HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-16; Planning Commission; Resolution 66601 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 6660 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN PLANNING AREA 5 22 OF THE ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN AND A 2.21 ACRE WESTERLY PORTION OF THE 5.7 ACRE 6 ADJACENT PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN THE MASTER PLAN AS THE "OPTION PARCEL" LOCATED SOUTHEAST 7 OF THE INTERSECTION OF WIND TRAIL WAY AND o CANNON ROAD IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 14. 9 CASE NAME: ROBERTSON RANCH PA 22 CASE NO: MP 02-03(6) 10 WHEREAS, Brookfield Tamarack, LLC, "Developer," has filed a verified 12 application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by Calavera Hills II, LLC, 13 "Owner," described as: 14 Lot 3 of Carlsbad Tract No. 02-16, Robertson Ranch East , <- Village, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 15608, filed in the 16 Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, September 18, 2007; and Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 19804, in 17 the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego 18 County, August 3, 2005 as Instrument No. 2005-0659805 of j g Official Records 20 ("the Property"); and 21 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Master Plan 22 Amendment as shown on Exhibit "X" dated December 16, 2009, on file in the Carlsbad 23 Planning Department, ROBERTSON RANCH PA 22 - MP 02-03(B), as provided by MP 02- 24 03(A) and Chapter 21.38 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and £-•3 ~r WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on December 16, 2009, consider said 27 request; and 28 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 2 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 3 relating to the Master Plan Amendment; and 4 5 WHEREAS, on November 14, 2006, the City Council approved, MP 02-03, as g described and conditioned in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6106 and City Council 7 Ordinance NS-822; and amended MP 02-03(A) most recently on December 2, 2008 as o described and conditioned in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6490 and City Council 9 Ordinance CS-020. 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 13 A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 14 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of ROBERTSON RANCH PA 22 - MP 02- l-> 03(B) based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 17 1. The Planning Commission finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance 18 with the Elements of the City's General Plan, based on the facts set forth in the staff report dated December 16,2009 including, but not limited to the following: 20 a. Land Use - The existing General Plan Land Use designation for Planning Area 22 is Unplanned Area (UA). The UA designation indicates areas where planning 21 for future land uses has not be completed. The UA designation is implemented through the Planned Community (P-C) Zone, which is applied to all of the 22 properties within the Master Plan. The adjacent 5.7 acre "Option Parcel" has a _,, General Plan Land Use designation of Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM, 0-4 du/ac). The proposed project involves annexing 2.21 acres of the "Option 24 Parcel" into the boundaries of the Master Plan to create a new 6.58 acre Planning Area 22 project site. A General Plan Amendment is proposed, which 25 would modify the allowable land uses on the subject site from UA and RLM to Office & Related Commercial (O) and Open Space (OS). The OS designation would be applied to a portion of the project site (Lot 4), which includes a 100 27 foot wetland buffer for Calavera Creek and a mature stand of existing sycamore trees. The O General Plan Land Use classification designates areas that are 28 compatible with and environmentally suited for office and professional uses, as well as related commercial uses. This designation is appropriate for office uses, and can function as a transitional land use between retail commercial areas and PC RESO NO. 6660 -2- residential uses or residential neighborhoods with varying densities. The office 2 use would allow for the development of a commercial office building, related parking lot, and accessory uses, as well as an RV storage lot for the benefit of the 3 residents of the Robertson Ranch East and West Villages. Development of office type land uses in close proximity to housing implements the smart growth principle of providing a balanced mix of land uses in a community, which is <- considered to be a critical component of achieving better places to live. By placing uses in close proximity to one another, alternatives to driving, such as 6 walking or biking, become more viable. The Robertson Ranch Master Plan is strong in providing a mix of housing, ample parks and open space areas, along 7 with local shopping. The O General Plan Land Use designation on this site will enhance the Master Plan one step further by providing employment opportunities proximate to residential uses, and therefore a more balanced o community. 10 b. Public Safety - The project includes or has been conditioned to provide facilities to ensure that the development proposal complies with all public safety requirements. 12 Open Space & Conservation - The project minimizes impacts to natural resources 13 in that no sensitive resources presently exist within the boundaries of the development. The project includes and designates as open space a 100 foot 14 wetland buffer for Calavera Creek. The project utilizes Best Management Practices for control of storm water and to protect water quality in that, the project is designed in accordance with the City's Stormwater regulations; it is , s conditioned to implement Best Management Practices (BMP) for water quality protection, to comply with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Stormwater 17 Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order R9-2007-0001 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and with the City of 18 Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1 Q d. Circulation - Good road design practice has been utilized to minimize the 20 number of intersections and other conflicting traffic movements in that the project driveway for ingress and egress has been designed to align with the 21 existing intersection at Wind Trail Way and Cannon Road in order to minimize the number of intersections and conflicting traffic movements along this corridor. 23 Noise - An Acoustical Site Assessment was prepared for the project. Vehicle 24 noise from Cannon Road was identified as the primary noise source affecting the project site. Through mitigation, the office building is required to provide a 25 minimum noise reduction of 13.3 dBA CNEL to comply with the City's interior Leq(h) standard of 55 dBA CNEL. Additionally, the nearest noise sensitive area to the project is Rancho Carlsbad Estates, the boundaries of which are located 27 approximately 215 feet to the south of the project site. The proposed office building is proposing a ground mounted mechanical equipment enclosure on the 28 south side of the building. Mitigation measures prohibiting the venting of louvers on the south side of the enclosure, as well as requiring the wall height of the enclosure to extend a minimum of one foot above the surface height of the PC RESO NO. 6660 -3- mechanical equipment, together with a proposed and an existing six foot tall 2 masonry perimeter wall at the top of slope and southern boundary of proposed Lot 4, will reduce noise levels below 40 dBA Leq, which is below both the City's 3 exterior 60 dBA CNEL and interior 45 dBA CNEL requirements for residential land uses. 4 2. That all necessary public facilities can be provided concurrent with need, and adequate provisions have been provided to implement those portions of the Capital Improvement 5 Program applicable to the subject property, in that the Master Plan includes conditions requiring the completion of infrastructure identified in the Local Facilities 7 Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 14 and in accordance with a financing plan approved by the City Council for LFMP Zone 14.8 3. That in the case of institutional, recreational, and other similar nonresidential uses, such development will be proposed, and surrounding areas are protected from any adverse 10 effects from such development, in that the project design complies with the development standards of the Office "O" Zone and all required public facilities and 11 services will be provided. The proposed office building and RV storage area are situated on the site so as to minimize their impacts on the surrounding areas to the maximum extent possible. The proposed office building and RV storage area have been situated as far away as possible from the adjacent Rancho Carlsbad Estates, >250 feet to the south of the project site, and the developed multi-family apartment 14 complex and undeveloped residential courtyard homes, approximately >200 ft. to the north across Cannon Road. Extensive screening along the southern boundary of the development site, consisting of dense mature landscaping and decorative , s masonry walls, have been included into the site design in order to minimize potential visual impacts and noise nuisance impacts on adjacent properties. The RV storage 17 area is situated approximately nine feet below the elevation of Cannon Road and is screened on all sides by a minimum two foot high earthen berm combined with a six IB foot high decorative masonry screen wall set on top. Increased building setbacks and parking lot setbacks have been applied to the site area in order to compensate for the additional 8.5 feet of building height. All required setbacks are adequately 20 landscaped. The office buildings architecture complies with the Robertson Ranch Master Plan Design Guidelines and will compliment the architectural environment 21 of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. The project provides good road design by minimizing the number of intersections and other conflicting traffic movements and 22 minimizes project access to one location at the existing signalized intersection of Wind Trail Way and Cannon Road; provides mitigation measures to protect neighboring properties from noise; and includes a 100-foot buffer area from 24 sensitive environmental areas (i.e., Calavera Creek). 25 4. That the streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitable and adequate to carry the anticipated traffic thereon, in that Cannon Road will provide access to the site and is 2° adequate to handle all the traffic (1,320 average daily trips) generated by the office 27 use and RV storage area. 28 PC RESO NO. 6660 -4- 5. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does hereby find: 2 a. it has reviewed, analyzed, and considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration and 3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Addendum for ROBERTSON RANCH PA 22 - GPA 09-01/ZC 09-01/MP 02-03(B)/CT 09- 4 01/SDP 09-0 I/PUD 09-01, the environmental impacts therein identified for this project and any comments thereon prior to RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the project; and 6 b. the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting 7 Program and Addendum have been prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State Guidelines and the Environmental Protection Procedures of the City of Carlsbad; and 9 c. it reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission of the City of 10 Carlsbad; and d. based on the EIA and comments thereon, there is no substantial evidence the project will have a significant effect on the environment. 13 6. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed 14 to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. ! f Conditions:lo 17 1. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Master Plan document(s) necessary to make them internally 18 consistent and in conformity with final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown in the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. 20 2. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the project, the applicant shall submit to the 21 Planning Director a digital copy and a camera-ready master copy of the ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN - MP 02-03(B), in addition to the required 22 number of bound copies. 23 3. Developer shall implement, or cause the implementation of, the ROBERTSON RANCH 24 PA 22 - GPA 09-01/ZC 09-01/MP 02-03(B)/CT 09-01/SDP 09-01/PUD 09-01 Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Addendum. 25 4. This approval is granted subject to the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration 2" and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Addendum, GPA 09-01, 2? ZC 09-01, CT 09-01, SDP 09-01, and PUD 09-01 and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6657, 6658, 6659, 6661, 6662, and 28 6663 for those other approvals incorporated herein by reference. PC RESO NO. 6660 -5- 1 • 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on December 16, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioners Baker, Dominguez, Douglas, L'Heureux, Nygaard, Schumacher, and Chairperson Montgomery MARTELTTB. MONTG( CARLSBAD PLANNING ATTEST: 'erson 'ION DON NEU Planning Director PC RESO NO. 6660 -6- Exhibit "X" December 16, 2009 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO 3 THE ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN, MP 02-03(B) FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN PLANNING AREA 22 4 OF THE ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN AND A 2.21 ACRE WESTERLY PORTION OF THE 5.7 ACRE ADJACENT 5 PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN THE MASTER PLAN AS THE "OPTION PARCEL" LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF THE 6 INTERESTION OF WIND TRAIL WAY AND CANNON ROAD IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 14. 7 CASE NAME: ROBERTSON RANCH PA 22 CASE NO.: MP 02-03(6) 8 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Robertson Ranch Master Plan MP 02-03 on November 14, 2006 by adopting Ordinance No. NS-822; and WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with the requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said master plan amendment MP 02-03(B) be approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council did on the day of. , fi 2010 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and ,- WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request for a Master Plan Amendment as shown on Exhibit "MP 02-03(6)" dated December 16, 2009 incorporated by reference. 19 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as 20 follows: SECTION I: That Master Plan Amendment MP 02-03(6) dated December 16, 22 2009 attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference, is approved. The Master Plan 23 shall constitute the development plan for the property and all development within the plan area 24 shall conform to the plan. 25 SECTION II: That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in 26 Planning Commission Resolution No. 6660 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of 27 the City Council. 28 /// 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its 2 adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be 3 published at least once in a publication of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within 4 fifteen days after its adoption. 5 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 6 Council on the day of 2010, and thereafter. 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of 2010, by the following vote, to wit: 9 AYES: 10 NOES: 11 ABSENT: 12 ABSTAIN: 13 14 15 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 16 iy ATTEST: 18 19 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 20 (SEAL) 21 " 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- Exhibit "MP 02-03(B)" November 16, 2009 ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN PROPOSED MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT PLANNING AREA 22 Proposed Revised Pages Robertson Ranch l. INTRODUCTION East Village Land Uses The Architectural Design Guidelines are intended to evoke a rural atmosphere by utilizing the architectural elements consistent with both traditional European and related early California design. The Landscape Design Guidelines establish the project's character and provide thematic continuity throughout the entire community. Through the thematic blending of hardscape and planting elements, the landscape plan helps create a strong "sense of identity." Elements of the landscape theme include appropriately landscaped common areas and landscape materials identified with rural communities, including river rock, stone, clusters and groves of trees, wood materials, earth-tone colors, and a diversity of materials. The 178.6-acre East Village provides 469 dwelling units including four single-family residential Planning Areas consisting of three planning areas totaling 304 dwelling units on 5,000 square-foot lots2 and one planning area consisting of 87 courtyard homes, in addition to a multifamily neighborhood composed of 78 units. The affordable units for the East Village will be accommodated in the multifamily neighborhood. The majority of the East Village single-family neighborhoods will utilize a grid-pattern of streets, resulting in a high degree of internal connectivity, in conformance with the Ahwahnee Principles. The nonresidential portion of the East Village includes 3.6 acres (3.3 net acres) of the 10.4-acre elementary school site, 2.0 net acres of the required Community Recreation facilities within a centrally-located community park site, and approximately 16.5 acres of roads. The East Village also provides approximately 72.4 acres of open space, mostly located within the wildlife corridor, as well as recreation and circulation trails to encourage alternative transportation methods, in conformance with the Ahwahnee Principles. Planning Area 22, located south of Cannon Road between Street "A" and Street "O" within the East Village, shall be designated for office use and a permanent RV storage facility for the Robertson Ranch Master Plan, as an "Unplanned Area," with the intent that final land use designations will be determined upon the completion of a comprehensive study for Planning Area 22 and the adjacent "Option Parcel." Until a permanent use for Planning 22 is identified, Planning Area 22 may be used as a temporary RV storage facility for the East Village, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Permanent future land uses for Planning Area 22 shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and the adjacent "Option Parcel," and will be subject to the approval of a Master Plan Amendment (pursuant to Section V.E of this Master Plan), as well as any other discretionary actions deemed necessary based on the proposed land uses. The l-l^-acre "Option Parcel" located between Planning Areas 22 and 23F is expected to be purchased either by the City or by the Rancho Carlsbad Homeowners' Association (RCHOA) for use as an RV Storage Facility/Community Garden. In the event that the Option Parcel is not purchased for this use, then a Major Master Plan Amendment may be processed to include the Option Parcel within the Master Plan, pursuant to Section V.E of this Master Plan: Ultimate land uses would be determined during the Master Plan Amendment process. Within Planning Area 18, a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet is permitted for those lots which abut Cannon Road. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 1-17 November 11. 2006August 10. 2009 Q LLJ LU O ^Q To^ 'cflc Low Medium D3: a: ^^ ^Q oo4—Medium Densil2 O ^Q 10 00. 'to ir D) I E 1 X a: o Q COCM to High Density ('ce oo.c B o D) ^'o.Q.O W 1 S- 'o Elementary ScCommunity FaUJ CO0)Open SpaceUn-Planned ArOffice©ODO (D C- riw ac N g J! E * ID iu o ^K K Q -Sitif O O OL E -So ro Q. t 888 u_ — a. a. a.CO T3 CO CO CO 1 I I IJ O O O VOo §-|lIs 5' o oo o10 o o Z <*3 1§S^ isi< t/iSM^Q l§>-0 ^Nu O J OH O § 00 <L> OH 1/3 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION Land Use Overlay " (herein, "Interim Land Use Overlay ") until such a time that the "Final Land Uses" depicted on Figure 11-4, Master Plan Land Use Plan, are implemented. Figure 1 1-5, Interim Land Use Overlay, depicts the portions of the West Village that are affected by the Interim Land Use Overlay. The purpose of the Interim Land Use Overlay is to allow for the immediate development of portions of the Master Plan, while allowing agricultural and open space uses to continue during the interim period. During the interim period, only the multifamily uses within Planning Area 1, the RV Storage Facility within Planning Area 2, the multifamily housing in Planning Areas 7 and 8, the Community Facilities/Commercial Village Center in Planning Area 1 1 , the community park site within Planning Area 12, and the Elementary School in Planning Area 13 may be implemented. As indicated on Figure 11-5, the remaining portions of the West Village that are not already designated for open space are designated with the "Interim Land Use Overlay." As described in further detail in Section III, DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY PROVISIONS, the uses allowed by the Interim Land Use Overlay shall be limited to agricultural or open space uses, and shall be consistent with resource agency requirements. Prior to implementation of the West Village uses depicted on Figure 1 1-4, a "Focused Master Plan Amendment," as described in Section V. Master Plan Implementation Measures, shall be approved in order to remove the Interim Land Use Overlay from any West Village planning area(s) affected by such an amendment. Until a Focused Master Plan Amendment for any West Village planning area(s) has been approved, the land uses approved with the adoption of this Master Plan shall consist of the RV Storage Facility in Planning Area 2, multifamily homes in Planning Areas 7 and 8, the Community Facility/Commercial Village Center, the park site within the West Village, the Elementary School, and all the land uses within the East Village, as described below. 3. East Village Land Uses The East Village land uses are not affected by the "Interim Land Use Overlay" designation, and a Focused Master Plan Amendment will not be necessary for the proposed East Village planning areas. However, a Major Master Plan Amendment would be required to incorporate the Option Parcel into the Master Plan Boundaries, in accordance with Sections II.F and V.E of this Master Plan. Residential land uses within the East Village include a maximum of 469 dwelling units, composed of 391 single family residential dwelling units including 304 single family units on 5,000 square foot lots2 and 87 courtyard homes. Additionally, 78 multifamily units would be provided (including the required number of "affordable" units). Nonresidential land uses proposed for the East Village include 3.3 net acres of elementary school uses, 2.0 acres of community recreation, 5.43 acres of office use and RV storage lot and 73.553r4 acres of natural and re-vegetated open space. An additional 1 .3 acres within the East Village are reserved as an Unplanned Area (i.e., Planning Area 22), and a Master Plan Amendment would be required in the future to identify specific uses for this planning area, in accordance with Master Plan Section 4. West Village Land Uses Upon approval of a "Focused Master Plan Amendment," the Interim Land Use Overlay, as depicted on Figure 11-5, will be removed from any West Village planning area(s) affected by such an amendment, and the "Final Land Uses" depicted on Figure 1 1-4 may be implemented. 2 Within Planning Area 18, a minimum lot size of 4,500 s.f. is permitted for those lots which abut Cannon Road. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 11-15 November 14. 2006August 10. 2009 Jft.§ p woio Q2 jft, Wo UJft.O O O t/3t;CD wH C/3 o la OSD O Z Q aca. BC O S ,§t/3 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION in the East Village and may include active recreation facilities as well as passive recreation areas, including open turf play area, basket ball court, shuttle board, horse shoes, barbeque area, picnic tables, bench seating, and a periphery decomposed granite trail. Community recreation facilities as required by the Planned Development Ordinance also will be provided within the West Village of the Master Plan. As indicated in Table II-1, the West Village of the Master Plan will exceed the community recreation requirements for the neighborhoods within the West Village with the provision of up to 3.45 net acres of community recreation facilities. Community recreation facilities within the West Village include a minimum 1.0 net acre community recreation facility within Planning Area 4. In addition, at least 10,000 square feet of community recreation area will be provided within each single-family Planning Area that is subject to the PDO, while no less than 100 square feet per unit of community recreation area will be provided within each multifamily neighborhood. The community recreation facilities within Planning Area 4 shall include passive and active facilities and shall include tables and benches and/or outdoor seating areas. The exact size and location of all of the required recreation areas shall be determined at the time of tentative map or development plan approval for each Planning Area. 1. RV Storage Section 21.45.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (General Requirements for Planned Development) requires that a minimum of 20 square feet of RV Storage Area be provided for each dwelling unit in a planned development (note that rental apartment unitsprojects, and standard single family lots, and projects located within the RMH and RH land use designation are not required to provide included in the RV Storage and therefore have not been included in the RV Storage Calculation). Of the total project dwelling units, a maximum of 320469 of the dwelling units located in the East Village and 232594 of the units on the West Village of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan are subject to Section 21.45.060, which results in a total maximum requirement of approximately 0.2549 acre, excluding drive lanes, for the Master Plan. Planning Area 22 located in the EastWest Village, within the physical boundaries of Planning Area 2^-is intended to meet the RV Storage requirements of Section 21.45.060 for the entire Master Plan. Tho size of Planning Area 22 will contain an RV storage lot that is a minimum of 11,040 square feet (approximately 0.25 acres) in size, be identified in the future upon processing of a Special Use Permit and Planned Development Permit, and shall include a minimum of 0.19 aero, in addition to any required drive lanes. It is anticipated that Planning Area 22, RV Storage, will be developed in conjunction with development of the East Village. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 11-30 November 14. 2006August 10. 2009 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION In the event that Planning Area 2 is not constructed concurrent with the residential neighborhoods of the East Village, a temporary RV Storage Facility may be provided within any single family neighborhood of the East Village, or in another location acceptable to the City, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Although it is intended that Planning Area 22 accommodate the entire RV storage obligation for the Master Plan area. Planning Area 2 in the West Village allows for RV storage also. Table II-l Community Recreation Requirements PLANNING AREA DWELLING UNITS1 TOTAL COMMUNITY RECREATION REQUIRED 2>3'7 MINIMUM ON-SITE COMMUNITY RECREATION AREA REQUIREMENT2'4'7 REMAINING COMMUNITY RECREATION REQUIREMENT2'5 TOTAL COMMUNITY RECREATION AREA REQUIRED BY MASTER PLAN2'7 WEST VILLAGE 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 Total West Village8: 27 82 -- 61 201 186 37 594 5,400 s.f. 6 16,400 s.f. — 12,200 s.f. 30,150 s.f. 27,900 s.f 7,400 s.f. 99,450 net s.f. (2.28 net acres) 10,000 s.f.6' ' 10,000 s.f. N/A 10,000 s.f. 20, 100 s.f/ 18,600 s.f.7 10,000 s.f. 78,700 net s.f. (1.81 net acres) Os.f. 6,400 s.f. N/A 2,200 s.f. 10,050 s.f. 9,300 s.f. Os.f. 27,950 net s.f. (0.64 net acres) 10,000 s.f.6 16,400 s.f. 43,560 s.f.5 12,200 s.f. 30, 150 s.f. 27,900 s.f. 10,000s.f. 150,210 net s.f. (3.45 net acres) EAST VILLAGE 15 16 17 18 19 21 Total East Village8: 78 85 109 110 — 87 469 11, 700 s.f. 17,000 s.f. 2 1,800 s.f. 22,000 s.f. — 17,400 s.f. 89,900 net s.f. (2.06 net acres) 7,800 s.f.7 10,000 s.f. 10,000 s.f. 10,000 s.f. N/A 10,000 s.f. 47,800 net s.f. (1.10 net acres) 3,900 s.f. 7,000 s.f. 11, 800 s.f. 12,000 s.f. N/A 7,400 s.f. 42,100 net s.f. (0.97 net acres) 11, 700 s.f. 17,000 s.f. 21,800 s.f. 22,000 s.f. 43,560 s.f.5 17,400 s.f. 133,460 net s.f. (3.06 net acres) Robertson Ranch Master Plan November 14. 2006Iuly 1. 2009 Page 11-31 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION 1. Dwelling Units shown reflect those Planning Areas subject to community recreation requirements. 2. Values depicted are net square footage, as required by the Planned Development Ordinance, based on 200 square feet/unit for single- family and courtyard residential Planning Areas and 150 s.f/unit for multifamily Planning Areas. 3. A minimum of 75% of the total community recreation requirement shall be provided as active recreation areas. 4. In no case shall less than 10,000 square feet of community recreation area be provided within any courtyard residential or single-family Planning Area subject to the PDO, nor shall less than 100 square feet of community recreation space per dwelling unit be provided within any multifamily Planning Area. 5. Any area provided in Planning Areas 4 or 19 in excess of the Base Master Plan Community Recreation Requirement of 1.0 net acre per Village may be applied toward the Remaining Community Recreation Requirement. Alternatively, the Remaining Community Recreation Requirement may be met on-site within the Planning Area. 6. In the event that Planning Area 1 is developed with for-rent multifamily units, then the total community recreation requirement shall consist only of 100 square feet of community recreation space per unit to be provided on-site within the planning area. 7. This table assumes all units within these planning areas will be for-sale units and will be subject to the PDO (except where modified by this Master Plan). However, Multifamily rental units are not subject to the PDO and different recreation standards apply (refer to Master Plan Section I1I.A for a detailed description of the community recreation requirements that apply to each planning area). For multifamily rental units, only the Minimum On-Site Community Recreation Area Requirement (i.e., 100 square feet per unit) shall apply. 8. In the event that the alternative land uses identified for Planning Areas 13 and 14 are implemented, then the required recreation acreage shall be increased accordingly. In addition, Planning Area 22 (Unplanned Area) may be used as a temporary RV storage facility for the East Village until an appropriate permanent use for Planning Area 22 is identified. Development of a temporary RV storage facility in Planning Area 22 is subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. RV storage shall be subject to the development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Sec. 21.42.140.B.120. RV Storage shall be provided concurrent with the occupancy for residential (for sale) neighborhoods. 2. Water Quality Facility Planning Area 20 is designated as a 2.9-acre Water Quality Facility designed to control storm water runoff volume and quality. Storm water traversing Planning Areas 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, and 22 will be directed to Planning Area 20, where the water will be bio-treated in accordance with best management practices for storm water management. 3. Roadways The Robertson Ranch Master Plan will require the construction of approximately 10.9 acres of roadways to provide access within the community. An additional 12.8 acres of roadways within the Robertson Ranch Master Plan boundaries (Cannon Road and College Boulevard) have been completed pursuant to the development requirements of the approved Calavera Hills Master Plan located adjacent to the north. The Robertson Ranch Master Plan will be responsible for completing the construction of the outside lanes, medians and final landscaping for these two General Plan roadways. The on-site project network of roadways will account for less than 3 percent of the total project area. The on-site traffic will be conveyed by a hierarchical circulation system, which ranges in right-of- way widths from 96 feet (Street "Z") to 56 feet (cul-de-sacs), and shall be designed to comply with City Standards. The precise design and alignment of project roadways will be delineated by tentative tract maps, which shall be subject to review and approval by the City of Carlsbad. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 11-32 Novombor 14. 2006July 1. 2009 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION Improvements to El Camino Real shall be made as part of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan West Village development, including a third lane and right turn pocket onto Tamarack Avenue. Outside lanes, medians and final landscaping shall be constructed on Cannon Road and College Boulevard as part of East and West Village development. F. General Provisions 4. Growth Management The Robertson Ranch Master Plan shall comply with all provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.90 (Growth Management Program). The Master Plan developer or the developer of any portion of the Master Plan, by pulling building permits pursuant to the Master Plan and the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) (as amended) and the Finance Plan (as amended), agrees that all of the dedication and other public facility requirements imposed as a condition of the Zone 14 LFMP (as amended) and the Finance Plan (as amended), are reasonably necessary to serve the needs of the development for which the building permits are required. (The rest of this page left blank.) Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 11-32(a) November 14. 2006Iuly 1. 2009 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION regardless of the above density transfer provisions except as otherwise provided by Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. • Only those Planning Areas that are designated for residential use by this Master Plan may receive transferred units, including Planning Area II. • If units are transferred between Villages, then the affordable housing obligation and recreation requirements for each Village shall be revised accordingly. • As discussed in Section V, MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES, a Minor Master Plan Amendment shall be required for each proposed transfer of density of 10 percent or less within the Master Plan and a Major Master Plan Amendment shall be required for density transfers exceeding 10 percent. 4. Option Parcel Approximately 35S-3- acres of land located between Planning Areas 22 and 23F is proposed to be purchased by the Rancho Carlsbad Homeowners' Association (RCHOA) for use as an RV Storage Facility/Community Garden. In the event that the Option Parcel is not acquired by the RCHOA for this purpose, then the Option Parcel may be incorporated into the Master Plan through a Major Master Plan Amendment (refer to Section V), in which case the Master Plan acreage shall increase to 403.7 acres. 5. Unplanned ArcaPA 22 Offices/RV Storage Planning Area 22 shall be designated as an "Unplanned Office/RV Storage Area" in the Master Plan^ with tho intent that Final Land Use designations will be determined upon the completion of a comprehensive land use study for Planning Area 22 and the adjacent "Option Parcel." Future land uses shall be subject to approval of a Master Plan Amendment and any other discretionary applications deemed necessary based on the proposed land uses. Any future development proposals for Planning Area 22 and the adjacent "Option Parcel" shall take the following into consideration: a)—Line of sight from Rancho Carlsbad to the proposed development; b)—Hours of operation of any proposed use; e)—Noise and light mitigation from the proposed project; and 4)—Site designs that reduce landform alteration, where feasible, and minimize the removal of healthy mature trees. It is intended that PA 22 provide pennanent RV Storage to accommodate the requirement for both the East Village and the West village. This requirement shall not preclude the use of Planning Area 22 as a temporary RV storage facility for the East Village, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. It shall also not preclude the option of the West Village developer providing separate RV Storage facilities within PA 2. 6. Recordation Notice of the approval of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad shall be recorded with the County of San Diego Recorders Office. 7. Non-Vesting of Rights Master development plans shall be evaluated in accordance with Municipal Ordinances and Policies in force at the time said plans are before the Planning Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 11-34 November 14. 2006August 10. 2009 III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS s) Planning Area 2 - RV Storage - Site Zoning Regulations and Criteria (see Figure III-l, Planning Areas 1 and 2) Description Planning Area 2 will be developed as a Recreation Vehicle (RV) Storage facility and will be located within the physical boundaries of Planning Area 1. The total acreage provided for Planning Area 2 is to be determined, and may be located within Planning Area 1, subject to the approval of a Special Use Permit and a Planned Development Permit. This RV facility will satisfy the RV storage requirements for Planning Areas subject to the City's Planned Development Ordinance which requires 20 square feet of RV storage area per residential unit. It is anticipated that approximately 0.49 acre, exclusive of driveways and circulation, are required for the entire Master Plan. It should be noted that if the alternative land uses identified for Planning Areas 13 and 14 are implemented, then the required acreage for RV Storage within the Master Plan would increase to 0.51 acre. Access to Planning Area 2 will be identified at the time of application for a Planned Development Permit and Special Use Permit as required to develop the site for RV Storage. The final calculation of required RV parking area for the Master Plan shall be determined at the tentative map stage for the West Village. The required Site Development Plan and Special Use Permit for Planning Area 2 may be submitted alone or in association with the Planned Unit Development Permits of any Planning Area within the Master Plan. Note: As an option, the developer of the West Village may utilize PA 22 to accommodate the West Village RV Storage requirement, (subject to approval of a Master Plan amendment to eliminate the RV Storage use on PA 2). Implementation of Master Plan Vision and Goals The purpose of this Planning Area, including its design standards and allowed uses, is to provide for RV storage and parking for all properties within the Robertson Ranch Master Plan that will be for-sale units - whether single family detached units, or condominiums. This planning area complies with the Ahwahnee Principles by providing the community with a need for storage that is well screened from public view so as to not detract from the overall attractiveness of the Village. Planning Area 2 will be located so that it is well screened from surrounding views. Final Land Use Regulations • General Plan Land Use Designation: RV (Medium Density, 4-8 du/ac) • Underlying Zone Designation: RD-M (Residential Density-Multiple) • RV storage, washing and a dump station area shall be permitted within Planning Area 2, in accordance with applicable local or state law. • Buildings which are incidental to the RV Storage Facility also are permitted, and may include the provision of a mobile home or small office for a full-time on-site manager. Product Type Not Applicable. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 111-10 November 14. 2006August 10. 2009 III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch _ REGULATORY PROVISIONS s) Planning Area 22 - Unplanned ArcaOffice and RV Storage - Site Zoning Regulations and Criteria (see Figure III- 18, Planning Area 22) Description Planning Area 22 consists of approximately 4.3 gross acres and is provided access via a local street extending from the intersection of Street 'A' and Cannon Road. Planning Area 22 is designated as an "Unplanned Area" in the Master Plan. The final land use designation for Planning Area 22 will be determined upon the completion of a comprehensive land use study to determine appropriate uses for Planning Area 22 and the adjacent "Option Parcel." Development of Planning Area 22 will require approval of a Master Plan Amendment as well as anhy other discretionary permit deemed necessary based on the proposed land uses. Any future development proposals for PA 22 shall take into consideration the following: * Lino of sight from Rancho Carlsbad to the proposed development; * Hours of operation of any proposed uses; * Noise and light mitigation from the proposed project; and * Site designs that reduce landform alteration, where feasible, and reduce the - removal of healthy mature trees. Prior to the adoption of a final land use designation, Planning Area 22 may be developed as a temporary RV storage facility for the East Village, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Description Planning Area 22 consists of approximately 6.58 gross acres and is provided access via a local street or driveway extending from the intersection of Street "A" and Cannon Road. Planning Area 22 is designated for Office and RV storage lot uses. Implementation of Master Plan Vision and Goals Once a permanent land use for Planning Area 22 has been approved, the site shall be designated in a manner cinsistent with the Master Plan Vision and Goals and the Ahwahnee Principles. Implementation of Master Plan Vision and Goals Planning Areas 22 shall be designed in a manner consistent with the Master Plan Vision and Goals and the Ahwahneee Principles. Planning Area 22 shall accommodate all of the RV storage required for the Master Plan as required pursuant to Section 21 .45.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page III-105 November 11. 2006August 10. 2009 Land Use Regulations •—General Plan Land Use Designation: UA (Unplanned Aroa) *—Dwelling Unit Allocation: 0 • Density: All of the allowable residential density for PA 22 and the Option Parcel has been allocated to other planning areas within the East Village. • Underlying Zone Designation: PA 22: P C (Planned Community) "Option Parcel": L C (Limited Control) Land Use Regulations General Plan Land Use Designation - O (Office and Related Commercial) Underlying Zone Designation - O (Office - Chap. 21.27) Allowed Uses - Permitted and conditional uses shall be those identified in the O Zone (Carlsbad Municipal Code 21.27.020). Required Development Permits •—Conditional Use Permit (for temporary RV storage) • Master Plan Amendment *—Zone change (to change "Option Parcel" from L C to P C) • Any other discretionary permit deemed necessary based on the proposed use. Required Development Permits • Site Development Plan permit for site plan approval. Any other discretionary permit deemed necessary based on the proposed use. Development Standards *—Development standards for Planning Area 22 shall be identified as part of the Master Plan Amendment required for the development of Planning Aroa 22. Development Standards • Development of Planning Area 22 shall comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including zoning standards for the O Zone (21.27). except as modified by the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. • Development of PA 22 shall take into consideration the following: * Line of sight from Rancho Carlsbad to the proposed development: * Hours of operation of any proposed uses; * Noise and light mitigation from the proposed project; and * Site designs that reduce landform alteration, where feasible, and reduce the removal of healthy mature trees. * RV Storage shall be subject to the development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Sec. 21.42.140.B.120. * The RV Storage Facility will be developed in accordance with the Planned Development Ordinance requirements (Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.45.060). The following table is a breakdown of all Planning Areas that will be provided with RV Storage facilities, as well as the maximum amount of storage required for each area. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page III-106 November 11 2006July 1, 2009 RV Storage Facility Requirements West Village Planning Area 1 3 6 10 13 TOTAL Units 27 82 61 37 25 232 20 sf per Unit 540 1640 1220 740 500 4640 East Village Planning Area 14 16 17 18 Units 16 85 109 110 320 20 sf per Unit 320 1700 2180 2200 6400 GRAND TOTAL UNITS GRAND TOTAL RV STORAGE AREA 552 11,040 Minimum Lot Skse Minimum lot size requirements, if any, will be identified as part of the future Master Plan Amendment to identify specific uses for the planning area. Minimum Lot Dimensions Minimum lot dimensions, if any, will be identified as part of the future Master Plan Amendment to identify specific uses for the planning area. Setbacks Setback requirements for PA 22 will be identified as part of the future Master Plan Amendment to identify specific uses for the planning area. Special Design Criteria Special design criteria applicable to PA 22 will bo identified as part of the future Master Plan Amendment and will bo based on the land use identified for the planning area. 1. The existing grove of sycamore trees shall be preserved. 2. A minimum wetland buffer of 100 feet shall be provided from all identified wetland areas unless a reduced buffer is agreed to by the Wildlife Agencies. Robertson Ranch Master Plan November 11 2006August 10, 2009 Page 111-106(3) g cu -8 Hen III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS t) Planning Area 22A - 23GF Site - Open Space - Site Zoning Regulations and Criteria (see Figure III-19, Planning Areas 23A - 23GF) Description A total of approximately -112.5143.6 acres are designated as open space within Planning Areas 23A through 23GF which, except for Planning Area 23F (2.3 acres) and 23G (1.1 acres) would be preserved within the HMP Open Space Preserve Area. Due to the historic agricultural use, the project site currently consists of a mixture of vegetation types with predominantly agricultural, ornamental or native vegetation. Areas of preserved natural vegetation will consist of a minimum of 67 percent of the site's Diegan coastal sage scrub along the higher elevations and canyon sides with riparian habitat preserved along Calavera Creek and within the canyon bottoms. Portions of Planning Area 23E have been re-vegetated and restored as wetland habitat as part of the mitigation plan for the College Boulevard and Cannon Road construction. PA 23E may, in the future, also contain a Regional Trail Connection Trailhead and parking area, if implemented by the City. In addition to preserved open space areas, Planning Areas 23A-E will contain Re-vegetated manufactured slopes. No Fuel Modification areas are included within the hardline inside Planning Area 23 A-F. Where required, Fuel Modification areas are located within the development areas of adjacent Planning Areas. Implementation of Master Plan Vision and Goals The open space provided by the Robertson Ranch Master Plan implements the Linkage "B" wildlife corridor envisioned by the City of Carlsbad adopted Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The project applicant has negotiated an HMP "hardline" preserve design (Figure II-8, HMP Hardline Map) with the Wildlife Agencies. In accordance with the adopted HMP goals and planning standards, this "Hardline Map" will preserve, enhance, or revegetate a minimum of 67 percent of the site's native Diegan coastal sage scrub habitat. Within limited portions of the open space areas, a trail system (illustrated in Figure 111-58, Pedestrian Circulation Plan) links the open space with the residential, commercial, and recreational components of the community. The trail system accommodates pedestrians and bicyclists. However, access to the natural open space areas shall be restricted through trail design. The trail system includes decomposed granite trails located adjacent to the preserved open space along the edge of perimeter roads which will allow for future connections with adjacent off- site trails, as indicated in the City's Master trails plan. Where trails are adjacent to these open space areas, non-combustible fencing will be used. Fencing types for use on project trails are illustrated in Figure 111-60, Conceptual Theme Walls and Fence Detail, and Figure 111-61, Fence and Wall Plan Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page III-108 November 11 2006August 10. 2009 III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS Interim Land Use Regulations (Planning Areas 23A and 23B Only) • Agricultural uses, as defined by Chapter 21.07 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, are permitted, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21.07. This Master Plan does not allow any other development within these Planning Areas other than slope grading for adjacent development, roads, trails, and public utilities within designated utility corridors. Final Land Use Regulations General Plan Land Use Designation - OS (Open Space) • Underlying Zone Designation - OS (Open Space) • Natural and Re-vegetated Open Space • Trails and maintenance roads Required Development Permits Focused Master Plan Amendment (PA 23A and B) • Special Use Permit (flood plain) (PA 23C, E,_F and GF) Special Design Criteria 1. Disturbance into these Planning Areas arising from construction activities required to support development of adjacent Planning Areas shall be avoided to the maximum extent possible during and after construction. 2. Restoration plans for Open Space Areas within the HMP Hardline shall be subject to review by the appropriate wildlife agencies. 3. Grading for the portion of Planning Area 23C adjacent to Planning Area 11 shall consist of a 5:1 re-vegetated manufactured slope, consistent with the Conceptual Grading Plan, as depicted on Figure 11-10, and the Landscape Guidelines presented in Section IILb of this Master Plan. Pedestrian trails shall be constructed concurrently with the grading and restoration of Planning Area 23 C. 4. Planning Area 23A: If retaining walls are required along El Camino Real, such walls shall be designed to resemble natural rock or bluff face. 5. Planning Area 23E: The Regional Trailhead (which shall be developed by the City and is not a part of this Master Plan) shall be located within PA 23E only if it is determined by the City not to be feasible to locate a Regional Trailhead within the Carlsbad Unified School District lands adjacent to the northeast. In the event the Regional Trailhead is located within PA 23E, the trailhead would have the following limitations: • Be designed for no more than ten cars; • Be located at least 100 feet from riparian/wetland vegetation; • Be at least 500 feet away from the wetland mitigation are; • Fenced, gated, and posted with usage restrictions; • Unpaved with no lighting; • Constructed of a temporary design which could be moved to another location should such a location become available, as on the CUSD property; Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page III-109 November 11. 2006August 10. 2009 III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS • The detention basin will not be maintained, vegetation in the detention basin will be maximized, and the inlet will be cleaned as needed; and • Mitigation for impacts from the parking lot will occur on-site. The creek crossing would impact less than 0.25 acre of land and would entail a bridge that spans the 100-year flood level. 6. Maintenance of open space areas shall be the responsibility of the following: • Open Space within the boundaries of the Hardline Areas shall be the responsibility of an organization with expertise in the management of natural open space preserves; • Open space within the boundaries of Planning Area 23F shall be the responsibility of RCHOA; • The Regional Trailhead, if constructed, shall be maintained by the City of Carlsbad. • Maintenance of trails within PA 23 open space shall be as shown on Figure 111-58, Pedestrian Circulation Plan. • Maintenance of PA 23G shall be the responsibility of the owner of PA 22, unless otherwise approved by the City of Carlsbad. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page III-110 November 14. 2006August 10. 2009 2 O O §04