HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-16; Planning Commission; Resolution 3525- ." ., .i ,. ! .i , 1 r :,,, i Ij a Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3525 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION OF A PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL, IMPACT COVERING 647 ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL, NORTH OF THE AVIARA MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITY, AND EAST OF PASEO DEL NORTE, WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 20. CASE NAME: ZONE 20 SPECIFIC PLAN REPORT, EIR 90-03, FOR THE ZONE 20 SPECIFIC PLAN CASE NO: EIR 90-03 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property to wit: Land generally located south of Palomar Airport Road, west of El Camino Real, north of the Aviara Master Planned Community, and east of Paseo Del Norte in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, has been fled with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Tit1 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 16th day of June, 1991 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimon and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered a factors relating to the Program Environmental Impact Report and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Phnning Commissia as follows: I A) That the FOREGOING recitations are true and correct. B) That the Environmental Impact Report EIR 90-03 will be amended to incluc the comments and documents of those testifying at the public hearing ar responses thereto hereby found to be in good faith and reason t: incorporating a copy of the minutes of said public hearings into the repor .... ., ,), ', I1 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C) That the Planning Commission finds and determines that the Environment; Impact Report EIR 90-03 has been completed in conformance with th California Environmental Quality Act, the state guidelines implementing sai Act, and the provisions of Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and th; the Planning Commission has reviewed, considered and evaluated th information contained in the report. D) That the Environmental Impact Report EIR 90-03 as so amended and a evaluated in the staff report dated June 16, 1993, is recommended fc acceptance and certification as the Final Environmental Impact Report an that the Final Environmental Impact Report as recommended is adequate an provides reasonable information on the specific plan and all reasonable an feasible alternatives thereto, including no project. E) That each and every significant environmental impact identified in th Environmental Impact Report would be mitigated, overruled or count6 balanced by conditions of approval on future development which woul mitigate against said adverse impacts. FindiIlgS: 1. That the following findings are made relative to the conclusions of the Fin; Environmental Impact Report (m) for the proposed Zone 20 Specific Pla (!KH#90010834) based on the EIR text, including the comments and responses t the draft EIR, and all documents, maps, public testimony and illustrations include in the public record. 2. That the EIR will serve as a "Program EIR" by addressing impacts of subsequer entitlements including Site Development Plans, Conditional Use Permits, Planne Development Permits, Hillside Development Permits, and Tentative Maps. 3. That the proposed +c plan covers 647 acres held in 38 separate ownership At buildout the specific plan area is projected to include, at a maximum, 2,06 residential dwelling units, two major circulation element roadways, a school, an a city park. 4. The Planning Commission finds that cumulatively significant impacts to air qualil would be mitigated below a level of significance for the following reasons: a. The specific plan has incorporated measures to conform to regional a quality plans, including: (1) coordination with regional transportatia agencies; (2) guidelines and potential sites for neighborhood commercial lam uses; (3) distribution of transportation information to future residents; (L the provision of a pedestrian/bicycle trail system; and, (5) bike lanes don PC RES0 NO 3525 -2- .., >* I . I,, e c 1 major roadways. All these measure would help reduce vehicle des travela and the number of vehicle cold starts. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b. At this time, the only available mitigation for cumulative air quality impact is the successful implementation of the adopted Regional Air Qualit Strategies (RAQS), which have been designed to implement all masonab11 measures to try to achieve the State air quality standards in the basin. Th San Diego Air Pollution Control District is ultimately responsible fo implementing the RAQS and achieving the State and Federal air qualit standards in the San Diego basin. The specific plan is in conformance wid the adopted General Plan and has been determined to be in conformanc~ with the requirements of the RAQS. Conditions: 9 1. Refer to attached Exhibit "A", dated June 16, 1993, Mitigation Monitoring An( 10 Reporting Program, for the mitigation and monitoring programs applicable to tht Zone 20 Specific Plan project area. 11 12 // AGRICULTURE: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2. To offset the conversion of non-prime agricultural land to urban land uses per tht requirements of the Mello I1 Local Coastal Program, development within Site I1 an( 111 of the Agricultural Overlay Zone shall implement one of the following threc mitigation options prior to approval of a hal map or implementing permit: a. Preserve prime agricultural property within the Coastal Zone consistent wid Sections 30241 and 30242, or cluster new development consistent wit1 Section 30250, of the Coastal Act; or b. Illustrate that continued or renewed agricultural use is not feasible per th( guidelines of Mitigation Option 2 of the Local Coastal Program; or c. Provide payment of an agricultural mitigation fee, the amount of which i established by the Carlsbad City Council at the time of the tentative ma] approval. The fee is not less than $5,000.00 and not more than $10,000.0( for each converted acre. 07 I/ RECLAIMED WATER: GjJ II 24 3. Improvement plans shall be submitted to the City for review and approval showin; locations/sizing of reclaimed water and/or urban runoff diversion facilities, lj 25 accordance with the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirements and the phasin; schedule provided in the Zone 20 LFMP. Reclaimed water facilities shall b( 26 27 PC RES0 NO 3525 -3- 28 e' .,, , l' ', il e d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 constructed in all major roadways within the specific plan area concurrent wit! development. 4. Where feasible, reclaimed water and/or urban runoff diversion facilities shall b provided within the specific plan area for the purpose of re-using treated wastewate and stormdrain runoff for agricultural production and landscape irrigation in th future. AIR OUALITY: 5. Cumulative air quality impacts shall be mitigated via successful implementation c the San Diego portion of the State Implementation Plan, under the supervision c the San Diego Air Pollution Control District (APCD). The California Clean Air A( requires implementation of transportation control measures, or Regional Air Qualit Strategies, (RAQS), to meet air quality goals. Although most of the RAQS ar intended to be applied at the regional planning level by APCD or other entities suc: as the Metropolitan Transportation District Board, and SANDAG. The Zone 21 Specific Plan can make use of the following strategies as they are implemented. a. All developments approved within the Zone 20 Specific Plan shall b conditioned to contact the North County Transit District to coordinat development with projected locations for bus stops, drop-off sites, and othe transit related parking facilities. b. Projects with Homeowners Associations and apartment projects shall b conditioned to obtain and distribute to owners and tenants an nu^ information from Caltrans and NCTD regarding the availability of publi transportation, ride-sharing and transportation pooling services in the area This condition shall also apply to project sales and rental offices. c. Where feasible, residential development projects located adjacent to land use such as park, schools, future commercial facilities, and transit facilities shoulc incorporate internal pedestrian access to these uses. d. Class I1 bicycle paths should be provided along the full length of all majo roadways within the specific plan area. 6. Compliance with APQ) Rules 51 (The "Nuisance" Rule), 52 (Particulate Matter; and 54 (Dust and Fumes) of the Air Quality Chapter would &mtively mitigate dm impacts generated during grading operations. A note shall be placed on htur tentative maps, implementing permits, or grading permits stipulating that th following measures shall be required to achieve compliance with these rules, an reduce construction-related air pollutants: PC RES0 NO 3525 -4- .!.' % , 1,' ': 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 a. The watering of all surfaces being graded and haul routes shall be reqyim during dry weather conditions. b. All unpaved areas shall be revegetated according to approved landscape plan as soon as possible after grading. c, All construction-related traffic shall be restricted to routes that ar dust-controlled, and reduced speed limits shall be maintained for all haul an construction vehicles. d. All construction activities shall be limited during periods of high winds. e. All heavyduty, diesel-powered construction equipment shall be operatec according to manufacturers suggested operating instruction (with th fuel-injection tjming retarded to recommended levels for NO, emissions, bu which would not result in excessive visible smoke emissions) in order tc control pollutant emissions. f. Construction equipment shall be subject to regularly schedule maintenance/tune-ups, and be turned off when not being utilized to avoic excessive idling emissions. g. The application of architectural coating and cut-back asphalt shall adhere tc APCD Rules 67.0 and 67.7, to effectively control other construction-relatec emissions of air pollutants. h. The Engineering Depment shall monitor for compliance during all gradiq operations of the project. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: 7. Prior to approval of a tentative map, or implementing permit within the specific plan area a biological field survey update shall be conducted, and a letter repor shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The rangc of onsite mitigation should include proposed open space easements to preservc sensitive resources, habitat restoration plans to fully compensate for the direct 10s: of sensitive biological habitat, or other feasible options such as conversion fees o mitigation banking, to be determined by future biological studies. All subsequen biological field studies shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and be ir compliance with all the mitigation requirements of EIR 90-03 under Biologica Resources, Section 3.4 on Page 111-37. 8. All projects subject to additional responsible agency permits shall apply to the relevant governmental agencies (i.e. USFWS and CDFG) for review and approval PC RES0 NO 3525 -5- . . .\ 4. ', .' II 0 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 All conditions specified by these permits shall also become conditions of approva for each final map or implementing permit within the specific plan area. 9. As mitigation for direct impacts to sensitive biological habitats resulting from futur development in the specific plan area a Habitat Restoration Plan may be prepare1 by a qualified biologist and submitted to the City for approval prior to issuance c any grading or building permits, whichever comes first. Where habitat restoratio: is required by a subsequent biological study, all restoration sites shall be installe, and certain specified success criteria met by these conditions: a. The restoration site shall be monitored for a minimum. of five years to ensur a successful rate of plant establishment. b. An open space easement shall be dedicated over all future habitat restoratio. areas onsite to ensure their long-term preservation and maintenance. c. In order to increase the probability of successful plant establishment withi future habitat restoration areas onsite the revegetation plan shall compl with Section - of EIR 90-03. d. Any future habitat restoration areas onsite shall be in substantk conformance to Figure 3.4-3 of EIR 90-03 to the maximum extent feasiblc 10. All future biological open space easements and habitat restoration sites sha incorporate the use of building setbacks and/or buffer zones to separat development areas from dedicated open space boundaries. The exact location an width of buffers shall be determined at the time of future, site specific biologic; surveys, pursuant to Section of EIR 90-03. a. Uses within these buffer zones shall be restricted to required yard area! fences/walls, hiking/bicycle trails, and streets. Proposed landscaping withi all buffer zones shall conform to the City's Fire Suppression Plan, pursuar to the Landscape Design Guidelines. b. All future open space easements dedicated to the City for the purpose c protecting sensitive biological resources shall be preserved in perpetuity. c. Grading, placement of structures, or vegetation planting or removal, shall b prohibited within these future biological open space easements, except th: vegetation may be selectively removed upon written order of the appropriat fire control authority for the express purpose of reducing an identified fix hazard. Exceptions for utility easements to serve future development ma also be approved within these easements. Fencing and signage may als PC RES0 NO 3525 -6- 9;'. , , . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 0 need to be placed within these easements to discourage off-trail use b; hikersfiicyclists. d. Any unauthorized encroachments into these dedicated open space easement shall require mitigation in the form of "in-kind" habitat restoration onsite pe the replacement ratios and other conditions specified by applicable permi regulations. 11. Prior to approval of a tentative map or implementing permit for any phase or uni of development within those properties located in the western most portion of th( specific plan area which will require service connections to the sewer line designatec near its western boundary. a sewer study shall be conducted by a registered civi engineer, and submitted to the City for review and approval. Based on the result of this study, supplemental environmental review shall be undertaken to determinl potential mitigation measures, if necessary. All recommended mitigation measure from this environmental study shall become conditions of approval on subsequen development projects for those portions of the specific plan area. 12. Hidden Valley Road (Former Macario Drive) shall be aligned so as to minimizc impacts to the offsite Encinas Canyon creek channel to the north; avoid impacts tc sensitive coastal sage scrub habitat on steep slopes; maintain, as much as feasible existing channel characteristics of the onsite drainage feature along its western edge and minimize the exposed height of graded roadway slopes. a. A corridor alignment study for Hidden Valley Road shall be conducted by i registered traffic engineer for the purpose of examining those feasiblc alternatives which would accomplish the above-stated goals. b. This alignment study shall be submitted to the City for review and approva prior to approval of a tentative map or implementing permit for any phase or unit of development in which this road is required. 13. Prior to approval of the first tentative map proposed within the separate specifi plan drainage basins, the Master Drainage Plan prepared by Rick Engineering, 1990 shall be revised to include specific recommendations for the locations, design, anc construction easements for all permanent desiltation basins required to handlc stormwater drainage flows based on peak build-out runoff volumes. The location of maintenance access roads to service these facilities shall also be delineated in thc study update. a. Based on the results of this study, supplemental environmental review shal be undertaken to determine potential impacts and mitigation measures, i necessary. related to the construction and maintenance of required desiltatiol PC RES0 NO 3525 -7- 28 i * * , ;. 8. a e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 onsite. All recommended mitigation measures shall then become condition of approval on subsequent development projects in the specific plan area. b. All supplemental hydrologic and environmental studies shall be prepared b qualified professionals in their prospective fields and submitted to the Cit for review and approval. 14. Oversized culverts are recommended to be installed at the locations shown o Figure 3.4-3 of EIR 90-03; The feasibility of constructing oversized culverts at thes locations shall be evaluated at the time roadway improvement plans are submitte to the City Engineering Department for review. Specific mitigation measure required to be incorporated into the design of these culverts, if necessary, shall b based on future biological studies, subject to review and approval by the City. 15. Prior to approval of a tentative map or the first implementing permit for the DeJon property, a Habitat Restoration Plan, prepared by a qualified biologist, shall b submitted for review and approval by the United States Fish and Wildlife Servicc California Department of Fish and Game, and the City. This plan shall delineate th measures required to fully mitigate impacts to sensitive habitat resulting from grading violation discovered on the property by City staff during the preparation c EIR 90-03. a. In addition, the applicant shall submit for review and approval the necessar permit applications to the relevant governmental resource agencies. A conditions specified by these approved permits and by the Habit2 Restoration Plan shall also become conditions of approval for each final ma or implementing permit within the DeJong property. 16. Prior to establishment of a specific roadway alignment for the offsite Poinsettia Lan extension, a biological study consisting of field surveys and a report shall b conducted by a qualified biologist, and submitted to the City for review an approval. Relying of the baseline data provided in EIR 90-03, this study sha include, at a minimum, a map of the specific biological resources occurring alon the preferred roadway alignment, a description of sensitive species and habitats, a evaluation of potential impacts to these resources based on proposed roadwa improvement plans, and recommended mitigation measures, if necessary. 17. To mitigate potential impacts to the Burrowing Owl, site specific field surveys sha be conducted prior to the approval of a tentative map or implementing permit fc any phase of unit of development proposed on properties which contain fall01 agricultural land. 25 a. All supplemental field surveys shall be conducted by a qualified ornithologi 26 knowledgeable in the detection of this species and its nesting habita PC RES0 NO 3525 -8- 27 28 ,..a . 1'. I I! 0 0 1 Results of these field surveys shall be delineated in a report and submittec to the City for review and approval. 2 b. All recommended mitigation measures from these focused surveys shal 3 4 5 6 become conditions of approval on subsequent development projects for thosl properties in which these conditions apply. CIRCULATION: 18. The mitigation measures required to reduce circulation impacts shall be approve1 by the City Engineer and be constructed prior to occupancy based upon phasing ti be as listed in the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 20 and Section 3.5 c Management Ordinance as implemented by the Local Facilities Management Plan fc Zone 20. 7 8 meet proposed development needs. The threshold dates of the improvements sha EIR 90-03, and may be changed in a manner as provided under the Grow 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CULTURAL RESOURCES: 19. Prior to approval of a tentative map or implementing permit for any phase of uni or development proposed within the specific plan area, a cultural resources testin program shall be conducted by a qualified archaeologist, on a site-by-site basis, fc those sites listed as either Level 3 or 4 on Table 3.6-1 of EIR 90-03. Depending 0: the results of the significance evaluation, a data recovery program or preservatio: I plan shall be implemented at the affected sites, to the satisfaction of the Plannin I Director. l6 17 20. Cultural resource protection/preservation shall be used as mitigation, whereve feasible, by designed avoidance and dedication of open space easements. Mitigatio: by data recovery is also acceptable, but an attempt should be made to limit use t 18 those sites where preservation is infeasible or unwarranted given poor site integrig 19 LAND USE AND COMPATIBILITY: 2o 21. Consistent with the City's Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Pla constructed by the developer of the underlying property, concurrent wit 21 22 and General Plan, all Citywide trails shall be dedicated as an easement an development of any project on that parcel. 23 24 25 26 a. Prior to approval of a tentative map or implementing permit for any phas or unit of development proposed on any property for which a citywide tra is designated by the specific plan, a 20-foot wide trail easement shall E offered for dedication to the City. In the event that the offer is rejected b the City, the trail shall remain closed to the public until such offer : 27 I1 PC RES0 NO 3525 -9- 28 ~, . . . \'. , I/ 0 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 accepted and the City accepts responsibility for security, liability, an maintenance. NOISE: 22. Applicants for discretionary projects located within 500 feet of the existing/futur Poinsettia Lane and planned Alga Road, and located north of the southern boundar of the Airport Influence Area shall comply with Planning Department Policy No. 17 All required noise studies shall be submitted to the Planning Department for revie1 and approval prior to approval of a tentative map or applicable discretionary permil Any recommended mitigation measures delineated by these noise studies whic: would reduce projected traffic noise impacts to acceptable levels shall be include1 as conditions of approval on future projects in these areas. 23. Where future acoustical studies indicate that noise levels would exceed 60 Db CNEI the design criteria included in Sections - of EIR 90-03 shall b implemented concurrent with development. 24. Prior to approval of a tentative map or other discretionary permit for residentia development in the portion of the specific plan area within the projected 1995 (6( Db CNEL) noise contour for the McClellan-Palomar Airport, an acoustical study shal be submitted to the City for review and approval. If exterior noise levels cannot bc mitigated to 60 Db CNEL, or less, no residential development shall be permitted i~ this area unless the Planning Commission and/or City Council makes the fiv( required findings contained in Planning Department Policy No. 17. 25. All applicants of discretionary projects located within a three-mile radius of thc McClellan-Palomar Airport shall prepare and record a notice that the property i subject to overflight impacts: and post aircraft notification signs in all sales anc rental offices associated with new development. PESTICIDE RESIDUE: 26. Prior to approval of a tentative map or grading plan for any phase or unit 0: development within the specific plan area a detailed soils testing and analysis repor shall be prepared by a registered soils engineer, and submitted to City and count^ Health Departments for review and approval. 27. Prior to occupancy of individual units within the specific plan area, a solid wall 01 fence and landscaped windbreaks shall be installed along the perimeter of any futurt developable area that abuts property under "open field" cultivation, in order tc reduce public nuisance effects of adjacent pesticide spraying and dust generation from farm vehicles and operations. PC RES0 NO 3525 -1 0- ..I. , i'.., 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 l a. Prior to approval of the final map or issuance of a building permit, whicl ever occurs first, a minimum 25-foot wide open space easement shall b provided between "open field" agricultural operations and the adjacent IC lines of future developable areas onsite. This buffer area may be located 0: the adjacent agricultural property. b. Prior to approval of a final map or issuance of a building permit, which eve occurs first, an infrastructure improvement plan shall be submitted to th Planning and Engineering Departments for review and approval by th Planning Director and City Engineer. This plan shall illustrate the temporar road connections required to maintain continued access to adjacen agricultural properties that could be impacted by future roadwa improvements. 28. Drainage water from buildings, streets, parking lots, and landscaped areas withi the specific plan area shall be disposed of through stormdrains or otherwise in manner that will avoid any runoff onto agricultural areas whether planted or fallov All agricultural and urban runoff shall conform with the National Pollutio: Discharge and Elimination System Permit requirements pursuant to San Dieg Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 9042, adopted by City Counc: Resolution No. 90-235. a. Owners of properties in agricultural use shall be required to bring discharg into compliance, if studies indicate that agricultural runoff contribution wi not allow compliance with NPDES or SDRWQCB standards. 29. Prior to approval of a final map or issuance of building permits, whichever OCCUI first, the applicant shall notify, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director and Cit Attorney, all owners, users and tenants of this project that this area is subject tl dust, pesticides, and odors associated with adjacent agricultural operations, and tha the owners, users, and tenants occupy this area at their on risk. ~ 30. The application of agricultural sprays, including pesticides within the specific pla area, shall be done in accordance with standard agricultural practices, manufacture recommendations, and applicable State and County health and safety regulatiom 31. The cost of mitigation measures No. 26 - 30 shall be borne by the developers withi the specific plan area, and shall not be passed on to agricultural operators, excel to the extent that it can be shown that agricultural operators are not in complianc with NPDES standards. ... ... PC RES0 NO 3525 -1 1- I .. >. ;' I. '. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1T I ~ PALEONTOLOGY: 32. Prior to any grading of any property within the specific plan area a paleontologi! shall be retained to perform a walkover survey of the site and to review the gradin plans to determine if the proposed grading will impact fossil resources. A copy c the paleontologist's report shall be provided to the Planning Director prior t issuance of a grading permit. a. A qualified paleontologist shall be retained to perfom periodic inspection of the site and to salvage exposed fossils. Due to the small nature of som of the fossils present in the geologic strata, it rnay be necessary to collec matrix samples for laboratory processing through fine screens. Th paleontologist shall make periodic reports to the Planning Director during th ~ grading Proc" ~ b. The paleontologist shall be allowed to divert or direct grading in the area c an exposed fossil in order to facilitate evaluation and, if necessary, &vag artifacts. c. All fossils collected shall be donated to a public, non-profit institution wid a research interest in the materials, such as the San Diego Natural Histoq Museum. : -LLJ I1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ll d. Any conflicts regarding the role of the paleontologist and the grad@ activities of the project shall be resolved by the Planning Director. PUBLIC FACILITIES: 33. Each development project within the specific plan area shall be conditioned tc comply with the City of Carlsbad's standards for solid waste management. GEOLOGY/SOILS: 34. Prior to the approval of a tentative map, or an implementing permit for any phas or unit of development within the specific plan area, a geotechnical investigatio~ conducted by a registered geotechnical engineer shall be required. All studies shal be submitted to the hgineerjng Department for review and approval. Aq mitigation measures recommended by these studies which reduce impacts to onsitf soils/geology to a level of insignificance shall be included as conditions of futm project approvals. ... ... PC RES0 NO 3525 -12- ~ t I \ '. ,\ I? 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 VISUAL AE!TJxFTlcs: 35. Prior to approval of a tentative map or implementing permit for any phase or un of development within any significant viewsheds, additional visual analysis shall E conducted by the applicant. These analyses shall consist, at a minimum, t computer-enhanced photo-modifications showing development conditions propose by the project. The specific mitigation measures recommended by these studie which would reduce potentially significant visual impacts to a level of insignificanct shall be included as conditions of approval on future projects for which thi condition applies. 36. To reduce visual impacts to onsite scenic visual qualities to below a level c significance, the central north/south canyon east of future Alga Road (Former! College Blvd.) shall be preserved in open space per the recommendation of Sectio: of m 90-03. 37. All strumes and roofs within significant viewsheds or on sloped areas shall b earth tone in color. Prior to issuance of the first building permit the applicant sha submit to the Planning Department a sample color board depicting the proposec earth tones subject to the approval of the Planning Director. 38. To reduce the visual impacts of manufactured slopes and roadway cuts, all cut anc fill slopes shall be landform-graded, contoured, and heavily screened by landscapiq in conformance with Zone 20 Specific Plan. All planted slopes shall be waterec with a complete irrigation system using low precipitation-rate sprinkler heads tc stabilize exposed slopes and curtail visual impacts associated with possible erosion a. A landscape plan showing required slope plantings shall be prepared prior tc the approval of a tentative map, site plan or grading permit for any phase o unit of development within the specific plan area. 39. Prior to the approval of final construction plans for the offsite Poinsettia Lam Altemative '8" alignment, a landscape and irrigation plan for all manufactured roadway slopes shall be approved by the City. This plan shall include a minimm three year maintenance and monitoring program to ensure successful plan1 establishment along all roadway slopes. 40. The general visual design guidelines identified on Table 3.13-1 in FJR 90-03 shall be taken into consideration during initial site planning and design phases prior tc approval of a tentative map or implementing permit for any development within tht specific plan area. .... PC RES0 NO 3525 -13- .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plannin Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 16th day of June, 1993, by th following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Noble; Commissioners: Schlehuber; Bet2 Welshons & Savary. NOES: Commissioner Erwin. ABSENT: Commissioner Hall. ABSTAIN: None. ...* , ~. . - ATTEST: PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO 3525 -14- L ? rc, 8 5 F ch rc, 0 r-4 CA a m .. & W 52 3 z W LL d E co E V i CA a a J 3 8 .. 6 z c. u 2 rr, 8 el E L; .. B x z cl c z 9 E z 8 0 d W 6 5 .. 13 4 0 I 2 1% 3333 5 E 'J z 2 3. 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