HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-01; Planning Commission; Resolution 65741 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 6574 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT TO: 1) 4 REPEAL AND REPLACE THE NONCONFORMING 5 BUILDINGS AND USES - CHAPTER 21.48 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, 2) INCLUDE NEW AND AMENDED 6 ASSOCIATED DEFINITIONS IN CHAPTER 21.04- DEFINITIONS, 3) AMEND CHAPTER 21.46 -YARDS TO 7 DELETE SECTION 21.46.210, 4) AMEND CHAPTER 21.44 - PARKING TO REVISE SECTION 21.44.010, AND 5) AMEND 8 CHAPTER 21.45 TO REVISE SECTION 21.45.090A. 9 CASE NAME: NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES ORDINANCE REVISION 10 CASE NO.: ZCA 09-01 11 WHEREAS, the Planning Director has prepared a proposed Zone Code 12 Amendment pursuant to Section 21.52.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to amend the 14 Nonconforming Buildings and Uses (CMC 21.48) Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance; and 15 WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is set forth in the draft City Council 16 Ordinance, Exhibit "X," dated, July 1, 2009, and attached hereto ZCA 09-01 - 17 NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES ORDINANCE REVISION; and 18 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 17th day of June, 2009, hold a 19 duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and 21 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and 22 arguments of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission directed staff to revise the 23 draft ordinance to waive the requirement for a nonconforming construction permit for an 24 expansion to a single-family residential structure provided that the area of expansion is 25 40% or less than the exiting square footage of the residence or a maximum of 640 square 26 feet, whichever is less, and that the area of expansion complies with all development 23 standards, and continued the public hearing to July 1,2009; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 2 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 3 relating to the Zone Code Amendment. 4 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning 6 Commission as follows: 7 A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission 9 RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of ZCA 09-01 - NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES ORDINANCE REVISION, based on the following 10 findings: Findings: 12 1. That the proposed Zone Code Amendment ZCA 09-01 is consistent with the General Plan in that it provides a mechanism to encourage revitalization in residential areas 13 which are deteriorating or have a high potential of becoming deteriorated, and it includes procedures to review the architecture of buildings with the focus on ensuring the quality and integrity of design and enhancement of the character of each neighborhood. 16 2. That the proposed ZCA reflects sound principles of good planning in that it (a) ensures internal consistency with the procedures and standards of the rest of the existing 17 Zoning Ordinance that is not proposed for amendment, and (b) implements the policies and programs of the General Plan.18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PC RESO NO. 6574 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, held on July 1, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Baker, Boddy, Douglas, L'Heureux, and Chairperson Montgomery ABSENT: Commissioner Dominguez ABSTAIN: MARTELI7B. MONTGOMERY, Cjflperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMlfmON ATTEST: DON NEU Planning Director PC RESO NO. 6574 -3- Exhibit "X" July 1,2009 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A ZONE CODE 3 AMENDMENT TO: 1) REPEAL AND REPLACE THE NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES - CHAPTER 21.48 4 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, 2) INCLUDE NEW AND AMENDED ASSOCIATED DEFINITIONS IN CHAPTER 21.04- 5 DEFINITIONS, 3) AMEND CHAPTER 21.46 -YARDS TO DELETE SECTION 21.46.210, 4) AMEND CHAPTER 21.44 - PARKING TO 6 REVISE SECTION 21.44.010 AND, 5) AMEND CHAPTER 21.45 TO REVISE SECTION 21.45.090A. 7 CASE NAME: NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES ORDINANCE REVISION 8 CASE NO.: ZCA 09-01/LCPA 09-01 9 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: 10 SECTION I: That Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read 11 as follows: 12 Title 21 13 ZONING 14 Chapters: 15 21.48 Nonconforming Lots, Structures and Uses 16 SECTION II: That Chapter 21.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to 1' read as follows: 18 Chapter 21.04 19 DEFINITIONS 20 21.04.027 Alter. 71 "Alter" means any change to the interior or exterior of a structure that does not result in 22 an increase to the gross floor area of the structure. 23 Expansion. 74 "Expansion" means to enlarge or increase the size of an existing structure or use 25 including the physical size of the property, building, parking and other improvements. ^f\ 21.04.275 Nonconforming structure. 27 "Nonconforming structure" means a structure, or portion thereof, which was lawfully 28 erected or altered and maintained, but which, because of the application of this title to it, no 1 longer conforms to the current requirements and development standards of the zone in which it 2 is located. (Ord. 9060 § 254) 3 21.04.278 Nonconforming lot. 4 "Nonconforming lot" means a lot which was legally created, but which, because of the 5 application of this title to it, no longer conforms to the current requirements and development 6 standards of the zone in which it is located. 7 21.04.280 Nonconforming non-residential use. 8 "Nonconforming non-residential use" means a non-residential use which was lawfully 9 established and maintained, but which, because of the application of this title to it, no longer conforms to the current use regulations of the zone in which it is located. 11 21.04.281 Nonconforming residential use. "Nonconforming residential use" means a residential use which was lawfully established and maintained, but which exceeds the Growth Management Control Point or the maximum density range of the underlying General Plan Land Use designation 15 Repair. "Repair" means any improvements to correct deficiencies in a building or structure. 17 Replace. 1 8 "Replace" means to construct a structure that is substantially equivalent in size, shape 19 and location to a structure that has been destroyed or demolished. ?o 21.04.354 Structure. 21 "Structure" means anything constructed or erected which requires location on the ground 22 or attached to something having a location on the ground, but not including fences or walls used 23 as fences six feet or less in height. All buildings are structures. 74 (Ord. 9060 § 269) 25 21.04.355 Substandard lot. See "Nonconforming lot". 27 /// 28 -2- 1 SECTION 111: That Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to 2 read as follows: 3 Chapter 21.44 4 PARKING 5 21.44.010 Required off-street parking. A. Off-street parking, designed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, shall be provided for: 1. All newly constructed buildings; 2. Additions to existing buildings, except for: 10 a. An existing single family residence which does not meet the required parking 11 standard (i.e. a two car garage) may expand floor area if a minimum of two off- 12 street parking spaces are provided on-site in a location consistent with Section 13 21.44.060(4). 14 3. Any change of use within an existing building. 15 , , SECTION IV: That Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to16 read as follows: Chapter 21.45 1 O 19 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS 70 21.45.090 Residential additions and accessory uses 21 General. 22 1. Additions and accessory uses shall be subject to all applicable development standards of this chapter, unless otherwise specified in this section. 25 2. Additions to buildings that are legally nonconforming shall comply with the 26 requirements of chapter 21.48 of this code. 27 28 -3- 1 SECTION V: That Section 21.46.210 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 2 repealed. 3 SECTION VI: That Chapter 21.48 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is repealed in 4 its entirety and reenacted as follows: 5 Chapter 21.48 6 NONCONFORMING LOTS, STRUCTURES AND USES 7 Sections: 8 21.48.010 Purpose and intent. 9 21.48.020 Applicability. 10 21.48.030 General provisions. 11 21.48.040 Nonconforming lots. 12 21.48.050 Nonconforming residential structures and uses. 1^ 21.48.060 Nonconforming non-residential structures. 14 21.48.070 Nonconforming non-residential uses. 15 21.48.080 Nonconforming construction permit. '" 21.48.090 Abatement of nonconforming structures and uses. 17 21.48.010 Purpose and intent. 1 8 A. The purpose and intent of this chapter is to: 19 1. Allow for the development of nonconforming lots that were legally created. 20 2. Establish procedures for the abatement of structures and uses that do not 21 comply with all of the requirements and development standards of this title and which may be 22 adverse to the orderly development of the city and to the public health, safety, or welfare of 23 persons or property. 24 3. Permit the continuation of uses and continued occupancy and maintenance of 25 structures that were legally established but do not comply with all of the requirements and ^f\development standards of this title, in a manner that is not adverse to the public health, safety or 27 welfare of persons or property. 28 -4- 1 4. Permit the repair, alteration, expansion or replacement of nonconforming 2 structures subject to the regulations herein. 3 5. Permit the expansion or replacement of nonconforming uses subject to the 4 regulations herein. 5 21.48.020 Applicability. 6 A. The provisions of this chapter apply to: 7 1. Legally created lots which do not conform to the current requirements and 8 development standards of the zone in which they are located. 9 2. Legally constructed structures and site development features (except for 10 nonconforming signs which are addressed in Section 21.41.130) which do not comply with the 11 current requirements and development standards of the zone in which they are located. 12 3. Legally established uses which do not conform to the current permitted use 13 regulations of the zone in which they are located. 14 21.48.030 General provisions. 15 A. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of a nonconforming lot, structure or use !6 to prove to the planning director that such lot, structure or use was lawfully established, existed 1 71' on the date of adoption or amendment of this chapter, and has existed continuously as defined 18 herein. 19 B. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or restoring 70 to a safe condition of any structure or part thereof declared to be unsafe by any city official 21 charged with protecting the public safety, upon order of such official. Repairs and alterations 22 may be made to restore a structure to the same condition that existed prior to damage or 23 deterioration, provided that such repairs or structural alterations conform to the provisions of this 24 . tchapter. 25 //; 26 /// 27 /// 28 -5- 1 21.48.040 Nonconforming lots. 2 A. A nonconforming lot may be developed, provided that the development is 3 consistent with the General Plan and complies with all of the requirements and development 4 standards of the zone, master plan, or specific plan in which it is located. 5 21.48.050 Nonconforming residential structures and uses. 6 A. Specific Provisions. 7 1. A nonconforming residential structure and/or nonconforming residential use may ° be continued and the structure and/or use repaired, altered, expanded or replaced in " accordance with the provisions of this chapter provided that the repair, alteration, expansion or 10 replacement does not: a. Result in an additional structural nonconformity; and, 17 b. Increase the degree of the existing nonconformity of all or part of such structure 13 or use (i.e. the addition of a new dwelling unit to an existing over density 14 residential use); and, c. Reduce the number and size of any required existing parking spaces. 2. Any expansion of floor area or the addition of a new dwelling unit that results in 17 an increase in parking demand, pursuant to chapter 21.44, shall provide additional parking to 18 satisfy the increase in parking demand. 19 3. An existing single family residence which does not meet the required parking 20 standard (i.e. a two car garage) may expand floor area if a minimum of two off-street parking 21 spaces are provided on-site in a location consistent with Section 21.44.060(4). 22 B. Repair or Alteration. 23 1. A nonconforming residential structure and/or a structure which is occupied by a 24 nonconforming residential use may be repaired or altered subject to issuance of all required 25 discretionary and building permits, provided that the repair or alteration complies with all current 26 fire protection and building codes and regulations contained in Title 17 and Title 18. 27 C. Expansion. 28 -6- 1 1. A nonconforming residential structure and/or a nonconforming residential use 2 may be expanded, so as to occupy a greater area of land or more floor area subject to issuance 3 of all required discretionary and building permits and provided that an application for a 4 nonconforming construction permit is submitted and the planning director approves the findings 5 of fact pursuant to Section 21.48.080(8). 6 2. Where a single-family residential structure is nonconforming only by reason of 7 substandard yards, the provisions of this chapter requiring a nonconforming construction permit 8 for an expansion shall not apply provided that: 9 a. The area of expansion is not more than 40% of the existing floor space prior to 10 the enlargement or a maximum of 640 square feet, whichever is less; and 11 b. The area of expansion, when combined with prior expansions of the 12 nonconforming structure, does not exceed 40% of the floor space that existed prior to any 1^ expansions or 640 square feet, whichever is less; and 14 c. The area of expansion shall comply with all current development standards 15 including, but not limited to, setbacks, lot coverage and height limitations; and 16 d. Expansions that exceed the limits of this exception shall require a nonconforming ' construction permit. 1 O D. Replacement in the Event of a Disaster. 19 1. A nonconforming residential structure and/or nonconforming residential use that 20 is destroyed by fire, explosion, or other casualty or natural disaster, may be replaced subject to 21 issuance of all required discretionary and building permits and provided that an application for a 22 nonconforming construction permit is submitted within two years of the date of the disaster and 23 the planning director approves the findings of fact pursuant to Section 21.48.080(6). 24 E. Voluntary Demolition and Subsequent Replacement. 25 1. A nonconforming residential structure and/or nonconforming residential use that 76 is proposed to be voluntarily demolished may be replaced subject to issuance of all required 27 discretionary and building permits and provided that an application for a nonconforming 28 -7- 1 construction permit is submitted and the planning director approves the findings of fact pursuant 2 to Section 21.48.080(6) prior to the date of the demolition. 3 21.48.060 Nonconforming non-residential structures. 4 A. Specific Provisions. 1. A nonconforming non-residential structure may be continued and the structure repaired, altered, expanded or replaced in accordance with the provisions of this chapter 7 provided that the repair, alteration, expansion or replacement does not: o a. Result in an additional structural nonconformity; and, 9 b. Increase the degree of the existing nonconformity of all or part of such structure; 10 and, c. Reduce the number and size of any required existing parking spaces. 12 2. Any expansion of floor area that results in an increase in parking demand, pursuant to chapter 21.44, shall provide additional parking to satisfy the increase in parking demand. 15 B. Repair or Alteration. 16 1. A nonconforming non-residential structure may be repaired or altered subject to 17 issuance of all required discretionary and building permits, provided that the repair or alteration 18 complies with all current fire protection and building codes and regulations contained in Title 17 19 and Title 18. 20 C. Expansion. 21 1. A nonconforming non-residential structure may be expanded, so as to occupy a 22 greater area of land or more floor area subject to issuance of all required discretionary and 23 building permits and provided that an application for a nonconforming construction permit is 24 submitted and the planning director approves the findings of fact pursuant to Section 21.48.080(6).26 77 D. Replacement in the Event of a Disaster. 28 -8- 1 1. A nonconforming non-residential structure that is destroyed by fire, explosion, or 2 other casualty or natural disaster, may be replaced subject to issuance of all required 3 discretionary and building permits and provided that an application for a nonconforming 4 construction permit is submitted within two years of the date of the disaster and the planning 5 director approves the findings of fact pursuant to Section 21.48.080(6). 6 E. Voluntary Demolition and Subsequent Replacement. 7 1. A nonconforming non-residential structure that is proposed to be voluntarily 8 demolished may be replaced subject to issuance of all required discretionary and building 9 permits and provided that an application for a nonconforming construction permit is submitted 10 and the planning director approves the findings of fact pursuant to Section 21.48.080(6) prior to 11 the date of the demolition. 12 21.48.070 Nonconforming non-residential uses. A. Specific Provisions. 1. A nonconforming non-residential use and/or structure which is occupied by a nonconforming non-residential use may be continued and the structure and/or use repaired, altered, expanded or replaced in accordance with the provisions of this chapter provided that 17 the repair, alteration, expansion or replacement does not: 18 a. Increase the degree of the existing nonconformity of all or part of such structure 19 or use; and, 20 b. Reduce the number and size of any required existing parking spaces. 21 2. Any expansion of a non-residential use and/or structure which is occupied by a 22 nonconforming non-residential use that results in an increase in parking demand, pursuant to 23 chapter 21.44, shall provide additional parking to satisfy the increase in parking demand. 24 6. Repair or Alteration. 25 1. A structure which is occupied by a nonconforming non-residential use may be 26 repaired or altered subject to issuance of all required discretionary and building permits, 27 28 -9- 1 provided that he repair or alteration complies with all current fire protection and building codes 2 and regulations contained in Title 17 and Title 18. 3 C. Expansion of Use. 4 1. A nonconforming non-residential use may be expanded, so as to occupy a 5 greater area of land or more floor area within a structure, subject to issuance of all required 6 discretionary and building permits, provided that an application for a conditional use permit is 7 submitted and the planning commission approves the findings of fact pursuant to Section 8 21.42.030(A). g D. Relocation. 10 1. A nonconforming non-residential use may be moved, in whole or in part, to any 11 other on-site structure, or to any other portion of the structure, lot or site within or upon which it 12 is located, subject to issuance of all required discretionary and building permits and provided 13 that an application for a conditional use permit is submitted and the planning commission 14 approves the findings of fact pursuant to Section 21.42.030(A). 15 E. Change of Use. 16 1. A nonconforming non-residential use may be changed to a use that is permitted 17 in the zone in which the subject property is located, or may be changed to a use that is more 18 conforming, subject to approval of the planning director and the issuance of a business license. 19 F. Replacement of Use. 20 1. A nonconforming non-residential use may be replaced with the same or a similar use, as determined by the planning director, so long as the replacement use does not expand or Z*£ in any other manner increase the degree of nonconformity with the use regulations of this title. 24 G. Discontinuance. 25 1. If a structure or parcel of land which is occupied by a nonconforming non- 26 residential use is, or hereafter becomes vacant and remains unoccupied either temporarily or 27 permanently, whether with the intent to abandon the use or not, for a continuous period of one 28 -10- 1 year or more, the planning director shall determine and shall notify the owner of the property, via 2 certified return receipt mail, that the nonconforming use has been discontinued and the 3 nonconforming use may not be renewed or reestablished. 4 H. Reestablishment of a Nonconforming Use in the Event of a Disaster. 5 1. A nonconforming non-residential use that is destroyed by fire, explosion, other casualty or natural disaster, may be reestablished subject to issuance of all required 7 discretionary and building permits and provided that an application for a conditional use permit o is submitted within two years of the date of the disaster, and the planning commission approves o the findings of fact pursuant to Section 21.42.030(A). 10 I. Voluntary Demolition and Subsequent Reconstruction. 1. A nonconforming non-residential use that is proposed to be voluntarily 12 demolished and subsequently reconstructed, may be reestablished subject to issuance of all 13 required discretionary and building permits and provided that an application for a conditional use 14 permit is submitted and the planning commission approves the findings of fact pursuant to 15 Section 21.42.030(A) prior to the demolition. 16 21.48.080 Nonconforming construction permit. 17 A. Authority. 18 1. The planning director or his designee may approve, conditionally approve or 19 deny a nonconforming construction permit as prescribed in this chapter, upon making the 20 findings of fact listed in Section 21.42.080(6) of this chapter. 21 B. Findings of Fact. 22 1. A nonconforming construction permit shall be granted only if the following facts £* J are found to exist in regard thereto: a. The expansion/replacement of the structure and/or use would not result in an ^— O adverse impact to the health, safety and welfare of surrounding uses, persons or26 2? property. 28 -11- 1 b. The area of expansion shall comply with all current requirements and 2 development standards of the zone in which it is located, except as provided in 3 Subsection 21.48.050(A)(3) of this chapter. 4 c. The expansion/replacement structure shall comply with all current fire protection 5 and building codes and regulations contained in Title 17 and Title 18. 6 d. The expansion/replacement would result in a structure that would be considered 7 an improvement to, or complementary to and/or consistent with the character of 8 the neighborhood in which it is located. " C. Application and Fees. 1. Application for a nonconforming construction permit may be made by the owner of the property affected or the authorized agent of the owner. Application shall be made in 12 writing on a form provided by the planning department. The application shall state fully the circumstances and conditions relied upon as grounds for the application and shall be 14 accompanied by adequate plans, a legal description of the property involved and all other materials as specified by the planning department. 16 2. At the time of filing the application, the applicant shall pay a processing fee in an 17 amount as specified by city council resolution. 18 D. Notices. 19 1. Upon the filing of an application for a nonconforming construction permit, the 20 planning director shall give written notice by mail or personal delivery to the project applicant, 21 the owner of the subject real property or the owner's duly authorized agent and to all property 22 owners as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll within three hundred feet of the 23 subject property at least fifteen days prior to a decision on the application. 24 E. Decision-Making Process. 25 ., 1. Applications for nonconforming construction permits shall be acted upon in26 accordance with the decision process identified below:27 28 -12- 1 a. Any person so notified in accordance with Section 21.48.080(0) above may file 2 written objections or a written request to be heard within ten days after the 3 mailing or personal delivery of the notice. If a written request to be heard is filed, 4 the planning director shall schedule an informal hearing and provide written 5 notice to the applicant and the requestor at least five days prior to the hearing. 6 The hearing is not a formal public hearing. 7 b. An application for a nonconforming construction permit may be approved, 8 conditionally approved or denied by the planning director based upon his/her 9 review of the facts as set forth in the application and review of the circumstances 10 of the particular case. 11 c. The planning director may approve the nonconforming construction permit if all of 12 the findings of fact in Section 21.48.080(6) of this chapter are found to exist. 13 p. Announcement of Findings and Decision. 14 1. Not more than twenty days following the termination of the proceedings for a nonconforming construction permit, the planning director shall announce his/her findings by letter. The letter shall recite, among other things: a. The facts and reasons which, in the opinion of the planning director, make the 18 granting or denial of the nonconforming construction permit necessary to carry 19 out the provisions and general purpose of this title; 20 b. That the nonconforming construction permit be granted or denied; and, 21 c. If the letter orders that the nonconforming construction permit be granted, it shall 22 also recite such conditions and limitations as the planning director may impose. 23 G. Mailing of Notice of Decision. 24 1. Not later than seven days following the announcement of a decision ordering that 25 a nonconforming construction permit be granted or denied, a copy of the letter shall be mailed to 26 the applicant at the address shown on the application filed with the planning director. 27 28 -13- 1 H. Appeals. 2 1. In the case of nonconforming construction permits, the action of the planning 3 director may be appealed to the planning commission in accordance with Section 21.54.140 of 4 this title. The planning commission's action to approve, conditionally approve or deny is final. 5 I. Expiration Period. 6 1. Expiration of Permit if Not Exercised. 7 a. Any nonconforming construction permit becomes null and void if not exercised 8 within twenty-four months of the date of approval. 9 2. Extension of Permit if Not Exercised. a. Not more than ninety days or less than forty-five days prior to the expiration of a nonconforming construction permit the permittee may apply to the planning 12 director for an extension of the permit. The planning director may extend the time, without public notice, within which the right or privilege granted under a 14 nonconforming construction permit must be exercised for one additional year upon receipt of a written request from the applicant prior to the expiration of such 16 nonconforming construction permit. In granting such extension the planning 17 director shall make a written finding that neighborhood conditions have not 18 substantially changed since the granting of such nonconforming construction 19 permit. 20 J. Amendment. 21 1. Any approved nonconforming construction permit may be amended by following 22 the same procedure as for approval of a nonconforming construction permit and upon payment 23 of the application fee contained in the most recent fee schedule adopted by the city council. 24 21.48.090 Abatement of nonconforming structures and uses. 25 A. If a nonconforming use and/or structure is determined by the planning director to 26 be adverse to the orderly development of the city and/or to the public health, safety, or welfare27 28 -14- 1 of persons or property, the planning director shall schedule a public hearing by the planning 2 commission to establish the conditions of abatement and the abatement period. The abatement 3 period shall start from the date of the applicable resolution and shall be: 4 1. For all Residential Uses. 5 a. Not less than one or more than five years. 6 2. For all Non-Residential Uses. 7 a. Not less than one or more than ten years. 8 3. For all Nonconforming Structures. 9 a. Not less than three years or more than twenty-five years. 10 4. Nothing in these provisions shall preclude abatement of a nuisance pursuant to Section 6.16.150 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 12 B. Public Hearing Notice. 1. Notice of said public hearing shall be given as required by Section 21.54.060. 14 C. Public Hearing Evidence. 1. The planning commission shall consider at the public hearing, all pertinent data to enable it to arrive at an equitable abatement period which will protect the public health, safety 17' or welfare of persons or property, yet will allow the owner of record, or lessee if applicable, to 1 8 amortize their investment so that any loss will be minimized. 19 B. The owner or lessee shall be allowed to present any evidence related to the case. 20 C. When setting the abatement period, the planning commission shall take into 21 consideration the type of construction, age, condition, and extent of nonconformity of the 22 structure or use in question; any structural alterations or expansions; and/or the installation of 23 major equipment designed into the structure prior to the date of nonconformity. 24 D. Hearing Decision. 25 26 27 28 -15- 1 1. After the close of the public hearing, the planning commission shall determine 2 and establish by resolution the abatement period, and shall set forth in said resolution all 3 findings and facts upon which the date of such abatement period is based. 4 E. Notice of Decision to Owner. 5 1. The secretary of the planning commission shall formally notify the owner of the 6 property of the action of the planning commission by mailing a copy of the resolution, via 7 certified return receipt mail, within ten days following the date of its adoption by the planning 8 commission. 9 F. Appeal. 1. The above action of the planning commission shall be final unless an appeal to the city council is filed in accordance with the procedure provided in Section 21.54.150. 12 G. Recordation. 13 1. The secretary of the planning commission shall transmit a final signed copy of 14 the resolution of the planning commission or city council, whichever is final, to the County Recorder of San Diego for recordation. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its 17 adoption, but not until approved by the California Coastal Commission and the City Clerk shall 18 certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a 19 publication of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -16- 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 2 Council on the day of 2009, and thereafter. 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 4 Carlsbad on the day of 2009, by the following vote, to wit: 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT: 8 ABSTAIN: 9 10 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 11 12 n RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney 14 15 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 16 ATTEST: 18 19 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 20 (SEAL) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -17-