MITIGATING MEASURES AND CONCUR WITH THE ADDITION OF THESE MEASURES TO THE PROJECT. Date Signature ._ z - - .. .. - 12-