HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-05; Planning Commission; Resolution 40461 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 118 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4046 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO ALL SIX SEGMENTS OF THE CARLSBAD LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM TO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF AND ACCEPT SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING POLICIES OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM LAND USE PLANS APPROVED BY THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION. CASE NAME: COASTAL COMMISSION MODIFICATIONS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING ZONING AND LAND USE PLAN POLICIES CASE NO: LCPA 93-02(A) WHEREAS, California State law requires that the Local Coastal Pro: General Plan and Zoning designations for properties in the Coastal Zone be in conformance; WHEREAS, the City approved LCPA 93-02 to add affordable housing polic the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program Land Use Plans; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 1996, the Coastal Commission approved said amendment with “suggested modifications” and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has received “suggested modifications’’ the California Coastal Commission for the affordable housing policies of the Land Use Pk set forth in this resolution; and WHEREAS, acceptance of the Coastal Commission’s “suggested modifica. is necessary to comply with the California Coastal Act and California Administrative Code; ~ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 5th day of February 1 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request for a local coastal prc amendment as shown on Exhibit “LCPA 93-02(A)” dated February 5, 1997, attached and made a part hereof, as provided in Public Resources Code Section 30574 and Article * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Chapter 8, Subchapter 2, Division 5.5, Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Calif Coastal Commission Administrative Regulations); and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testi~ and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fi relating to the Local Coastal Program Amendment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plsu Commission as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commj RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of Local Coastal Program Amendment, I 93-02(A), according to Exhibit “LCPA 93-02(A)” dated February 5, which effectuates City acceptance of the Coastal Commission’s ‘‘sugg modifications” based on the following findings: Findings: 1. That the proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment is required in order to a suggested modifications approved by the California Coastal Commission. 2. That acceptance of the proposed “suggested modifications” is necessary by the in order to comply with California Administrative Code Segments 13544 and 1: 3. That the proposed amendment will retain consistency between the City’s zone and its Local Coastal Program. .. . ... ... ... I ~ .-* ~ ... ... PC RES0 NO. 4046 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plannir Commission of the City of Carlsbad, held on the 5th day of February 1997, by the follc vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Nielsen, Commissioners Compas, Hein Monroy, Noble, Savary and Welshons NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None .. ROBERT NIELSEN, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: Planning Director PC RES0 NO. 4046 -3- e 9 EXHIBIT “LCPA 93 FEBRUARY! LCP POLICIES MELLO I 2. STANDARD PACIFIC Policy 1 - Maximum Density of Development The Standard Pacific property shall be designated for a medium density residential development with a maximum density of 7 dwelling units per gross acre (See Exhibit 2.1). The property shall be developed using the City’s RD-M (Residential-Multiple Zone) or PC (Planned Community) in effect at the date of certification. An overlay zone shall be established incorporating the Coastal Act requirements contained herein (See Exhibit 3). All permitted uses in the underlying zone shall be conditional uses in the overlay zone. Divisions of land and other developments as defined in the Coastal act shall be in accord with the requirements of the Policies contained herein. Poinsettia Lane shall be extended only as generally shown n the PRC Toups land use map (See Exhibit 2.1) to the eastern boundary of the &. The location of Poinsettia Lane is in no way determined by this Local Coastal Program (LCP), however, this LCP is not intended to preclude access to agricultural areas to the east. Policy I(A) - Affordable Housing In order to encourage and enable the development of lower income affordable housing, senior citizen housing, and second dwelling units, density increases and density bonuses, above the maximum residential densities permitted by this plan may be permitted as follows: Density Increases: Any request to increase residential densities above the densities permitted by the plan, for the purpose of providing lower-income affordable housing shall be evaluated relative to: (a) a proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses; (b) the adequacy of public facilities; and (c) the project site being located in proximity to a minimum of one of the following: a freeway or major roadway, a commercial center, employment opportunities, a City park or open space, or a commuter rail or transit center. Within the coastal zone, any affordable housing project that incorporates a density increase pursuant to this policy shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant fo the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Density Bonuses: Consistent with Government Code Section 65915 and 65915.5 densify bonuses and ofher incentives may be granted to enable the development of low income, very low income and senior citizen housing. Within the coastal Page 1 0 e zone, any housing development that incorporates a density bonus and/or other incentives pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Second Dwelling Units: The maximum density permitted under this plan may be exceeded for the purpose of constructing second dwelling units. In the coastal zone, any second dwelling unit shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. 3. OCCIDENTAL LAND, INC. d. If, by December 1, 1980, the landowners of the Occidental parcels record an irrevocable offer to dedicate an agricultural conservation easement or a similar instrument providing for certain protection of agricultural land, over the 57 acre and 22 acre parcels north of Poinsettia Lane, development may be allowed on the 25 acres of Class Ill soils (See Exhibit 4.2) located immediately east of Paseo del Norte, and at the 28 acres of soil below Class IV in the same parcel of up to 7 units per acre. Said conservation easement or similar instrument shall be free of all prior liens and encumbrances, shall be executed in favor of the People of the State of California, and shall bind the landowners and successors in interest. Said easement may include a term which states that the Commission may modify the easement at its sole discretion if the Commission determines that such modification would be essential to implement the remainder of the Carlsbad LCP. Policy I(A) - Affordable Housing In order to encourage and enable the development of lower income affordable housing, senior citizen housing, and second dwelling units, density increases and density bonuses, above the maximum residential densities permitted by this plan may be permitted as follows: Density Increases: Any request to increase residential densities above the densities permitted by the plan, for the purpose of providing lower-income affordable housing shall be evaluated relative to: (a) a proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses; (b) the adequacy of public facilities; and (c) the project site being located in proximity to a minimum of one of the following: a freeway or major roadway, a commercial center, employment opportunities, a City park or open space, or a commuter rail or transit center. Within the coastal zone, any affordable housing project that incorporates a density increase pursuant to this policy shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In Page 2 0 e calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Density Bonuses: Consistent with Government Code Section 65915 and 65915.5 density bonuses and other incentives may be granted to enable the development of low income, very low income and senior citizen housing. Within the coastal zone, any housing development that incorporates a density bonus and/or other incentives pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Second Dwelling Units: The maximum density permitted under this plan may be exceeded for the purpose of constructing second dwelling units. In the coastal zone, any second dwelling unit shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. 4. RANCHO LA COSTA Policy 1 - Land Uses 1. Development of the property may occur under the provisions of the Pacific Rim County Club and Resort Master Plan, and shall be subject to the requirements of Policy 2 “AgricuIture/PIanned Development.” 2. The land uses allowed by the Master Plan shall be compatible with the City of Carlsbad General Plan as amended and as adopted as of March 1, 1988, to provide a combination of residential, commercial (including visitor serving) and open space uses. 3. Residential density permitted through the Master Plan shall not exceed that allowed by the City of Carlsbad General Plan as of March 1, 1988, except as allowed by Policy 6 below. 4. All land uses and intensity of use shall be compatible with the protection of sensitive coastal resources. 5. Land use intensity shall be consistent with that allowed by the Carlsbad Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90, Carlsbad Municipal Code) as adopted as of March 1, 1988, except that any increase in the total number of dwelling units proposed in the Master Plan (2836) shall Page 3 0 e require review and approval of the Coastal Commission through the LCP amendment process. 6. In order to encourage and enable the development of lower income affordable housing, senior citizen housing, and second dwelling units, density increases and density bonuses, above the maximum residential densities permitted by this plan may be permitted as follows: Density Increases: Any request to increase residential densities above the densities permitted by the plan, for the purpose of providing lower- income affordable housing shall be evaluated relative to: (a) a proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses; (b) the adequacy of public facilities; and (c) the project site being located in proximity to a minimum of one of the following: a freeway or major roadway, a commercial center, employment opportunities, a City park or open space, or a commuter rail or transit center. Within the coastal zone, any affordable housing project that incorporates a density increase pursuant to this policy shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Density Bonuses: Consistent with Government Code Section 65915 and 65915.5 density bonuses and other incentives may be granted to enable the development of low income, very low income and senior citizen housing. Within the coastal zone, any housing development that incorporates a density bonus and/or other incentives pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property, Second Dwelling Units: The maximum density permitted under this plan may be exceeded for the purpose of constructing second dwelling units. In the coastal zone, any second dwelling unit shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. ... . .. Page 4 0 e MELLO II 1. ALLOWABLE LAND USES Policy 1-1 Affordable Housing In order to encourage and enable the development of lower income affordable housing, senior citizen housing, and second dwelling units, density increases and density bonuses, above the maximum residential densities permitted by this plan may be permitted as follows: Density Increases: Any request to increase residential densities above the densities permitted by the plan, for the purpose of providing lower-income affordable housing shall be evaluated relative to: (a) a proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses; (b) the adequacy of public facilities; and (c) the project site being located in proximity to a minimum of one of the following: a freeway or major roadway, a commercial center, employment opportunities, a City park or open space, or a commuter rail or transit center. Within the coastal zone, any affordable housing project that incorporates a density increase pursuant to this policy shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Density Bonuses: Consistent with Government Code Section 65915 and 65915.5 density bonuses and other incentives may be granted to enable the development of low income, very low income and senior citizen housing. Within the coastal zone, any housing development that incorporates a density bonus and/or other incentives pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Second Dwelling Units: The maximum density permitted under this plan may be exceeded for the purpose of constructing second dwelling units. In the coastal zone, any second dwelling unit shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. ... ... Page 5 0 0 AGUA HEDIONDA LAND USE PLAN 1.9 Building height shall be limited to a maximum of 35 feet. Building setbacks and lot coverage shall be regulated by the applicable zoning designation, except as specifically modified in this plan. 1 .IO The 45 acre parcel owned by SDG&E located on the south shore immediately east of the freeway shall be designated TS, Travel Services. Conversion of the property to commercial development shall be subject to a future specific plan and the applicable policies relating to agricultural conversion. A future specific plan will be required by the city for development of the property. 1.1 1 In order to encourage and enable the development of lower income affordable housing, senior citizen housing, and second dwelling units, density increases and density bonuses, above the maximum residential densities permitted by this plan may be permitted as follows: Density Increases: Any request to increase residential densities above the densities permitted by the plan, for the purpose of providing lower-income affordable housing shall be evaluated relative to: (a) a proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses; (b) the adequacy of public facilities; and (c) the project site being located in proximity to a minimum of one of the following: a freeway or major roadway, a commercial center, employment opportunities, a City park or open space, or a commuter rail or transit center. Within the coastal zone, any affordable housing project that incorporates a density increase pursuant to this policy shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and Iocal coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Density Bonuses: Consistent with Government Code Section 65915 and 65915.5 density bonuses and other incentives may be granted to enable the development of low income, very low income and senior citizen housing. Within the coastal zone, any housing development that incorporates a density bonus and/or other incentives pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Second Dwelling Units: The maximum density permitted under this plan may be exceeded for the purpose of constructing second dwelling units. In Page 6 0 0 the coastal zone, any second dwelling unit shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA The Design Review Board shall promote the effective interdependence for the urban core’s several areas by advocating the establishment of pedestrian linkages between the seven sub-areas. These hnkages, where feasible, should take the form of landscaped paths or arcades. VII. DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR THE VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA Compliance with City Regulations Except as indicated herein, all proposals for projects in the Village Redevelopment Area shall comply with all normal City development regulations pertaining to zoning and land use. Residential Density Increases - Affordable Housing In order to encourage and enable the development of lower income affordable housing, senior citizen housing, and second dwelling units, density increases and density bonuses, above the maximum residential densities permitted by this plan may be permitted as follows: Density Increases: Any request to increase residential densities above the densities permitted by the plan, for the purpose of providing lower-income affordable housing shall be evaluated relative to: (a) a proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses; (b) the adequacy of public facilities; and (c) the project site being located in proximity to a minimum of one of the following: a freeway or major roadway, a commercial center, employment opportunities, a City park or open space, or a commuter rail or transit center. Within the coastal zone, any affordable housing project that incorporates a density increase pursuant to this policy shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Density Bonuses: Consistent with Government Code Section 65915 and 65915.5 density bonuses and other incentives may be granted to enable the development of low income, very low income and senior citizen housing. Within the coastal zone, any housing development that incorporates a density bonus and/or other incentives pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be Page 7 0 e consistent with all Certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Second Dwelling Units: The maximum density permitted under this plan may be exceeded for the purpose of constructing second dwelling units. In the coastal zone, any second dwelling unit shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. Lot Coveraqe All buildings, including accessory buildings and structures, and all parking areas and driveways, should not cover more than eighty percent (80%) of the net lot area. EAST BATIQUITOS LAGOONIHUNT PROPERTIES 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING In order to encourage and enable the development of lower income affordable housing, senior citizen housing, and second dwelling units, density increases and density bonuses, above the maximum residential densities permitted by this plan may be permitted as follows: Density Increases: Any request to increase residential densities above the densities permitted by the plan, for the purpose of providing lower-income affordable housing shall be evaluated relative to: (a) a proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses; (b) the adequacy of public facilities; and (c) the project site being located in proximity to a minimum of one of the following: a freeway or major roadway, a commercial center, employment opportunities, a City park or open space, or a commuter rail or transit center. Within the coastal zone, any affordable housing project that incorporates a density increase pursuant to this policy shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In Calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Density Bonuses: Consistent with Government Code Section 65975 and 65975.5 density bonuses and other incentives may be granted to enable the development of low income, very low income and senior citizen housing. Within the coastal zone, any housing development that incorporates a density bonus and/or other incentives pursuant to Chapter 27.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception Page 8 0 a of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Second Dwelling Units: The maximum density permitted under this plan may be exceeded for the purpose of constructing second dwelling units. In the coastal zone, any second dwelling unit shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. WEST BATIQUITOS LAGOON/SAMMIS PROPERTIES 9. Master Plan Approval. The Batiquitos Lagoon Master Plan as adopted by the Carlsbad City Council Ordinance No. 9778 is approved as the Implementing Ordinance for this Land Use Plan. The Master Plan shall be amended to implement the Agricultural Mitigation Fee. The amendment may be certified by the Commission Executive Director without further Commission action. Upon certification by the Executive Director this portion of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program shall be deemed certified. 10. In order to encourage and enable the development of lower income affordable housing, senior citizen housing, and second dwelling units, density increases and density bonuses, above the maximum residential densities permitted by this plan may be permitted as follows: Density Increases: Any request to increase residential densities above the densities permitted by the plan, for the purpose of providing lower-income affordable housing shall be evaluated relative to: (a) a proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses; (b) the adequacy of public facilities; and (c) the project site being located in proximity to a minimum of one of the following: a freeway or major roadway, a commercial center, employment opportunities, a City park or open space, or a commuter rail or transit center. Within the coastal zone, any affordable housing project that incorporates a density increase pursuant to this policy shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property- Density Bonuses: Consistent with Government Code Section 65975 and 65975.5 density bonuses and other incentives may be granted to enable the development of low income, very low income and senior citizen housing. Within the coastal zone, any housing development that incorporates a density bonus and/or other incentives pursuant to Chapter Page 9 . 0 0 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. In calculating the base density, all environmentally constrained lands identified pursuant to the coastal zoning ordinances and local coastal programs are considered to be undevelopable and shall be deducted from the total number of acres of a subject property. Second Dwelling Units: The maximum density permitted under this plan may be exceeded for the purpose of constructing second dwelling units. In the coastal zone, any second dwelling unit shall be consistent with all certified local coastal program provisions, with the exception of the base density. Page 10