HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-20; Planning Commission; Resolution 3802e 0 1 2 3 4 5 '6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I ~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3802 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A MAJOR MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE AVIARA MASTER PLAN TO ALLOW THE REVISION OF PLANNING AREA BOUNDARIES AND USES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF ALGA ROAD, BETWEEN BLACK RAIL COURT AND BATIQUITOS DRIVE, IN AVIARA PLANNING AREAS 1, 2, 9, 10 AND 11, IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 19. CASE NAME: FOUR SEASONS AVIARA RESORT CASE NO: MP 177(0) WHEREAS, Aviara Resort Associates has filed a verified application u City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a major 1 plan amendment as provided by Chapter 21.38 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; an WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the P1; Commission did, on the 20th day of September, 1995, hold a duly noticed public hea consider said application on property described as: Lots 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and a portion of lot 10 of Carlsbad Tract 85-35, Phase I Unit A, according to Map No. 12409, filed June 29, 1989; lots 87, 88, 89 and portions of lot 232 of Carlsbad Tract 85-35, Phase I Unit B, according to Map No. 12410, filed June 29, 1989; portion of parcel 2 of Parcel Map 16451, filed April 15,1991, all in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all test and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Comxr considered all factors relating to MP 177(0); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Pla Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. e 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I B) That based on the evidence presented at the meeting, the Com~ recommends APPROVAL of Major Master Plan Amendment, MP I according to Exhibits "XXX", dated September 20, 1995, attached based on the following findings and subject to the following conditio: Findings: 1. The Planning Commission finds that: a) the project is a subsequent development as identified in Section 21083.: California Environmental Quality Act; b) the project is consistent with the Aviara Master Plan (MP 177); c) there was an EIR certified (EIR 83-02(A)) in connection with the Master Plan (MP 177); d) the project has no new significant environmental efEect not analy significant in the prior EIR (EIR 83-02(A)); e) none of the circumstances requiring a Subsequent or Supplemental EIR CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist; 2. The Planning Commission finds that all feasible mitigation measures or 1 alternatives identified in the EIR (EIR 83-02(A)) which are appropriate . Subsequent Project have been incorporated into this Subsequent Project. 3. The City's MEIR found that air quality and circulation impacts are significa adverse; therefore, the City Council adopted a statement of ove~ considerations. The project is consistent with the General Plan and as to effects, no additional environmental document is required 4. The project is consistent with the City-Wide Facilities and Improvements P1> applicable local facilities management plan, and all City public facility policic ordinances since: a) The project has been conditioned to ensure that building permits will : issued for the project unless the District Engineer determines that service is available, and building cannot occur within the project unless service remains available, and the District Engineer is satisfied th requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan havc met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. b) All necessary public improvements have been provided or are requil conditions of approval. c) The developer has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appro condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contrac I PC RES0 NO. 3802 -2- e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ ~ payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. 5. The project has been conditioned to pay any increase in public facility fee, construction tax, or development fees, and has agreed to abide by any ad{. requirements established by a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared pi to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This will ensure co1 availability of public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts createc project. 6. This project has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 19. 7. That the proposed development as described by Master Plan (MP 177) is COI with the provisions of the General Plan and any applicable specific plans, in t areas of the project are designated for tourist-related recreational commerci; all parking areas have proper circulation and landscaping, and the existing habitat is being maintained. 8. That all necessary public facilities can be provided concurrent with net adequate provisions have been provided to implement those portions of the i Improvement Program applicable to the subject property, in that all required improvements are in place or will be in place prior to occupancy of any por the resort project. 9. That the residential and open space portions of the community will constit environment of sustained desirability and stability, and that it will be in harm01 or provide compatible variety to the character of the surrounding area, and tl sites proposed for public facilities, such as schools, playgrounds and par1 adequate to serve the anticipated population and appear acceptable to the authorities having jurisdiction thereof, in that no changes to such are propose this master plan amendment. 10. That the proposed commercial and industrial uses will be appropriate in location, and overall design to the purpose intended, that the desigl development are such as to create an environment of sustained desirabilil stability, and that such development will meet performance standards establis! Title 21, in that the hotel, sports center, timeshares and golf clubhouse are same architectural theme and are situated without further impacts into surroundings. i 11. That in the case of institutional, recreational, and other similar nonresidentia such development will be proposed, and surrounding areas are protected fro adverse effects from such development, in that all pre-existing separation buffers between the project and the surrounding areas will be maintained a necessary infrastructure will be in place prior to occupancy of any portion resort. PC RES0 NO. 3802 -3- 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 12. That the streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitable and adequate to ci anticipated traffic thereon, in that the entire project will generate an addition: trips which can be accommodated on either Alga Road or Batiquitos Lane, a maximum capacity of 20,000 ADT and 10,000 ADT, respectively. 13. That any proposed commercial development can be justified economically location proposed and will provide adequate commercial facilities of the types at such location proposed, in that the fiscal analysis for the hotel, sports cen timeshare project indicates an economic benefit to the City and the hotel, center and timeshare villages will contain ancillary commercial uses to sen respective visitors. 14. That the area surrounding the development is or can be planned and zo coordination and substantial compatibility with the development, in that the Master Plan (MP 177) is already organized to provide open space buffel intervening streets between the proposed resort development and surro residential development. Planning Conditions: 1. The Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of the Major I Plan Amendment (Exhibit “XXX”, dated September 20, 1995) for the Desti Resort Project entitled “Four Seasons Aviara Resort” (Exhibits “A - “SSS”, September 20, 1995) on file in the Planning Department and incorporated 1 reference, subject to the conditions herein set forth. Staff is authorized and di to make or require the Developer to make all corrections and modifications Master Plan Amendment documents, as necessary to make them internally con and conform to City Council’s final action on the Project. Development shall substantially as shown on the approved exhibits. Any proposed develo substantially different from this approval, shall require an amendment t approval. 2. Approval of MP 177(0) is granted subject to the approval of LCPA 90-03(A) 86-02(B), CUP 90-05(A), CT 95-02, PUD 102(A) and HDP 95-11. MP 177 subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3807,3806,3804,3805,3809 for LCPA 90-03(A), SDP 86-02(B), CUP 90-05(f 95-02, PUD 102(A) and HDP 95-11, respectively. 3. Prior to approval of the grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs the Developer shall receive approval of a Local Coastal Program Amendment : by the California Coastal Commission that substantially conforms to this apF A signed copy of the Local Coastal Program Amendment must be submitted Planning Director. If the approval is substantially different, an amendment to : Master Plan Amendment shall be required. PC RES0 NO. 3802 -4- 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 General Conditions: 4. If any of the foregoing conditions fail to occur; or if they are, by their tern implemented and maintained over time; if any of such conditions fail t implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have 1 to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition of all future building permits; deny, revoke or further condition all certifi occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; instil prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek ( for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a SUR interest by the City’s approval of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th September, 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Welshons, Commissioners Savary, Noble, : Erwin, Monroy and Compas. NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None KIM kELSHONS, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIO ATTEST PC RES0 NO. 3802 -5- EXHIBIT "XXX" 0 0 DATED SEPTEMBER 20,1995 i S F=y I eAnouros LAGOON rQI MASTER aAND USE PLAN EXWIE3rT 11-3 8 Aananr ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ 19 m "MY u 91 0 0 i 4 i 2 1s e. i;l 9 -.L - m W I rr - n v G 2 Z = Z w n 8 g B 3 2 Q t’ 2 23 d - 2x r PJ -3 ‘2 4m g2 2 2 ‘3 < 3 n \ 7 ri j:I i3k e Q3 d 3 8 sw 22 U .- PJ 3 $ j ag U $2 3 i;: “ 33 &U 1-4 0 ;I n n .- -3 += 03 3 .3 u ;: r-Pl *z s ‘3 .r v3 g! )I> aa gYY qB% cncn I“ a CJrrld -7 =!?e y-m~ar-wa-~m .qqqq%qg p&fj++i55&A rnerC(C(”r, - -1 r, ” c+ ZN7( $2 gPneaws-Ags22 aZ~Gsq r) -e*C(*-Plm 8. 2 n g! 7 1 - g. F3 r( ;aa y .?~9~U?~~~S~~Ot59~BBB( 8s3F4=3s*~8sSsa a0owa-m “0-m 4; J 9 3 5 3 3 0 PI P *z* & I; 21; >>> - A ~-~~,-r~“>~~d,,n>>>~~>~ -Gj7g ~y9~~9FF~99~999~9Y~~: && ea& 5=*w ~uu~~u~~~uu~uuuuuuuy, a:.q$z “~~~““$“““4T~$4144$1e %i 32444439tt8t424444 gg$Laa ~ee4~e~!j!jeaoC~kC~Ch&kR$ 353z3g:3zZ33z33>fz ZZZZZZZ&, ZUZG v) ~~~rr~rr2~~9~~~~~~~or f I ----I-- ““”-““““; Urn“ I ““““““““““I “Fa i,: Nmom~F~QI ~r,r,,r)r(,,8~~~~~~~~~4~: 0 0 .....a I. aATlOUmOS LAGOON ! - a LEeB(0 a" g PLANNING AREAS EXHIsiT v. L ~~ @ A* - mm MY 1 a 73 0 0 PJANMNG ~~couqs~ IOU This 171.5 acro pluraing U.8 includes a private 18-holo championship golf course 1 along tho north ehoro of tho lagoon and in three of tho canyon. to the nozth of the 1 A driving rango, clubhouao and related parking facilities aro locatod along PaCif Dr ivo , DEVELOPMENT STANpBRDS: 0-S All devolopamnt in Planning Aroa 1 ahall conform to the standards of tho 0-S Open SPaC (catlobad HuntciprL code, chapter 21.33) unlerr othewloo not04 In thir chapter. USE -10N~ 18-hole golf COU~SO Drivfna Rango Mwimum of 30,000 aquaro foot golf cour~o clubhouao which will includo: Dining Rpoar Loungo Grill Pro Shop Administration Locker Room8 Cart r9d baq Storago Othu rolatod umu 2,000 8.f. 1,300 8.f. 700 r.f. 1,030 r.f. 700 a.f. 3,000 r.f. 5,500 ..f. 16,500 r.f. - Tho following umos aro allow& within tho Golf Courao Planning Area: an 18-holo golf c a driving tango, a golf courao clubhouso which includoa 8 pro shop, adminiatrativo of dining rouu, loungor, cart atorage, lockor r-8, and any othor r8lat.d accorsory u etructuroa doterminod to bo conaistont with 8 typical golf courmo operation by tho Pl D iroctor . - A City Managor' r conditional UIO permit Ehall bo t0qUir.d for any amjor ot profaa.Fona tournaments hold at tho golf couraa. SITe D"ENT STANDARDjt Heiafttt The maximum hoight of tho clubhouso ah8ll not OXC..~ 28 foot. Accoamory rtructutom not excood 14 foot. All hoight8 rhrll bo detonninod par Soction 21.04.065 of tho Ca: MUniCip.1 cod.. Setbacks : The clubhouso atructuro ahall bo 8 mintmum of 50 feot from tho wig0 of curb of PaCif Drive and 17.5 feet fruu tho Batiquitos Lagoon WetlUd8 boundary. Clubhouso p( faoilitiea shall bo a minimum of 20 feet from edgo of curb of Pacific Rh Dtivo and bo locatod below tho grado of tho adjacent elovationa of Pacific Rim Drivm. 74 0 e EwshZL Puking shall k ptwidod per tb Puking &man4 Study, laor: Smsona hiur -.art, Ausru* 3, 1995. Up to 25% of tho requirod puking My k Cocpprct 8prce8 with m dimonriOn8 of 8.5 foot by 15.0 foe+. A 8huttlo 80rvico 8h.u provido transportation b tho clubhouso, tho Sports Contor, re8taurants and tho hotel. d Qs!Luu All coamunity-uido d08ign rtandudm de8cribod in Section A Of Chaptor fV .hall k ern in tho architocturo of thi8 planning area. Tho following rpcific guideline8 8h.U 1 inc1ud.d for thi8 planning amas Tho structural longth of tho clubhouro parallel with La Comta Avenue shall not 200 feot maximum. Duo to it8 closo proximity to tho lagoon and bocauso it is highly visible fro1 Offsit0 am woll as on8ito locationm, rpocial car. shall bo takon to onsuro th elov8tions of tho golf coursa clubhoura at. comp8tLblo with tho architocturm hotol. Strong architoctural raliof fe8turos .hall bo incotporatod into tho dosfgn t clubhouso. All out buildings (maintonanco, restrootas, etc.) rh8ll bo compatiblo wit architocturo of tho golf clubhouro. - Tho golf courmo ClubhOU8a will hava 8n 0nh.nc.d entr&nco at P8cific Rim Driva. Esn€h!u Open fencing of 8 uniform dosign may bo locatod along tho dgom of tho golf COUI adjacent planning aroas. - All community-uido lmd8cap standuds do8crfb.d in Soctioa i, Comanrnity Dasign Elom01 Chapter IV shall bo incotporatod into this pluming arm. In addition, the toll spocitic land8c.p concopto shall k includd in tho dorolopnont of this planning arr Viwo to and froe tho golf cour80, lagoon, La Co8ta Avonuo &nd P8cific Rim Drivl be pre8erv.d. ' C-n 8trmetscap. ar.8. shall conform to corPmunity roquira~ont8. Stroot 1 landscapo pl.nt4.q intonsity tonom, paving, entry monumonts, irrigation myst.918, t fence., lighting, otc., havo beon prmdotorminod to provido consistency in c quality. * A fire 8uppros8ion tone rubjoct to the approv.1 of tho Planning Diroctor and Harmhall shall ba 08trblish.d between nativo uoas and 8tructures. Tho suppression plan should incorporate structural setbacks from nativo ator combination with a progrm of 8electivo thinning of nativo vogot8tion subjoct t approval of tho Pluming Director. 76 0 0 l4aniCut.d f8irways and gr-ns will bo umod with nativa or naturalized 91 and arge mcrub in rough umaa. Exiating troos ah811 bi proaervod to tho ( poasiblo &ad moloctivoly pruned. Eucalyptua, native aycamore and poplar: ehrll bo introduced. Wator featuros shall provid8 a visual connocti Bat iquitoa Lagoon. Full land8caping of tho clubhour8 and associated structures Oh811 bo incorpt to .Often viws from Pacific RFm Drive and La Coata avenur. AU Ratking afml 8LQn9 PUGifiC Rh Driva ahall b@ rQC@nr@d balow th, gr; Pacific Rim Drivo and fully lmndacapod to scrmmn than from viewm. A minb rqu8r8 f8ot landrcapd irland ahall be providod for wary ten parking spat Sttestz Tho atylo of mtrwt trees in Planning Aroa 1 shall be informal. Tho dominant atreor shall bo the oxirting oucalyptus. Support trees may includo Wmatorn Cottonwood (PC fremccti) . ' -8 With the excoption of tha clubhouao, out building. and amaociatod parking ar8a, all o planning area shall bo maintainod as own spac8 by th8 golf courro management. xs&L.uz A continuous trail oyatem shall bo locatod along the north ohor8 of Eatiq~itO8 L- conairtent with that approvod am put of tho Batiquitoa Lagoon Enhancoaunt Plan. cz€asuQ: No gr8ding or devolopnt (oxclusivo of tho public acc8as tr8il along tho lagoon rho1 which ahall ba consistmnt with the Lagoon Enhancement Plan) mhall be allowad within 10' of tho wetland boundary. Any devolopwnt within this planning ate. rhall comply with th8 City'. Billmido Dovolc Regulation8 and tho .lop. and rosourc8 prororvation policioa of the undorlying local cc program and 8ubmoquent cormtal permit. Any application for devolopnont within thfm pla are8 ahall toquiro a slop. uralysi8/biological r~sourc~ map during Site Devolopwnt revfw . n PLANNING AREA 2a: HO T@ 0 DESCRIPTION: This -20.3 acre planning area includes a destination resort hotel and related acc uses, including a parking garage. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: C-T All development in Planning Area 2a shall conform to the standards of the C-T Corn Tourist zone (Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.29) unless otherwise noted in this ck USE ALLOCATION: Guestrooms : Main Building 336 room8 4MjxeEa Banquet/Conference Facilities: Main Building 36,000 s.f .=I I. u Two restaurants -%&+zyk---r- within the main building with a floor area not to exceed ~10,000 square feet with additional terrace seating. -4= "L A- I. r;nn -4- "- c WL ILVC C" c* 9 a"" "C WAC The restaurants - shall not include any signage along the exterior of the hotel structure, nor shall itthey include a separate access way from the hotel's exterior. The restaurants shall be oriented to the interior of the hotel. ^X c7 n. WJ. Ck" UI Parking structure. Other associated hotel uses internal to the hotel structure. PERMITTED USES: Hotel and accessory uses commonly associated with a full service hotel whick could include, but are not limited to: restaurant, coffee shop, lounge, health club, ballroom, banquet rooms, meeting rooms, administrative offices, timeshare marketing and administrative offices, and retail uses (not to exceed 6,000 s.f.) provided for the convenience of hotel guests when located within the hotel structure(s). SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Heiqht : The maximum height of the main hotel structure shall not exceed * 53 feet per the City's Ordinance. Any portion of the structure exceeding 35 53 feet shall be for architectural features only and shall not increase the useable floor area 78 0 0 Hot Legend Key Map ' 'w Entry Tre- ' @ WdMondng rl Trail Scenic Point Q View Orientation La a Y y t c. ef Design Criteria - Planning Area 2A Exhibit V- 3 79 0 0 of the hotel. g 25 w. - - Heights shall be determined per Section 21.04.065 of the Carlsba Hunic ipal code. Parkina: Parking requix-nts shall be as defined in the Parking wd Study, Pou Saasona Aviara Resort, Dated August 3, 1995. Up to 25% of the required parkin may be compact spaces with minimum dimensions of -8 ,Q feet by 3.5 ,Q feat, shuttle service, provided by the hotel, shall provide transportation betwee the hotel, tewrt club, sports center, -and golf course clubhouse a reasonably scheduled intervals as approved by the Planning Director. - Pire Sumresaion: * A' fire suppression zone subject to the approval of the Plannin Director and Fire Marehall shall be established betwee native/naturalized areas and structures. The fire suppression pla should incorporate structural eetbacks from native areas in combinatic with a program of selective thinning of native vegetation subject t the approval of the Planning Director. Street Trees: The hotel entry road shall be planted with Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtoni, robusta). Alga Road will feature Canary Island Pine (Pinus canariensis) as , theme tree and Western Cottonwood (Populus fremontili) as a support tree. men Ssace: The elope areas of the hotel mite ohown on the Special Deoign Criteria exhibi shall be retained a8 open space and shall be maintained by a cornunity ope: spac,e maintenance district. Trails : A segment of a major community trail ehall begin at the trail along Alga Roac and continua southward along the hotel entry road southerly through the v space to Planning kea 9 10. This trail segment shall be constructed as i condition of development for this planning area. Gradina: Any development within this planning area shall comply with the City's Hfllsidc Development Regulations and the slop and re~ourcta preeervation policies of thc -underlying local coastal program and subsequent coastal permit. Any applicatio~ for development within this planning area shall require a slop analyeia/biological resource map during Site Development Plan review. - 80 PLANNINGAREA2b: %ORT CLUB 0 DESCRIPTION: This 46.0 acre planning area includes interval ownership (timeshare) and tourist- serving uses. DEVELOPNENT STANDARDS: C-T All development in Planning Area 2b shall conform to the standards of the C-?I Connnercial Tourist Zone (Carlsbad Municipal Code , Chapter 21.29) unless otherwise noted in this chapter. USE ALLOCATION: A maximum 240 timeshare units. A maximum 26,000 square foot reception and recreation building. Freestanding accessory and maintenance buildings. Surface parking areas. Permitted Uses : Timeshare units and accessory tourist uses, including reception, sales, recreation and maintenance, subject to the following conditions: 1. Except for the requirement of a conditional use permit, the timeshare project must comply with the provisions of Section 21.42.010(10) (C.M.C.). 2. If the proposed project cannot be successfully marketed as a timeshare project , the development shall be converted to a hotel use in conjunction with the hotel in Planning Area 2A subject to a Master Plan Amendment and all conditions of Section 21,42.010(11)(A)(I) and (11). 3. The maximum time increment for recurrent exclusive use of occupancy of a timeshare unit shall be four (4) months. A note indicating this requirement shall be placed on the final map. The seller of the timeshare units shall disclose this maximum time increment to all potential buyers. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: The maximum height of all structures is 35 feet. Heights shall be determined per Section 21.04.065 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Parkina: Parking requirements shall be a minimum of 1.2 spaces per timeshare unit. A shuttle service, provided by the Hotel, shall provide transportation between the hotel, resort club, sports center, and golf course clubhouse at reasonably scheduled intervals as approved by the Planning Director. Fire Suppression: * A fire suppression zone subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Fire Marshall shall be established between native/naturalized areas and structures. The fire suppression plan should incorporate structural setbacks from native areas in combination with a program of selective thinning of native vegetation subject to the approval of the Planning Director. ODen Space: The slope areas of the Planning Area 2b site shown on the Special Design Criteria exhibit shall be retained as open space and shall be maintained by a community open space maintenance district. 80a e 0 Trails : A segment of a major community trail shall begin at the trail along Alga Road and continue southward along the hotel entry road southerly through the open space to Planning Area 10. This trail segment shall be constructed as a condition of development for this planning area. Grading ; Any development within this planning area shall comply with the City's Hillside Development Regulations and the slope and resource preservation policies of the underlying local coastal program and subsequent coastal permit. Any application for development within this planning area shall require a slope analysis/biological resource map during Site Development Plan review. 80b Legend Key Map @] E.I~Tro.”t @ Sceqic Point r; WalUFencing /jw rr;l B Trail hq3 ’I If((\{ i \c: L-i- +< -‘ \, I 1 1 .I, .TJ @ Vltw Orlentation 3.: \ ’ <.L -,l&-\: Design Criteria - Planning Area 28 Exhibit V- 10 80b DELETE TH ? S PAGE e Thio 32.3 acra planning area provides multi-faniLy reoidontial houeing. DZ'CLOPXENT STANDARDS: 20 noted in thio chapter. CSE UOCATTON: Haximum of 100 multi-family reoidential units. (3.1 DCJ/AC) Private recreation facilitiee shall be cequired in this pL Pf?-YITTfD uS$S: Multi-family residential housing. Recreational facilities. SITS OEVELOPXZNT STANDARDS : # Reiaht : The maximum height shall not exceed 35 feet stnacturea in thia Planning Area shall more than two stories in heighl , adequate stxuctural relief a] Setbacks : along Alga Road. Parking nhal 21.45.090(b) of the Culrba Code. All buildings #hall bo located minimum of 20 f .of from separation of 10 feet sha one and two-story et and 20 feet for two or mote story etructuxee. A ahall be auintainad for all atructurl be varied to a 15 avuagm uith a 10 foot -imam. Parking ehrll orm to the 8tandard8 of Chapter 21.U of the Culobad XuniciI nity-uide de8ign atandard8 deectibed in Soct'fon A Of Chaptmt IV ah4 eel ia tho architecture of this planning area. Tho following specf: os shall 8100 be included for thf8 planning LtOaS The architectur. of all structures shall bo compatibla with that c e e - Tlxm Avfur w Plan doam not contain a Planning ku 9. The preriour PI& um 9 hu km - for inclusion into prorent Pla Aru 2b fhrouqh Ci1 of Catl.bcd rpd -tal Crnrn8ion action WP 177(0) and LCPA 90-43(A) approw on . A. a result, Plrnning Area 9 M lOagW uiSt8. 105 0 DELETE THIS PAGE 0 , \\\\\ ',. ., I, ,. Legend /. Key Mal -qll!q F ;r. Entry Tr mtment W Wfonelng ' Tr8ii Scenic Point Viow 0,rtontrtlon r ..' .. / I e/,- n - 106- - .. - .- .. -. " I I I 0 0 DELETE THIS PAGE - s==*~c=szfs VisLSie frzm Ai9a xoad, ?ac:fic 3 X;rer.ze. 3uildi=qs L? :?is ?.eigtrborh:ood shall 'be rslazed ~LZP and shail avo~d LatTe :lac +d =eat by ::e buldzzg fSOt?tin:s. Cu,rvili?ear st:eets shall be combh stzenqthen ',".e aedi:ettanean klltawn appcatance of Lte 8 AS shown on t9t canceptual site elan for identrfied natural slopes and t-ea nabtamed as open space. ? mc inp: x noise study shall Sa mnducted ad e d=te-e if a noise attenuation strzct'ue XOad adjacent rn deoelopncnt. If tmrcd, solid masonry vall, eat-Jerl berm or dinat ?wat& at ae top of slops of =cas whit and/or planning ktea 10 t3 t!!e south. Landscape: A11 carnrmtnity-wide Landscap. standards del d ibed in SacLon A, Caununity Dtsig: concepts shall k included i? <:e developpent of tLis plannhg area: view to and from %!a golf sa, lagoon, Alga Road, lacific 2d 3rivc and La Costa Avsaur shall. trees, landscap. pl ucturts. TZIe fire suppression plan should incorporate suuctilra s from native axeas LT combimtion with a program of selectiv ning of native vcqttation subject to t!5e approval of t!c ?lannL? -1 07- 0 0 DELETE THIS PAGE 2 fen 3 ;ace: Z~lMCg disztrct. saace. Z!e o+n s as apgrzved by =?e ?L aAC flsws :swazd Lie r feacxo, of :: g;en space eLerner.t. Intar2ed sy z: ccrmmrnlzy open space naLYzenance L~st=~=z. trails: A Fortion of. tie maj hL3a xoad and a px ?aCifiC 3- Drive te sectis?, c. these =ails shall . ., . - b -..IJIuir - ".. " -..e slcpe =cas ad; S :ading : X?Y &vela- / within *&is pla?inq area ,shalL cornqly with tic CiZy's 3ilLsF gulations and the slop and resource preserntion wlicies of : a1 coastal ptoqtam and ¶ubsaqumt caastal pmit. Any agplicati Ccvelopnent vitCis this plaaxi?g uta shall requizc a sla - - b+ LCW. -1 08- 0 0 CJ w 10: SPORTS CEmR Q==.muQ This ST3 11.8 acre recreation site pennit8 a community membership spotto cent6 whicfi psovidor active recreation facilitiea. 1 DEvErOP.!@NT STANDARDS : C-T Development in thia planning area shall conform to the standards of the c- Comercial-Tourist zone (Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.29) unleee otherwia noted in thie chapter. - Sports center shall k a ~~axbua of cF;eee 52,400 square feet FncludFng r88taLufMt, * 12 regulation tennis courts & including one - tenni court vith seating for PvrPberohip ad resort guest tournaments. A 25 meter pa01 and a recreational pool. A sport8 center h restaurant not to exceed ;Zrsee 5,500 equate feet with indoc and outdoor oating areas. Approximate areas shall Facluder Aerobic8 3,700 8.f. From ueights/Strtionary might. 5,300 8.f: Ro8taurant 4,600 8.f. Caf. 1,600 8.f. cylEaa8iun 2,800 8.f. other Related Use. ".:. 35,400 s.f. PERMITTED USES: The following uses are allow& with the Sporfs Club Planning Area: tenni court8, ewbning pool., and a health club facility which could include a eef testatarant, bar, lounqo, pro 8hq3, spozt8 boutique, beauty aalon, meeting rooms day care, racquetball courta and other health or fitnas8 related retail uses. COW ITION- A City Man8qu'm Conditional Use Permit shall bo required for all tournamen competition8 at th tonnis facilitiea or rwimming met8 at the pool and divin facilitiea. SITE DWLOPKENT STANDARDS -5sul?z The maximum hoight shall be 35 feet per Section 21.04.065 of the Carlobac Municipal Code. Setbac k8 : All structures shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from - Batiquitor Drive. Tho pports center building shall be located a minimum of 200 feet fror the nearest reoidential rtructure. - .. .. @ .n 0 \ \ PACfFlC RIM DR Country Cf u b Legend Key Map m Entry lr88tmmt @ WaiMmdng Q TI Trail Sank Pdnt .. .. Vbw Orientrtlon Ld & 'tqn L-+7 i !L L. - Design Criteria - Planning Area IO Exhibit V-11 - ~~ 110 0 0 Parkina: Parking shall be as defined in the Parking Demand Study, Sour Seasons Avid Resort, datp 22, 2348 August 3, 1995. A maximum of 25% of t required parking may be compact spaces with minimum dimensions of 84 8.0 fE by 15 .O feet. A shuttle service, provided by the hotel, ahall provj transportation between the Sports Center, restaurants, golf course, clubhot and the hotel at reasonably scheduled intervals as approved by the Plannl Director. LandscaDina in Parkina Rrea: A minimum of 15 percent of the open parking areas shall be landscaped subjc to the approval of the Planning Director. SPECIAL DESIGN CRITERIA: Des ian : All community-wide design standards described in Section A of Chapter IV sha be embodied in the architecture of this planning area. The following epecif guidelines shall also be included for this planning area: * Strong architectural relief features shall be incorporated into t design of the Sports Center. The architectural design shall asst the preservation of views from P Batiquitoa Drive d La Costa Avenue. * The architecture of the Sports Center shall be compatible with tl of the hotel and golf clubhouse. * Outdoor courtyards, patios and plazas should be included. * Special attention shall be given to the incorporation of the adjace open apace area as an amenity to the planning area. Entrv Treatment: A secondary entry treatment shall be located at the intersection of P8eSk-R * Batiquitos and - Kingfisher mad. LandSCaDe: All community-wide landscape standards described in Section A, Community Desi addition, the following specific landscape concepts shall be included in t developarenta of thio planning area: , Elemrents of Chapter IV shall be incorporated into this planning area. * * Landscape ocreening of the Sports Center, including the use of spcb trees, shall be incowrated to soften the view of these structur from - * Batiquitoa Drive and La Costa Avenue. .. * Views to and from the golf course, lagoon, - ' Batiquitos Dti *. and La Costa Avenue shall be preserved. - 111 0 0 Existing trar8 identified during Site Oovelagmant Plan revhu ahall 5 pre88-d. A fir0 suppression Zone subject to the approval of tho Plannin Director and ?ize Matohall ohall be ostabliohed betwee natfve/naturalized =Bas and structures. The fire auppre8sion pia ahould incorporate structural setbacks frcm native areas in combinatio with a program of selective thinning of native vegetation 8ubjeCt t the approval of the Planning Director. Ooen Soace: All open apace areal shall be landscaped as described in the Landscap. sectic above. Trails: A portion of the Stream and Laka Trail, which extends from Alga Road to W RLa Batiquito8 Drive, is located within this planning area. Th8 on8ite 8egmer shall bo constructed as a condition of development of this planning area. Gradina: Any development within this planning area shall comply with tho City's Hillsit Development Regulation8 and th8 rlop and resource prerervation policies of t underlying local coastal program and 8ubsequent coastal permit. Any applicati for developmmt within this planning area 8hll require a 610 anrly8io/bAologicrl te80urco map duting Site Developrrunt Plan review. .. a a LWNYG .AREA 11: COM?.IERCl.< DELETE THIS PAGE tq.ctnu. Thio 2 .& act8 planning =ea includes one restaurant which will provide dinin, PFVSLOPYEXT ST.NDARRS : C-T All development in Planning kea 11 shall csnforn to the stan Corrrmarcial Tourist zone (Carlsbad Hunicigal Code, Ckapter 21.29) noted in thia chapter. related acceeoory uses Listed below. related accessory retail uses such as bakeries f ectionery shops. Othe oimilas usee ate allowed upon the approval e Planning Director. P atchitectural them. towor located near permitted. Thir thema tow8r shall not inc urabla floor area. i,lskB& The araxhum height in this plannf a is 30 feet as d8termined by Secth Setbacks : 0 feet from 'L" Streot and all puking shall t located minisrun of 20 a minu of LO feat fr - No outdoor storoga m 28, 1990. Tho puking 8taCtU8 pr0po.d Withbl PhUlil I m 0 NG AREA 11 -* - PlrP d#r M+ COPU 8 Pl- ku 11. Thr -Far. pl~raing kr 11 hu bmmm m tot ~z~c~urioa bto pr8-t PL~ ku 10 +amuqh city o -1- rod - -8iOO action 18 177(0) aad LCPA 9043(A)' rpprorod o ' . U a trault, Plrnalng ha 11 no longer mists. . . c. - 113 .I :I * DELETE THIS PAGE 11 I1 - / il I' 1 ! i Legend . .a '* / Key Map rn entry .ma/ a B/ WIlllt nclng m sc.nre Point q V1.r orcrntrtton R d T4 vt - Desian Criteria - Planning Area 1 1 Exhibit V- 12 . .. . . . . . " .. . . . . . 0 DELETE THIS PAGE I A a~rxnuzn at I j percent at :ke pt=kx5 &ped s.".all k Lt72scaFeC sc3;ecz -2 =: ascroval of the planning 9F:sctor. A n~~irrlst 323 sq-~a:? f=a= hr.Csca?d islar skaLi 'x ?rovrded far eve-cy :en gtrkicq spaces. f SlSCIXL ?ESIGN C3IT3!IX: / ae3ign: xll cammunity-vide design standards dercri be embodied h the axchi:ect.tre of t!is p gxidelines shall Sa bcl~ded for this 2lMninq =ea: Outdoor cautyar6sr Ftios and plat area of the water feacares. Special attention shall st givur area as M amenizy 'LO :!e planning mea. Strong atchitectrtral relief fea hcorporated hto t?e design of L!e restauants. The preservation of views fronr Pacifi T3e architecture of L!e testau hotel and Sports Cant=. NO restaurant wall or pale signs y?" 2n-e Treamrnt: x secondary entry dcmrnt my k ated at t!!e ?laming ana entry along lac~fic Rim Drive. p: Landscape: uds described in Seaion A, Caummity Design incor-ratad into tUs planning area. ~n Landscape concepts shall k inciuded i? t!e Landscap. SI auants shall 5. iacozporated to soften views rive ad La COStA Avenue. Vieus ta use, lagoox, Paciffc 2im Drive and La Costa inq Sf te Developnmt P Lan review shall be t to the aporovd of the ?Lanninq Director ablishcd between native/nat.~raiired areas and structures. The fire suppression $an should i?corpxate structural setbacks from native areas i? cambination vith a program of scleccive sub jet *a =%e approval of +,e ? Lannirq -1 rs- d c DELETE THIS PAGE A a.a" rt ab- be-nlng ad heavy Lardscapiq. 3 ;e!? 5 3ace: ~li cpen space areas of this ?lam +L=: :?e Landscape cz:teria above. S radinp: ay developnent vizhin &=ea ill comply wi=h c3e Cizy's RilLsFZe icies of :!e anplicatisn a slope .. .. . .. .le ,.:,> -1 16-