HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-20; Planning Commission; Resolution 3803e e I /I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3803 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A MAJOR LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT TO THE IMPLEMENTING ORDINANCE OF THE MELLO I, MELLO I1 AND EAST BATIQUITOS LAGOON SEGMENTS (AVIARA MASTER PLAN) TO ALLOW THE REVISION OF PLANNING AREA BOUNDARIES AND USES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF ALGA ROAD, BETWEEN BLACK RAIL COURT AND BATIQUITOS DRIVE, IN AVIARA PLANNING AREAS 1, 2, 9,10 AND 11, IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 19. CASE NAME: FOUR SEASONS AVIARA RESORT CASE NO: LCPA 90-03(A) I ~ WHEREAS, California State Law requires that the Local Coastal PI 13 14 General Plan, and Zoning for properties in the Coastal Zone be in conformance; 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, MP 177 constitutes the zoning for the Aviara Master Plan as the implementing ordinance for the subject Coastal Zone property; and WHEREAS, Aviara Resort Associates has filed a verified ame: application to the Local Coastal Program with the Planning Department; and 19 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Local ( 20 21 Program Amendment as provided in Public Resources Code Section 30574 and AI- of Chapter 8, Subchapter 2, Division 5.5 of Title 14 of the California Code of Reg1 22 23 24 25 (Coastal Commission Administrative Regulations); and WHEREAS, the City in compliance with State Administrative reg1 opened a six week public review for the proposed LCP amendment; and 26 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, on Sep Z7 28 20, 1995 held a public hearing to consider the recommendations and heard all I interested in or opposed to Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 90-03(A); 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the P Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Com recommends APPROVAL of Local Coastal Program Amendment, LCPA 9( according to Exhibit "YYY", dated September 20,1995, attached hereto basec following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1. The Planning Commission finds that: a) the project is a subsequent development as identified in Section 21083. California Environmental Quality Act; b) the project is consistent with the Aviara Master Plan (MP 177); c) there was an EIR certified (EIR 83-02(A)) in connection with the Master Plan (MP 177); d) the project has no new significant environmental effect not anal, significant in the prior EIR (EIR 83-02(A)); e) none of the circumstances requiring Subsequent or Supplemental E11 CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist; 2. The Planning Commission finds that all feasible mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the EIR (EIR 83-02(A)) which are appropriate Subsequent Project have been incorporated into this Subsequent Project. 3. The City's MEIR found that air quality and circulation impacts are signific; adverse; therefore, the City Council adopted a statement of ovt considerations. The project is consistent with the General Plan and as t effects, no additional environmental document is required. 4. The project is consistent with the City-Wide Facilities and Improvements PI applicable local facilities management plan, and all City public facility polic ordinances since: a) The project has been conditioned to ensure that building permits will issued for the project unless the District Engineer determines thai service is available, and building cannot occur within the project des service remains available, and the District Engineer is satisfied tl I PC RES0 NO. 3803 I -2- I, 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 8 9 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan ha met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. b) All necessary public improvements have been provided or are reql conditions of approval. c) The developer has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appl condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contr payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. 5. The project has been conditioned to gay any increase in public facility fee, construction tax, or development fees, and has agreed to abide by any adc requirements established by a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared p to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This will ensure COI availability of public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts createc project. 6. This project has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 19. 7. That the proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment is consistent v applicable policies of the Mello I, Mello 11 and East Batiquitos Lagoon segn the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program, in that all areas of steep slopes and vegetation are being preserved, all deed restriction trade-offs result in improj increased acreage of coastal resource areas, and the tourist-related recre commercial uses onsite are increasing and diversifjring. 8. That the proposed amendments to the implementing ordinance of the Mello I I1 and East Batiquitos Lagoon segments of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Progr required to maintain consistency between the Aviara Master Plan and tht Local Coastal Program. PlanninP Conditions: 1. I The Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of the Majol Coastal Program Amendment (Exhibits “YYY, dated September 20, 1995) Destination Resort Project entitled “Four Seasons Aviara Resort” (Exhibil “SSS”, dated September 20, 1995) on file in the Planning Departme] incorporated by this reference, subject to the conditions herein set forth. authorized and directed to make or require the Developer to make all corr and modifications to the Local Coastal Program Amendment documents, as ne to make them internally consistent and conform to City Council’s final action Project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved e hy proposed development substantially different from this approval, shall : an amendment to this approval. I PC RES0 NO. 3803 -3- 0 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2. Approval of LCPA 90-03(A) is granted subject to the approval of MP 177(C 86-02(B), CUP 90-05(A), CT 95-02, PUD 102(A) and HDP 95-11. LCPA 90-1 subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No 3807,3806,3804,3805 and 3809 for MP 177(0), SDP 86-02(B), CUP 90-05 95-02, PUD 102(A) and HDP 95-11, respectively. 3. Prior to approval of the grading permit or building permit, whichever occu. the Developer shall receive approval of a Local Coastal Program Amendmenl by the California Coastal Commission that substantially conforms to this aF A signed copy of the Local Coastal Program Amendment must be submittec Planning Director. If the approval is substantially different, an amendment 1 issued Major Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA9O-O3(A)) shall be re General Conditions: 4. If any of the foregoing conditions fail to occur; or if they are, by their term implemented and maintained over time; if any of such conditions fail tc implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have tl to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition is of all future building permits; deny, revoke or further condition all certific occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; institu prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek di for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a succe interest by the City’s approval of this Resolution. 16 11 .... la 18 19 20 21 .... .... .... .... 22 .... 23 .... 24 25 26 .... .... 27 I1 .... 28 .... PC RES0 NO. 3803 -4- 4B 8 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th September, 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Welshons, Commissioners Savary, Noble, P Erwin, Monroy and Compas. NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN None 1 KIM WELSHONS, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSIO 1 1) PC RES0 NO. 3803 -5- EXHIBIT "Y Y Y" 0 DATED SEPTEMBER 20,1995 i-a ..I..-..-. 0 .) I 32 : eAnoulTOS LAGOON mc SUMMARY - rFl+q 229 myIccRIoLIM fi ( mx tmj MASTER LAND USE PLAN EXHISIT 11-3 ~~ ~ -@ la 1" rnWWYUe36 I zl i I3 AU ISZ. "3 e. zz- % - I., " "dm i - 4 "A- -3 <z 2- C9J " - .. .F $$ ?- 2;) ul3 OcI 2< ==J 8gg L. ozz Z7GU 0. hk -3: + g 4- &g M? 8 d .-) 4 s .- 5! 3 i3 g 4 0 0 z 33 z 9 ZU .-) 3 1 .- 4 .: .- 7I a2 -8 .5 4. u 4?? WVF 7x35 ,2wl 3$ 3; r?ssa5=? wva * 4 gm4~4 s;Syy; o*gg+ SBc;az *>- sa& ""1 01 e4we'OVI ?? r-?4 %P N +r?c? 28% d t+ $4 *id 4"i 29.. 0 ). @ ulzz "0 rq-m I r 8 c: s 9 a a ., c {p Lu xu -2 zx, 32. il izI y?qe=!?"a?eq .SF????& 2-?4=W-?433N- ~-N?4mm- I( " w,,,,'O,gKx -NpJcI)-CclW ~S~mq CCI %- 8 - '~9H~?~~~t~~4T+99SSQ~~~ VI 8~BMQ~z*1slA~~a~ soaoVI-a" -v-ul $5" E 8 E G 0 r El z bb >hh a d i Ai 222 Q 3223j3449~a8d242444 >* *>***** a >> 4 !z3!!3333LLgLLLkLLL$ "'"$$igf4g$f4a 1s zs ~~y~~9FF~~~r9~9~~~~~~~~ && &Le so ~uu~~u~~~uu~uuuuouuy~~~ r~~EzaZ~POO~~~~O~c;~oaeu 3~~3aza3azz zzzzzzze4(, h """I) .- - - ....................... - ww " .a .¶ -NCI(C~ ~~s~s~~~B~~ax~~~~~~-~~~ e 0 ..I..I. aATl0UrrOS LAGOON - SB -#€4 g PLANNUNG AREAS EXHlslT v. I @ AURA m mw MY a a 73 e 0 J'J 4NNTIUG .9BEA 1: GOLF COW Thin 171.5 acto pluming araa include. a privata 18-holo chmpionnhip golf course 1 along the north ehoro of the lagoon and in threo of the canyon. to tho north of tho 1 A driving range, clubhouao and related parking facilitier are locatmi along P8cif Drive. PEVELOPWNT STWARDS: C+S All development in Planning Area 1 shall conform to the standard. of tho +S Open Spac (Carlobad Municipal Code, Ch8pter 21.33) unlaaa otherwino n0t.d in thin Chapter. - Wh01o golf courso Drivina Rango HaxFmum of 30,000 nquaro foot golf sour80 clubhouao which will includor Dining Rpocn Loungo Grill Pro Shop Administration Locker Rooms Cart and bag Stotago Othu ralatmd umu 2,000 n.f. 1,300 r.f. 700 r.f. 1,030 r.f. 700 a.f. 3,000 m.f. 5,500 r.f. 16,500 r.f. - Tho following uaor aro allow& within tho Golf Courr8 P18nning koar an 18-hole golf c1 a driving rang., a golf courno clubhouno which includom & pro shop, adminiatrativo of dining room, loungor , cart atorago, lockor rooms, and any othor rolatd accoraory uj etructuror dotorminod to bo conniatant with 8 typic81 golf course owration by tho PL Director. - A City Managor'm conditional uno prmit 8hall be r0quir.d for any amjor or profesriona tournaments hold at tho golf courao. SITE PEVnQPHEHT STAHOARDSt aQ.uua Tho maximum hoight of tho clubhou80 rhall not oxcod 28 foot. Acco8mory ntructurer not excwd 14 fm. All height8 rhall bo doterminod p.r Section 21.04.065 of the Ca. HUniCip8b cod.. Setbacks i The clubhouao ntructuro rhall bo 8 minimum of 50 fwt froe tho migo of curb of PaCifl Drivo and 17.5 feot frcm tho Batiquftoa Lagoon wetlmd8 bound-. Clubhouno pz facilitfea shall be a minimum of 20 feet from adgo of curb of P8cific Rfm Drivo and be locatod bolow tho grad. of tho adjacent elev&tions of Pacific Rim Drivo. 74 a e EaJLuuu Puking .hall k proridad por tb. Par- w Study, Tuur Sauom ELwFua Rasort. Augur+ 3, 199s. Up to 25% of tho roqufrd puking my bo cocnp8ct rp8cmS with m: dimonmion8 of 8. S fa& by 15.0 faot. A rhuttl. ro~ica #hall provido ttanrportation bc tho clubhouse, tha Sport8 Center, tortaurants and thm hotel. : - All comnunity-uidm derign atandud8 dmacribmd in Section A of Chaptmt IV ah811 bo amk in the architocturm of thi8 planning 8x88. Tho following rprcific guidmlinms ahall 81 included for thir planning atma: * The itructurrl length of the clubhourr prralhl with La Cortr Avenue shall not t 200 foot maximuat. Duo to its closo proximity to tho lagoon ad bocauao it ir highly viriblo fro1 offrito as woll as omit0 locations, rpocial car0 .hall bo t8k.n to mn8urm thi elovations of tho golf course clubhoure ara compatible with the atchitocturo c hotel. Strong .rChitOCtUt81 roliof fmaturom rh8ll bo incorporatod into thm dm8ign a clubhou80. * All out buildings (maintonanco, rartroomr , otc. ) shall ba compatfbla wit architmcture of tho golf' clubhouso. - Tho golf ~0~180 clubhou80 will havm ur mnhurcd mntrurco 8t P8cific RFm Drivo. 3ktEuU op.n fmncing of a unffornr de8ign may bo locatad along thm adgo8 of the golf cour adjacant planning arm... - All cwarrmnity-wido l8fid.c.p. rtandud8 dorcribed in Section A, CormPunity D0.i- Elanon Chaptmr IV ahall bo fncorgorated into this pl8nning 81.8. In addition, tho foll rprcffic lurd8cap. concopt8 rhrlf bo includod in tho dovolopr~.nt of thi8 planning at. Views to and from tho golf courso, lagoon, La Cost8 Avmnuo urd Pacific Ria Drivr bo prororvod. Colnaon 8trW8c8p. area. shall conform to c-nity roquiranants. Str-t t landscapo planting intonaity tonos, paving, ontry monumont8, irrigation rystm8, w fenc.8, lighting, otc., havo beon prodot*nnin.d to ptovido consistoncy in d quality. A fir0 rupprassion ton8 rubjoct to the approval of tho Pluming Director and X8rrh8ll ehrll bo mstrblf8h.d between nativm u0.8 urd 8tructurms. Tho supprmmaion plan 8hould incorporato structural 80tbrCk8 from nativo aroa combination with a program of rmlectivo thinning of nativo vqotation rubjoct t approv.1 of tho Planning Dirmctor. - 0 0 8fanicur.d f8irw8y8 and gram8 will bo usd with native or naturr1iz.d gI and 8.90 8crub in rough U.88. Exiating traoa shall bo prrsorvmd to tho q po8siblo and aolactivaly pruned. Eucalyptus, nativo aycamoro and poplar ahall bm introduced. Watar features aha11 provido a vinal connrcti Bat iquitoa Lagoon. Full land8caping of tha clubhouso and associated structures shall b incow to 8Oft.n ViW8 from Pacific Rim Driva and La Costa avanua. All parking araa8 along Pacific Rim Drive shall bo racaraed bolow tho grr Pacific Rim Drivo and fully land8Caprd to sCxHn than from vi.um. A minimt; squara far+ land8Cap.d i8land ahall bo providod for evrry tan parking apac Strssft Tho atyh of rtrwt troar in Plannfng Area 1 rhall bo infornul. Tho dominant mtraal ohall bo tho exiating aucrlyptus. Support treo8 may includo Wo8tarn Cottonwood (PC ftemccti) . Own* with the axcaption of the clubhouao, out building8 and a8socirt.d parking area, all oi planning area shall b8 maintained as 0p.n spaco by tho golf cour80 management. ur A continuou8 trail oy8t.m rhall bo located along tho north rhore of Batiquitos La conaiatent with that appr0v.d a8 part of tha Batiquitos L&qoon Enhurcanont Plan. simd.Lw: No grading or dovolo~nt (exclu8ivo of tho public acea88 trail along tho lagoon 8hox which ahall bo consistant with the Lagoon Enhancomont Plan) sh8ll be allowed within 1OC of tho wotland boundary. Any davalopwnt within thf8 planning arm shall comply with tho City's Hill8ido Develo Regulations and the slop and ra80urca pre8orv8tion polici.8 of tho undorlying local co program and 8ubs.quant coastal prmit. Any application for dovolopl#nt within thi8 pla area shall r.quirm a slop .nalysir/bioloqical resourcm map during Site Developant revimw . n PLANNING AREA 2a: HO TR 0 DESCRIPTION: This -20.3 acre planning area includes a destination resort hotel and related acc uses, including a parking garage. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: C-T All development in Planning Area 2a shall conform to the standards of the C-T corn Tourist zone (Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.29) unless otherwise noted in this ch USE ALLOCATION: Guestroome: Main Building 336 rwms u Banqyet/Conference Facilities: Main Building 36,000 5.f. 1 1. c u "L Two restaurants p within the main building with a floor area not to exceed S+3"10,000 square feet with additional terrace seating. A CG+C ~-~~+4k&~~d!~~ ftL- .. *. - *- A cc The restaurants - shall not include any signage along the exterior of the hotel structure, nor shall itthey include a separate access way from the hotel's exterior. The restaurants shall be oriented to the interior of the hotel. Parking structure. Other associated hotel uses internal to the hotel structure. PERMITTED USES : Hotel and accessory uses commonly associated with a full service hotel which could include, but are not limited to: restaurant, coffee shop, lounge, health club, ballroom, banquet rooms, meeting rooms, administrative offices, timeshare marketing and administrative offices, and retail uses (not to exceed 6,000 s.f.) provided for the convenience of hotel guests when located within the hotel structure(s). SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Heisht : The maximum height of the main hotel structure shall not exceed 3S 53 feet per the City's Ordinance. Any portion of the structure exceeding %5 53 feet shall be for architectural features only and shall not increase the useable floor area 78 0 a Hot Legend 'Q Entry Tremnmt 8 WaIWondng Trail @ Scenic Point q View Orientrtlon Key Map & 8 L g. ef Design Criteria - Planning Area 2A Exhibit V- 3 79 0 e of the hotel. a zc, - - Heighta shall be determined per Section 21.04.065 of the Catlsbc Municipal code. Parki2a: Parking requkeumnte ehdll be aa defined in the Parking Demand Study, POU Seaeona Aviata Resort, Dated August 3, 1995. Up to 25% of the required parkin may be compact space8 with minimum dimensions of -8.0 feet by 15.0 feet. shuttle service, provided by the hotel, shall provide transportation betwe4 the hotel, resort club, aport0 center, -and golf course clubhouse a reaaonably scheduled intervalo as approved by the Planning Director. €e&% Fixe Sumreeeion: * A fire suppression zone subject to the approval of the Planninc Director and Fire Marshall ahall be eatablished betwee! native/naturalized areas and structures. The fire euppreasion pla~ should incorporate structural setbacks from native area0 in combinatioz with a program of selective thinning of native vegetation subject tc the approval of the Planning Director. Street Trees: The hotel entry road shall be planted with Mexican Fan Palm (Waehingtonia robusta). Alga Road will feature Canary Ialand Pine (Pinua canarieneis) as a theme tree and Western Cottonwood (Populua fremontili) ae a support tree. men mace: The slope aream of tho hotel site ohown on the Special Deoign Criteria exhibit shall be retained a8 open apace and shall be maintained by a community open space maintenance district. Trails: A segment of a major CMamunify trail shall begin at the trail along Alga Road and continue 8outhward along the hotel entry road southerly through the opn space to Planning Area 4 10. This trail segment ahall be constructed as a condition of development for this planning area. Gradinu: Any developent within this planning area shall comply with the City's Hillside Development RegulatFons and the slope and reaource preservation policiee of the .underlying local coastal program and subsequent coaatal permit. Any application for development within this planning area ahall requite a slope analyei8/biological resource map during Site Development Plan review. - 80 PLANNING AREA 2b: ad SORT CLUB 0 DESCRIPTION: This 46.0 acre planning area includes interval ownership (timeshare) and tourist- serving uses. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: C-T All development in Planning Area 2b shall conform to the standards of the C-! Commercial Tourist Zone (CarlsbadMunicipal Code, Chapter 21.29) unless otherwisc noted in this chapter. USE ALLOCATION: A maximum 240 timeshare units. A maximum 26,000 square foot reception and recreation building. Freestanding accessory and maintenance buildings. Surface parking areas. Permitted Uses: Timeshare units and accessory tourist uses, including reception, sales recreation and maintenance, subject to the following conditions: 1. Except for the requirement of a conditional use permit, the timesharc project must comply with the provisions of Section 21.42.010(10: (C.M.C.) . 2. If the proposed project cannot be successfully marketed as a timeshare project , the development shall be converted to a hotel use in conjunction with the hotel in Planning Area 2A subject to a Master Plan Amendment and all conditions of Section 21.42.010(11)(A)(I) and (11). 3. The maximum time increment for recurrent exclusive use of occupancy of a timeshare unit shall be four (4) months. A note indicating this requirement shall be placed on the final map. The seller of the timeshare units shall disclose this maximum time increment to all potential buyers. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: The maximum height of all structures is 35 feet. Heights shall be determined per Section 21.04.065 of the Carlsbad Xunicipal Code. Parkinu: Parking requirements shall be a minimum of 1.2 spaces per timeshare unit. A shuttle service, provided by the Hotel, shall provide transportation between the hotel, resort club, sports center, and golf course ClubhOu8e at reasonably scheduled intervals as approved by the Planning Director. Fire Suppression: * A fire suppression zone subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Fire Marshall shall be established between native/naturalized areas and structures. The fire suppression plan should incorporate structural setbacks from native areas in combination with a program of selective thinning of native vegetation subject to the approval of the Planning Director. open Space: The slope areas of the Planning Area 2b site shown on the Special Design Criteria exhibit shall be retained as open space and shali be maintained by a cornunity open space maintenance district. 80a 0 e Trails: A segment of a major community trail shall begin at the trail along Alga Road and continue southward along the hotel entry road southerly through the open space to Planning Area 10. This trail segment shall be constructed as.a condition of development for this planning area. Grading : Any development within this planning area shall comply with the City's Hillside Development Regulations and the slope and resource preservation permit. Any application for development within this planning area shall require a slope analysis/biological resource map during Site Development Plan review. policies of the underlying local coastal program and subsequent coastal 80b e e Existing Trees. ryp Legend @1 Entry ;t.atment 8 Sceqic Point ~3 WalMencing Vlew Orientation pl Trail Key Mal I" F e? If&, \I r '( If [\I \ \ f FL -*L4"f * Design Criteria - Planning Area 28 Exhibit V- DELETE d! PAGE a Thio 32.3 acre planning area provi+aa suiti-faniiy residential housing. 5 ?'ELOPYZNT STAND ;WD S : 80 ROCed Ln thio chapter. CSS RTLCCXTT9N: Sa~imun of LOO multi-family reoidentia~ units. (3.L SU/XC) Hulti-famiLy residential housing. Recreational facilities. SI3 DE'ELOPYZNT STANUARDS: # L herghts 5hall be determinc structures in this Planning Mea shall more than two mtories in hoighi Setbacks : setback a minimum of 3'5 feat from Alga Ro 21.45.090(b) of the C rninhum of 20 feat one and tweatory st and 20 feet for two or moxa story mtrtactuzes. A structures and park be varied to 15 averagr uith a 10 foot m. Parkina; Parking mhrll c d nform to tho standuds of Chapter 21.66 of tho Carlobad Xunicil =qF- ~sifv-wfd. d88fm mt8ndardm demcribed in Soct'ion A of Ch8pt.r IV rhr - - id fn thm uchitecture of this planning are8. The folloving rpcil e8 .hall 8lSQ bm included for thi8 planning u.8: The architecture of all structure8 rhall bo compatible with that c *. 0 0 - Tb AViuS 1Llr+rt Pha &S pd Contain & Pl." w 9. Thr wOViOU8 PI- *~r 9 hu bmmu - for fncluoion Lnto present Phadnq ku 2b through ci( of Car1rhr.r aad -tal US8fon action MP 177(0) and LCPA 9043(A) approvlr oa . k result, planning -ea 9 M loaqat axis+.. 7 ne DELETE THIS PAGE 0 \Y\\ ' I, / Legend / Scorric Point Wow 0.rbntatlon Key Mal +- .. . I/ n )&.&I+ .. v -106- e e DELETE TH tS PAGE - X-ler.xe. buLd:=.,g f=otar L?:s. namzamcd as open space. P :LC inq: x noise stady 3hall Sa cunducted and suhaitted d J site 2lan reviev r C=c,e,-=e if a mise attenuation suxctue is rqui cd along portions of Alr;a xoad adjacent = devalopncnz. EE rqurcd, t!!e st' Ct'ue shall t# a korative sulid msonrf vail, car=Len Sam or dination of ?e t-a, 0- furcL?g say 5u LGCA~~E~ at %!e top of slop of anas which fa =!e golf course tn =!e east and/o= tlannhg Area 10 t3 t!!a Sutll. p' Landscape: a11 communi:y-wide landscap. handards des 9( ibed in SecAon A, Camnunity Dcsigx Views to and from %!e gol sa, lagoon, Alga Road, lacific ab azi-re and La Costa Avsnur shall Common streetscaw acr all oafora to aumunity raquirencnts. Stzett Lttenri:y zones, paving, entry aonuaents, fences, LightL?g, ate. hve been predctcrmi?ed design and quality. zxisting trmr tiffcd duri?g Site Developant Plan review shall ke ing of tfe ~nll~qq units &all ie bcorprattd ta soften vieus of structufcs fzom alga XOdd, Bacific RLn Drive and La Costa ,Marshal shall k established ktuean natiVe/naturalited azeus g of native vcgttation subjcct t3 . t9e qproval of tft ?LannL:q i -1 07- 0 0 DELETE TH[S PAGE " w -en 5 Face : and flows :sna=.1 :%e i?o:=s Cenzcr and :elf cazzse Trails: Alga xoad and a prtian at cat& song c,ie southwestez:? sl2.e c tcd as a condition of development. -1 08- 0 0 G w 10: SPORTS CFmR Q==uxxm This 4+ 11.8 acre recreation oite permits a community membership sports centi which provides active recreation facilitien. w .. -. OEVFLOPYENT STANDARDS: C-T Development in thin planning area shall conform to the standards of the C. noted in this chapter. Co~ercial-Touti3t ZQna (Carlebad Municipal Code, Chaptdt 21.29) unless othemi - Sports center ahall k a maxisum of. cF,eee 52,600 .quarm feet Fncludiq restaurant, 4A 12 regulation tennis courts am) includinq one - tenn: court with sertiag for -ship and resort guest tournameat.. A 25 meter pool and a recrmrtionrl pool. A aport. center & rmrfaurant no+ to mxcmoci w 5,500 rquare feet w'ith indoc and outdoor eating areal. Approximato sea8 Shdll hClUdOt Aarebic8 3,700 8.f. lrrr ~~mights/Strtiona.ry wight8 5,300 a.f. Restaurant 4,600 a.2. Caf. . 1,600 8.f. GyKlasium 2,800 r.f. Other Related Urea X+&-.:. 35,600 s.f. egRHITTEDUSeSI The following usas aro allowrd with tho Sports Club Planning Arm: tennil court., swhing pool., and a health club facility which could include a tak restaurant, bar, loulb~~, pro rhop, sport8 boutique, baauty mlon, mting room., day care, racquetball courfl and other he8lth or fitnerr ralated rrtail use.. COM3ITIONAL USIjt A City H8~9or'8 Conditional Use Permit shall be reired for all tournament comprtitioar at thm tennis facilities or rwiamfng Wet8 at the pool and divinq facilities. SITE DFVEL OPMRNT STANDARPg -Heiohf: The marknum height shall be 35 feet per Section 21.04.065 of the Carlobad Municipal Code. Setbacks: ~11 stacturea ahall be located a minimum of 30 feet from -2:- * Batiquitos Drive. The sport0 camtar building shall be Located a rnfnhum Of 200 feet from the nearest remidentfa1 atructure. B .. .. e /- 0 B Country Club - Legend rn Entry Trmm Sank Point m WalMuldng .. .. Q Vbw Oriontatton rl Tra; .I Key Map & y iy 4 K. - Design Criteria - Planning Area 10 Exhibit V- 11 110 e 0 Parkinu: Parking ahall be as defined in the Parking Demand Study, Four Seasons Avid Resort, dat- zc, Lm August 3, 1995. A maximum of 25% of t required parking may be compact spaces with minimum dimenaione of 84 8.0 fe by 15 .O faet. A shuttle service, provided by the hotel, shall provi transportation between the Sports Center, restaurants, golf course, clubhou and the hotel at reasonably scheduled intervals as approved by the Plannil Director . LandscaDinu in Parkins Area: A minimum Of 15 percent Of the Open parking areas shall be landscaped subjet to the approval of the Planning Director. SPECIAL DESIGN CRITSRIA: Des icrn : All community-wide deaign standards described in Section A of Chapter IV ehal be embodied in the architecture of this planning =ea. The following specifj guideline8 shall also be included for this planning =ea: * Strong architectural relief features shall be incorporated into tt design of the Sports Center. The architectural design shall asauz the preservation of views from V wAi- Batiquitos Drive ar La Costa Avenue. * The architecture of the Sports Center shall be compatible with tha of the hotel and golf clubhouse. Outdoor courtyards, patios and plazas ohould be included. * Special attention shall be given to the incorporation of the adjacen open apace area aa an amenity to the planning area. Entrv Treatment: A eecondary.entry treatment shall be located at the intersection of - m Batiquitoe and - Kingfisher Road. Landscane: All community-wide landscape standards described in Section A, Community Desig~ , Elem,ents o,f Chapter IV ohall be incorporated into this planning area. I1 addition, the following specific landscape concepts shall be included in thc developments of this planning area: * * Landscapm rcreening of the Sports Center, including the use of specimer trees, shall be incorporated to soften the view of these structures from - ' Batiquitos Drive and La Coata Avenue. .. * View0 to and from the golf course, lagoon, - Batiquitos Drive .. and La Costa Avenue shall be preserved. - ll? e 0 EXi8ting trmem identified during Site UeveLaFment plan review aha11 3 premrned. 9 A firm ruppreroicn rcne subject to the aeproval of tho Plannin Director and Fire Xarshrll ohall br established betwee native/natutalized azeas and stnctuzes. The fire Suppression pla should incorporate structural setbacks f:cm native azeas in combinatio the approval of the Planning Director. with a program of mloctivr thinning of nativr vegetation Bubject t OEen S~ace : All open apace areas shall be landscaped as described in the Landscap ?rectia above. Trails: A portion of the Stream and Lake Trail, which extendo from Alga Road to w €&s Batiquitom Drive, is Located vithin this planning area. The on8ite regmer shall be constructed as a condition of developnent of this planning =ea. Gtadinu: Any developmrnt within this planning area ahall comply with the City's Eflloic Developmnt Regulation. and the 8lOp and resource prerrrpation policies of tk underlying local coorta1. program and aubrequent coastal prrmft. Any applicatic for development within this planning area shall roqufr8 a slos anrlyaio/b&ologicrl remourem map duting Site Davelopnrnt Plan rmviaw. .. e 0 PL-LUYlYG .ARF.A I I: C04?5LIERCI.< DELETE THIS PAGE ~~m~nw. This 2 .k a.CZ* plaMing axOa incl:dee one E0StdUnnt which will provide dinLn, facilities ptfmarily for guests of tka resort, aForta complex and regiden+ the =ea. PE’ELOPZNT ST.9NDAmS : C-T flated in thia chaptet. ting areas M relatmd accessory use8 Listed below. ea: rertauzantr M architectural them. tower located ne= mlaamnt8 shall also b - a is 30 femt a8 dmtmrmined by sectfc Setbacks : Th8 distance between rtruct shall be 1oc.at.d b minLnurn a minimunr of 10 feet fr anning Atma boundary. - No outdoor storage Loading umu 1 bm rcrmend from th8 lagoon, ottmrt8 and pode8ttian Umaa bo proridod pu tho PuWag w Stady, lout Seuopl AvW ?mbmaaq 28, 1990. Thm puking structure ptopo8.d withln Plumin Spes C8nt.t) aha11 be required to b. constructed prior to bn at within thi8 Planning Arm.. h ceaditioaal uw pumit mhrll b (I) 0 NG - TbiS wI.+Uc OlM dorr aot Cop- & Pl- ku 11. Thr mh8 P1-W ZLrr 11 hU b~n m tor inclusion hto prmsmat PL~ k~ LO throu~h City o =lclbd and QI.trl -8ioa acfioa 18 177(0) and LBA 9+03(A). rpptowbd o . . A. rmsult, plaxahg kor 11 no longrr uists. . . ,. - 117 0 DELETE THIS PAGE - ~ :IO !! 81 i; I/ i /I m i. (1 i \ / / Legend .. .- / za Entry .t.# g/ Wallfl nctng @I q 3C8ntC Point V1.r 0rf.nt.clon Key Map J r4 nPcinn Criteria - Plannina Area I1 Exhibit V- 1 0 e DELETE THIS PAGE 8 saaii 'be srovlded for eve-ry :en yrkizg sgac+s. 5tfCZXL 3ESISN CXTZ?.IA: acaign: m.. ,,LeLincs . f shall 5. hcl:Ccd for this ?laming area: Acorgroratd hto tte hotel and SpOttS Cantat. HO restaurant wall or -Le signs f allond. ZnLz Treament: x secondary entry elcmmt iruy k athd at t!m 2lanning =ea entry along 2 acrfic Rim Drive. Landscape: scribed in Section A, C-uni:y Design tatad into tifs planning =ea. 13 addition,. tha .following concepts shall k incLuded tz tic Sr incotprated to soften view La Costa Avcnua. goon, Pacitfc Rim Drive and La Cssta e Developeat Plan reviev shall SC e aporovd af te PLanninq Directat ktneur narive/nat.jraliz& ureas and suuctuts. The fire suppression aim 'should i?corparatt suuctural sccjacks tzorn native xed3 tl cambination vith a proqrvn of selective zo =%e approval cf ti%e tlannizg -1 15- a 0 DELETE THIS PAGE be-cung and heavy lantscagizg. e -;e= S:ace: 3;:: :-e LLTdscape cr:zeria above. ALL cpen space uta3 of tiis ?lan&q area shall -. .. . '..If'..:,> -1 16-